Re: Digital Street Shooting + Question

2004-05-22 Thread ernreed2
Cotty posted: Do any of the Optios, or any other Pentax digital camera for that matter have this type of swing-out, orientateable LCD finder? Is the Optio 33LF still on the market? I haven't met this camera personally, but here's the link to everything I know about it

Re: OT: To Photoshop Class, Or Not?

2004-05-21 Thread ernreed2
In the interest of changing the subject, and creating new threads, and all that... I've been debating taking a Photoshop class. (7 is what I'll be using, and let's not go there again, re versions. ;-)) So I am curious, if you use Photoshop, did you ever take a class in it? Or did you

Re: Why can't they just... was Re: Anyone still using windows ME

2004-05-21 Thread ernreed2
Antonio said: As to the international nature of the list (and I am only mentioning it because you brought it up) I do not see what bearing this has on anything - surely in times of conflict dialogue and debate should be welcomed between those with differing opinions - the way the world

Re: Why can't they just... was Re: Anyone still using windows ME

2004-05-21 Thread ernreed2
Antonio: Having followed this list for the past year without contributing my impression was that you discussed OT topics here all the time. in response to my comment: Experience has shown that most members of this list do not want inflammatory OFF-TOPIC subjects debated HERE, even if

RE: PAW - There heeere..

2004-05-20 Thread ernreed2
78 what? 1978. Class of 1978. In the US it's the year of graduation from high school Cheers, Cotty Oh. Cotty: 1987 was my university graduation. Not high school (that was 1980.) ERN

Re: Future Practicality of Film

2004-05-19 Thread ernreed2
Ebeneezer Scrooge writes: Now, they are being told that digital is good enough. And, they are being told the truth. The truth is, a 2mp camera is good enough for most consumers. The truth is, they don't need to be a computer wizard to run the thing. The truth is, they don't even need

RE: Future Practicality of Film

2004-05-19 Thread ernreed2
frank said: ROTFLMBFAO (the BF stands for Big Fat, in case anyone out there didn't get that) Somehow I doubt this can be an accurate description, since I understand you ride a bicycle professionally. ERN

Re: PAW - There heeere..

2004-05-19 Thread ernreed2
- Original Message - From: Cotty [EMAIL PROTECTED] On 19/5/04, CHRISTIAN, discombobulated, offered: Yep they are real. about 3 inches long and in densities of 500,000 - 1,000,000 per acre. My co-workers complain about how hard it is to walk in some areas without

Re: Future Practicality of Film

2004-05-18 Thread ernreed2
On 18/5/04, THE CHESHIRE COT, discombobulated, offered: I have phases still to come, which one day i am looking forward to. One of those is walking off into the woods with a large format camera and half a dozen plates, and coming back with a very large grin. I would, under similar

Re: Street Photography ... A Stranger a Day

2004-05-18 Thread ernreed2
Cotty said, among other things: maybe this is what the internet does to us, makes us a 'must have faster and faster' society? I thought microwave ovens were blamed for that. ERN

RE: Starting to Run into Big Bucks

2004-05-18 Thread ernreed2
Well, I won't even BEGIN on what it has cost me!! Airfares alone were well over USD$2500... tan. My other half keeps telling people he bought his new SUV specially for this trip ... (so there!) ERN

Re: OT: PayPal question

2004-05-17 Thread ernreed2
Cotty wrote to Boris: If I were you I would bung 30 bucks in an envelope and go for it. I was going to suggest the very same thing. Just to let you know that at least two of us think so. :-) (snip Cotty's detailed description of sending lots of money) ERN

Re: Anyone still using WIndows ME?

2004-05-17 Thread ernreed2
Antonio said: Or have debates in which everyone shares the same opinion, and where nobody really wants to say anything that is going to be different. in response, I think, to: The key on this list is to NEVER bring up the subject of computer operating systems. Christian The point

RE: The best 28-70 f2.8 zoom?

2004-05-16 Thread ernreed2
Jens said: I see Mr. Spiro is selling his 28-70mm F4 - a very good value for money lens. It got excellent reviews when it came out some years ago. I have one, and it deserved the excellent reviews. Mine doesn't get much use any more, though, since -- as Jens noted -- f/4 is a bit slow for

Re: GFM Question

2004-05-14 Thread ernreed2
On 13/5/04, ELEANOUOUOUOR, discombobulated, offered: Should I be warning anybody official that I'll have one and two-thirds hangers-on, or is it totally no problem to bring them? Will there be enough food? I'll have a mondo stash of Twinkies and other goodies for emergencies, well

Re: Ever had one of those days......

