Re: [Marxism] bankruptcy of the "science"of electoral polling

2016-11-09 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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What needs to be remembered is that surveys and polling can be much more
scientific than these contracted and commercial customer satisfaction

Most of what passes for polling and surveys in the American political
universe are undertaken under contract for a politician or a party and aim
at getting a particular result.

Put another way . . .
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Re: [Marxism] 'Not My President': Thousands Across US Protest Trump Win

2016-11-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 11/9/16 9:59 PM, Stuart Munckton via Marxism wrote:

There was a massive protest sans permit on the sidewalk beneath Trump's 
penthouse that he could obviously see. Will post a Youtube video when 

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[Marxism] the contradictions of conciliation

2016-11-09 Thread Gary MacLennan via Marxism
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Lou has very kindly pointed out to me that he wrote 'Conciliatory' and not
'contradictory'. Apologies.  I plead old age and a tendency to over skim
read always.

For some time now, the bourgeoisie have been making it obvious that they
are locked into a cycle that will inevitably lead to the destruction of
humanity. By any standard our rulers are insane.

So it is hardly surprising that a buffoon or Fool King would emerge.  Of
course having emerged on the stage and shat in his pants in front of all of
us, we now have to endure the spectacle of all the sycophants trying to
pretend that he is not a malevolent buffoon and that he does not stink to
high heaven.
It is like the shit fest scene out of *Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom *or
Canto 18 from The Inferno

Quindi sentimmo gente che si nicchia

Ne l'altra bolgia, e che col muso scuffa,

E sѐ medesma con le palme picchia.

Le ripe eran grommate d'una muffa

Per l'alito di giù che vi s'appasta,

che con li occhi e col naso facea suffa.

Some would call electing Trump the Revenge of the Deplorables.  But like
all such carnivalistic acts, it merely goes to show that inversion is not
the same as negation.


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[Marxism] 'Not My President': Thousands Across US Protest Trump Win

2016-11-09 Thread Stuart Munckton via Marxism
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[Marxism] Fwd: Donald Trump statement on banning Muslims from US has disappeared from his website | The Independent

2016-11-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Verso panel discussion on Trump streaming now on FB

2016-11-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Obama: ever the conciliatory dickwad

2016-11-09 Thread Gary MacLennan via Marxism
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I think that really annoys me in all this is the rush to kiss Trump's ass.
The sycophancy, the absolute need to grovel to the master is revolting.
Actually, Lou, you are wrong to describe Obama as contradictory.  There is
no contradiction at all.  He was clever enough to let some people imagine
he was somehow different, but no, he was always the boy most likely to.

Bhaskar used to lecture on the need for seriousness. Alexander Cogburn
talked of  the need for hate.  But the likes of Obama are never serious and
they are never full of hatred because of the injustices of the world.
Neither of course is Trump and the poor benighted bastards that voted for
him will discover that to all our cost.

Johnathan Freedland in the Guardian is a correspondent I do not like at
all.  But his ability to spot a racist xenophobe is very strong.  He won my
(grudging_ respect when he wrote

"We thought the United States would step back from the abyss. We believed,
and the polls led us to feel sure, that Americans would not, in the end,
hand the most powerful office on earth to an unstable bigot, sexual
predator and compulsive liar."

So I cannot stand anyone pretending that this is anything other than a
disaster for us all. And that does not mean that I would have voted for
Clinton. Not ever. Never.


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[Marxism] In A Dark Time

2016-11-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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In A Dark Time
by Theodore Roethke

In a dark time, the eye begins to see,
I meet my shadow in the deepening shade;
I hear my echo in the echoing wood--
A lord of nature weeping to a tree.
I live between the heron and the wren,
Beasts of the hill and serpents of the den.
What's madness but nobility of soul
At odds with circumstance? The day's on fire!
I know the purity of pure despair,
My shadow pinned against a sweating wall.
That place among the rocks--is it a cave,
Or a winding path? The edge is what I have.

A steady storm of correspondences!
A night flowing with birds, a ragged moon,
And in broad day the midnight come again!
A man goes far to find out what he is--
Death of the self in a long, tearless night,
All natural shapes blazing unnatural light.

