AW: AW: [juenger_org] Jnger Biografie

2009-02-05 Diskussionsfäden Simon Friedrich
You're right, a generalization, but one that was made as a compensatory move to a general tendency to over-intellectualize (and thus disempower) words that contain a lot more of real practical value in them. Too much abstract thinking clouds the real value of the work. I guarantee you Juenger

AW: AW: AW: [juenger_org] Jünger Biografie

2009-02-05 Diskussionsfäden Simon Friedrich
Gleichfalls. Eigentlich sollen wir Deutsch reden, Übung könnte mir nur helfen! But I also think it is a good thing to bring English in, since Jünger is far too unknown in the English-speaking world, which is naturally a far larger one. I suspect there may be quite a few English or

AW: AW: [juenger_org] Jnger Biografie

2009-02-05 Diskussionsfäden Simon Friedrich
Klaus, I can only concur with what you say 100%. (But as I said earlier, I do admit to generalizing a little in order to correct the academic and political bias in this field.) Simon Von: klaus gauger An:

AW: AW: AW: [juenger_org] Jünger Biografie

2009-02-05 Diskussionsfäden Simon Friedrich
Glad to hear it, Marta, and thanks for starting this whole discussion with your biography question. By the way, it is also true that Juenger may in some cases have influenced wrong people in the wrong ways - as did Nietzsche. This is unfortunate but I suppose unavoidable - as we say in

AW: AW: [juenger_org] Jnger Biografie

2009-02-05 Diskussionsfäden klaus gauger
Dear Simon,     I am glad that you agree with what I wrote about Jünger and his interpreters. Jünger polarized often his interpreters, a lot of interpretations a distorted, because they are written by uncritical admirers and right-wing Jüngerians (I am sure Jünger would have smiled about these

Re: AW: [juenger_org] Jnger Biografie

2009-02-05 Diskussionsfäden klaus gauger
Dear Stefan,     I don´t know if there is a direct connection between Jünger and Solzhenitsyn, but in his book Der Walgang he attacs totalitarian ideology, communism, but also the totalitarian aspects of our, the western system, and he tries to find out how individual liberty can be preserved

[juenger_org] Solschenitzki

2009-02-05 Diskussionsfäden Tobias Wimbauer
Jünger erwähnt Solschenizyn gelegentlich (Siebzig verweht II und III: 19. Sept. 1975, 1.Juni 1985), in Interviews nannte er ihn Solschenitzki tw --  Tobias Wimbauer | Wimbauer Buchversand Waldhof Tiefendorf Tiefendorfer Str. 66 58093 Hagen-Berchum 02334-502826 USt-IdNr.: DE251720280

Re: AW: [juenger_org] Jnger Biografie

2009-02-05 Diskussionsfäden marta giana
I'm happy to know that my so simple question about Alex has began the interesting discussion about biographies, academics, eunuchs, and all that really complex issues.    It means, at least, that, our friend EJ continues shaking minds and provoking. I think he was and is a great provoker.  

Re: AW: [juenger_org] Jnger Biografie

2009-02-05 Diskussionsfäden klaus gauger
Hi Marta,     I know who Perón was, I even know who his wife Evita was. But I don´t know if you are a Peronist (there are still a lot of them in Argentina) or not. And I don´t want to hurt your feelings by making some negative remarks about Perón or his wife Evita, in case you are a Peronist.