Relinquishing Maintenance of Core Modules

2021-07-23 Thread Jerry D. Hedden
I am the current maintainer of several core Perl 5 modules as well as some
I have developed myself.  However, I am no longer able to devote effort
into maintaining these.  As such, I would like to transfer
ownership/responsibility to whoever would like to volunteer.

The core modules are:


Their github repositories are:


Additional modules I maintain include:


and their corresponding github repos:


It's been a grand journey.
Jerry D. Hedden

Re: Perl Modules in GitHub

2016-03-29 Thread Jerry D. Hedden
That just what I'm looking for, Leon.  Would you please add me to that
organization (jdhedden) so that I can add the dual-life modules I have to
it?  Thanks.

On Tue, Mar 29, 2016 at 10:07 AM, Leon Timmermans <> wrote:

> On Tue, Mar 29, 2016 at 5:21 AM, Jerry D. Hedden <>
> wrote:
>> I maintain server Perl modules on CPAN:
>>  Some of the modules are part of the
>> core Perl distribution; some are my own.  I want to add them to GitHub.  Is
>> there preferred organization, account, methodology for doing this?  I would
>> think there is a better way than just putting them under my own GitHub
>> account, particularly as this would complicate matters if the time should
>> come when someone else would need to take over their maintenance.
> AFAIK the perl group is not meant as a community development platform
> (most obviously perl/perl is only a mirror), but more as communication to
> the outside world The Perl Toolchain gang is quite functional at what it's
> trying to do, but I don't think think that enlarging that umbrella is a
> good idea organizationally. I do think it may be a good idea to have an
> organization for non-toolchain dual-life modules (in fact, I just took the
> liberty of creating exactly such an organization).
> Leon

Re: Perl Modules in GitHub

2016-03-28 Thread Jerry D. Hedden
Okay, I see that GitHub allows me to create organizations which I presume
is what you're referring to as groups.

Are there existing organizations for which adding the core Perl Modules
(threads, threads::shared, etc.) would be appropriate?

On Mon, Mar 28, 2016 at 11:23 PM, Dean Hamstead <>

> Github allows you to create "groups" which can own modules.
> You can then add people to those groups as you see fit.
> Dean
> On 2016-03-29 14:21, Jerry D. Hedden wrote:
> I maintain server Perl modules on CPAN:
>  Some of the modules are part of the
> core Perl distribution; some are my own.  I want to add them to GitHub.  Is
> there preferred organization, account, methodology for doing this?  I would
> think there is a better way than just putting them under my own GitHub
> account, particularly as this would complicate matters if the time should
> come when someone else would need to take over their maintenance.

Perl Modules in GitHub

2016-03-28 Thread Jerry D. Hedden
I maintain server Perl modules on CPAN:
 Some of the modules are part of the core Perl distribution; some are my
own.  I want to add them to GitHub.  Is there preferred organization,
account, methodology for doing this?  I would think there is a better way
than just putting them under my own GitHub account, particularly as this
would complicate matters if the time should come when someone else would
need to take over their maintenance.

Re: Consensus on MakeMaker vs. Module::Build vs. Module::Install?

2010-03-22 Thread Jerry D. Hedden
For the modules I put on CPAN, I use ExtUtils::MakeMaker/Makefile.PL
because it is universally installed on all Perl versions that I
support, and I have not found a need to migrate to something else.

Re: Weekend entertainment

2009-11-16 Thread Jerry D. Hedden
David Golden wrote:
 I would rather see the author withdraw it voluntarily.

Thomas Klausner wrote:
 I would suggest renaming the dist to Acme::Lingua::NigerianSPAM, which
 makes it clear that the author is not mocking the country and/or people
 of Nigeria, but only the very annoying spammers who deserve all the
 mocking they can get.

Capital idea.  Hope the author concurs.

Re: Weekend entertainment

2009-11-15 Thread Jerry D. Hedden
David Landgren wrote:
 I wanted to share this... Some people have no sense of humour. This came up
 on the queue.

 (I shall compose a message saying Acme is fun, etc. etc. Can anyone point me
 to other similar Acme modules to put this in context?)

