TAIWAN/CHINA   Taiwan Sound of Hope; and other subject of China mainland

SOH Taiwan A-22 Shortwave Frequency list of 2022,
monitored by wb on April 25, from 01.00 to 02.00 UT, 10.00 to 11.00 UT.
monitored by wb on April 26, from 08.30 to 11.50 UT, 17.30 to 20.30 UT.

Also on log noted some other China CNR1 jamming broadcasts.

Log of April 25 / 26 checked some Asian target outlets on remote SDRs in
Hiroshima, Akitaka, as well as at northern Tokyo Japan Far East.

CNR1 Beijing program compared during monitoring against web player


5829.938 UZB  Iran International TV, Persian, S=9 in Japan  18.12 UT.
5844,978 UZB  Furusato no kaze, Japanese, 18.00-18.30 UT    18.14 UT.
5860even KWT  US AGM R Farda, Persian from Kuwait, 17.30-24.00 UT
         heavy Iran BUBBLE jamming on co-channel, sometime well ahead
         of the US signal. April 26.                        18.16 UT.
5874.974 UNID jamming location at 18-19 UT HEAVY BUBBLE audio jammer
         against BBC London in Pashto likely. S=9+10dB      18.22 UT.
         2 x 14  = 24 kHz wideband jamming, much effective penetrating
5919.993 KOR  Voice of Freedom, Korean, S=9+25dB            10.28 UT.
         BUBBLE and other machine heterodyne audio signals, equal
         level. 888 Hertz accompanied string on lower and upper side.
5919.995 KOR  Voice of Freedom, Korean, S=9+5dB             18.26 UT.
5995.030 KOR  Echo of Hope, Korean S=9+30dB on April 25     10.25 UT.
         Veiled clandestine Korean sce towards KRE north.
         Not jammed by KRE co-channel, but some weak bubbler
heard on 5982 to 5992 kHz in the neighbourhood !?. Other SCRATCHING machine noise on exact 6000 kHz the next
         channel too. Strange.
5995.030 KOR  Echo of Hope, Korean S=9+15dB on April 26     18.28 UT.
6030DRM mode CNR1 Beijing 3FF code digital transmission, S=9+30dB.
         Scheduled 09.00-18.05 UT.                          10.31 UT.
6045broad KRE  North Korean scratching jammer, 10 kHz wideband, noted
here as 24 hrs duty, sometimes against nothing from western world. 10.35 UT. 6099.914 KRE KCBS Kanggye, soldiers army chorus S=9+40dB powerhouse up to 30 kHz wide audio block on mx program, on April 25 at 10.39 UT.
but on different TX unit on April 26
6099.998 KRE  KCBS Kanggye, endless male soldier officer of S=9+5dB
         lower strength compared to previous day, at        08.36 UT.
6145even 1400-1700 TWN R.Taiwan Int. Kouhu site, Mandarin
6145even 1400-1700 CHN CNR1 Jamming Xianyang.  Chi Xianyang S=9+5dB
         at 15.33 UT.
6160.004 KRE  Pyongyang BS, sweet female soldiers army chorus S=9+30dB
         powerful, 9 kHz wide audio block on mx program, at 10.43 UT.
6165.098 UAE  TWR Africa, via Al Dhabbya, in Tigre language 18.32 UT.
6180even 1000-1600 CHN CNR1 Jammer. Mandarin, Fuzhou (Fuj
         S=9+30dB in remote SDR   Hiroshima Japan.          10.45 UT.
6180.0   1000-1600 TWN R.Taiwan Int. Danshui, Mandarin.     10.46 UT.