2004-05-14 Thread ernreed2
Wendy said: .. where you wonder if you are actually speaking the same language as the local minilab operators? (story snipped, but it IS worth reading) and then Christian offered: (another good story snipped) WHAT! stupid people Not that it would've necessarily helped, but as a

Re: PAW - Some duck in the park

2004-05-12 Thread ernreed2
Pumped up greens! LMAO Shel Belinkoff Sounds like a scary salad. ERN

Re: PDML GFM Roll Call

2004-05-11 Thread ernreed2
Aye. Myself and spouse. Possibly rugrats as well (negotiations with grandparents for kennelling of same have not been concluded.) I eat pepperoni, as do the rugrats; spouse does too but also eats additional stuff if available. ERN

Re: PDML GFM Roll Call

2004-05-11 Thread ernreed2
Probably not aye. :( Unless some miracle happens for the Gonz. But someone please eat a nice slice of pepperoni + green peppers + onions + Jalapenos + mushrooms + lots of extra cheese!!! rg Wishing I could make it (first time) My husband volunteers to eat this on your behalf. ERN

Re: Enabled with an istD!

2004-05-11 Thread ernreed2
My husband just gave me an early birthday present so I'd have it for the NYCPDML outing on Saturday. I am beside myself with shock. Now I have to rethink my kit for Saturday. Gotta sit down with the manual and get familiar with this puppy. Big thanks to Herb for being Nate's Pentax

RE: My LX came home (update)

2004-05-11 Thread ernreed2
César posted; I would definitely send it back to have them correct it. If you do not, how else will they know theat they may have a problem with their repair procedure? After receiving similar advice offlist from another member, that's what I have done. I communicated with Pentax service

Re: OT: 4MP Point and shoots

2004-04-23 Thread ernreed2
Leon said: I am starting to get tired of being asked what camera people should buy, so I'm asking those who might happen to own some what they like and dislike about their 4MP point and shoot digital cameras. Feel free to say that the Pentax is the best, this is the place to say it after

Re: Semi OT-Street Photography survey

2004-04-23 Thread ernreed2
Steve said (at least, I think it was Steve, sorry if I'm wrong): We had a thread a while back where some objected to the use of photographs for digital. Since you gotta call'em somethin', the word image has become handy. [EMAIL PROTECTED] 04/22/04 12:43PM I hate using the word images

Re: Semi OT-Street Photography survey

2004-04-23 Thread ernreed2
Steven said: I think I mentioned pictures. It's a general term, like image, and can refer to painting as well. It's fine in context, however. Steven Desjardins Department of Chemistry Washington and Lee University Lexington, VA 24450 (540) 458-8873 FAX: (540) 458-8878 [EMAIL

RE: Fryday Survey

2004-04-23 Thread ernreed2
1) What camera did you sell but later wish you hadn't? Only one, and for a reason I haven't seen anyone else use yet. I wished I hadn't sold my KX (which I didn't like) because just a few months later my Dad bought himself a K1000 from a camera store. I think the KX would've suited him

Re: First (and hopefully not last) Post and using both flash connectors

2004-04-22 Thread ernreed2
John posted, regarding It's certainly entertaining, though I don't think the author can have been to Britain. Half his words/phrases are found in Britain, and most, like arse are definitely not imports from Australia. Arse in fact is Saxon, and came to Britain a

Re: Semi OT-Street Photography survey

2004-04-22 Thread ernreed2
Andre said, among other things: Certainly a black MX or black ME (the most quiet M camera if I remember) would be a more discreet camera. Not a lot of noise difference between MX and ME Super, to my ear. Or perhaps I should say, more accurately, between Ken Archer's ME Super and my MX. Just

Re: Disgusting things that people eat

2004-04-22 Thread ernreed2
In a message dated 4/22/2004 6:01:25 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Or the parson's nose... That's one I haven't heard before. What is that? Marnie aka Doe Some feature of a chicken, or so I've heard. Nowhere near the nose. ERN

