Sad to see this end.

2015-12-25 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker <> I was introduced to the list when I got my first Fjord, Mids Olaf-99. I learned so much from reading and after a while asked questions and eventually even offered suggestions and ideas. You, so many of you posted to me on th

Kim, Titan and Comanche

2014-01-23 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker My thoughts and prayers for all of you during this time.  Please keep us posted on how they are doing.  I am sure they were so happy when you came to visit, that is some of the best medicine you could have given.  Prayers that they handle

update on Monty (rubbing his tail)

2012-12-11 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker Thanks again for all who gave suggestions..he is doing a lot better. Cleaned his sheath but I don't think that was it.I got some detangler and sprayed that on his tail, worked it in and the next day started brushing itit helped

Rubbing tail.....

2012-11-27 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker My Fjord, Windy Acres Monty, has found a new game. He has been rubbing his tail on the handle area of the blue heated bucket in his stall at nighttoday I found him standing quietly in the back of his stallan unusual spot since he

Toni....Muck boot question

2012-10-29 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker I wear cotton socks almost the entire year...if it is really cold in MI I will put on a little heavier sockNO SHOES! That is what is great about them, your feetie stay warm and dry. I tried on several sizes, both men's and women's to get

Question on Norway......and to keep it Fjord related.......

2012-09-16 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker First I will ask the question I got about Norway. Someone saw my sweatshirt on the Fjords and asked me why don't they have peanut butter in Norway. She has a child in Norway on an exchange program and he asked for her to send him peanut

Fjords and all the others.......

2012-01-29 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker I was in my 50's when I got my first horse.a Fjord. Olaf died young from an aortic tear. My second horse is a Fjord, Windy Acres Monty. All of my friends were telling me that with my age (in my 60's, back injury), that I HAD to get

Gwenn....RIP Sonja

2011-04-25 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker I am so sorry for the sudden loss of your beloved Sonja. Saying good bye is never easy and when it is unexpected it may be a little harder. You did what was right for her in a very stressful situation in letting her go. You and she

Oz got mud....

2009-10-26 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker YES!!  After rain for a couple days/nights, part of the pasure is muddy (some is slightly swampy), Monty the Magnificent Muddy Fjord LOVES IT.  He has found his favorite places to roll and stretch out...really nice since it is far too chilly now


2009-07-26 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker I have never put one in the tank...I have used them in early spring or during the summer wherever I have standing water (outside the pasture).  Once a week in spring/summer/fall I empty the tank (Rubbermaid 70 gal) and drag it outside

Heather....Henry and his grazing muzzle....

2009-07-07 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker Heather, I think Henry is trying to 'wear you down' so you just take the darn thing off him.  Can you put it on him, give him a 'nice boy pat' and walk away out of the pasture?  Could you go to the barn or out of sight of him and do

Fjord yearling for sale on Craigslist...

2009-06-20 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker A friend just emailed me with the info.  I am NOT able to get a youngster, but I thought I would pass this on.  I do not have any luck in posting direct links, I am sorry, not very computer savvy. He is for sale on the Craigslist Grand Rapids

Prayers for Crista...

2009-06-17 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker Ellen, I am keeping you and Crista and her caregivers in my prayers and thoughts.  You all have gone through so much and I am a believer in miracles.  Crista knows you love her and will do what is best for her.  Isn't there anything that could

Update on Crista...

2009-06-10 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker I have been thinking of you and Crista and wondered about an update and here it is!  I am so glad to hear she is getting all fixed up and know she, and you, will soon be feeling much better.  I am so pleased to hear 'her docs and caregivers

Genie health update....

2009-02-06 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker Genie, I am keeping you and your husband in my thoughts and prayers for recovery and return to good health, a return to your horses and volunteering.  It has been a long winter for you and your health concerns, spring is coming.  Keep us updated

Genie.....winter challenges.

2009-01-13 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker Genie, I am keeping you and your husband in my thoughts and prayers during this especially challenging time, please keep us informed as best you can how you are all doing.  While you have worried about your husband now is the time to really take

Sad news....