Dark, dark my light, and darker my desire.
My soul, like some heat-maddened summer fly,
Keeps buzzing at the sill. Which I is I?
A fallen man, I climb out of my fear.
The mind enters itself, and God the mind,
And one is One, free in the tearing wind.
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Re: [Marxism] Obama: ever the conciliatory dickwad

2016-11-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 11/9/16 6:24 PM, Andrew Pollack via Marxism wrote:

Actually his words below, like those of Markel (don't have link handy,
sorry), are saying IF you play by normal bourgeois rules, we'll put up with

Except that Trump DID NOT play by normal bourgeois rules.
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Re: [Marxism] Obama: ever the conciliatory dickwad

2016-11-09 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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Actually his words below, like those of Markel (don't have link handy,
sorry), are saying IF you play by normal bourgeois rules, we'll put up with
you. It's unheard of for a high-ranking politician to imply that a
President-elect might not merit trust.

> We all want what's best for this country. That's what I heard in Mr.
> Trump's remarks last night. That's what I heard when I spoke to him
> directly. And I was heartened by that. That's what the country needs -- a
> sense of unity, a sense of inclusion, a respect for our institutions, our
> way of life, rule of law, and respect for each other.
> I hope that he maintains that spirit throughout this transition. And I
> certainly hope that's how his presidency has a chance to begin.
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[Marxism] Military exercises in Cuba

2016-11-09 Thread Ken Hiebert via Marxism
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According to one source these exercises were called just hours after the Trump 

ken h
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[Marxism] Obama: ever the conciliatory dickwad

2016-11-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Now, everybody is sad when their side loses an election, but the day 
after we have to remember that we're actually all on one team. This is 
an intramural scrimmage. We're not Democrats first. We're not 
Republicans first. We are Americans first. We're patriots first.

We all want what's best for this country. That's what I heard in Mr. 
Trump's remarks last night. That's what I heard when I spoke to him 
directly. And I was heartened by that. That's what the country needs -- 
a sense of unity, a sense of inclusion, a respect for our institutions, 
our way of life, rule of law, and respect for each other.

I hope that he maintains that spirit throughout this transition. And I 
certainly hope that's how his presidency has a chance to begin.
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[Marxism] Leon Trotsky on the 2016 elections

2016-11-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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The Negroes are not yet awakened and they are not yet united with the 
white workers. 99.9 per cent of the American workers are chauvinists, in 
relation to the Negroes they are hangmen and they are so also toward the 
Chinese. It is necessary to teach the American beasts. It is necessary 
to make them understand that the American state is not their state and 
that they do not have to be the guardians of this state.
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[Marxism] bankruptcy of the "science"of electoral polling

2016-11-09 Thread Ralph Johansen via Marxism

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When in 1936 Liberty Magazine predicted Landon over FDR, it was so 
discredited that it soon folded.

But now we have what may be the ultimate bankruptcy of the "science"of 
electoral polling:

"The polls all suggest that it will be a big night for Hillary. She 
either has a94% chance 
winning, an84% chance 
winning, or a71% chance 
according to the alleged savant of analytics Nate Silver, who has been 
hedging his bets over the last two weeks. That’s a 23% margin of error 
for the leading pollsters."

From my inbox, New York Times running  composite poll data leading up 
to the elections:

09-12-16  Clinton 80%, Trump 20%
09-15-16  Clinton 76%, Trump 24%
09-20-16  Clinton 74%, Trump 26%
09-23-16  Clinton 73%, Trump 27%
09-27-16  Clinton 69%, Trump 31%
10-04-16  Clinton 79%, Trump 21%
10-11-16  Clinton 87%, Trump 13%
10-14-16 Clinton 89%, Trump 9%
10-18-16  Clinton 91%, Trump 9%
10-28-16  Clinton 91%, Trump 9%
11-01-16  Clinton 88%, Trump 12%
11-04-16  Clinton 84%, Trump 16%

Back in the 1940s, Gallop was exonerated by stating that the "science" 
needed tuning. After all these years, what will Nate Silver and the NYT 
and the rest have to say about this? --- Surely not class analysis?

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Re: [Marxism] [ufpj-activist] "Not Our President"

2016-11-09 Thread Thomas via Marxism
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Pollack has written a sarcastic piece transposing Syria to the USA, and jabbing 
the filth who lick the bloody hands of the tyrant Assad.  And good for you, 
Comrade Pollack. 


