[PEN-L] Ooops Re: [PEN-L] China's Socialist Path

2008-02-22 Thread Carrol Cox
I had my cursor on the wrong post. This was supposed to go to lbo-talk, responding to a post on Obama. But it applies on this list too I guess. Carrol

Re: [PEN-L] China's Socialist Path

2008-02-22 Thread Carrol Cox
I think the point has been made sufficiently re both Obama Clinton so when they inevitably MORE THAN disappoint their fans* we will be free to say I told you so and keep saying it until we have to make the same predictions in 2012 about whoever is running then. Of course I don't know whether at

Re: [PEN-L] China, Speilberg, and the Olympics: The real story

2008-02-17 Thread Carrol Cox
This seems to be a fundamental _western_ (probably _not_ just u.s.*) strategy for maintaing hegemony going back at least to the dismemberment of Yugoslavia in the early '90s. And it's a strategy which dres in _many_ left liberals to support it, as reflected in the terms cruise-missile liberals and

Re: [PEN-L] On the third hand [was: Let.s Go Hillary]

2008-02-12 Thread Carrol Cox
A quick footnote to the conversation between Dan Jim. I think it's obscurantist to use the word conspiracy in _any_ context in which it is not essential. Dan's point, I think, can be made without wording that raises conspiracist reverberations. The DLC and its planning were right out in the open

Re: [PEN-L] Let.s Go Hillary

2008-02-10 Thread Carrol Cox
Jim Devine wrote: Carrol wrote: [clip] Then it will make sense to talk of HOPE. Julio Huato wrote: In other words, you are HOPELESS. I know it's a cliché, but whatever happened to optimism of the will, pessimism of the intellect? That is what was echoing through my mind as I typed.

Re: [PEN-L] apologia

2008-02-10 Thread Carrol Cox
Jim Devine wrote: do we really grow rice in California? (I may have reported this, but I'm not convinced it's true.) Yep. I've seen two or three articles over the years describing rice-growing in California, irrigating with government-subsidized water. Quite a racket. Carrol Doyle Saylor

Re: [PEN-L] Let.s Go Hillary

2008-02-09 Thread Carrol Cox
Matthijs Krul wrote: One can say that Al Sharpton carries some real baggage, but what is the primary baggage that Jesse carries relative to Obama? Jesse is divisive *because* he represents black demands for equality. --ravi Well, black voters have turned out in vast

Re: [PEN-L] Let.s Go Hillary

2008-02-09 Thread Carrol Cox
Michael Perelman wrote: Young voters turned out for Howard Dean with great enthusiasm, yet he was a pretty conservative governor. Obama is absolutely correct. Voting is about hope, but the hopes are sure to be dashed. All it takes is a nice delivery, some focus groups, a good

Re: [PEN-L] Let.s Go Hillary

2008-02-06 Thread Carrol Cox
Jim Devine wrote: It's true that a lot of the emptiness of the DP is fake populism or reflects the shortcomings of true populism. (Much of what Edwards said fits in either or both categories.) But amazingly, the real primaries run by the donors filters theses populisms out too. I would

Re: [PEN-L] I hope you all vote(d) for Obama

2008-02-05 Thread Carrol Cox
Greens are on the ballot in Illinois this year. I'll go only to cast a symbolic vote for the Green candidate for Congress in this district. Anyone on this list is going to have as much influence on the electoral income as would a sports fan sitting before the TV and rooting for a team. Mere

Re: [PEN-L] I hope you all vote(d) for Obama

2008-02-05 Thread Carrol Cox
Doug Henwood wrote: On Feb 5, 2008, at 1:19 PM, Jim Devine wrote: Obama (or Clinton) versus McCain (or Romney or Huckabee) will be a bit like the 1964 LBJ/Goldwater election. So the peace candidate will escalate the war? Probably. The War is so unpopular that I don't see how it can be

Re: [PEN-L] I hope you all vote(d) for Obama

2008-02-05 Thread Carrol Cox
Doug Henwood wrote: On Feb 5, 2008, at 12:48 PM, Max B. Sawicky wrote: That was a while back. I'm now convinced of the opposite; BHO is likely to be more liberal than HRC. Why? This is the most amazing case of mass wishful thinking I've ever seen. At least a lot of people who voted for