David Golden replied:
 I think the module is offensive -- which is not inconsistent with it
 trying to be funny  Funny and offensive is sometimes a fine line.  I'm
 not saying it needs to be yanked -- I don't support censoring bad
 thoughts.  I would rather see the author withdraw it voluntarily.
 Even in Acme, I'd rather see the Perl community trying to be inclusive
 and not make jokes at anyone's expense.

I think the module is funny, and I don't find it offensive at all.  To whom
is it offensive?  Nigerians that are ashamed of what their fellow countrymen
are doing?  Well, they should be, and should put a stop to it.

Consider Jeff Foxworthy making fun of rednecks.  How is that different?
Nearly all humor offends someone.  F*** 'em if they can't take a joke.  Go
out and by a thicker skin.

As the module doesn't border on a hate crime, I see not reason to even
suggest that the author consider a voluntary withdrawal.

 People do remember Alias' ill-considered Acme::Playmate talk, right?
 (And his very responsible apology afterwards, too)

Again, a few people that can't take a joke.  You can't please all the
people all the time.

(Just my opinion.  Take it with a big grain of salt.)

BTW, here's a joke for you:  Where do you find a turtle with no legs?
Right where you left it!   Ha Ha

I'm sure I'll piss off a few animal lovers with that one.  ;)

Re: Why you don't want to use /dev/random for testing

2009-11-10 Thread Jerry D. Hedden
 There are other options too, depending on your needs. The Math::Random
 namespace has tons of these, including one that I've worked on
 (Math::Random::ISAAC) and some others I've toyed with, notably the
 Mersenne Twister (Math::Random::MT) and TT800 algorithms (related to
 the Mersenne Twister; see Math::Random::TT800)

Math::Random::MT::Auto another PRNG module.  It uses a variety of random
data source for seeding, and has a insuperably long period.  (But as with any
PRNG, not cryptographically suitable.)

 If you need random data, you can also get it from interrupt timings.
 See Math::TrulyRandom for details.

The Math::Random::MT::Auto POD also lists several truly random data sources.

Re: How to best detect availability of C compiler in Makefile.PL?

2009-10-13 Thread Jerry D. Hedden
On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 6:17 AM, O. STeffen BEYer wrote:
 what would be the best way to detect whether a working C compiler is
 available at build time of a module (i.e., in Makefile.PL)?

See the Makefile.PL for the 'threads' module.  I have reused this
technique in several other modules and it works well.

Re: how to set $VERSION throughout distribution

2009-09-13 Thread Jerry D. Hedden
 Because then you have to update more than one module.  Shawn's Programming
 Rules #5
  5. If you have the same data in two places, they will get out off sync.
 Write the code to detect and correct this now, because when it happens, it
 will be too late.

You just need something to keep them in sync.  I have a script that
sets all the version and double-checks them (and does so much more as
well) before I make a release to CPAN.

 package Workflow;
 use Workflow::VERSION;
 $Workflow::VERSION = $Workflow::VERSION::VERSION;

This sort of strategy caused problems with the CPANPLUS module code
awhile back in that the 'cpan-r' command showed its submodules to
have no version numbers.  Not sure if that's all been fixed now, but
it did illustrate to me that trying to set versions via a version
module is not a robust scheme.

Re: how to set $VERSION throughout distribution

2009-09-13 Thread Jerry D. Hedden
 I use the three number form:
   $VERSION = q(v1.2.3);

This may cause problems because it makes $VERSION a string,
namely, v1.2.3.  This prohibits numeric version comparisons
which is the norm.  It also means your CPAN modules will get
called something like Mod-Name-v1.2.3.tar.gz which is also

Re: Test Failures - XS, does not match bootstrap parameter and version objects

2009-07-28 Thread Jerry D. Hedden
The error message says it all:

  XS object version v1.0.6 does not match bootstrap parameter 1.0.6

Note the 'v' in the first version statement and the lack in the second.

This is just one reason I don't use anything but single decimal point
versions (e.g., 1.23), and never use version objects.  In fact, I even
make sure my versions don't end in 0 either - i.e., I go from 1.09 to

I know there's a right way to probably do all this, but it always
seems there a catch somewhere with older perls, CPAN or something else.
Therefore, I just avoid all the headaches and hassles with the above

On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 12:37 PM, Jonathan wrote:

 I seek the wisdom of any other module authors that might have come
 across this problem.