-Original Message-
>From: Joe Lombardo via Marxism 
>Sent: Nov 9, 2016 4:22 PM
>To: Thomas F Barton 
>Subject: Re: [Marxism] [ufpj-activist] "Not Our President"
>I’m not sure what Andrew Pollack is trying to say here but let me make it 
>clear that UNAC and the other groups he mentioned have not “denounced the 
>terrorists rioting in the streets of New York,….”  Maybe he is trying to make 
>a joke or maybe he caught the Trump bug and believes the truth is not 
>important.  Or maybe he is trying to equate ISIS and the Nusra Front with the 
>people who are resisting the Trump election.  In any case his strange comment 
>is not appropriate. 
>Joe Lombardo
>From: Andrew Pollack
>Sent: Wednesday, November 9, 2016 2:49 PM
>To: United 4 Peace & Justice; Activists and scholars in Marxist tradition
>Subject: [ufpj-activist] "Not Our President"
>Thousands of youths are in the street calling for regime change in the US, 
>challenging the legitimacy of a Donald Trump presidency.
>We have just learned that Vladimir Putin has sent word to Trump of his 
>approval should the President-elect feel it necessary to order shooting of 
>protesters, citing the US's right to self-determination and sovereignty over 
>its own internal affairs.
>UNAC/IAC/WWP/Socialist Action have all denounced the terrorists rioting in the 
>streets of New York, Portland, the Bay Area, and many other cities.
>Stay tuned for more on this developing story.

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[Marxism] Fwd: National Bird; Finding Kukan | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2016-11-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Opening at the Cinema Village on Friday, “National Bird” has the 
distinction of having Wim Wenders and Errol Morris sharing credits as 
Executive Producer. With these two very respected filmmaking veterans on 
board this documentary about Predator drones, I decided to give it a 
shot despite the theme. Recent viewings of the narrative film “Good 
Kill” on cable TV had inured me against any film dramatizing the 
“suffering” of men and women who sit behind the consoles in 
air-conditioned trailers while they direct missile attacks on Afghans, 
Pakistanis, Somalis and anybody else that gets in the way of American 
foreign policy objectives. Somehow, the sight of Ethan Hawke drowning 
his sorrows in booze after a day of blowing up wedding parties left me 
wondering why anybody would bother trying to develop sympathy for such 

Suffice it to say that Wenders and Morris showed their film acumen by 
becoming involved with this project since “National Bird” is the 
definitive take on the kind of postmodern warfare that is the hallmark 
of the Obama administration and that will likely continue if not expand 
under the “isolationist” Trump administration.

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Re: [Marxism] [ufpj-activist] "Not Our President"

2016-11-09 Thread Joe Lombardo via Marxism
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I’m not sure what Andrew Pollack is trying to say here but let me make it clear 
that UNAC and the other groups he mentioned have not “denounced the terrorists 
rioting in the streets of New York,….”  Maybe he is trying to make a joke or 
maybe he caught the Trump bug and believes the truth is not important.  Or 
maybe he is trying to equate ISIS and the Nusra Front with the people who are 
resisting the Trump election.  In any case his strange comment is not 

Joe Lombardo

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: Andrew Pollack
Sent: Wednesday, November 9, 2016 2:49 PM
To: United 4 Peace & Justice; Activists and scholars in Marxist tradition
Subject: [ufpj-activist] "Not Our President"

Thousands of youths are in the street calling for regime change in the US, 
challenging the legitimacy of a Donald Trump presidency.

We have just learned that Vladimir Putin has sent word to Trump of his approval 
should the President-elect feel it necessary to order shooting of protesters, 
citing the US's right to self-determination and sovereignty over its own 
internal affairs.

UNAC/IAC/WWP/Socialist Action have all denounced the terrorists rioting in the 
streets of New York, Portland, the Bay Area, and many other cities.

Stay tuned for more on this developing story.