Re: [PEN-L] I hope you all vote(d) for Obama

2008-02-05 Thread Carrol Cox
Charles Brown wrote: CB: I'm thinking the majority of Americans will still vote for a white man over a woman or a Black person. I think this oversimplifies how _subjective_ racism works, and the form that subjective racism has increasingly taken. The stereotypes have changed, and while

Re: [PEN-L] I hope you all vote(d) for Obama

2008-02-05 Thread Carrol Cox
Perelman, Michael wrote: If the choice were between me an Obama, I would donated thousands of dollars to his campaign. O come now. You could emulate Chomsky and have yourself arrested as a war criminal. Carrol

Re: [PEN-L] The latest take on the origins of capitalism

2008-01-31 Thread Carrol Cox
It's odd how so many hstorians and amateur histoians as well cannot tell the differnce between a Gerber Baby Food plant and sexual intercourse. Carrol

Re: [PEN-L] A New Economy?

2008-01-28 Thread Carrol Cox
Charles Brown wrote: guards and dealers definitely produce use-values; otherwise no-one would pay them. But, at least in Marxian political economy, they do not produce surplus-value. The guard simply preserves property rights, while the cashier transfers them. The worker who produces

Re: [PEN-L] A New Economy?

2008-01-27 Thread Carrol Cox
Simon Ward wrote: productive capital is drained away and whatever capital is left is slowly but steadily transferred to unproductive conditions - ever more luxurious housing for example or golf courses. This is wrong; these are luxury commodities and the production of them generates surplus

Re: [PEN-L] A New Economy?

2008-01-27 Thread Carrol Cox
into unproductive conditions in the home economy. And back to Carrol's point - does a house or a golf course create surplus value? - are they productive uses of capital? Simon - Original Message - From: Carrol Cox [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: PEN-L@SUS.CSUCHICO.EDU Sent: Monday, January 28, 2008

Re: [PEN-L] The Bubble Bursts: “Our economy is in serious trouble,” - Eric Janszen, Harpers

2008-01-27 Thread Carrol Cox
So? Capitalist economies regularly get in serious trouble, and just as regularly get out of it, though a lot of non-capitalists suffer in the process. Carrol

Re: [PEN-L] Re: [PEN-L] The Bubble Bursts: “Our economy is in serious trouble,” - Eric Janszen, Harpers

2008-01-27 Thread Carrol Cox
Leigh Meyers wrote: So, you're saying everything is hunky-dory for the capitalist economy? What ARE you saying? If you don't hit it, it won't fall. There is no organized mass movement at present to hit it. CapitalistS are in trouble; even more workers are in trouble. There is nothing to

Re: [PEN-L] Got Concentration Camps? Check!… Privatized prisons for immigrants: The expansion continues

2008-01-19 Thread Carrol Cox
Leigh Meyers wrote: According to a recent report by the Bureau of Justice Statistics - released on June 30, 2006 and revised in July 2007 - there are over 2 million people behind bars in the United States. I may be reading an intention not in the post, but . . . If Leigh thinks this is

Re: [PEN-L] Time as a stabilization policy tool

2008-01-19 Thread Carrol Cox
Jim Devine wrote: Sure, I'm in favor of fewer hours per week, but I don't think slogans or programs organize people well. (Some of my old friends were Trotskyists who believed that a well-crafted slogan or a new (improved!) version of the transitional program could spark a prairie fire --

Re: [PEN-L] Query on Recessions

2008-01-13 Thread Carrol Cox
Jim Devine wrote: Or is there really a lot of forest fire fuel piling up somewhere so that there will be a really big one ? it's mostly in the form of excessive and shaky consumer debt and bank assets that turn out (or will turn out) to be bad. Ordinary recessions do not, I think, have

[PEN-L] Query on Recessions

2008-01-11 Thread Carrol Cox
Is it not correct that fairly frequent recessions are a necessity of the capitalist system? And certainly, in practice, they have been happening every five to ten years for a couple of centuries. But both on this list and in the financial columns of the media everyone is fussing about whether or

[PEN-L] [Fwd: Howie Klein: How To Destroy A Profitable Industry In Just A FewEasySteps]

2007-12-31 Thread Carrol Cox
Perhaps this is relevant to a current thread. Carrol Original Message Subject: Howie Klein: How To Destroy A Profitable Industry In Just A Few EasySteps Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2007 09:35:31 -0500 (EST) From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] How To Destroy

Re: [PEN-L] merry Christmas, Americans!

