Re: [lace] re: RSN exhibition at Ely

2015-02-24 Thread nestalace . carol
Hi Louise et al, I would agree that the exhibition is wonderful - but I did have a rueful smile when I read the messages.     Umpteen years ago, my late husband and I went to Ely, and clambered right to the top, up some really winding and dark stairs, to the gallery where the most wonderful sta

Re: [lace] problem with picots

2015-02-09 Thread nestalace . carol
Hi Sharon and Spiders, It can be fraught with horrors when one volunteers to finish something!     One of my best friends passed away two years ago, on Boxing Day, and I volunteered to complete a half-finished mat on her pillow, for her mother.   Well - she had been ill for a couple of years, s

Re: [lace] Pipers silk help

2015-01-16 Thread nestalace . carol
Hi Arachnids All, Talking of Pipers' Silks brought back many happy memories!      I first met Mr Piper, many years ago, when my Mum was an embroiderer - she photographed places, then freehand embroidered the scene - quite remarkable, and absolutely beautiful!     However, when Mr Piper heard ab

[lace] Happy Christmas.....

2014-12-24 Thread nestalace . carol
To all  Arachnids, I do hope you all have a happy Christmas, and a healthy and happy, peaceful and prosperous New Year - I am taking my Mum off to Suffolk (UK) this afternoon, so we can spend Christmas Day with my son - a chef! - and his family, and Boxing Day with my daughter and her family -

[lace] Lacemakers Get Everywhere!!

2014-11-13 Thread nestalace . carol
Hi Spiders All,   I am a member of the North Norfolk Assn for the Blind (my Mum has impaired sight, so I joined as I chauffeur her around...) and we enjoyed greatly a handbell ringing group last Thursday.   I was intrigued and, as I read music, play the double bass and the piano, decided that I

[lace] Many Thanks to all the Aussie Spiders ....

2014-10-22 Thread nestalace . carol
Dear Spiders all, I am overwhelmed!     Thanks you all so much for your help - it will certainly be a good idea to check out the baggage allowances, and its good to know that there is a left luggage facility at the airport.   I have forwarded the messages, and I am sure that my family will also

[lace] Help from Australian Spiders, Please!

2014-10-21 Thread nestalace . carol
Hi Aussie Arachnids All, I am hoping you can give me some advice.   My son-in-law, grandson and grandson's friend are travelling by Malaysia Airlines to Cairns next week (29th Oct, I believe) and the baggage allowance is 25kg on the international flight.   However, they will be travelling aroun

Re: [lace] Project complete - Wedding penny

2014-09-07 Thread nestalace . carol
Hello Spiders All, I had a little silver three-penny bit sewn into my wedding dress - the something old was a prayer book, the new was the dress (and accoutrements!) and the something borrowed was a handkerchief from my sister.  These old traditions don't die, do they - my 47th wedding annivers

Re: [lace] Teaching skills and lace

2014-08-24 Thread nestalace . carol
Hi Lyn and Spiders, Just to add a little bit more to the topic. Although some (most ?) lace tutors probably don't have 'teacher training', I, with the help of the Lace Guild bursary, took the City and Guilds Teaching Certificates, and they certainly helped!   The class was taught by a wonderful

Re: [lace] Teaching lacemaking

2014-08-23 Thread nestalace . carol
Hi Clay and all Spiders, I would like to add just one small point!    Even knowing the subject inside-out is not always a good preparation for teaching said subject. My lace is not quite of the quality of other really marvellous lace-makers, but many of my students have said that they have

Re: [lace] Teaching lace.

2014-08-23 Thread nestalace . carol
Hi Kathleen and Spiders I can agree whole-heartedly with the last paragraph.   I was talking at a Lace Day, when I was taking the Lace Circle goodies around, with a very respected tutor - she told me that whilst teaching, I shoud NEVER teach students how to start, and how to finish.  The reason

Re: [lace] About Jeri's posts

2014-08-18 Thread nestalace . carol
Hi Liz and Spiders, That reminds me of a time when someone was complaining that the Lace Day didn't have the suppliers she wanted.   'Well - I'll nominate you for the Committee, and then you;'ll have an input and, if you become the Events person, you can do it all yourself.'     Same reaction a

[lace] Posts...