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[Marxism] The need to say something

2016-11-09 Thread Gary MacLennan via Marxism
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I have just sent a version of this post to a good friend. But I feel the
need to say something publicly about the election.   Before the result my
friend and I both agreed that Clinton was a "wicked witch". I said that
publicly and on this list and I do not back away from that. Whether what
she represents or not is dead, that is another question. However, putting
that to one side, if we even just glance briefly we can see that they have
stuck a monkey on a tiger's back and put it in the White House.

This was an insurgency but one within the parameters of misogyny, racism
and nativism and social class.  The people i.e. those who work, the working
class, have gone with a billionaire.  At one stroke they have stayed within
the safety of their subaltern mentality and let the boss class know they
are not happy.

I think it is crucial to see that this is the people's version of a safe
revolution. They  do not have to face the terror of taking responsibility
for running the nation.  They can leave it to "The Donald".  He is a
billionaire after all and did a really good job with a TV show - What was
it called?

But if Trump does any of these three things that he has promised

   - Cut taxes
   - Cut expenditure
   - Declare China a currency manipulator

then all bets are off.  We will be plunged into a very deep recession. At
that stage the current subaltern consciousness of the working class will
come under pressure. We might, just might, see the growth of a class
consciousness which is the consciousness of the working class for itself.
If we don't, then humanity is done for.

It is that serious.

Of course the sycophancy-dimmed tide is about to be loosed.  Lots of
charlatans will be out there telling us that the dignity of the office will
transform Trump. Reactionaries will also mistakenly think this is their
moment.  They will think that the American working class have moved to the
Right, when in reality what they have done is the political equivalent of a
primal scream.

But they will have to learn, that it takes more than screaming to transform
what Bhaskar called the world of the demi-real - a world full of
exploitation, domination, oppression and the rejection of the spiritual
values of kindness, compassion and love.

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[Marxism] 'President Trump?' As Loren Goldner nailed it a month ago

2016-11-09 Thread Ralph Johansen via Marxism

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[Marxism] "Not Our President"

2016-11-09 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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Thousands of youths are in the street calling for regime change in the US,
challenging the legitimacy of a Donald Trump presidency.

We have just learned that Vladimir Putin has sent word to Trump of his
approval should the President-elect feel it necessary to order shooting of
protesters, citing the US's right to self-determination and sovereignty
over its own internal affairs.

UNAC/IAC/WWP/Socialist Action have all denounced the terrorists rioting in
the streets of New York, Portland, the Bay Area, and many other cities.

Stay tuned for more on this developing story.
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[Marxism] Fwd: KBOO interviews North Star Editor Hansoni RE: Direct Democracy

2016-11-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] The Victory of Donald Trump is a Historical Turning Point

2016-11-09 Thread RKOB via Marxism

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Revolutionär-Kommunistische Organisation BEFREIUNG
Tel.: 0650 406 83 14

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Re: [Marxism] [pen-l] Re: Is It Time to Abandon GDP?

2016-11-09 Thread Joseph Green via Marxism
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Thanks, Patrick, for a significant description of the movement.

Patrick Bond wrote:

>  Here in South Africa, a very talented colleague from University of 
> Pretoria - Lorenzo Fioramonti (cc line) - makes a convincing case in two 
> recent works from Zed Books that GDP needs to be scrapped.
>  I'm very sympathetic, but I do think that tactically, our comrades 
> fighting 'extractivism' might try to adjust GDP in the short term, by 
> adding an economic argument (to their ecological, political, social, 
> spiritual arguments) against mining and oil/gas drilling. The tactical 
> point would be to calculate the net losses from non-renewable resource 
> depletion, to show net losses from extraction ... but this is highly 
> controversial as it might (unless we work hard at the arguments) 
> degenerate into 'neoliberalising nature' by making markets out of 
> environmental valuation...

Your work and those of others showing the losses involved is an important 
correction to the orthodox economic discussion. And comparing the losses to 
the GDP may give some idea of the magnitude of the problem.

But I don't see why this requires creating an overall corrected GDP; such a 
figure becomes subject to the problems of the original GDP. And there is the 
danger that the correction itself becomes arbitrary. For example, what should 
the loss figure for mining and depleted resources be: the amount the depleted 
resources are sold for? The amount needed to restore the land from which the 
resources were ripped?  Is a figure used for the lives of workers who die?