2007-12-24 Thread Carrol Cox
Jim Devine wrote: Louis Proyect wrote: Speaking of credit cards, something really puzzles and pisses me off at the same time. Like you, I get spam all the time for Canadian pharmacies selling Vicodin, etc. All of them allow you to use Visa, Mastercard and sometimes American Express. Why

Re: [PEN-L] Gindin, Brenner and capitalist catastrophe

2007-12-22 Thread Carrol Cox
Jim Devine wrote: Doug Henwood wrote: Sam Gindin said two striking things in that Brecht Forum debate with Brenner: 1) the crisis isn't in capitalism, it's in the left; 2) if you'd told him in 1975 that the U.S. working class would take 30 years of falling real wages, union busting,

Re: [PEN-L] closing the barn-door after the horse has escaped.

2007-12-20 Thread Carrol Cox
Jim Devine wrote: agreed. I think, however, that the phenomenon is bigger than Reaganism. It's part of the world-wide neoliberal policy revolution, led not only by Reagan but by Thacher and Pinochet. Thatcher became Prime Minister in May of 1979; Carter appointed Volcker Fed Chairman in

Re: [PEN-L] WTO Director rehabilitates the Marxist criticism of capitalism

2007-12-13 Thread Carrol Cox
Charles Brown wrote: From Truthout: http://www.truthout.org/docs_2006/120707G.shtml Capitalism Cannot Satisfy Us Daniel Fortin and Mathieu Magnaudeix interview Pascal Lamy Challenges But what good does it do to criticize capitalism? Isn't it accepted by everyone? I would

[PEN-L] Language was And where do babies come from?

2007-12-10 Thread Carrol Cox
Sandwichman wrote: Or, think of the evolution of language. Does anyone believe that language -- and the physiological capabilities that enable speech -- evolved for the purpose of communicating information or ideas? Yet that is what we typically, perhaps unreflectively, assume that language

Re: [PEN-L] Moral hazard -- and Adverse Selectin.

2007-12-01 Thread Carrol Cox
raghu wrote: Maybe there is a basic problem about using insurance to provide health care. By definition insurance is about protecting people from unpredictable rare events. In health care, the service requirement is neither really rare nor unpredictable. It is not surprising that the

Re: [PEN-L] this stuff is true!

2007-11-13 Thread Carrol Cox
Jim Devine wrote: from HARPER'S WEEKLY, November 13, 2007: new frontiers in diplomacy: At an Ibero-American summit in Chile, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez called Spain's former prime minister a fascist, adding, fascists are not human. A snake is more human. Why don't you shut up?

Re: [PEN-L] this stuff is true!

2007-11-13 Thread Carrol Cox
The Buffalo In Da' Midst wrote: So what about BushCo BushWars...? They ...marshall(ed) international support for that coup (in the U.S). (9/11)), and invaded a foreign country that had done nothing (No, not Poland, Iraq). Which makes him (THEM!) something pretty despicable, fascist

Re: [PEN-L] query: neoliberals

2007-11-11 Thread Carrol Cox
Jim Devine wrote: in my never-ending battle against the use of clichés, I'm looking for a new synonym for neoliberal and neoliberalism. I think marketron is a good replacement for neoliberalism, but marketronism is too clumsy. Any ideas? in Solidarity with the Global War on Cliché, I

Re: [PEN-L] The Long Fall

2007-11-08 Thread Carrol Cox
Crises are never more than momentary, violent solutions for the existing contradictions, violent eruptions that re-establish the disturbed balance for the time being. K Marx, CIII

Re: [PEN-L] Democrats about to give Bush another blank check

2007-11-05 Thread Carrol Cox
Michael Perelman wrote: The outcome is predictable. The Dems will inherit the war unless can manage to find a way to blow the election. They will have to bow to the public and leave Iraq (mostly). Then they will get hammered for losing Iraq. All this for not having a spine a little