Re: Disgusting things that Autralians eat

2004-04-21 Thread ernreed2
graywolf said, among other things: DR PEPPER may have been prune juice, but it is 100% artificial nowadays, as far as I know. Squirt used to be carbonated grapefruit juice, even had bits of pulp in it, then sometime along the way they sold out to the competition who turned it into just

Re: Disgusting things that people eat

2004-04-21 Thread ernreed2
Marnie quoted and posted: In a message dated 4/21/2004 5:55:18 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: My mother made tongue once. --- Tongue is great. Very tender. Of course, you cook it a long time and remove the skin, so there are no little bumbies to

Re: Disgusting things that Autralians eat

2004-04-21 Thread ernreed2
I just remembered something and it even brings this thread close to ON topic!! Just remembered my photography professor expressing the idea that gelatin is REALLY disgusting to eat, particularly since the stuff sold for eating isn't even the highest-quality gelatin. Seeing as how the top-quality

Re: Mat sizes in the US (Texas)

2004-04-18 Thread ernreed2
Simon King posted: I recently did a portrait session* with a family who has recent moved here (Perth, Western Australia) from Houston, Texas. We were arranging enlargement numbers and sizes, and on my list of options I had what I consider a normal size - 8 x 12. They'd never heard of it and

RE: BrisPDML snaps (was Re: China - dream or nightmare?)

2004-04-14 Thread ernreed2
Tanja wrote: They certainly are going to be disappointed now when they meet this boring old housewife and mother with a big nose aren't they?!? You're the YOUNG housewife and mother. *I* am the boring OLD one. ERNR who has a birthday before then

RE: DCPDML Outing #10

2004-04-09 Thread ernreed2
Don't worry Dave. If I am not mistaken, the SAPDML has only had one gathering. Ducking in case I am in error, César -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, April 08, 2004 11:38 AM # 10. Holy Crap. I think we are only on #5.LOL

Re: I'm back...with new pics

2004-04-07 Thread ernreed2
From: Boros Attila [EMAIL PROTECTED] snip PS Beautiful girl, but the cropped head is a bit distracting. snip Beautiful girl? How can you tell? The only thing apparent to me is that she must be awfully uncomfortable. What an

Re: Computer Question

2004-03-31 Thread ernreed2
Wendy posted: Hubby bought me a laptop for Christmas from Staples. It was a demo version so the OS had already been installed. They wanted him to cough up an extra $80 to get the OS on disk. Bloody cheek! Very true that's bloody cheek (must avoid Staples). When I bought my notebook (from

Re: taking a break for a while...

2004-03-27 Thread ernreed2
Mr Robb wrote: So, the problem doesn't seem to be with the act of making a political statement, but with your disagreement with Mr Brendemuehl's politics Mr Karlsson responded: Where did I ever say that I disagreed with his political opinions? Quote from Mr Karlsson regarding Mr

Re: My PAWs Weeks 1-3

2004-03-27 Thread ernreed2
In response to Boris, Marnie wrote: You know, when pinned down I am not really sure what the acronym means. Reply something something something. Reply Please. In French. IIRC.

OT -- Lawyers, seriously; formerly Re: something weird...

2004-03-27 Thread ernreed2
frank said: I was about to say was. As in I was a lawyer. But, really, I still am one. (scary thought, eh?) It's a degree that's been conferred upon me, so as long as I can still put the letters LLB behind my name, I'm a lawyer. Just a non-practicing lawyer. frank, if you aren't --

Re: Lasse V. Collin, formerly Re: My own DOF confusion

2004-03-23 Thread ernreed2
I said: Lasse Collin: Surely your dispute could be taken off-list? Thanks. Lasse replied: No way. This is a list issue, and not a personal dispute. I disagree, Lasse. Collin has been using that sig line for quite a while. Everybody has seen it by now. You're the only one who has chosen

Re: PAW#4: Kid

2004-03-22 Thread ernreed2
Boris said, among many other things: I do appreciate the thought though. I almost feel like the only daughter photographer here... Well, I WAS going to point out that I've shared some pics of MY daughter No offence to other fathers of daughters... but if you insist on only counting

Lasse V. Collin, formerly Re: My own DOF confusion

2004-03-22 Thread ernreed2
Lasse Collin: Surely your dispute could be taken off-list? Thanks.

