Re: [RFC] holding a mod_perl conference

2000-04-01 Thread Nathan Torkington
Gunther Birznieks writes: Of course that brings us to the question as to whether OReilly Perl conference is really giving people the depth in what seems to be an increasingly popular reason for using Perl: mod_perl. If you want to do a tightly focused Apache::Mod_perl conference, then, I

Re: [RFC] holding a mod_perl conference

2000-04-05 Thread Nathan Torkington
I guess I'm not sure why mod_perl needs a conference of its own. Would a mod_perl track as part of the O'Reilly Open Source Conference work for you? That way you wouldn't need to kill a member of the community by pushing organization onto them, as O'Reilly's (excellent) conference organization

Re: [RFC] holding a mod_perl conference

2000-04-05 Thread Nathan Torkington
I said: I guess I'm not sure why mod_perl needs a conference of its own. Would a mod_perl track as part of the O'Reilly Open Source Conference work for you? That way you wouldn't need to kill a member of the community by pushing organization onto them, as O'Reilly's (excellent) conference

Re: [RFC] holding a mod_perl conference

2000-04-05 Thread Nathan Torkington
Jeff D. 'Spud (Zeppelin)' Almeida writes: 1) I don't think getting 200 people to attend a mod_perl conference is particularly ambitious at all, especially if it's held in a manner convenient for people to attend. 20,000 people went to Linux World in New York, and it wasn't THAT great of a

Re: [RFC] holding a mod_perl conference

2000-04-05 Thread Nathan Torkington
Jason Bodnar writes: I guess my big problem with the ORA conference last year was that all the tutorials I attended last year tried to cover the basics and didn't lead enough time for in-depth informaiton. Yup, I agree. The level of the material offered, though, is in the hands of the

Re: [RFC] holding a mod_perl conference

2000-04-05 Thread Nathan Torkington
Jeff D. 'Spud (Zeppelin)' Almeida writes: I don't know why it is that we (as a computer industry) feel compelled to attach grossly overinflated registration fees to our professional meetings, but the ones that don't have them (like YAPC) tend to be better-appreciated. The registration fee is

Re: [RFC] holding a mod_perl conference

2000-04-05 Thread Nathan Torkington
Leslie Mikesell writes: personal styles of perl coding are involved. It would be nice if some outlines/slides of the material could be online before the signup deadlines and the actual session could spend more time in discussion and question/answer than covering the overview. (getting away

Re: [summary] holding a mod_perl conference

2000-04-20 Thread Nathan Torkington
Stas Bekman writes: Therefore a possible solution, as offered by both conference organizers, is to have a dedicated mod_perl track this summer in Monterey and in Close, but not quite. It's too late to adjust the July 2000 conference (layout was finalized around March 1), but we are all

Re: gensym()

2000-04-24 Thread Nathan Torkington
Matt Sergeant writes: Nope, but often I do use the TomC "my $fh = do { local *FH; };" method, because I hate those ugly HANDLE capital letters everywhere - they use up more bytes than lower case ones... ;-) When you have 5.6.0, it's even easier: my $fh; open($fh, " foobar") or die; #

Re: ORA conference

2000-07-14 Thread Nathan Torkington
Ask Bjoern Hansen writes: We have a mod_perl BOF the 19th from 8-9pm (that's 20-21 for the rest of us) - - which means that we have to stay sober enough to at least remember what time it is while we drink VA Linux's beer. :-)

Re: ignore header_only()?

2000-08-04 Thread Nathan Torkington
Thanks for the speedy response. You've now emboldened me to ask my second question: sometimes I see people not calling send_http_header() and yet their HTML still comes through. Does mod_perl sometimes automatically call this for you? Nat

Re: Putting together the TPC mod_perl track

2000-11-01 Thread Nathan Torkington
Matt Sergeant writes: Since its getting towards the end of the year, should we be thinking of putting together a mod_perl track for TPC? I've got a room allocated to mod_perl for two days of conference at the next OScon. With this group's blessing I'd like to call it "the mod_perl

Re: Putting together the TPC mod_perl track

2000-11-01 Thread Nathan Torkington
I wrote: I've got a room allocated to mod_perl for two days of conference at the next OScon Man, that'll teach me to open my big mouth :-) OScon is O'Reilly's Open Source Convention. Next year it will be in San Diego. See for a link to this year's OScon. OScon

Re: Putting together the TPC mod_perl track

2000-11-01 Thread Nathan Torkington
Perrin Harkins writes: I may be able to offer something on how we use mod_perl at eToys. We recently rewrote our codebase to take better advantage of mod_perl and are using some fun OO stuff, as well as a bunch of scalability tricks. I was also thinking about presenting a comparison of

Re: Putting together the TPC mod_perl track

2000-11-12 Thread Nathan Torkington
Stas Bekman writes: Sorry about not mentioning all the other speakers who have added to the YAPC fun. Nat was there, so we will make sure to bring at least a little of this fun to TPC. I know that people pay a lot of money to attend TPC, compared to YAPC, but I doubt that people would

Re: RFC: mod_perl advocacy project resurrection

2000-12-05 Thread Nathan Torkington
Stas Bekman writes: Luckily Matt has got sick of waiting for someone to work on the advocacy of mod_perl and he has just taken over it. Having a good informational site is good, but it's not enough. We need to solve the problem of people to find this site and wanting to use mod_perl.