Re: [PEN-L] Democrats about to give Bush another blank check

2007-11-05 Thread Carrol Cox
Doug Henwood wrote: On Nov 5, 2007, at 9:47 PM, Carrol Cox wrote: They are courageous and they are committed. It's just that the commitment is to u.s. imperialism. But, structurally, by playing the role of the left party they have to act otherwise, which ties them in knots. I know you

Re: [PEN-L] ideology [was: Multiple intelligences]

2007-11-03 Thread Carrol Cox
Jim Devine wrote: what are all the strange abbreviations (IC19, C19, etc.?) I think C19 is the 19th century, but what is IC19 or eCl9? Early (ec19) and late (lc19). C18/C19 are quite common in much historical writing, particularly in works that resemble a dictionary (Williams) or an

Re: [PEN-L] Multiple intelligences [was: Human species 'may split intwo]

2007-10-27 Thread Carrol Cox
Michael Smith wrote: On Fri, 2007-10-26 at 18:06 -0700, Jim Devine wrote: Please _tell me_ why you think that theories of cognition are as bad as phlogiston theory. Why, specifically, do you reject the idea of multiple intelligences? Cart before the horse. I'm not rejecting anything --

Re: [PEN-L] Human species 'may split in two'

2007-10-25 Thread Carrol Cox
Jim Devine wrote: you'd think that of all people, he would know about Shockleyism and its dangers. This 'case' underlines a point of profound importance for leftists: highly intelligent, even brilliant, men women, however learned, can be unbelievably both stupid and ignornant. Except in

Re: [PEN-L] Banking on a bailout

2007-10-15 Thread Carrol Cox
Marvin Gandall wrote: The hope is that the new super-fund will be able to regain investor confidence [clip] Rescue Readied By Banks Is Bet To Spur Market The high-stakes plan to rescue banks from losses on mortgage securities amounts to a big bet that a consortium of financial giants --

Re: [PEN-L] Counterfeit nation

2007-08-19 Thread Carrol Cox
If I recall correctly, John D., Sr. in his early days had the oil wells of competitors in Ohio dynamited. Is that correct, and are any details on it in Josephson's book? Doug Henwood wrote: On Aug 19, 2007, at 10:08 AM, Louis Proyect quoted: America’s reliance on dubious credit goes all

Re: [PEN-L] good Pollit column

2007-08-18 Thread Carrol Cox
Bill Lear wrote: On Saturday, August 18, 2007 at 09:33:21 (-0700) Jim Devine writes: http://www.thenation.com/doc/20070827/pollitt subject to debate by Katha Pollitt Who's Sorry Now? [from the August 27, 2007 issue] Why Saddam? Saddam was an evil dictator, but Iraq was not the world's

Re: [PEN-L] WSJ nonsense????

2007-08-16 Thread Carrol Cox
Michael Perelman wrote: Here was the ridiculous part: in search of a livelihood. Whether the remainder is sheer nonsense or partially valid, this is a hoot: billion dollar+ outfits needing a livelihood indeed. Carrol


2007-08-14 Thread Carrol Cox
Jim Devine wrote: On 8/14/07, Eugene Coyle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Wasn't it Henry Cabot Lodge that was behind Diem's death? and John F. Kennedy. It turns out that JFK liked to dabble in the overthrowing of foreign leaders and/or their assassination. It was the assassination of Diem that

Re: [PEN-L] uncle sam's banker

2007-08-09 Thread Carrol Cox
raghu wrote: So instead of giving it away they have to invest or to make aid grants instead, and basically become another colonial power. That was Mao's prediction of what would happen if China ever changed its color -- it would become an oppresdsor nation. Carrol -raghu.

Re: [PEN-L] Does Roberts Get it Right?

2007-08-02 Thread Carrol Cox
The Buffalo In Da' Midst wrote: I don't feel sorry for the professional bourgeoisie at all. For the most part, their expectations led to their own problems, psychological, sociological, and financial. This belief should make the capitalists happy, since it guarantees disunity in the working

Re: [PEN-L] Does Roberts Get it Right?