Re: PAW week 12 ERN

2004-03-20 Thread ernreed2
Marnie said: Hehehe. That's cute. Like it a lot. The downward curving toes echoing the curve of the bar makes it. ... Hey, week 12? I got to get a PAW out there. Don't worry. It's the 12th week of the year, not of the PAW on PDML. Thanks for your comment. ERN

Re: Pentaxian arrested in Kosovo

2004-03-20 Thread ernreed2
Andreas Wirtz wrote: on left corner two policemen approachig arrested me. After two days, 1000 EUR and Pentax Z-1 given to authorities I was able to go to Macedonia and then to home. And Glenn said, among other things: *g* What Glenn said. ERN

Re: Chromogenic BW (Was:: OT: Almost ready to by a scanner)

2004-03-18 Thread ernreed2
Someone (sorry, I lost track of who) asked: this has probably been discussed to death before, but what's the reason to use chromogenic bw? if you take a color negative film, and print on bw paper, wouldn't it give you the same result? am i missing something very basic here? Yes --

Re: dSLR: to *ist or not to *ist, that is the question!

2004-03-18 Thread ernreed2
chibitul smecher asked: anything you DO NOT like about the *istD? thanks! The fact that I can't afford one? ERN

Re: Purchasing a second body

2004-03-15 Thread ernreed2
Morgan said: I've owned a ZX-M for about three years now and suddenly decided that I wanted to be able to do rear-curtain sync flash photography. ... I learned of all the merits of the AF-500 FTZ flash unit. So, I purchased it online (used, at half the price). Imagine my surprise when I

Re: PAW week 10 ERN

2004-03-15 Thread ernreed2
Boris said: Simple yet beautiful... I did not mean though that it was simple to shoot... Actually, it was! I was in rather a hurry when I did it. My wife agrees. Thank you both. ERN

Re: ONLY - Pug march is available on my website

2004-03-15 Thread ernreed2
Peter said, regarding Adelheid's PUG arrangements: As this is above and beyond the call of duty how could we complain. As a matter of fact, I'm sure we all are VERY appreciative of Adelheid's hard work. ERN

Re: Purchasing a second body

2004-03-15 Thread ernreed2
Alan Chan posted: How about pink colour LIMITED for ladies? YESH! sez this lady (at least, I hope to pretend to be a lady sometimes) ERN

RE: toys

2004-03-14 Thread ernreed2
frank said: Film is so inconvenient. Digital isn't. Plus, no scanning, just plug it into the 'puter, and send of those cute birthday snaps of your kid to grandma while the party's still happening. As a mother, whose children's grandparents are all living more than a thousand miles away,

Re: Pentax advertising!

2004-03-12 Thread ernreed2
Bill said: Just saw a short ad for Pentax Optio cameras on the History channel. I'd heard they were going to start advertising, but this is the first I've seen. It seems to me that there are changes in the works for Pentax, started about the time they changed the company name from Asahi to

Re: My first front page

2004-03-12 Thread ernreed2
Frank said: I hope you got paid. Just so we can put to rest the silly thinking that the *istD isn't a Pro Camera! vbg Well, I hope he got paid for his own sake. Tanja's already taken care of proving the *istD IS a Pro Camera. ERN

Re: AW: Rolleiflex Knowledge

2004-03-08 Thread ernreed2
Sven said, among other things: And you know how to feed a film into the camera, do you? The backing paper needs to go *between* the rollers, otherwise you will crank the film through the camera without a stop... I was able to find the instruction manual for my 1950s-era Rolleiflex on line.

Re: What gear is on your lust list ?

2004-03-07 Thread ernreed2
*ist D That's pretty much it. I used to want a Leica M6, but since they take film, maybe not any more. ERN

Re: PAW week 10 ERN

2004-03-07 Thread ernreed2
Mark said: Really nice mood and lighting - I'm sure it made a great card (and was a lot more fun to do than taking a trip to the drugstore.) Thanks. I rather like it myself. ERN

Re: PAW week 10 ERN

2004-03-07 Thread ernreed2
Paul posted: Very nice. I'm a fan of candle light photography. You've done a very good job of it here. Rich color. Great light and composition. Your better half will undoubtedly be moved. I'm a fan of candlelight photography, too, although I haven't done much of it in years. Was rather