 Recently, I uploaded a new version of Math::Random::ISAAC::XS and ran
 into a *lot* of regressions. I've looked at the diff and I didn't
 really change all that much, except for removing some things from
 Recommends. The smokers nonetheless output something that I can't
 reproduce, and I'm not sure if it has to do with my use of the
 'version' pragma, or if the systems in question are using an older
 version than I test with.

 In at least one report, the version seems to be recent, so I'm not
 sure if it's a new issue:     version            0     0.76_06

 I get plenty of failing tests:

 Here is the diff between my last (100% PASS) version, 1.05, and the
 latest version, which has a lot more failures than I'd like:

 Any insight that the module-authors can provide would be greatly
 appreciated. Does this have to do with the latest version pragma?
 Maybe I should also agree that it's considered a Bad Thing and move to
 using the older, more Perlish version numbers :(

Re: [ANNOUNCE] ExtUtils::MakeMaker 6.52

2009-06-01 Thread Jerry D. Hedden
Michael G Schwern wrote:
 This is a release of ExtUtils::MakeMaker, the thing that runs your
    Bug Fixes
    * maybe_command() will recognize Windows executables in
      /cygdrive on Cygwin [ 16375] (PJF)

The implemented tests don't work if the drive prefix
(cygdrive) is changed by the user (like I do :).  I have
submitted a bug report on this along with a patch (also
attached here).  Thanks.

Bug report:

Description: Binary data

Re: Testing on blead

2008-07-28 Thread Jerry D. Hedden
Johan Vromans wrote:
 We all love the CPAN testers and the results publised at

Except when failure reports reflect problems in a particular
tester's environment, and not problems with the modules being
tested.  (But that goes without saying, right?)

 But recently I suddenly saw a big load of failures in one of my
 packages. All these failures were for 5.11.0.

 Now, 5.11.0 is a development version, and a moving target. A test
 failure with blead reveals often more about blead than about the
 tested package.

I routinely report tests against blead.  I don't see failures
often, and when I do, they usually reflect some new change in
Perl that requires a subsequent change in the module.  When I
encounter such cases, I try to figure out a patch and then
report it as bug (along with the patch) against the affected

 So, on one hand, it is a good thing that packages are being tested with
 blead versions. On the other hand, when users want to find out if a
 package is usable they're only interested in released versions of

 What are your ideas about this? Should blead test results be separated
 from the other results?

I agree they should be segregated.  However, they should also be
reported to the module's maintainers so they can fix things

Re: Maintainer mode

2008-06-11 Thread Jerry D. Hedden
 You don't need to make these tests run for the end user to get the point.
 All of my dists (should) ship with a pod.t and pod-coverage.t that only runs
 in maintainer mode.

 How do you do that, by the way?  How do you set it up so the test
 suite knows it's you and not an end-user?

Environment variable:

use Test::More;
plan 'tests' = 3;
} else {
plan 'skip_all' = 'Module maintainer tests';

How to require threads? (was FAIL Thread-Queue-2.04 darwin-2level 9.1.0)

2008-02-20 Thread Jerry D. Hedden
If you look through the failure report below, you'll find
the relevant issue:

ERROR:  This Perl not built to support threads

This is purposefully generated in Makefile.PL:

use Config;
die(ERROR:  This Perl not built to support threads\n)
if (! $Config{'useithreads'});

Thus, there is no failure; there is a lack of meeting a
prerequisite.  As such, trying to install this module should
result in an UNKNOWN and not a FAIL.

My question is how to code Makefile.PL to require a Perl
version built with ithreads, but not have it be reported as
a failure?

On Feb 20, 2008 5:11 AM,  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This distribution has been tested as part of the cpan-testers
 effort to test as many new uploads to CPAN as possible.  See

 Please cc any replies to [EMAIL PROTECTED] to keep other
 test volunteers informed and to prevent any duplicate effort.

 Dear Jerry D. Hedden,

 This is a computer-generated report for Thread-Queue-2.04
 on perl-5.8.8, created automatically by CPAN-Reporter-1.0602
 and sent to the CPAN Testers mailing list.