2008-08-03 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker [EMAIL PROTECTED] Michelle, I am so sorry for your loss of Soren.  He knows you fought for him and he gave getting well his all.  It is remarkable that you have his brother, I guess sometimes things are given to us when others are taken.  It is hard on the heart

Custom riding pants...

2008-06-29 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker [EMAIL PROTECTED] I thought I would put this on here since people are in the hot/humids of summer in most places.  A friend of mine has a home business for cumtom made jewelry and  riding pants.  The pants come in winter and summer weights as well as one more


2008-03-01 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sue, I am so sorry for your loss of Kez. God bless you for bringing him home and knowing when to let him go. I am sorry you got hurt in the process and will be keeping you in my prayers to heal, physically and emotionally. Even when you know

Mare's loss...

2008-02-24 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker [EMAIL PROTECTED] I am so very sorry for your, and Nika's loss of the foal. I thought I have heard of 'milk banks' that take milk and store it for orphan foals. I don't breed, so I can't give you any info., but perhaps your vet would have some ideas

East facing Fjords...

2008-02-09 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker [EMAIL PROTECTED] I have watched Monty the past few days, here are my observations: He faces east to 'watch for me' since I come out that way to feed him, etc., also my drive is to the east so I come home that way. That said he also watches to the north

Lisa Pedersen

2008-02-09 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker [EMAIL PROTECTED] Wishes for a speedy/full recovery. Cookies really are great medicine, especially homemade cookies. yum! Thinking of both of you. Jeanne MI/USA The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Fred and Lois...with great sadness

2008-01-01 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker [EMAIL PROTECTED] Fred and Lois, I am sorry to hear of your loss. Know you had her, loved her, cared for her and did everything you could, including knowing when to let her go. She will forever be in your hearts, where she will bring you joy in having had her

Wooly mammoth Fjord

2007-12-06 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker [EMAIL PROTECTED] Monty has really put the coat on this year, he looks like a wooly mammoth right now, watched him the pasture this am, temp about 24, wind chill of 9 but had sun...he was happily eating his hay and then he went to stand by the barn out


2007-12-02 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker [EMAIL PROTECTED] Regarding supplements, first I have their blood tested, my vet has drafts, and after a couple 'misreadings' from a lab, he now only uses a lab that realizes equine blood is different from a cat or dog...anyway, when I had Olaf he

Kentucky Horse Park...

2007-10-06 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker [EMAIL PROTECTED] I want to thank all of you who will be going and showing our breed at the Kentucky Horse Park this week end. I have a friend who will be there driving her dapple grey Percheron and have given her the infomation on where the Fjords


2007-09-27 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sue and Kez, First I am so sorry but you are fortunate to have found this condition. You may remember I found my Fjord gelding Olaf dead in his stall Sept. 06, he had just turned 7 yrs in May. (this is still hard to write about) I had

Welcome back.....

2007-08-02 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thank you Steve for getting the infomation out on the 'missing Fjordhorse List,' I appreciate your efforts on this. I was thinking perhaps everyone was out with their horses and not writing. Again thanks, and happy Fjording to all

Forelock disaster...

2007-07-04 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker [EMAIL PROTECTED] Kate, I know exactly what you are talking about and it is a mess. Good girl Della for being so patient while getting cleaned up. As for the tree, you may want to wrap it in something like burlap to help keep them from getting into the sap

Follow up on Montys atypical lymphocytes...

2007-05-17 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker [EMAIL PROTECTED] Earlier I had some routine blood work done on Windy Acres Monty, 8yr old gelding Fjord. It came back with the report '.10-20% atypical lymphocytes..', May 1st (well past the 30 days) had another test done, this one came back about the same


2007-05-13 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker [EMAIL PROTECTED] I do vaccinate and use chemical dewormers for Monty. Just my preference, I get vaccinated and keep up to date on mine, as well as the dogs and cats. Did this lady use anything like the 'natural or homeopathic' medicines on her horses


2007-04-25 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker [EMAIL PROTECTED] Griet, I am sorry to hear of your beloved friend passing but I can relate to the relief that he is no longer suffering and has gone to be with his many friends up in heaven over the Rainbow Bridge. Your earlier writing of him told of how much

Older fjord...