OT Language WAS Re: About my name

2004-03-07 Thread ernreed2
Graywolf shared: Interesting comment, Frank. The peasants spoke Russian, and the Nobles spoke French. That is why they rebelled (grin). Come to think of it the same thing happened in England much earlier. Sir Walter Scott wrote an amusing chapter about this language phenomenon in one of his

Re: About my name

2004-03-06 Thread ernreed2
Bob W. quoted Mr Boros as follows: Somebody pointed out that it would be much simpler to change that in my e-mail addresses, and write it as everyone else, but I don't feel it right. and then commented I agree with you! We must try to keep our cultural distinctions in a world of

Re: OT - eBay advice saught

2004-03-06 Thread ernreed2
Cotty wrote: O noble eBay experts, I have sold a lens - but as you will see the auction clearly stated that it was UK only - unless I was emailed first. In the event, the lens was won by an Italian bidder who even sent me a checkout for the winning bid plus £6 postage - which was

Re: PAW: The Piano

2004-03-06 Thread ernreed2
Steady Stenquist posted: I shot this at a concert with my nearly silent 1953 Leica IIIf RD and Summicron 50/2 collapsible. The film was Ilford Delta 3200, rated at 1600. The exposure was f2.8 @ 1/25 It's here: I hope I can get

Re: OT Rolleiflex Knowledge

2004-03-06 Thread ernreed2
Albano said: You'll be doomed then, you'll be unable to sell it. Do you noted how compact and lightweight it's besides being a 6x6? Just wait to see the resulting negs/transparencies and the detail on enlargements, and how silent it is, and how easy it's to hanlhold, and how cool it looks,

Re: Not PAW: QuikSnap from Yesterday

2004-03-05 Thread ernreed2
Shel posted ... While waiting for her to arrive, this little scene caught my attention: Like the composition. Colours interesting. Also I am relieved that the clocks agree. I'd worry if there was a discrepancy there. ERN

Re: Sharing my photos - almost were taken with my Z-1P

2004-03-04 Thread ernreed2
Hi,there, I never know about PDML until Andy told me few days ago.I didn't know there are so many pentax fans around the world.Nice to meet you all. The website link below is my on-line photo ablums,which are almost taken with my Z-1p.Wish you all will like them.Any comments are

Re: pentax-discuss-d Digest V04 #469

2004-03-04 Thread ernreed2
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Nobody has yet released an LX-D kind of camera. At the rate things are going, the first company to make anything like that (old-fashion look and feel, digital guts) is going to be Cosina. Unless you specifically meant an SLR, I hear Leica Panasonic have produced

Re: Semi OT: Heavy Tripod Head Support

2004-03-03 Thread ernreed2
- Original Message - From: Lon Williamson Subject: Re: Semi OT: Heavy Tripod Head Support Which cameras use 3/8? Do the Pentax 645 or 6x7 use them? Hassleblad? 4x5 view cameras? William Robb wrote, in part: Did anyone ever figure out if Les Bogen had a 1/4x20 arse

Re: Freakin' heck...!!!

2004-03-02 Thread ernreed2
Tanja posted: The Newspaper deadline I was talking about? I got a front page Wonderful!! Doesn't that just feel fantastic? (snippage for space) So, I took some shots, got paid 100 bucks, burnt them to cd, came home and took the kids to school. During the day I got phone calls from

Re: Just wanted to say...

2004-03-02 Thread ernreed2
Someone said: And I vote for Tanja, too. It's spelling, if not it's sound, rhymes with ganja, too, which takes me back to pleasant if fuzzy memories of Jamaica. There ya go, Tan -- do you really want to be subconsciously associated with illegal drugs and the shady goings-on pertaining

Re: March Pug: Row 7, duets in color

2004-03-01 Thread ernreed2
Lon said: ERN Reed's Siblings looks like a studio shot, but it's so refreshing and spontaneous. Just like they didn't hate each other most of the time, right? Good shot. I'd fork over as a parent for this one, too. Oddly enough, these don't hate each other most of the time! They seem to

Re: *istD, Muvo-2 and Hitachi 4gb Microdrive

2004-03-01 Thread ernreed2
John Mustarde said, among many other things: I've been holding off on XP for a long time because I didn't want the TeleTubbies interface. Dude, I trust that's not your main reason! The interface can be changed! Incidentally, in response to the part I didn't quote -- how about a card

