Hi All,

On Wednesday morning very very early my family and I will all bundle
ourselves in a car for the beginning of Journey that'll end with us
all being safely installed in a rather warmer climate.   Two weeks
later we'll be heading back to the cold, wet and windy, but oh so
beautiful region of Scotland that I call home.  My wife, holder of
much greater wisdom than I, has banned from touching a computer during
my trip - this will be a first as even through Christmas I was banging
away on the computer.

My plan is to tag OSG and VPB dev release tomorrow, I still have
various submissions and a couple of minor features to implement in
both before I tag the releases so most likely these dev releases will
come out tomorrow afternoon (UK time).  Testing of SVN of both
projects on as many platforms as possible would be much appreciated as
these dev releases will be what you'll have to live with while I'm
away ;-)

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