2007-08-02 Thread Carrol Cox
raghu wrote: On 8/2/07, Carrol Cox [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: This belief should make the capitalists happy, since it guarantees disunity in the working class. Carrol Are foreigners on work visas part of the working class? Does setting domestic workers against foreigners not guarantee

Re: [PEN-L] Does Roberts Get it Right?

2007-08-02 Thread Carrol Cox
Marvin Gandall wrote: By the way, downward or upward pressures on pay and benefits on one group of workers do tend to affect other groups. Workers, especially union members, habitually compare their pay movements to others in their workplace and industry, and employers are required to pay

Re: [PEN-L] A sobering assessment

2007-08-01 Thread Carrol Cox
Jim Devine wrote: On 8/1/07, Sandwichman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: The third, and more likely, scenario is that things will continue going on just as they have been going on for years. That is, conditions will deteriorate but they won't come to a head. they might come to a head in the US,

Re: [PEN-L] chico in the news today

2007-07-26 Thread Carrol Cox
Rich Wagner wrote: He does not count any more, he graduated in 1958, when Chico was just a college! Does this mean I'm not an alumni of Western Michigan University, since I graduated from Western Michigan College of Education? Carrol

Re: [PEN-L] quote du jour

2007-07-20 Thread Carrol Cox
Jim Devine wrote: I would complain about him taking over the Wall Street Journal, but its editorial line is already so wacky that Mr. Murdoch's may actually be an improvement. -- Juan Cole. That's true -- but I think irrelevant because it is the news pages of the WSJ that count, not the wacky

Re: [PEN-L] Rightwing billionaire publisher questions Bush's mental stability

2007-07-18 Thread Carrol Cox
Responding only to the subject line. Opposition to the wisdom or the legality of a president's action places the burden for change on Congress or the elections. Questioning his mental stability could conceivably be the grounds for the Vice President to declare himself president. I don't recall

Re: [PEN-L] liberal masturbation

2007-07-11 Thread Carrol Cox
Michael Perelman wrote: Now, the answer to Bush's war is to retreat to the permanent bases in Iraq, so that the US can control the country with bombs dropped from altitudes, just as Clinton was doing without the convenience of bases in the country. I have always argued that as

Re: [PEN-L] Petras on failure of US anti-war movement

2007-07-08 Thread Carrol Cox
This is a response to the subject line, not to anything in the post. Has the anti-war movment failed? It has not stopped the war -- but neither has any anti-war movement in modern history stopped a war (unless you consider the Bolsheviks an anti-war movement). The fundamental political fact of

Re: [PEN-L] Gene theory challenge

2007-07-01 Thread Carrol Cox
raghu wrote: An excellent not-too-technical presentation of this idea is in Evelyn Keller's The Century of the Gene where the author (who is a physicist turned feminist-historian of biology) traces the history of the gene metaphor through the 20'th century and argues for retiring the term

Re: [PEN-L] Overfishing

2007-06-28 Thread Carrol Cox
Jim Devine wrote: But I do get you point (I hope): if a mode of production -- such as the one that used to prevail in the old Soviet Union -- cannot get the job done of producing and distributing goods and services with a reasonable degree of efficiency compared to other existing modes of

Re: [PEN-L] On the Futility of the Ecology Movement, was Re: Overfishing

2007-06-26 Thread Carrol Cox
I agree pretty much with Jim's response to my post; the post itself is a first and bumbling attempt to formulate what I think is a crucial matter for u.s. leftists to try to think through. The ineffectiveness of left activity over past decades has generated a widespread urges to find short cuts.