Re: #1 Rule in Photography-was: PAW: Above the clouds

2004-03-01 Thread ernreed2
frank theriault wrote: A couple of months ago, someone asked what our first and best piece of advice would be for tyros. I think I said, shoot lots. I would like to change it to, have a camera with you. I'm not sure if anyone else said this (if you did, my apologies - I didn't

Re: PAW:Fridge Flowers

2004-02-29 Thread ernreed2
Dave Brooks said: Hi all. Nothing spectacular here, i dont think,but when i opened the fridge to get a drink,my daughters Valentine flowers were in the fridge,I had the camera in my hand,so i shot this to see what it would look like.:-) My offering

Re: PAW -- 3 little lads

2004-02-29 Thread ernreed2
Dave said: I like week nine.The three kids all writing at the same time was the first thing to grab my attention,as is what you had in mined, correct.:-) I also like week 2 and the sneaker shot. All these school kids shots lately.I would like to do something like this,but the way i

Re: PAW Comment

2004-02-29 Thread ernreed2
Paul Stenquist posted: I have found it quite informative and entertaining. I think it adds a nice balance to the equipment and technical discussions that have dominated the list. I enjoy almost every area of discussion that the list touches on. For me, the PAW makes PDML a richer resource.

Re: First Brisbane PDML a huge success!

2004-02-29 Thread ernreed2
- Original Message - From: Ryan Lee [EMAIL PROTECTED] Oh silly me- there aren't just 2 countries in the world. There are 5- Australia, US, Brasil, Bolivia, Belgium. And Cotty very sneakily tried to trick me with Britain. I mean we all know Britain's part of Bolivia. :-)

Re: PAW:Fridge Flowers

2004-02-29 Thread ernreed2
Shel said: What could be cooler than flowers in the fridge ... what else is in the box? Hey, maybe we should post pics of what's inside our refrigerators ... or maybe not ;-)) Oh, I think y'all can imagine what a few boxes of film look like. ERN

RE: PAW -- 3 little lads

2004-02-29 Thread ernreed2
To Frank: Thanks for the compliment! ERN

Re: PAW -- 3 little lads

2004-02-29 Thread ernreed2
I like this one and cannot help but wonder how it would work in BW with a slight sepia tone. There something of an old tyme feel about this photo. That's not to say the color doesn't work ... just thinking out loud. shel Right off the top of my head, I imagine it would remove the

Re: The Local Pentax SLR Conundrum

2004-02-26 Thread ernreed2
Mark said: One of the stores in San Antonio will no longer be carrying anything by Pentax. The only other stores has minimal stock. Then I said: Which is which, Mark (like I can't guess?) Mark replied: Camera Exchange told me they are no longer going to be carrying Pentax. Period. I'm

Re: Intermittent LX metering error

2004-02-26 Thread ernreed2
Shel asked: Does this happen when a particular shutter speed is selected, or when the camera is used on automatic? Used on automatic. Or with a particular speed when used on automatic? Does it happen when a particular aperture is used, or with any aperture? This one's tougher, but,

Re: Intermittent LX metering error

2004-02-26 Thread ernreed2
Peter asked: What speed film are you using? Seen it happen with both 400 and 800.

Re: Intermittent LX metering error

2004-02-26 Thread ernreed2
Thanks, all. I guess I'll be looking into repair possibilities. ERN

RE: I did a bad thing

2004-02-25 Thread ernreed2
Cesar said: Come on now. I did not say it would be snake skinned, now did I? I seem to recall your not having too much of a problem sitting beside me and close to the LX for our group shot in San Antonio. I seem to recall that someone was always closer to the snaky LX than I was. Also, I

Re: The Local Pentax SLR Conundrum

2004-02-25 Thread ernreed2
From: Collin Brendemuehl [EMAIL PROTECTED] Cord tells me that the reason they're not stocking the istD (or any other Pentax SLR) is because Pentax is not able to deliver the quantities they need for building volume sales and the large customer base that a retailer needs to establish a

Re: Too Much PAW

2004-02-25 Thread ernreed2
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Tanja said: OMG - no wonder my poor hubby worries about me and that bloody photography list. I spend half of my life convincing him that hanging out with you lot is safe! He is petrified at the possibility of me going to GFM and meeting with a bunch of

