Re: [Fedora-commons-developers] Checksum problem for datastream

2009-05-15 Thread Aaron Birkland
Hi, Pierre-Yves When you create an M datastream, Fedora stores the content in a separate location with byte-for-byte accuracy. It stores exactly what you send without modification. With inline XML (and FOXML in general), the whitespace (indenting, spaces between attribute values, etc) may be

Re: [Fedora-commons-developers] Checksum problem for datastream

2009-05-15 Thread Aaron Birkland
There is a bug report.. Currently, Fedora transforms the XML into a non-standard canonical form before calculating the checksum. If you wanted to verify the checksum today, you would have to use the same non-standard transformation rules on the

Re: [Fedora-commons-developers] Content Model Inheritance

2009-07-10 Thread Aaron Birkland
I have checked the Fedora code. There are 32 usages of the reference Constants.MODEL.HAS_MODEL, to get the content models of a object. To me, this feels like something that should be collected in a general method, like getContentModels(pid) or the like. If I remember correctly, that was the

Re: [Fedora-commons-developers] JMS / Relationship-level messages

2009-08-03 Thread Aaron Birkland
On Thu, 2009-07-30 at 12:14 -0400, Chris Wilper wrote: For notification of relationship-level (err.. statement-level) changes, currently apps can subscribe to the appropriate RELS-* changes, but as you point out, determining the diffs is difficult because you have to look at the previous

Re: [Fedora-commons-developers] Visions of a new storage/caching architecture

2010-01-27 Thread Aaron Birkland
A few quick comments (I am in meetings for the rest of the week, and will have more time to think about this next week). I think I imagine these stores to live alongside the HighlevelStorage system, in that the HighlevelStorage is just one implementation. But they might also live below the

Re: [Fedora-commons-developers] FeSL: Make XACML policies first-class Fedora digital objects (FCREPO-577)

2010-02-11 Thread Aaron Birkland
Is the policy manager service used for anything other than bootstrap (and unit tests :)? (or intended to be?) used for - no (apart from the tests!). intended to be - it was in Muradora, it's an open question as to the form of a policy management API I see. I think this is not

Re: [Fedora-commons-developers] Moving to SLF4J

2010-02-19 Thread Aaron Birkland
I think the biggest hang-up in the whole process was figuring out which exclusions had to be done in the root pom for which libraries, so that the real log4j and commons-logging libraries wouldn't be accidentially transitively included. I found mvn dependency:tree helpful along the way. Is

Re: [Fedora-commons-developers] Committers meeting in Madrid, July 5

2010-07-04 Thread Aaron Birkland
Hi, All Hi, All There may or may not be any Metro service in Madrid in time for our meeting. As far as I understand, a subway strike was postponed through this weekend (I had no problem taking the metro from the airport to the my hotel). On Monday, it looks like there is supposed to be

[fcrepo-dev] Line endings in in master maintenance-3.4

2010-12-20 Thread Aaron Birkland
Hi all, Chris and I just merged the fcrepo-837 branch to master. This change, which was also applied to the maintenance-3.4 branch, standardizes on Unix-style (LF) line endings for all text in the repository. Formerly, there was a mix of DOS-style (CRLF) and Unix-style line endings, and the move

Re: [fcrepo-dev] build/test errors

2011-03-09 Thread Aaron Birkland
I get the same message. It fails when trying to assemble the installer. The utilities-main jar seems that it is neither created as an artifact in the fcrepo-server/target directory, nor installed to the local maven repo. Other artifacts in fcrepo-server are created just fine (e.g. the rmi

Re: [fcrepo-dev] servlet filters and caching?

