the oddest thing has been happening on my box and i don't understand.  i 
emerged sendmail and started it... everything seems to be working fine, but 
watching the lights on my cable modem, i notice that every time i restart 
sendmail, the send/receive light goes on....

this made me do some digging

doing a "netstat -c" while i restart sendmail shows that it does a dns lookup 
for "" and upon finding it does whatever this 

  tcp        0      1 alexandria.localh:34544 docserver.cac.wash:smtp SYN_SENT

that line stays on netstat until i shut down sendmail again....  what is it?  
is it supposed to be there?


i would not be a capitalist, i would be a man;
you cannot be both at the same time.
        - eugene debs

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