The result is many figures for the corrected GDP. Furthermore, the  GDP 
doesn't include many things of economic importance, but for that matter it 
ignores things that should be added as well as things that should be 
subtracted. For example, education appears only as the expense of the 
educational system. The misery of lack of educational cuts doesn't appear, 
nor the tremendous positive value of the education either.

Indeed,  the abilities and consciousness that develop among the masses is an 
important economic factor, but it can hardly be quantified in a way that is a 
correction for the GDP. But if we ignore these things, the only conclusion 
can be that the world is doomed, because the corrected GDP is always 
declining sharply.

I fear that if the idea of a corrected GDP is taken too seriously, it will do 
more harm to the activists and environmentalists then to the polluters. The 
probem is that it will distract from a scientific way of considering the 
problem and it will obscure the difference between the militant environmental 
movement and various neo-liberal agencies that talk green. It will distract 
from the need to consider the needed  planning and reconstruction, which must 
take place in a way that is different from the past and which the working 
class must link with the class struggle against the capitalist interests.

This article points out that

>"The head-in-sand, ostrich-mimicking economists and financial
>journalists who use GDP without correction probably aren´t even
> aware that the figure does not include resource depletion,
> unpaid women´s and community work, pollution, loss of farmland and
> wetlands, family breakdown and crime. There are many substitutes
> for GDP, and one-the Genuine Progress Indicator-shows 
>a substantially lower level of world welfare, around $36 trillion using GDP
>compared to less than $10 trillion using GPI in 2005, once 
>these corrections are made."

This points to many key issues ignored by the GDP, and it's important to do 
this. But the very existence of many substitutes for the GDP suggests that 
the figures are arbitrary. And the financial figure doesn't really give an 
idea of what resources are available to deal with the problems facing us, or 
how likely present resources are to be cut down by climate change.


This article discusses concretely some of the ways the issue has come up. It 
talks about "natural capital accounting" and cites the Gaborone Declaration 
for Sustainability in Africa, which is a program in which 10 African 
countries take part. But the governments involved in the Gaborone Declaration 
and the militant environmental movement have very different interests, and it 
would be helpful if the movement had theoretical tools that go beyond 
"natural capital accounting".

 After describing various corrections that should be made to the GDP, the 
article says:

Re: [Marxism] Finally, a new New Deal

2016-11-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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It is a post like this that reminds me why I keep Marxmail going no 
matter the occasional dust-up.

On 11/9/16 1:01 PM, Mark Lause wrote:

*"I remember once being much amused at seeing two partially intoxicated
men engage in a fight with their great-coats on, which fight, after a
long, and rather harmless contest, ended in each having fought himself
/out/ of his own coat, and /into/ that of the other. If the two leading
parties of this day are really identical with the two in the days of
Jefferson and Adams, they have performed the same feat as the two
drunken men."
*  Abraham Lincoln

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Re: [Marxism] Finally, a new New Deal

2016-11-09 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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*"I remember once being much amused at seeing two partially intoxicated men
engage in a fight with their great-coats on, which fight, after a long, and
rather harmless contest, ended in each having fought himself out of his own
coat, and into that of the other. If the two leading parties of this day
are really identical with the two in the days of Jefferson and Adams, they
have performed the same feat as the two drunken men."*

*  Abraham Lincoln*
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[Marxism] Rebuilding the workers movement

2016-11-09 Thread Ken Hiebert via Marxism
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Not just in the US, but even in Italy, there is a need to rebuild, to start 
ken h

New experiences from Italy

The current period can in this way be compared, with all the usual caveats, to 
the second half of the nineteenth century, to the dawn of the workers’ 
movement: today like in those days the fundamental problem is not just to 
rebuild forms of representation – a class struggle left – but to bring together 
the essential ingredients that can form a new movement organising workers and 

It is a question of beginning again...

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[Marxism] Fwd: What does Trump's victory mean for the Middle East? - News from Al Jazeera

2016-11-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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By Gilbert Achcar
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[Marxism] Finally, a new New Deal

2016-11-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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We are going to fix our inner cities and rebuild our highways, bridges, 
tunnels, airports, schools, hospitals. We’re going to rebuild our 
infrastructure, which will become, by the way, second to none. And we 
will put millions of our people to work as we rebuild it.