2014-08-15 Thread nestalace . carol
Hi Spiders All, Firstly, Jeri, please, don't stop posting!     All the information you send is invaluable - if we don't need it immediately, we always need it later, and because we know the answers to our problems are there somewhere, we don't panic quite so much, so it saves us lots of heart-a

Re: [lace] Michigan license plate

2014-08-12 Thread nestalace . carol
Hi ladies, In the UK, we can't choose a license plate registration - we can if we are lucky and quite flush with cash purchase 'cherished numbers' but they are few and far between - I have been looking for years for C4 ROL' but I haven't seen it advertised in any of the motor trade journals, as

Re: [lace] de-fuzzing lace in progress?

2014-05-07 Thread nestalace . carol
Dear Spiders, I am S glad I don't have a cat or any other pets that might shed hairs onto my lace! I once had a warm, cosy and fluffy angora cardigan, which I wore a lot, until I realised it left hairs on lace and crochet, so it went very abruptly into the charity shop!    The thou

[lace] Stiffening Motifs

2014-04-01 Thread nestalace . carol
Hi Spiders,   Just a little snippet I felt I ought to share!   The Stalham Lace Circle is again decorating a tree for the Stalham Christmas Tree Festival, and have decided (yes! I know we are definitely ahead of ourselves) on angels and candles.    Knowing that I procrastinate, I have alread

[lace] Lighthouse Pattern

2014-03-28 Thread nestalace . carol
Dear Arachnes All,   Well - I am overwhelmed at the wonderful response - so many patterns for Janet to make a choice, so I am sure she will be as delighted as I am at the help from you all - too many to reply to individually, so I do hope you will all take this as a 'personal' thank-you from bot

[lace] Help, Please!

2014-03-26 Thread nestalace . carol
Hi Spiders All,   I am hoping that you can help me! A lace-making friend was hit by the North Sea Surge in December last, and her house is till full of sand and sea-water, as well as other impossible things, but she - and others in the same situation - has had a great deal of help from the l

Re: [lace] Demonstrating

2013-12-06 Thread nestalace . carol
Hi Spiders All, If the demo was in England, I could well have been the person who told the lady that there were two actions in bobbin lace!   Once you have mastered the cross and the twist, those are the movements you make, with variations on numbers and twists etc.    I also tell people that i

Re: [lace] Heelball

2013-11-27 Thread nestalace . carol
I have lways used the sticks of whatever they are that are used to make brass rubbings - I believe they are a similar composition to heelballs, bt made as a stick/crayon shape - much easier to handle!   When I first started to make lace - more years ago tham I care to remember now! - that was ho

Re: [lace] more on books

2013-11-08 Thread nestalace . carol
Hi Sharon and Spiders All,   Another good source of reviews is the Lace Guild's publication, Lace - their books are reviewed by lacemakers - members of the Lace Guild usually - so are sometimes a bit later than those on the blurb on the covers, but I trust them implicitly.   It isn't only bobbin

Re: [lace] Old beds

2013-10-21 Thread nestalace . carol
Hi Spiders All,   I am reading this thread with interest.   I also was fortunate to have a good teacher at first, and have been very thankful for her help, as it eradicated a lot of my general shyness in life, and eventually enabled me to teach others, join lace committees, and even reach the di

Re: [lace] Christmas

2013-09-14 Thread nestalace . carol
Hi Susie et al,   I am still on my summer holiday in West Wales, and Tesco's store has their Christmas stock displayed - why can't they all leave it until after Halloween?   Carol - from North Norfolk, UK  From: Susie Rose To: Arachne Sent: Saturday, 14 Septem

Re: [lace] New at Crocheted Maltese Lace

2013-08-25 Thread nestalace . carol
Hi Robin et al, I wonder if it is also because crochet grows much quicker than knitting, and infinitely faster then bobbin lace!    I started a crochet cardigan, admittedly in double knitting wool, last night, and have now finished the back, and halfway through one front - I couldn't possibly h

