[MARMAM] New publication on the morphometric discrimination of Hawaiian blackfish species (Shelby Yahn)

2019-01-31 Thread Shelby Yahn
Dear colleagues, We are pleased to announce the publication of our article, which is now available online: Yahn, S. N., R. W. Baird, S. D. Mahaffy and D. L. Webster. 2019. How to tell them apart? Discriminating tropical blackfish species using fin and body measurements from photographs taken

[MARMAM] article on ship strike in the Med

2019-01-31 Thread Lea David
Dear all, we are pleased to announce the publication of our following article : Di-Méglio N, David L. and Monestiez P.// - Sperm whale ship strikes in the Pelagos Sanctuary and adjacent waters: assessing and mapping collision risks in summer

[MARMAM] New publication sperm whales Galápagos habitat use

2019-01-31 Thread Ana Eguiguren
Dear MARMAMers, My coauthors and I are excited to announce the publication of our latest research in Marine Ecology Progress Series: Eguiguren, A., Pirotta, E., Cantor, M., Rendell, L., Whitehead, H. Habitat use of culturally distinct Galápagos sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) clans. Mar

[MARMAM] New publication on Cuvier's beaked whale foraging ecology

2019-01-31 Thread Brandon Southall
Colleagues, On behalf of my co-authors, I am pleased to announce the publication of a new paper on beaked whale foraging ecology. Using new methods to directly measure prey characteristics at the depths where these deep-diving animals forage, we compare the relative quality of nearby foraging

[MARMAM] Recent publication Bejder et al 2019 Scientific Reports

2019-01-31 Thread Lars Bejder
Dear MARMAM community, We (Bejder, Videsen, Hermannsen, Simon, Hanf and Madsen) are pleased to share with you our recent paper in Scientific Reports focusing on quantifying the importance of breeding/resting habitat for humpback whale mothers and calves in Western Australia. A Youtube summary of

[MARMAM] Job Openings in National Marine Fisheries Service's Office of Protected Resources

2019-01-31 Thread Benjamin Laws - NOAA Federal
NMFS is advertising two job openings in the Office of Protected Resources, Permits and Conservation Division. Individuals in these positions would serve as senior analysts in the Incidental Take Program. In addition to processing requests for Marine Mammal Protection Act incidental take

[MARMAM] New Publication: Evaluating long-term impacts of human interactions to bottlenose dolphins

2019-01-31 Thread Jessica Powell - NOAA Federal
Dear colleagues, We are pleased to announce our recent publication in Journal of Cetacean Research and Management titled, *Sixteen years later: an updated evaluation of the impacts of chronic human interactions with bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus truncatus) at Panama City, Florida, USA.

[MARMAM] New publication: "Advances in research on the impacts of anti-submarine sonar on beaked whales"

2019-01-31 Thread Yara Bernaldo de Quirós Miranda
Dear Colleagues, We are glad to announce a new review on “Advances in research on the impacts of anti-submarine sonar on beaked whales ”. This review arose from a workshop organized by the Institute of Animal Health of the

[MARMAM] Save the Date!: Northwest Student Chapter of the Society for Marine Mammalogy Annual Meeting - 18 May 2019

2019-01-31 Thread Erica Escajeda
Hello Marine Mammal Community! We are pleased to announce that the *23rd Annual Meeting of the Northwest Student Chapter of the Society for Marine Mammalogy (NWSSMM) will take place at the University of Washington, Seattle on May 18, 2019!* The purpose of the annual meeting is to cultivate