 If you have received this email directly, it is because the person testing
 your distribution chose to send a copy to your CPAN email address; there
 may be a delay before the official report is received and processed
 by CPAN Testers.

 Thank you for uploading your work to CPAN.  However, it appears that
 there were some problems with your distribution.  If these results are
 not what you expect or if you would like to learn how to avoid FAIL
 reports for missing dependencies, unsupported operating systems, etc.,
 please consult Notes for CPAN Authors on the CPAN Testers Wiki:

 Sections of this report:

 * Tester comments
 * Program output
 * Prerequisites
 * Environment and other context


 Additional comments from tester:

 [none provided]


 Output from '/opt/local/bin/perl Makefile.PL INSTALLDIRS=site 
 LIB=/Users/naha/local/lib/perl5 PREFIX=/Users/naha/local':

 ERROR:  This Perl not built to support threads
 BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at Makefile.PL line 8.


 Prerequisite modules loaded:

 No requirements found


 Environment variables:

 LANG = ja_JP.UTF-8
 LD_LIBRARY_PATH = /opt/local/lib:/Users/naha/local/lib:
 LIB = /Users/naha/local/lib
 PATH = 
 PERL_AUTOINSTALL = --defaultdeps
 SHELL = /bin/zsh
 TERM = xterm-color
 TMPDIR = /var/folders/HW/HWVMfy3XECOWYx-DdhwifU+++TI/-Tmp-/

 Perl special variables (and OS-specific diagnostics, for MSWin32):

 $^X = /opt/local/bin/perl
 $UID/$EUID = 501 / 501
 $GID = 20 80 79 101 81 98 20
 $EGID = 20 80 79 101 81 98 20

 Perl module toolchain versions installed:

 Module  Have
 --- --
 Cwd 3.2701
 ExtUtils::CBuilder  0.22
 ExtUtils::Command   1.13
 ExtUtils::Install   1.44
 ExtUtils::MakeMaker 6.36
 ExtUtils::Manifest  1.51
 ExtUtils::ParseXS   2.19
 File::Spec  3.2701
 Module::Build   0.2808
 Module::Signature   n/a
 Test::Harness   3.09
 Test::More  0.74
 YAML::Syck  1.04
 version 0.74


 Summary of my perl5 (revision 5 version 8 subversion 8) configuration:
 osname=darwin, osvers=9.1.0, archname=darwin-2level
 uname='darwin joe-nahas-macbook-pro.local 9.1.0 darwin kernel version 
 9.1.0: wed oct 31 17:46:22 pdt 2007; root:xnu-1228.0.2~1release_i386 i386 '
 config_args='-des -Dprefix=/opt/local -Dccflags=-I'/opt/local/include' 
 -Dldflags=-L/opt/local/lib -Dvendorprefix=/opt/local -Dcc=/usr/bin/gcc-4.0'
 hint=recommended, useposix=true, d_sigaction=define
 usethreads=undef use5005threads=undef useithreads=undef 
 useperlio=define d_sfio=undef uselargefiles=define usesocks=undef
 use64bitint=undef use64bitall=undef uselongdouble=undef
 usemymalloc=n, bincompat5005=undef

Re: How to require threads? (was FAIL Thread-Queue-2.04 darwin-2level 9.1.0)

2008-02-20 Thread Jerry D. Hedden
 If you look through the failure report below, you'll find
 the relevant issue:

 ERROR:  This Perl not built to support threads

 This is purposefully generated in Makefile.PL:

 use Config;
 die(ERROR:  This Perl not built to support threads\n)
 if (! $Config{'useithreads'});

 Thus, there is no failure; there is a lack of meeting a
 prerequisite.  As such, trying to install this module should
 result in an UNKNOWN and not a FAIL.

 My question is how to code Makefile.PL to require a Perl
 version built with ithreads, but not have it be reported as
 a failure?

Vincent Pit wrote:
 You can let it die with OS unsupported as the error message.