2011-04-04 Thread Aaron Birkland
would it make sense to do away entirely with this caching code, and leave management of credentials to the upstream authnz providers? I remember this particular caching layer causing a one or two insidious bugs in the past, all of which were nearly impossible to figure out. I would be

[fcrepo-dev] fcrepo-504 review

2011-04-07 Thread Aaron Birkland
Hi all, I just committed a working proof of concept branch of fcrepo-504. As mentioned on the committers call, it tries to remove security configuration from web.xml and into Spring. The ultimate goal is to have fedora produce a generic war file without any custom, baked-in configuration (i.e

Re: [fcrepo-dev] HighLevelStorage / DOManager

2011-06-16 Thread Aaron Birkland
Hi Frank, I have some unpublished code that served as a proof of concept while initially proposing HighLevelStorage. Let me see if I can put it up on github so you can take a look. It an experiment in using HBase, and in investigating what would be required for Fedora to be used in a

Re: [fcrepo-dev] HighLevelStorage / DOManager

2011-06-19 Thread Aaron Birkland
One possible direction forward here would be to start by offering a configurable option to let Field Search sit over a GSearch instance for a given repository (or pool of repositories) If FieldSearch is to remain part of Fedora's external APIs, I think this would be the most logical way

[fcrepo-dev] HighlevelStorage + HBase proof of concept

2011-06-19 Thread Aaron Birkland
Hi Frank, I put my initial HighlevelStorage proof of concept up on github, in my forked fcrepo repo: branch: hlstore_hbase_poc (you can see it as part of the fcrepo network view: Everything of interest is in the

Re: [fcrepo-dev] question regarding PIDs

2011-07-06 Thread Aaron Birkland
Does this apply to the DORegistry.register() method as well? i.e. do i have to check that the DigitalObject's PID passed to the register() method is not part of the neverGeneratePid collection,? I might be missing something, but I cannot seem to find a DORegistry.register() method. There

Re: [fcrepo-dev] Disseminations

2011-07-18 Thread Aaron Birkland
- The role of the DeploymentManager is to find and return the representations created by a DisseminationService. If you're referring to DeploymentManager in the hlstorage POC, its purpose is to look up which ServiceDeployment object is associated with a given ServiceDefinition in the context

Re: [fcrepo-dev] xalan, resteasy, activeMQ and JBoss

2011-08-11 Thread Aaron Birkland
Yuck. Would excluding them from the war file really be enough? I know we've gone through a few efforts in the past to try to get Fedora working properly in app servers, but it seems like a very difficult proposition to get *any* sufficiently sophisticated webapp to deploy in multiple kinds

Re: [fcrepo-dev] xalan, resteasy, activeMQ and JBoss

2011-08-12 Thread Aaron Birkland
I'd like to suggest a different route, one already formally endorsed by Fedora. Moving the application to the OSGi framework will enable it to be deployed in almost any container (including many totally off the JEE specs), helped by the clean, stringent OSGi classloading architecture. It's

Re: [fcrepo-dev] exception when running integration tests

2011-08-25 Thread Aaron Birkland
Hi Frank, I just confirmed that Steve was right. This exact exception is thrown if the schema is inaccessible somehow. Unfortunately, time constraints prevented us from implementing a better solution such as validating against static schema files in the classpath. The workaround,

Re: [fcrepo-dev] exception when running integration tests

2011-08-25 Thread Aaron Birkland
I thought I added all the schemas, and an entity resolver for them, into the integration tests. Hmm. I guess I missed the BatchModifyParser- though it doesn't have access to that resolver, anyway. Yeah, I

Re: [fcrepo-dev] Fedora with a lot of data

2011-09-08 Thread Aaron Birkland
If you partition across full repository instances as described, you have set yourself one set of scaling problems. If you instead partition your storage layers (Low Level Store, RI, SQL DB, etc.) and provide one Fedora web application (one suite of web services) over them, you can set

Re: [fcrepo-dev] Journaling - establishing a follower using RMI only?

2011-10-03 Thread Aaron Birkland
when one reads the replication mirroring documentation, the mechanism using RMI is described as if one is using RMI as a transport mechanism, implicating that a shared directory is not needed. Is this a correct interpretation? Yes, this is correct. The RMI transport mechanism was designed

Re: [fcrepo-dev] More food for 4.0 thought: fcrepo-store

2012-03-29 Thread Aaron Birkland
So here's a provocative question to start: Assuming for a moment that the core Fedora object model (versioning warts and all) stays the same for 4.0, would something like this interface actually be compatible with the major objectives we've talked about with respect to High Level Storage?