6214.948 TWN  SOH Chinese, S=8-9 level, April 26/25  18.35  10.48 UT.
6215even CHN  CNR1 Mandarin Chinese jamming against SOH TWN, S=6
                                                            xx.50 UT.
6229.932 TWN  SOH Chinese, S=7 in Hiroshima April 26        10.49 UT.
6229.941 TWN  SOH Chinese, S=8-9 in Tokyo April 25   18.36  10.49 UT.
6230even CHN  CNR1 Mandarin Chinese jamming against SOH TWN
         S=9+5dB in Tokyo-JPN                               10.50 UT.
6245even KOR  Echo of Hope, Korean S=9+20dB on April 25     10.52 UT.
6250even KOR  Echo of Hope, Korean S=9+10dB on April 26     18.37 UT.
6251broad KRE jamming against EoH, various scratching machine bubbler noise, S=9+30dB on April 25 10.55 UT.
6280even TWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen, Miaoli, S=7 not 08.43UT 11.01 UT.
6340.172 TWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen, Miaoli, S=8      18.39  11.03 UT.
6350.033 KOR  Echo of Hope, Korean S=9+25dB April 26 18.41  08.44 UT.
6370.008 TWN  SOH Chinese Mandarin,                         08.40 UT.
6370.111 TWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen, Miaoli, S=8             18.44 UT.
6520.017 KOR  Voice of the People, and KRE jamming S09+15dB 08.50 UT.
6600.020 KRE  Only scratching noise jammer heard at         08.53 UT.
6850.020 TWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen, Miaoli                  18.47 UT.
6864.995 TWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen, Miaoli, S=6             19.18 UT.
6865.108 TWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen, Miaoli, S=6      18.48  08.57 UT.
6900.023 TWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen, Miaoli, S=6             08.59 UT.
6960.014 KRE Bubble jamming Harmonic of fundamently 3480 kHz 0500-0100
         against KOR  VOICE OF THE PEOPLE in Korean, S=6    09.00 UT.
6970.091 TWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen, Miaoli, S=6             09.05 UT.

7209.892 TWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen, Miaoli, S=7             09.07 UT.
7280.083 TWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. 0000-2359 Chinese Miaoli
         S=7 in Hiroshima-JPN.                              09.09 UT.
7280.092 TWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. 0000-2359 Chinese Miaoli
         S=8 in Tokyo-JPN.                                  19.23 UT.
7310even CHN  CNR1 jamming signal against TWN  SoH services,16.54 UT.?
7310.049 TWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Sheng. 0000-2359 Chinese Miaoli
         S=7 in Tokyo-JPN.                                  09.11 UT.
7310.055 TWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Sheng. 0000-2359 Chinese Miaoli
         S=6 in Tokyo-JPN.                                  19.26 UT.
7419.987 CHN  CNR PBS Nei Menggu Hohhot Chinese, nothing in Tokyo-JPN
         summer time, close at 08.50 UT instead ?           09.12 UT.
7600.163 TWN  SOH Mandarin S=6, 0200-0100 UT.        19.37  09.24 UT.
7644.982 TWN  SOH Mandarin S=7, 0200-0100 UT.               09.26 UT.
7730.075 TWN  SOH Miaoli Chinese   S=5 signal level         09.28 UT.
7810.042 TWN 2100-1600 SOH Xi Wang Zhi Sheng Chi Miaoli 1-7 Tokyo-JPN remote SDR rx. S=5-6 signal level 19.41 UT.