This appears to be a CPANPLUS specific solution (which is a
start, at least).  Is there anything else, hopefully more

Re: How to require threads? (was FAIL Thread-Queue-2.04 darwin-2level 9.1.0)

2008-02-20 Thread Jerry D. Hedden
Thanks for the responses.  I went with the following:

In the following modules, I added 'threads' as a


In the Makefile.PL for 'threads', I used (per Dave's

use Config;
die(OS unsupported:  ERROR: This Perl not built to support threads\n)
if (! $Config{'useithreads'});

This should result in NA's for any attempts to install
'threads' on non-threaded Perls, and no reports at all for
the other modules because their 'threads' prerequiste is not

Re: How to require threads? (was FAIL Thread-Queue-2.04 darwin-2level 9.1.0)

2008-02-20 Thread Jerry D. Hedden
  this however clashes with the module: is supposed
  to supply an ithreads compatible API, without having to have a
  threads enable perl.

Interesting, but I'm not going to attempt to support the
'forks' module (at least not just yet).  Looking over its
docs, I found that if users really want to, they can install
'forks' as though it were 'threads'.  They could then force
the installation of whatever Thread::* modules they then
want to use.

Re: How best to state VERSION

2008-02-18 Thread Jerry D. Hedden
There's a million and one opinions on this.  Here's mine.  I only use
the #.## format, and never use a zero for the last digit.  Therefore, I
always start with 1.01, and wouldn't use something like 1.10, (i.e., I'd
go from 1.09 to 1.11).  I've never had any problems with this formating,
and it works with everything.  All other formats have pros and cons.
Just my $0.02.

On Feb 17, 2008 1:59 PM, Geoffrey Leach [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I recently had my hand slapped (in the nicest possible way!) for this
 in the principal module of a CPAN submission.

 use version; our $VERSION = qv(1.0.0); # Also appears ...

 our $VERSION = 1.;

 worked just fine.  Is there a workaround that allows the use of qv,
 short of using Module::Build?

Re: How to recognize modules that needs compilation?

2007-05-14 Thread Jerry D. Hedden

Gabor Szabo wrote:

I would like to create a list of modules that need compilations
as opposed to those that are pure perl

Is checking for a file with .xs .c or .h extension in the distribution
the correct thing to do?

I think it would cover nearly all cases.

Who controls

2007-04-02 Thread Jerry D. Hedden
Who do I need to contact to get access permission on so I
can add the 'threads' and 'threads::shared' modules to it?


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Re: Who controls

2007-04-02 Thread Jerry D. Hedden
Jerry D. Hedden wrote:
 Who do I need to contact to get access permission on so I can add the 'threads' and
 'threads::shared' modules to it?

Andy Lester wrote:
 I recommend using Google Code hosting at
 instead.   Setup is trivial, as is adding people to the
 project.  Both of those require human intervention if you
 host it on

For my own modules, I might consider it, but for core
modules, I feel they should go somewhere more 'official'.

 But I see from
 that you've  asked and been responded to there about this.
 I wonder why you still want

You must be mistaking me for someone else on this point.  I
am not referenced on that node.


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Re: supporting older perls

2007-02-25 Thread Jerry D. Hedden
Greg Matheson wrote:
 How do you find out what can be done in older perls?

Andy Armstrong wrote:
 Is it not possible to build 5.6.2?
 Archaeology: this seems to be the birth of use constant:

5.6.2 is available here:

I built it under Solaris and use it for testing my modules.


Any questions? Get answers on any topic at  Try it now.

RE: Assume Co-Maintainership of Mail-Webmail-Gmail

2006-03-10 Thread Jerry D. Hedden

  Original Message 
 Subject: Re: Assume Co-Maintainership of Mail-Webmail-Gmail
 From: Shlomi Fish [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Fri, March 10, 2006 6:41 am
 Cc: Perl Module-Authors

 It's been over a month since I sent this. Why didn't I receive a reply?

You have to contact the 'owner' directly.  Only the owner can make you a
co-maintainer.  This mailing list does not directly affect ownership.

 On Monday 06 February 2006 00:05, Shlomi Fish wrote:
  I'd like to become co-maintainer of the Mail-Webmail-Gmail module:
  Has been unmaintained since April 2005, and is now broken due to the gmail
  interface change. I wrote and submitted a patch to fix it:
  However it was not applied since its submission. The author did not respond
  to my ping, and had not dealt with the incompatiblity change.
  Thus, please make my user on PAUSE (SHLOMIF) a co-maintainer of this
  module so I can upload a corrected version of it there.