Re: [PEN-L] On the Futility of the Ecology Movement, was Re: Overfishing

2007-06-26 Thread Carrol Cox
Doug Henwood wrote: But averting climate catastrophe involves changing the way people live their daily lives, the sooner the better. This sort of stance - we can't do anything until we do everything - could result in stasis and despair. If Americans gave up their SUVs for hybrids, walked

[PEN-L] On the Futility of the Ecology Movement, was Re: Overfishing

2007-06-25 Thread Carrol Cox
Paul Phillips wrote: But what it does say is that private property rights is no answer to collapsing fish stocks, particularly as long as Japan, Spain, etc. defy international regulation and refuse to abide by the social regulation of the commons by their destructive overfishing,

[PEN-L] Illiterate uses of the phrase ad hominem

2007-06-23 Thread Carrol Cox
Personal attacks are not ad hominem arguments. Ad hominem arguments are a logical fallacy. To illustrate: John believes X. X is wholly false. Anyone who believes it is an asshole. John is an asshole. This is a personal attack but it is NOT an ad hominem argument. John is an asshole. John

Re: [PEN-L] Rampage Across Athens

2007-06-22 Thread Carrol Cox
Jim Devine wrote: On 6/22/07, Carrol Cox [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Such violence (as practiced by Weatherman or by most anarchist tendencies) is counter-revolutionary: it divides and weakens the revolutionary forces. It is every bit as bad as pure electoralism. I think that's more than

Re: [PEN-L] Peak oil warning

2007-06-16 Thread Carrol Cox
sartesian wrote: There is no argument about the destruction and brutality, the poverty, produced in the extraction of the commodity of oil. Actually, I think it's the industrial capitalist equivalent of the plantation sugarcane economy. I don't know, however, what that has to do with peak

Re: [PEN-L] It’s Official: The Crash of the U.S. Economy has begun

2007-06-16 Thread Carrol Cox
Leigh Meyers wrote: ... What is likely to happen? I'd suggest four possible scenarios: Economic crashes are terrible for people and good for capitalism. They are the way capital crashes beyond the barriers it creates for itself. Carrol

Re: [PEN-L] [Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist] Comment: NACLA on RCTV

2007-06-06 Thread Carrol Cox
michael a. lebowitz wrote: He and EB probably survey the same folks and see the same things. (Could be that, like a friend of mine here, he rents a room from an opposition family and gets regular reports on the revolution from them.) An anecdote from 70 years ago. My first wife was the

Re: [PEN-L] Altruism: hardwired

2007-06-05 Thread Carrol Cox
I haven't been following this thread closely, and I'm involved in too many things to give it much thought, The following, therefore, is a mere observation, not a developed argument. I would reject any theory of the origins of language -- or the interpretation of language as it is used today --

Re: [PEN-L] Altruism: hardwired

2007-06-04 Thread Carrol Cox
Doyle Saylor wrote: Doyle; I would think language began much further back than 40 50 thousand years ago. There can be no proof, so anyone is free to speculate as he/she pleases. But we do _know_ two things. 1. Biologically modern humans -- humans with the brains and physiology we have now

Re: [PEN-L] critique of Gintis

2007-06-01 Thread Carrol Cox
Marvin Gandall wrote: Julio wrote: From the inside, things don't look the way you describe *at all*. If there has been any ideological shift to register in the last decade, it's been precisely one in the opposite direction. And this is not surprising given the persistence of poverty

Re: [PEN-L] critique of Gintis

2007-06-01 Thread Carrol Cox
Doug Henwood wrote: On Jun 1, 2007, at 2:07 PM, Marvin Gandall wrote: I don't believe Carrol understands that ruling classes have made concessions throughout history in order to preempt the development of economic and social crises Prevent? Or deal with those already underway? In the

Re: [PEN-L] dicta

2007-06-01 Thread Carrol Cox
michael a. lebowitz wrote: At 16:21 01/06/2007, sartesian wrote: Just a point, and I don't think it's minor or just semantic. There is no Marxian political economy. There is no Marxist political economy. Marxism begins with a contribution to the end of political economy. says who?

Re: [PEN-L] Altruism: hardwired

2007-05-29 Thread Carrol Cox
Though there is little chance of ever changing the terminology, altruism is as ill-chosen a term as hardwired -- it was coined by the Auguste Comte, and implies a conception of humans as a collection of isolated individuals. Carrol

Re: [PEN-L] How the Democratic Senators voted

2007-05-25 Thread Carrol Cox
If only the 9/11 conspiracists would focus their energies on discovering how the DP leadership worked out who got to vote against who had to vote for it. ;- Louis Proyect wrote: 10 Democratic Senators voting against war funding: Boxer