9094.992 KOR  EoH VOH Korean Clandestine stn program from
         Suwon Seoul-KOR, S=9+20dB signal heard on SDR unit in Tokyo
         and Hiroshima-JPN. April 26.                19.45  18.04 UT.
9099.990 KOR  EoH VOH Korean Clandestine stn program from
         Suwon Seoul-KOR, much fluttery S=8 signal heard on SDR unit in
         Hiroshima-JPN.                                     01.17 UT.
9119.990 TWN  SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen, Miaoli, S=7 April 26    09.36 UT.
9155.007 0000-2359 TWN Sound of Hope Taipei, S=9+15dB       09.39 UT.
9180.004 0000-2359 TWN Sound of Hope Taipei, S=8            09.40 UT.
9215.005 0000-2359 TWN Sound of Hope Taipei, S=7-8          09.45 UT.
9229.951 2200-1610 TWN Sound of Hope Taipei, S=6            09.47 UT.
9254.876 2200-1600 TWN Sound of Hope Taipei, S=9+5dB        09.51 UT.
9255even CHN  CNR1 jamming S=9+15dB at                      09.53 UT.
9280.104 2200-1600 TWN Sound of Hope Taipei, S=5 poor       09.56 UT.
9299.933 2130-1630 TWN Sound of Hope Taipei, S=7            10.00 UT.
9300even CHN  CNR1 jamming S=9+5dB at                       11.05 UT.
9339.811 2130-1600 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. S=8-9          10.01 UT.
9399.974 PHL  FEBC R Liangyou HKG, Mandarin S=9+20dB        11.17 UT.
              not jammed.
9425.004 TWN  RTI in Vietnamese 11-12 UT, via Pao Chung     11.24 UT.
9444.973 KRE  Voice of Korea Kujang, Chinese, S=9+10dB      11.26 UT.
9460.005 TUR  TRT Turkish from Emirler, S=5. April 26.      19.50 UT.
9490.003 TWN  R Taiwan Int., Russian, S=9+10dB              11.29 UT.
9499.985 SWZ  TWR Africa, Manzini, Oromo sce, 17.30-1800 UT 17.58 UT.
9514.992 KOR  KBS World Radio, Kimjae, Korean 17-18 UT S=7  17.53 UT.
         Heavy SCRATCHING NOISE type, 2 x 14 kHz wideband from KRE North
9554.988 TWN  RTI in Chinese 11-13 UT, via Pao Chung        11.33 UT.
9555even CHN  CNR1 jamming S=9+10dB at                      11.30 UT.
9559.984 CHN  PBS Xinjiang Urumqi, Uyghur sce               11.34 UT.
9635.009 TUR  TRT Emirler in French, S=5 in Japan on April 26,
              Scheduled 19.30-20.28 UT                      19.53 UT.
9650.004 KRE  VoKorea in Japanese, 11.00-11.57 UT, S=9+15dB 11.39 UT.
sweet smooth female singer presenter. 9660even CHN CNR1 jamming S=9+10dB at 11.43 UT.
9660.005 TWN  RTI in Chinese 11-13 UT, via Kouhu bc center  11.45 UT.
9675.012 ARS  R Saudi International, Riyadh, HQ in Ramadan,
              Indonesian lang. sce, S=7-8 in Japan       at 19.56 UT.
9680even CHN  CNR1 jamming S=9+10dB at                      11.47 UT.
9680.008 TWN  RTI in Chinese 11-14 UT, via Pao Chung site   11.48 UT.
9700.008 NZL  R NZ Pacific En, 10.59-12.58 UT               11.50 UT.
9729.968 VTN  Voice of Vietnam, Son Tay, Vietnamese, 20.00-20.30 UT
         S=8-9 signal                                       20.04 UT.
9729.971 VTN  Voice of Vietnam, Son Tay, Vietnamese, 17-18 UT
         S=5 fair signal                                    17.48 UT.
9739.996 KOR  KBS World of Radio, Kimjae, Spanish sce, S=8 in Tokyo,
         17.00-18.00 UT,                                    17.45 UT.
9880.019 TUR  TRT Emirler in French, S=5 in Japan on April 26,
              Scheduled 19.30-20.28 UT                      20.11 UT.
9970even CHN  CNR1 jamming signal S=9+15dB, Chinese Firedrake music
         against                                            17.33 UT.
9969.983 MRA  US AGM RFA Chinese sce, via Agignan Point, Saipan
         S=7-8 level at                                     17.34 UT.
9989.978 MRA  US AGM RFA Korean sce via Agignan Point, Saipan,
         Korean 17-19 UT, S=9+10dB signal level.            17.31 UT.

[selected SDR options, span 10.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb  df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews / hcdx April 25 - 26)

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