--Donald Trump
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[Marxism] Stand and fight - a note to US leftists

2016-11-09 Thread Ken Hiebert via Marxism
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>From an outsider

I don't know what you are feeling and thinking.  You face a powerful enemy, but 
you re not entirely powerless.  You have a capacity to resist.
You each have ties to your communities and to any number of struggles.
Those ties are precious and irreplaceable. 

There are millions of people in the US who share your opposition to Trump, 
starting with Mexican working people who were driven to the US by poverty.
No one should expect them meekly to submit.

ken h
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[Marxism] Trump may hire from big business despite his attacks on Wall Street

2016-11-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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FT, Nov. 9 2016
Who are the team Trump players heading for Washington?
Republican may hire from big business despite his attacks on Wall Street

Throughout his campaign, Donald Trump regularly railed against Wall 
Street and attacked big business, but he is likely to draw heavily on 
conservative finance and business figures as he prepares to assemble a 
White House team.

Among those touted for top economic positions are Steve Mnuchin, a 
former Goldman Sachs executive frequently mentioned as a possible 
Treasury secretary, and Wilbur Ross, a distressed asset investor.

The conservative columnist Lawrence Kudlow, a former official in the 
Reagan White House who once worked as chief economist at Bear Stearns, 
is another senior member of the campaign team, as is Steve Moore, an 
economist at the conservative Heritage Foundation who helped draw up Mr 
Trump’s tax plans.

Mr Trump has also hailed his connections to Wall Street, despite his 
campaign invective against the country’s business and political elite.

“I know the smartest guys on Wall Street. I know our best negotiators. I 
know the overrated guys, the underrated guys, the guys that nobody ever 
heard of that are killers, that are great,” he said in a speech in June. 
“We gotta use those people. Guys like [former General Electric chief 
executive] Jack Welch. I like guys like Henry Kravis [the co-founder of 
KKR, the private equity group]. I’d love to bring my friend [billionaire 
investor] Carl Icahn. I mean, we have people that are great.”

Dan Dimicco, former chief executive of steelmaker Nucor and one of Mr 
Trump’s senior advisers on economics and trade policy, says he expects 
the property magnate to staff a Trump administration with many business 
figures. But he also thinks Mr Trump will bring in establishment 
Republicans he attacked throughout his 18-month campaign for the White 

“I think Mr Trump’s going to be open to anybody who is open to him,” Mr 
Dimicco said. “People are going to want to go back to getting things 
done for the country.”

Such a move would help appease Republicans anxious to see experienced 
policymakers from the Washington establishment in Mr Trump’s team.

A conciliatory approach could be particularly important for foreign 
policy and defence, areas in which during the campaign Mr Trump has 
sometimes relied on advisers who, at best, are on the fringe of the US 
policy establishment.

On national security, he has turned to Michael Flynn, a former head of 
the Defence Intelligence Agency, who has been a regular analyst on 
Russia Today, the Russian-backed television network, as well as Keith 
Kellogg, who has worked in the private sector since helping run the 
Coalition Provisional Authority in Baghdad after the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

Among his other advisers are Walid Phares, a Middle East analyst who has 
come in for criticism for his ties to a Christian armed faction in 
Lebanon’s civil war in the 1980s.

One frequently mentioned possibility for attorney-general is Rudy 
Giuliani, the former New York City mayor who has been a vocal backer and 
close Trump adviser since the summer.

The deeper question is what such personnel choices will say about the 
policies he is likely to embrace — and the extent to which they will 
represent a break with a traditional Republican approach.

Despite his gains across the electoral map, Mr Trump’s agenda risks 
being particularly contentious in Congress.

Some of the policies he announced on the campaign trail delight 
traditional conservatives — in particular, full-blooded personal and 
business tax cuts and deregulation. But other positions have triggered 
deep concern — notably his anti-free-trade agenda, which includes 
potential tariffs on China and Mexico and runs counter to traditional 
free-market Republican thinking, and fiscal plans analysts say would 
lead to a multi-trillion budget blowout.