Re: Zooms, was Re: 24-50s

2004-02-25 Thread ernreed2
John Mustarde: The Tamron 24-135 handles well, is fairly sharp at all f-stops, and the magnification factor is handy, but it's not well suited for outdoor pics on a sunny day even with its tulip hood. Flares badly, to say the least. Oh where's

Re: Source for strap lugs

2004-02-23 Thread ernreed2
Mark Dalal posted: - Original Message - From: Bill Sawyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] Try KEH, Mark. They only have the strap lugs for the LX that are mighty expensive. I just need 2 sets for my ME Super and Program Plus. Mark, are you still in San Antonio these days? If so, have you

Re: PAW: A good breakfast

2004-02-23 Thread ernreed2
Mr Robb posted: The CBC program Ideas was interviewing the distillers who make Scotch whiskey, and they all said to a man, that Scotch should be diluted with anywhere from 20% to 40% with water, or a similar volume of ice. I don't know anything about whisk(e)y but was under the distinct

Re: Source for strap lugs

2004-02-23 Thread ernreed2
I said If so, have you tried checking with Boyd's Camera? Seems to me I've seen a LOT of pieces-of-old-cameras around their back room. and Mark said They have a back room with stuff? They've never invited me to the back room! : ( They haven't *invited* me, per se, but I have small

Monthly PDML OT Beer Thread; Was Re: Whisky (was Re: PAW: A good breakfast)

2004-02-23 Thread ernreed2
Just thought the subject line needed fixing. Carry on! grins ERN Steve Jolly posted: It's a question of what they're designed for. :-) British beers are brewed using different processes and yeasts from the lighter, fizzier beers that are more common in the rest of Europe and in America.

Re: My PAW

2004-02-23 Thread ernreed2
Regarding: FW FW FW FW I think the lighting works well in all of them; I prefer the composition and the expression of 007. Afraid I

RE: PAW: portrait

2004-02-23 Thread ernreed2
Re: Amita's entry: I found this through Frank's critique. I can't do as good a job as he did in discussing the photo, so I'll just say I really like it -- and leave it at that. ERN

Re: SF1 and ME Super

2004-02-22 Thread ernreed2
I said: I can confirm that the P30t had a memory lock button. Also that it was limited in exposure modes (M, Av, P only); information (would not tell you what aperture was being set in P mode; furthermore the depth of field preview did not work in that mode); and film

Re: OT-Drumed out of PDML-was: Lunch with Wendy

2004-02-22 Thread ernreed2
John Mustarde said, among other things: If you want to see similar stupidity, subscribe to some of the newsgroups for awhile and see their nastiness towards each other. Or see them adopt multiple identities just to respond to their own posts. It's sad. There was a certain

Re: Bunny Ears - Oreilles de Lapin

2004-02-22 Thread ernreed2
Andre quoted and posted: OK, where'd all this bizniz of Frank with Bunny Ears get started? A thread about PDMLers auto-portraits with links, if I remember well. Many months ago. Frank's bunny ears pic remains a favourite with the group. Unlike tv's and my respective scary feet. ERN

Re: OT: Sweet revenge

2004-02-22 Thread ernreed2
John Mustarde said, among other things: Lucky for him he got the message the first try, because I was holding my John Philip Sousa album in reserve, with a full hour of Scottish Bagpipers ready to deliver the coup de grace. BTW -- good job Graywolf and JM -- I myself own some CDs of bagpipe

Re: A few photos.

2004-02-22 Thread ernreed2
Malcolm posted: This is a REAL car Hey, ain't that the General Lee? Coming Through I really, really like this one. I want one of those cars, man! Where can I get

Re: PAW, actually PAWs

2004-02-21 Thread ernreed2
Comments inline. Kenneth Waller posted: Good start! Thanks! Week 1 - confusing/distracting background Yeah -- that blanket (gift from in-laws) has wrecked a lot of shots. Currently in the closet. Hope it gets to stay there. Week 2 - I like the composition Thanks. Week 3 - Distracting

Re: PAW: Keeping Warm

2004-02-21 Thread ernreed2
RE: Flexible little critter, ain't it?? ERN

Re: PAW: A good breakfast

2004-02-21 Thread ernreed2
Steady Stenquist posted: I'm not sure how I feel about the breakfast, but I like the composition! ERN

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