Re: chasse a la chacone - definitions by Walter 1732

2004-12-12 Thread Thomas Schall
Walter tells us in his Lexicon (1732) that a passacallia would be basically a chaconne: Passacaglio [... other forms of the name] ist eigentlich eine Chaconne. Der ganze Unterschied bestehet darinn, daß sie ordinairement langsamer als die Chaconne gehet, die Melodie matthertziger

RE: chasse a la chacone

2004-12-10 Thread Alain Veylit
Hi all, -Sébastien de Brossard (died 1730), gives the following definition for a chacone in his Musical dictionary: Chacone: A kind of dance in the air of a saraband, derived from the Moors. The bass always consists of 4 notes, which proceed in conjoint degrees, wherin they make divers concords