A central question is whether Mr Trump pares back some of the more 
radical elements of his plan in a bid to unite Republicans after such a 
divisive election. The priorities highlighted by some of his advisers 
suggest he will want to prove his ability to forge deals early in his 

Mr Moore said slashing regulation and pushing through a tax bill would 
be among the administration’s early priorities. He predicted that 
business tax reform, which include proposed cuts to the headline rate to 
make the US more competitive internationally, would be easier to achieve 
in Congress than planned income tax cuts. Mr Trump’s tax proposals would 
lower rates for a range of income groups including the wealthy, with the 
top earners 

Re: [Marxism] the coming times

2016-11-09 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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that's exactly what the Communist Party of the Philippines has been doing,
sucking up to Duterte.

On Tue, Nov 8, 2016 at 11:56 PM, Gary MacLennan via Marxism <> wrote:

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> *
> I can see it all now.  The tide of sycophancy is about to be loosed.
> President Trump will be the man with the common touch; the man who calls a
> spade a nr; the down to earth bloke who gets things (and people) done.
> All the tropes of reality TV will be enacted in reality.  Humanity is about
> to be told "You're fired".
> Comradely
> Gary
> _
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[Marxism] A Blue Collar Town in Decline and in Despair Turns to Trump

2016-11-09 Thread Michael Yates via Marxism
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The high school I attended used to play basketball against Ambridge High 
School. I taught union workers in a nearby town. Bleak, miserable places now. 
If the fact that Ambridge (no doubt like my own hometown, in which nearly every 
man was a union member when I was a boy) went solidly for Trump is not a sign 
of the utter, total, and complete failure of the labor movement in the US, I 
don't know what is. Yes, there are bigots and religious nuts aplenty in the 
places now. But their labor leaders abandoned them, the political elites did 
the same, and the left intellectuals in our cities never took the time to visit 
these places, which are scattered all across the nation, to learn about the 
people who lived and worked away their lives in the factories, to engage them, 
to teach them. It's really too late now. But proof positive that inequality, 
economic hardship, and the like can, in the absence of an alternative radical 
politics, drives the working class to the left is a foolish myth. As 
 I have been arguing for at least 40 years.
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[Marxism] A Blue Collar Town in Decline and in Despair Turns to Trump

2016-11-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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The New York Times, November 9, 2016
A Blue Collar Town in Decline and in Despair Turns to Trump

AMBRIDGE, Pa. -- As Donald J. Trump's surprisingly strong showing played 
out on a television above Fred's Divot bar, the men who by day carry 
pipes, hang drywall and drive locomotives watched the returns with 
mounting satisfaction.

"He's killing it --- that's our next president," said John Gaguzis, 50, 
who had affixed an "I voted" sticker to the blue uniform shirt he wears 
in a bottling plant. "We need a change. We've got to get rid of the 
Democrats that support people that don't want to work."

Jerry Kormick, a disabled construction worker engaged in a serious darts 
competition, said he had voted for the first time in his life, at age 
37. He never believed polls showing Hillary Clinton ahead, he said, not 
after visiting friends in rural North Carolina.

This former steel town west of Pittsburgh was for decades a Democratic 
stronghold, where Franklin D. Roosevelt's Four Freedoms are proclaimed 
on a memorial in the small town park. But industrial decline and what is 
perceived as too-fast cultural change in the country at large has 
transformed Ambridge and the rest of Beaver County around it, with the 
yards of faded brick homes presenting a river of Trump signs.

Late Tuesday, while Mrs. Clinton held a narrow lead across Pennsylvania 
and the race was still very much up in the air, Mr. Trump appeared 
headed to a 20-point victory in the county.

Joann and Mark Crano, both retired, switched their registrations to 
Republican this year after a lifetime as Democrats, and they reeled off 
the names of many other friends and family members who did likewise.
"In 2008, we were wholehearted Hillary supporters," said Ms. Crano, who 
was an elected local official for a decade. "We went to every rally."

It was Benghazi that put her over the edge, she said.

For Mr. Crano, a former steelworker who retired after a second career at 
the Pittsburgh airport, it was abortion and same-sex marriage. "If 
you're a Christian, you can only vote for Trump," he said the day before 
the election at K & N restaurant. It is one of the few thriving 
businesses still left on Merchant Street, which old-timers -- and there 
are now mostly old-timers -- remember as once so crowded you bumped into 
people. Now it is largely deserted.