2007-04-21 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker [EMAIL PROTECTED] Gina, Like everyone else is saying go take a look, it doesn't cost you anything 'just to look. lol I would go, if you are timid about 'that first ride, get someone with more experience to go with you to get on him first, he may just

Thanks Steve...

2007-04-06 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker [EMAIL PROTECTED] I appreciate your information. Dr Grentz said that everything else, the liver, kidneys, etc. were all excellent and all the other levels were excellentit was just that very last line the the results that he said we would want to have

Atypical lymphacides (sp)....

2007-04-04 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker [EMAIL PROTECTED] I was wondering if I could get some insight into what this could be...I had the vet out to give Monty his spring ck up, shots, etc. I had some blood work done and everything came back excellent except the vet said the last line stated :10-20

Re: Gunnar

2007-03-15 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker [EMAIL PROTECTED] Jean, I will be keeping you and Gunnar in my prayers and thoughts. Please keep us posted on what you find out from the Vet. Jeanne ~MI~ The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Welcome Liann

2007-02-19 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker [EMAIL PROTECTED] What a wonderful introduction of yourself and how you came to have your boys. I am sure your dreams of leisure trail rides and driving into town will come true. The only thing I would caution you about, make sure you buy enough ice cream so

I am so sorry Catherine, Rune and Amy....

2007-02-13 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker [EMAIL PROTECTED] Words cannot express my sadness at your loss of Lyder. I know the pain of finding a dear loved one gone and not being there. Lyder's memory will be carried in the hearts of all the children who rode him and those who received a visit and got

Bonnie...regarding Fjords night out...

2007-02-05 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker [EMAIL PROTECTED] I am glad it turned out as it did. I cannot imagine the fear you must have had that they were gone!! It sounds like they were just out 'cruising' in the 'cool night air with such a lovely moon to see by...' Thank God those teenagers stopped

Perfect saddle....

2007-01-23 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker [EMAIL PROTECTED] Silja, I think you have to try some out to see what actually fits your horse and you, but I LOVE my Wintec Isbell Dressage with the Cair system. It fit Olaf and now it fits my Monty. It is comfortable for me and I like the 'suede' seat. I did


2007-01-07 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker [EMAIL PROTECTED] Vanessa, I am sorry to hear that you are having this problem, seems like many states are limiting or banning equestrian activity on lands. I hope you had something in writing regarding the use of the land you sold, at least stating some

Christmas Fjord Poen...

2006-12-21 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker [EMAIL PROTECTED] Lisa: Thank you so much for posting this, it is lovely and expresses so much the desire Just one more touch, please. Hoping all of you have a Blessed Christmas with family, friends and Fjords and a bright future in the New Year! Jeanne

Windy Acres Monty!

2006-12-01 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker [EMAIL PROTECTED] I am happy to say that I have gotten another Fjord after the sadness of my loss of Mids-Olaf. He is WIndy Acres Monty, he is 7 yr. old gelding out of (sire) Anvil's Simon-104 and (Dam) is Champman Valley's Eira-996. Monty is 14.3hh

Horse Illustrated...

2006-11-24 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker [EMAIL PROTECTED] I have read, reread and re-reread the article on the Fjords. I was and still am happy to see an article about them. I may be 'slow' but I found the article to enlightening on the breed as a whole. I wonder what would have been printed

Brecken and Heidi....

2006-11-23 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker [EMAIL PROTECTED] Jamie, I know how hard this was and my heart breaks for the decision you had to make but I know you have done for Brecken and Heidi what was best. They are now free to be the wonderful horses they were met to be, they are free to run

Importing horses....