Re: [PEN-L] query: Becker on suicide

2007-05-23 Thread Carrol Cox
Would this fit Becker's model? Calculating what is lost by death at (say) 81 vs what is lost by 9 years of dementia starting at 82 or 83. And of course the odds on either. Carrol

[PEN-L] Class, was ...home ownership

2007-05-23 Thread Carrol Cox
If one starts out with the _relationship_ rather than the people it might clarify things. There is no such thing as a capitalist in isolation; there is no such thing as a worker in isolation. One has a capital-labor _relationship_; that is one moves from that to discovering who in a given nation

Re: [PEN-L] Differential games

2007-05-22 Thread Carrol Cox
Jim Devine wrote: I try to respond to all threads that involve me, but I'm not going to do so for this one (even though I let it sit in my in-box for weeks). I just don't have the constitution for scholasticism, the quoting and interpretation of Authorities. I prefer the method of folks like

Re: [PEN-L] Solow on Schumpeter

2007-05-21 Thread Carrol Cox
Michael Perelman wrote: Solow says large industrial economies have sprouted a more stable structure Of course, he wrote a catty review of Parker's Galbraith bio. Nobody should ever stray off the beaten path. If they do, they shall be declared a heretic all their good ideas converted

[PEN-L] Passions, Hegel, Marx, Smith etc. was ...po-tah-to

2007-05-18 Thread Carrol Cox
s.artesian wrote: At some point, I would like to comment on Ted's linkage of Hegel and Marx and what Marx actually did with Hegel' categories and linkages, i.e stages of the human mind. My view is very different than Ted's, but the discussion might not be of interest to the rest of the list.

Re: [PEN-L] Are we headed toward another depression?

2007-05-16 Thread Carrol Cox
Jim Devine wrote: it depends on how you define depression. At any one time _somewhere_ within the capitalist societies (or any one capitalist nation) is suffering (locally) utter economic collapse. Hence if we went by localities it would be correct to say that capitalism has been one continuous

Re: [PEN-L] I say po-tay-to, you say po-tah-to

2007-05-15 Thread Carrol Cox
s.artesian wrote: The passions are products of market dependence, with the markets themselves transformed from simply arenas of consumption to the circuits essential for the realizaton and reproduction of exchange value. The industrious innovative efficient yeoman, land leaser, merchant

Re: [PEN-L] I say po-tay-to, you say po-tah-to

2007-05-14 Thread Carrol Cox
Jim Devine wrote: Since as far as I know, tea can't be grown in W. Europe and thus would play no significant role in revolutionizing social relations there. (Perhaps it gave workers extra energy to work, however, like coffee does. Also, global warming might allow tea cultivation in W.

[PEN-L] Query

2007-05-14 Thread Carrol Cox
What do the economists on this list have to say about a micro text written by David Besanko and Ronald Braeutigan? I promised a person enrolled in a class using that text that I sould find out about it. Carrol

Re: [PEN-L] Are we headed toward another depression?

2007-05-13 Thread Carrol Cox
Leigh Meyers wrote: On 5/13/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Why be depressed, or feel like the economy is in one, when you can just take this little pill and stop worrying about *anything*? This is mostly bullshit. SSRIs (Prozac is one) have no immediate effect, and they've

Re: [PEN-L] Poverty and Inequality in Venezuela

2007-05-11 Thread Carrol Cox
Yoshie Furuhashi wrote: On 5/11/07, michael a. lebowitz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Quick rule of thumb--- the opposite of 'protagonistic democracy' is not 'antagonistic' but 'representative democracy'./m True, but I've been thinking of relative absence of sharp antagonism and emphasis on

Re: [PEN-L] The responsibilities of [Western] intellectuals

2007-05-09 Thread Carrol Cox
ravi wrote: On 9 May, 2007, at 11:57 AM, Doug Henwood wrote: While you're handing out assignments, as long as you're living in the U.S. - and it's been more than 10 years now, hasn't it? - isn't that your job too? But she is doing that already. Insofar as you and others privilege

[PEN-L] Ooops! Re: The responsibilities of [Western] intellectuals

2007-05-09 Thread Carrol Cox
Ooops! I thought I was responding to an lbo-post. It's still good for this list however. Carrol