Re: [lace] Teaching children

2013-07-10 Thread nestalace . carol
Hello Spiders, This is really making us all think, isn't it! When I went into the schools in which I taught lace-making, as an after-school activity, there was always a teacher present, so they didn't think that a CRB was necessary, as the teacher was always on the spot.   (One of the teachers

Re: [lace] when and where to teach children lace

2013-07-09 Thread nestalace . carol
Hi Anna et al, Talking about the library, I found a couple of students by just taking my lace into the Library, and making lace on several occasions.   The library was keen to have me working there, saying that it was no different to students working away on their studies, but people were inter

Re: [lace] Teaching children

2013-07-08 Thread nestalace . carol
Hi Spiders, This theme has made me think!   I was lucky enough to teach lace at a private school, in the after-school activities, and had so many children we had to have a 'helper' for me!   I taught the Textiles class, and when some of the parents, children and staff knew I made lace (I made a

Re: [lace] Looking for Frank Newborn

2013-05-28 Thread nestalace . carol
Hi Spiders All,   I think there was a company called 'Ladlow' or Laidlow' or something similar, quite a few years ago - which may be the company searched for.   I am not at home at the moment, so I can't look up bavck copies of 'Lace', but I am sure they were called something like that.   Carol

[lace] Thanks ...

2013-05-24 Thread nestalace . carol
 Dear Spiders All,   I would like to thank all of you who replied to my requests for ressurance - too many of you to reply to individually, and also too many to name - poor Avital would be having conniptions if I tried to put all your names down in one eMil!   However, the op. was done just over

Re: [lace] Blue film

2013-04-22 Thread nestalace . carol
Hello Spiders All,   I have been known to print/photocopy patterns and prickings onto coloured paper, and then use the clear film, but clear film generally available in the UK is very shiny, and really needs to be rubbed down with a green pot scourer before usin

Re: [lace] What is a flash drive

2013-03-23 Thread nestalace . carol
Hello Arachnids All, Well - thanks for the information, to all of you who have replied!    I realise I do have a memory stick for the laptop, but didn't associate it with a flash drive - my mind was working on cameras, at that point! As someone once said, America and the UK are two countries di

Re: [lace] Twentieth anniversary flash drive

2013-03-21 Thread nestalace . carol
Hi Spiders All, I know my technological knowledge is limited to back when quill pens were the height of technology but ...  what is a flash drive please? I could ask my three year old grand-daughter, as I expect she already knows, but I really don't want her to think I am a bit dim! Carol

Re: [lace] 20th anniversary

2013-03-16 Thread nestalace . carol
Hello Spiders All, Maybe it would be a good idea for each country (?) to have their own cover cloth made and despatched by their 'local' manufacturer - that would probably diminish slightly any overseas costs etc - and I am sure that a company in Redruth, Cornwall (I think!) called HandPrint wo

Re: [lace] Straw Plaiters

2013-03-14 Thread nestalace . carol
Hi Arachnes All,   This reminded me of a talk to Essex Lace Makers (UK) given some years ago by Veronica - it was so interesting, and the items she brought with her were wonderful.   She did say, however, that the straw plaiters had to wet the straw before being able to plait it, and this was done

Re: [lace] Making lace in public places

2013-01-23 Thread nestalace . carol
Hi Spiders All,   One of the first demos I did was in our church, where we had a 'Hobbies Weekend' - with all sorts of crafts and hobbies, including collections of fountain pens and fly making (for fishermen) - and ME! One little girl of about 13 stayed with me most of the two days and, afte

[lace] Happy Christmas

2012-12-17 Thread nestalace . carol
Hi Arachnids All,   I hope you all have a very happy Christmas, and a peaceful and prosperous, happy and healthy New Year - and that your pins never bend!   Carol - newly settled in North Norfolk UK - and hoping to find the Christmas decorations sometime before Christmas 2013! - To unsubscribe s