Re: RFC: mod_perl advocacy project resurrection

2000-12-05 Thread Nathan Torkington
Paul writes: Any idea what it would take to get a link there from webs like tpj and Those two I can easily make happen. Send me email saying what you want a link to, and what you want the link to say. Writers for are always wanted. Pitch your article ideas to [EMAIL

Re: RFC: mod_perl advocacy project resurrection

2000-12-07 Thread Nathan Torkington
J. J. Horner writes: I'd be interested in something like this. Certification is a quagmire. If it's done well, it takes a lot of work by the certification authority, and that makes it expensive for those certified. If it's done poorly, it's useless and is just a moneymaker for the

A plea for editing

2000-12-10 Thread Nathan Torkington
Please trim your replies so that there aren't two pages of quoted material and then five lines of original response. Sometimes I feel like I need a map and compass to find the new message :-) Thanks, Nat - To unsubscribe,

Article idea: mod_perl + JSP

2000-12-12 Thread Nathan Torkington
I think the 100% Java idea has had its day. Microsoft's .NET is a tacit admission that in the real world Microsoft will never own 100% of the market, so let's make things work better together. In that vein, I'd love to see an article on mod_perl and JSP cooperating. That is, a website that

Re: Article idea: mod_perl + JSP

2000-12-12 Thread Nathan Torkington
Perrin Harkins writes: Anyway, I think a better approach for getting attention from Java-minded people is to demonstrate that there are well-designed, carefully engineered sites being built in mod_perl. Most of the articles I see about Perl tend to play up the "quick hack" aspect, and ignore

Re: Mod_perl tutorials

2000-12-13 Thread Nathan Torkington
J. J. Horner writes: What is the story on these tutorials? Is it something you can distribute, or did most of it come off of the top your head? Tutorials seems like a deadend for effort. I've had zero (0) responses to my offer of my "Introduction to mod_perl" tutorial. If nobody's

Re: Re[2]: Mod_perl tutorials

2000-12-13 Thread Nathan Torkington
Allen Wilson writes: I for one...would like to see some tutorials. I am just starting to use mod_perl and it hard getting a firm start. is the only freely-available tutorial that I know of. There are a few (ahem) bugs in the code, but the tutorial is

Re: Mod_perl tutorials

2000-12-13 Thread Nathan Torkington
Matt Sergeant writes: Basically I see the distinction as news/community vs the official home page. The same as vs phpbuilder. I think should be the webpage that shows modperl to be an active vibrant technology. In other words, I think take23 should really be on

Re: Mod_perl tutorials

2000-12-14 Thread Nathan Torkington
Gunther Birznieks writes: However, I am willing to concede that as a first cut, fancy slides are probably not worth it because the slides will change too often. Once v1 is released, then someone can transcribe the slides to PPT (or maybe a tool will exist by then) as a "stable release" if

Re: Advocacy idea ...

2000-12-14 Thread Nathan Torkington
Homsher, Dave V. writes: With all of the advocacy talk on the ML right now I've been mulling around the idea of having a "peer review" forum where one could post code that you are currently working on w/an explanation of what you are trying to accomplish and have the community review/give

Re: [OT] JMS-like event framework for Perl

2001-03-10 Thread Nathan Torkington
"Michael A. Nachbaur" wrote: Since today seems to be "The Day of the Off Topic(tm)", I thought I'd jump in with my question. Is there a event messaging framework available for Perl, similar to JMS? I'd like to be able to have an object registered as a handler for certain "events", and

Re: [OT] JMS-like event framework for Perl

2001-03-10 Thread Nathan Torkington
jeff saenz wrote: Might be possible that soap is addressing messaging issues. Is there a event messaging framework available for Perl, similar to JMS? I'd like to be able to have an object registered as a handler for certain "events", and have perl code throw those events causing the

Re: Fw: Re: [OT] ApacheCon BOF

2001-03-22 Thread Nathan Torkington
Blue Lang wrote: I'd like to officially vote for Maude Pearl, the 1920's Bettie Paige-ish dominatrix-esque mod_perl mascot. Wow. I've had "perl6 themes" as a background process for a while now. SM is certainly a meme that precious few other programming languages have made use of ...