2006-10-11 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker [EMAIL PROTECTED] You will need the neg. coggins and the Health Cert., you have to make the border crossing from 8or 9am until about 3pm, and only Mon--Fri (make sure you don't have a holiday in there) then you will be given instructions to go to the Fed. Vet

Jean Gayle brings up good thought...

2006-09-09 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker [EMAIL PROTECTED] It has been just over a week since I loss Olaf, and I still miss him dearly. He was an only horse here, and I was just beginning to look for another horse to bring to my new place, when he died. When is a good time to 'think' about getting

Thank you.

2006-09-08 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker [EMAIL PROTECTED] I want to take just a minute to say what a wonderful group of people there are here. I thank all of you who wrote me, both here and emails when Olaf died. Your words, thoughts, experiences touched me and helped me through this most difficult

Mid's Olaf-99 May/1999--Sept 1, 06 RIP...

2006-09-04 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker [EMAIL PROTECTED] I can barely write this but on Friday morning when I went to the barn to feed Olaf, I found him dead in his stall. He was great when I went out Thursday night before going to bed. I am fortunate that I have neighbors' who got him out and took

heavy forelock....

2006-08-27 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker [EMAIL PROTECTED] Olaf has a long and thick forelock, he is very calm temperment so his forelock isn't an issue for him. Here is what I would suggest, take his forelock and don't braid it, but try pulling it together somewhat up on his forehead, see is he

what to do with a 2y/o

2006-08-25 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker [EMAIL PROTECTED] Get some 10' posts and make squares out of them, you can get her to 'turn within the square--giving to pressure, both directions,' you can have her 'walk-thru,' lengthening and shortening her stride (works with both walking her or ground

Fjords and heat....Memorial Day.

2006-05-29 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker [EMAIL PROTECTED] I was wondering if any of the rest of you have noticed this. Olaf much prefers the cooler/cold weather. When it gets warmer/hot, he looks at me like I am crazy if I think he is going to 'go' anywhere very fast--except for food. I


2006-05-12 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker [EMAIL PROTECTED] Haven't received mine yet either (MI). Jeanne Zuker MI

knee surgery....riding bareback.

2006-04-22 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker [EMAIL PROTECTED] I have not had knee surgery, but I can relate to 'protecting onseself' after an injury of that kind or a fall.. One thing I would suggest is to start with 'baby steps' to get back to bareback riding.start with just sitting on the horse

Re: exciting news.....saddles

2005-10-01 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker [EMAIL PROTECTED] Gwen, Congratulations on your Fjord-kids, you will have to post to let us know how things go when they arrive. I know how excited I was when Olaf arrived here and I am still excited to see him each and every day. On the subject of saddles, I

Horse rescue...

2005-09-01 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker [EMAIL PROTECTED] The organization that I had contact with is: Habitat for Horses/Lone Star Equine Rescue PO Box 213 Hitchcock, TX 77563 Contact Person: Rose Westover, Emergency Evacuation Coordinator 713-594-1177 email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] organization web site

Hurricane and friends...

2005-08-31 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker [EMAIL PROTECTED] I have seen some film of horses being rescued, I figure we won't be hearing from most people in the affected states for quite some time, basics such as electricity may be out from weeks to months. I have a neighbor who is being sent to LA

Hardin family's Reval......

2005-07-31 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker [EMAIL PROTECTED] Congratulations on your newest addition!! John and Eunice are wonderful to know and their Fjords are certainly friendly and well mannered. I love my Olaf-99 I got from them and keep in contact with them. I have a brother and sister-in-law

Dustenai barn name...

2005-07-31 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker [EMAIL PROTECTED] Shari, Just watch her for a few days and she will probably give you some ideas on a good barn name but you will probably just call her names like 'sweetie pie.' I was really lucky when I got my Olaf since I use it as his barn name as well

Saddle girth info....Richard Shrake seminar.....