The Cranos were having breakfast beneath a poster of Elvis with several 
friends, all fierce Trump backers. They painted a desperate vision of 
America if Mrs. Clinton won, predicting a wave of terrorism by unvetted 
refugees and a slide into dictatorship.

"I'm going to the bank and taking a bunch of money out and buying a lot 
of guns and ammo," said Mr. Crano, a former union leader with a large 
white beard. "I'm going to protect mine and my family," he added.

Ambridge, like much of Pennsylvania outside Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, 
eagerly enlisted in Trump Nation this year. Its largely
white, less educated population (15 percent have a college degree) 
packed a boisterous rally that Mr. Trump held at the local high school.
"I work for my money, and obviously I work for other people, too," said 
Sam Bruno, a street sweeper driver, whose yard was festooned with Trump 
signs, and predicted a Trump landslide on Monday. "I just hope Mr. Trump 
can change our government and stop any terrorism coming into our 
country," he said.

The town is named for the American Bridge Company, whose plant on the 
Ohio River hammered and shaped the steel for the Empire State Building, 
the George Washington Bridge and the gates of the Panama Canal. The town 
inspired a Tom Cruise movie, "All the Right Moves," about a high school 
football player straining to escape a life in the mills.
But when American Bridge and a wave of other steel plants in Beaver 
County shut down in the 1980s, undersold by modern competitors, tens of 
thousands lost their jobs. Unemployment in the county hit Depression-era 
levels. Ambridge's population of 6,850 is down 40 percent from 1970. The 
population is also grayer and poorer.

"We do about 100 funerals a year, but only 20 baptisms a year," said the 
Reverend Joseph A. Carr of Good Samaritan Roman Catholic Church.
Clinton supporters were not invisible but were keeping their heads down. 
A radio ad by the Pennsylvania Democratic Party that ran on Sunday 
during the Pittsburgh Steelers game urged voters to protect gains made 
for working people, mentioning Roosevelt and John F. Kennedy, but no one 
on this year's ballot.

Jack Lefebvre, who seemed to be the only Clinton supporter at Fred's 
Divot, kept quiet most of the night as he sat 

[Marxism] Fwd: The Democratic Party establishment is finished after Trump.

2016-11-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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The Democrats will now control next to nothing above the municipal 
level. Donald Trump will be president. We are going to be unpacking this 
night for the rest of our lives, and lives beyond that. We can’t 
comprehend even 1 percent of what’s just happened. But one aspect of it, 
minor in the overall sweep, that I’m pretty sure we can comprehend well 
enough right now: The Democratic Party establishment has beclowned 
itself and is finished.

I think of the lawmakers, the consultants, the operatives, and—yes—the 
center-left media, and how everything said over the past few years 
leading up to this night was bullshit.

The midterm losses? That was just a bad cycle, structurally speaking; 
presidential demographics would make up for it. The party establishment 
made a grievous mistake rallying around Hillary Clinton. It wasn’t just 
a lack of recent political seasoning. She was a bad candidate, with no 
message beyond heckling the opposite sideline. She was a total misfit 
for both the politics of 2016 and the energy of the Democratic Party as 
currently constituted. She could not escape her baggage, and she must 
own that failure herself.

Theoretically smart people in the Democratic Party should have known 
that. And yet they worked giddily to clear the field for her. Every 
power-hungry young Democrat fresh out of law school, every rising 
lawmaker, every old friend of the Clintons wanted a piece of the action. 
This was their ride up the power chain. The whole edifice was hollow, 
built atop the same unearned sense of inevitability that surrounded 
Clinton in 2008, and it collapsed, just as it collapsed in 2008, only a 
little later in the calendar. The voters of the party got taken for a 
ride by the people who controlled it, the ones who promised they had 
everything figured out and sneeringly dismissed anyone who suggested 
otherwise. They promised that Hillary Clinton had a lock on the 
Electoral College. These people didn’t know what they were talking 
about, and too many of us in the media thought they did.
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[Marxism] Dear neoliberal Democrats: This is your mess and you need to own it

2016-11-09 Thread Stuart Munckton via Marxism
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One thing is crystal clear: Hillary Clinton is a failure. And so is the
neoliberal establishment.
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