Re: [OT] Apachecon folks

2001-04-11 Thread Nathan Torkington
Matt Sergeant writes: For what it's worth, I'm now back out from spending a week and a bit under the bar. What a hangover! :-) I'd like to attest that I did see Matt away from the bar. Sometimes he was pool-side, and sometimes he went to Fry's with us. :-) I can't say how much fun it was

Re: PERL.COM, ORA and Songline mailservers SUCK!

2001-05-04 Thread Nathan Torkington
Jesse Erlbaum writes: I've been trying for THREE DAYS to email SOMEBODY at PERL.COM about taking out a damn ad in their Perl.Com newsletter. The bounces from songline and oreillynet were very bogus. I've sent your mail to someone high up at to figure out what's going on and get in

Re: Mod Perl Tutorials??

2001-05-26 Thread Nathan Torkington
Stas Bekman writes: Anyway, you can take tutorials without going to any conferences. My tutorials are available from, Nat has posted his tutorial's URL a few months ago and it should be available in the archives. I suppose you can ask other folks that deliver mod_perl

Re: Help, no room at the inn!

2001-07-15 Thread Nathan Torkington
Jeffrey W. Baker writes: Because I am an Authentic 99.44 Percent Pure Jackass(tm) I haven't booked a room at the O'Reilly convention fast approaching. I called the hotel today and all they were able to offer me were some overpriced suites that I don't want. I would be very grateful if one

Re: OT: Re: ApacheCon Dublin Cancelled?

2001-07-16 Thread Nathan Torkington
Matt Sergeant writes: I doubt it's the last one we'll see fall... I suspect TPC will be a shadow of its former self... :( Despite my best efforts (zillions more tracks than last year, 200+ talks, five days instead of four, all in a tanking economy), there's going to be an OScon with TPC next

Re: OT: Re: ApacheCon Dublin Cancelled?

2001-07-17 Thread Nathan Torkington
Matt Sergeant writes: I guess TPC::Hawaii is out then :-) Don't think I haven't argued for it! Nat

Re: [OT] New Micro$oft vulnerability?

2001-09-18 Thread Nathan Torkington has a mod_perl handler to catch the requests as soon as they arrive, and discard them with a minimum of work to Apache. If your web server is struggling under the load, this might help. The heuristic it uses for requests to ignore with prejudice is the

Re: [OT] New Micro$oft vulnerability?

2001-09-18 Thread Nathan Torkington
[Apologies if you get this twice--mailed it first from my account, which may not be the address subscribed to this list] has a mod_perl handler to catch the requests as soon as they arrive, and discard them with a minimum of work to Apache. If

Re: [OT] New Micro$oft vulnerability?

2001-09-18 Thread Nathan Torkington
Tim Peoples writes: This 'Apache::Vermicide' module, installed as a 'PerlPostReadRequestHandler', seems to be preventing any 'PerlSetEnv' directives from being parsed out of a '.htaccess' file (or equivalent). IOW, the ENV vars aren't getting set properly. I'm investigating how to remedy

Re: [OT] New Micro$oft vulnerability?

2001-09-18 Thread Nathan Torkington
Tim Peoples writes: I tried doing the s/OK/DECLINED/ thing and it didn't do the trick. :-( You're right, it was the restart that did it. OK/DECLINED makes no difference in that handler. I'm seeing, with or without my handler, the PerlSetEnv stuff only happening once per connection rather

Re: [OT] New Micro$oft vulnerability?

2001-09-21 Thread Nathan Torkington
Tim Peoples writes: I tried doing the s/OK/DECLINED/ thing and it didn't do the trick. :-( I forgot to mention that this is in combination with HTML::Mason, but I doubt that should have any effect. This appears to be a bug in mod_perl, partially (said, I think, Geoff Young) fixed in the

Re: Excellent article on Apache/mod_perl at eToys

2001-10-23 Thread Nathan Torkington
Leon Brocard writes: Perhaps a port of JMS is in order. Interestingly, I've been thinking along the same lines. Spread ( can be used for the publish/subscribe messaging domain but queueing seems to be important too. Straying a bit offtopic perhaps, but I wonder what

Re: [OT] P2EE Redux was: Excellent article on Apache/mod_perl at eToys

2001-10-23 Thread Nathan Torkington
Stephen Adkins writes: If no one suggests an appropriate list, I propose starting a p2ee group on SourceForge. This gives us mailing lists and a CVS repository for the artifacts of the effort (which will mostly be specifications and documentation, with maybe some Bundle files). I would also