2005-06-25 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker [EMAIL PROTECTED] Olaf and I made our second trip to Richard Shrake's seminar this past week and had a great time (I will go more into it) but the question I have is this: I use a Wintec Isbell saddle with the wide gullet and it fits Olaf but I have trouble

Stubborn Fjordies? Nope....

2005-03-06 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker [EMAIL PROTECTED] I will drop in on this discussion since I didn't start riding until I was into my 50's and when I decided that I wanted my own horse I will admit I looked at many breeds, I fell in love with many breeds but decided that the Fjord


2005-01-22 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker [EMAIL PROTECTED] You will be in my thoughts and prayers and will be included in the prayers circles, additionaly I will request everyone to ask their friends to include you in their prayer circles. Please know that mircles do happen. How sad to give up your


2005-01-20 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker [EMAIL PROTECTED] Not one hair!! Olaf has a really thick coat this year (of course I said that last year) long hair on his legs and he hasn't shed one hair. I have been brushing him and I have been looking to see if he starts shedding since this was asked. I

fun with Fjords...also etc....

2004-10-23 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker [EMAIL PROTECTED] Love reading some of the games and entertaining things we do to keep these guys (and mares) entertained. Olaf likes the company in the pasture and follows me when I am cleaning up after him, he is entertained by the wheel borrow and everything

EPSM/ welcome to NC Fjord owners/ Fjords on small acrage/ off side mounting..

2004-09-28 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker [EMAIL PROTECTED] EPSM stands for Equine Polysaccharid Storage Myopathy I think I have the spelling correct. I just put EPSM in my Yahoo search and came up with a wonderful list of info written by Dr Beth Valentine, DVM,Phd. for Rural Heritage. Welcome

Rondi in CA and rescued Fjord....

2004-07-17 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker [EMAIL PROTECTED] Rondi, First, bless you for rescuing this horse, the next first, if the other horses are in similar condition call the Animal Control/ Humane Society and any other organizations in your area. I would say get a vet out to go over this little

foal birth/death...

2004-06-28 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker [EMAIL PROTECTED] Aimee, So sorry to hear of the death of your foal, I am glad to hear that your mare is doing ok. I congratulate all of you who are brave enough to have foals and breed your mare's. Just know that all of you, your horses, the foals are always

Jennie and Bonnie

2004-06-06 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker [EMAIL PROTECTED] Jennie, Congratulations on your Bonnie and the rest of your gang. You mentioned that you lived in MI and that your might be going to Tom's so I know you must live somewhat near me. I have Olaf who just turned 5yrs, we live in the Charlotte

Sher's Fjord and saddle fit.... archieves

2004-05-19 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker [EMAIL PROTECTED] Congratulations on getting your first Fjord, I have had Olaf for 2 yrs now and I still cannot believe it sometimes when I look out and see him chowing on his hay or the grass. I had to wait from March until August in 02 for him to get my place

Headed off the the Richard Shrake seminar :)

2004-05-03 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker [EMAIL PROTECTED] Olaf, my 5 yr old Fjord gelding and his much older mom (me) are headed oft to a four day seminar with Richard Shrake. Tonight we load him up and take him to the stable to get him settled in. Tuesday we actually start the seminar. I

Brenderup Trailers....

2004-04-15 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker [EMAIL PROTECTED] Liz, Brenderup Horse Trailers, I just received a package with all the information, the body of the trailer is made out of 1/2 thick formica with the roof made out of fiberglass. I loved some of the ideas that are on this trailer, but the one

Richard Shrake seminar..

2004-04-01 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker [EMAIL PROTECTED] I am scheduled to go a seminar for 4 days given by Richard Shrake May 4-7. I am getting cold feet (and not just because of our temps). I am wondering if we, Olaf and myself, might not be quite ready for this. I talked with Mr Shrake and he said


2004-02-03 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker [EMAIL PROTECTED] Welcome to the list and learning about Fjords. My Fjord is my first horse and I am so happy that I did all the research, asking questions, riding different horses and still came back to the Fjord, at 55 yrs I really wanted a horse that I would