Re: [OT] P2EE Redux was: Excellent article on Apache/mod_perl at eToys

2001-10-23 Thread Nathan Torkington
Stephen Adkins writes: That would be great (as long as can host the CVS too). My concern was that might not be as specialized in hosting development teams as Do you support viewcvs or similar for web browsing of the CVS repository? cvsweb. You can see

p5ee list active

2001-10-23 Thread Nathan Torkington
The list's goal is to create the Perl 5 Enterprise Extensions. Send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] to join. When we've decided on a path and start to code, I'll have a CVS repository created. Nat

Re: p5ee list active

2001-10-24 Thread Nathan Torkington
Stas Bekman writes: The list's goal is to create the Perl 5 Enterprise Extensions. Send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] to join. When we've decided on a path and start to code, I'll have a CVS repository created. any reason for hardcoding 5 in the name? Two reasons: * perl6 doesn't exist

Re: Excellent article on Apache/mod_perl at eToys

2001-10-25 Thread Nathan Torkington
I suppose I should point out that is always interested in mod_perl articles. If you've learned lessons that others could benefit from, contact the editor, Simon Cozens [EMAIL PROTECTED]. Nat

Re: IBM patents Template Systems?

2001-10-17 Thread Nathan Torkington
Joe Schaefer writes: A causal reading seems to suggest that most mod_perl-based templating systems do exactly what this patent will cover: i.e. set up a non-HTML based website where templates dynamically convert non-HTML files into HTML. IANAL (and IVAGINAL too, but that's for a different

take23 and what we're doing

2002-01-06 Thread Nathan Torkington has been very quiet. I think it'd be cool if everyone on this list posted a short piece about their current mod_perl project. It could be a module they're working on, a site they built, or even something as simple as how I used Apache::MP3 to let everyone in our house listen to our

Perl Cookbook modperl chapter

2002-12-11 Thread Nathan Torkington
I need some people with brains (instead of the warm gray mush filling my head, the effects of becoming an editor) to look over the first 1/3 or so of a mod_perl chapter for the upcoming Perl Cookbook. I need people to read the work for accuracy. If you're interested, send me mail: [EMAIL

Re: Perl Cookbook modperl chapter

2002-12-11 Thread Nathan Torkington
Nick Tonkin writes: Obviously you (or ORA) _are_ competing with mod_perl Developer's Cookbook ... If ORA wanted to cover mod_perl they should not have let Geoff co. get away to another publisher. Actually, we do cover mod_perl--we published the Eagle book, Writing Apache Modules ... way

Re: OSCON ideas - MVC talk

2003-01-08 Thread Nathan Torkington
Ask Bjoern Hansen writes: On Wed, 8 Jan 2003, Perrin Harkins wrote: Like Perrin I would like feedback on the idea before putting in my proposal. I've also been asked if anyone has a wishlist of talks they'd like to see at the conference. Ideally they'd be talks I'd pay money to see but I

RE: OSCON ideas - missing proceedings

2003-01-09 Thread Nathan Torkington
Mark Schoonover writes: Any chance they will bring it back to San Diego?? :) Not for two years at least (the duration of the contract with the Portland hotel). The San Diego hotel was much more expensive and remote, compared to the Portland hotel. I think people are really going to enjoy being

Re: OSCON ideas - missing proceedings

2003-01-09 Thread Nathan Torkington
Robert Landrum writes: One of the other things I disliked about the last OSCON was the missing Perl Conference Proceedings. They didn't appear because we didn't have time at O'Reilly to do it. They're prepared in Framemaker, to fit with our style guide, and take a huge and painful amount of

RE: OSCON ideas - missing proceedings

2003-01-13 Thread Nathan Torkington
Mark Schoonover writes: Are there plans to do the University again?? Every year or two I try again to revive it. Your message started me again this year. No promises, but we're looking into it. Thanks Nat for the work you did down here!! Thanks for your kind words. I love every minute of

Re: /

2001-10-18 Thread Nathan Torkington
Ask Bjoern Hansen writes: I'll chew on a new layout and give you something by the end of the week. Thanks, awesome! :-) I did have something by the end of last week, just not much. I'd hoped to find the time to plug the holes this week, but haven't been able to. So here it is, woefully

Re: [preview 1] new mod_perl site concept

2001-10-24 Thread Nathan Torkington
Stas Bekman writes: Notice that I've just taken a few pages together, but let me know what you think. Nice. I assume that we're at the stage of criticising the design and not the text/ (I'd like you to use the text I came up with for my experiment at

Re: /

2001-10-11 Thread Nathan Torkington
Stas Bekman writes: Everything is under CVS, and if somebody wants to come and give a hand to redo the site, there is no problem to give a cvs access to this person. I'll chew on a new layout and give you something by the end of the week. Thanks, Nat