Re: [PEN-L] query 2

2007-05-02 Thread Carrol Cox
Find an effective way to determine whether a polynomial equation with integer coefficients and one or more unknowns has any integer solutions. (Sort of like the quadratic formula.) I never went beyond elementary calculus, and didn't learn that very well. But I can sort of vaguely see how solving

Re: [PEN-L] query

2007-05-02 Thread Carrol Cox
Jim Devine wrote: where did Joan Robinson say that Keynes himself did not understand the full implications of his theory? Isn't it almost standard that the originator of any very powerful theory does not understand its full implications. (This could be derived as a necessity from the axiom of

Re: [PEN-L] FW: UK military fear: middle class could become revolutionary class

2007-04-30 Thread Carrol Cox
The prediction, more accurately expressed, is that the more highly skilled and paid sectors of the working class will begin to develop a distorted class consciousness, thereby dividing the working class against itself. The writers of the report, sharing the view of standard sociology and crude

Re: [PEN-L] Turkish Government Issues Rebuke to Army

2007-04-29 Thread Carrol Cox
(In the name of God the Most Glorious Mr D'Arcy is empowered to scratch through the sub-soil of Persia until fifty years from this date...) Canto XXXVIII From _A Companion to the Cantos_: In 1901 William Knox D'Arcy, an Australian oil explorer, obtained from the shah of

Re: [PEN-L] EGYPT: Islamic Democrats?

2007-04-29 Thread Carrol Cox
Yoshie Furuhashi wrote: The essential issue in Egypt today is democracy, whose outcome is open. The Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt, which has a range of views within the organization, must be understood in that context. The Brotherhood may turn out to be a liberal friend of America, but it may

Re: [PEN-L] Persian Prince Prophesizes

2007-04-28 Thread Carrol Cox
Yoshie Furuhashi wrote: I thought that Marx's formula was that, although religion is the sigh of the oppressed, the development of capitalism tends to secularize life. I believe he was too simplistic about the correlation between capitalist development and secularization. Capitalism _has_

Re: [PEN-L] The Burgeoning American Educational Police State Proves Kids Are'Smarter' Than Adults

2007-04-27 Thread Carrol Cox
Leigh Meyers wrote: Cary is about 40 miles west of Chicago. The reporter's geography is a bit suspect. Gary is in Indiana, south and EAST of Chicago. Carrol URL: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/18353425/

Re: [PEN-L] The Burgeoning American Educational Police State Proves KidsAre'Smarter' Than Adults

2007-04-27 Thread Carrol Cox
Leigh Meyers wrote: FWIW, there is a *Cary* Illinois. So much for my close reading! :-) Carrol

Re: [PEN-L] Student wisdom

2007-04-26 Thread Carrol Cox
Perelman, Michael wrote: Student work pressures are the most serious source of decline in our university. Yes. But ambitious administrators do come in a close second. The faculty statement Seth quotes could apply to 2/3s of the campuses in the u.s. Carrol

Re: [PEN-L] Differential games

2007-04-22 Thread Carrol Cox
Julio Huato wrote: Uh? I'm not sure what you mean, since a bunch of important economic results have been derived without having preferences posed as *functions*. They have been instead postulated as (mathematical) relations. Gerard Debreu's proof of general equilibrium introduces, not a

Re: [PEN-L] Populism?

2007-04-21 Thread Carrol Cox
Didn't Bryan resign as Wilson's Secretary of State because of his opposition to the u.s. entering the war. That by itself makes him one of the true heroes of u.s. political history. It certainly places him on a level with the various slave-holding heroes of that history. Carrol

Re: [PEN-L] Living the Buy Nothing Life

2007-04-20 Thread Carrol Cox
Leigh Meyers wrote: Marketers are hoping this is a fringe movement. The signs point elsewhere. According to recent surveys by sociologist Juliet Schor, 81 percent of Americans believe their country is too focused on shopping, while nearly 90 percent believe it is too materialistic. Of course

Re: [PEN-L] sicko McCain

2007-04-19 Thread Carrol Cox
Kenneth Burke argued, convincingly, that political rhetoric always went the other direction from policy. His example was that he knew banks were safe when FDR came out with a blast against the financial royalists and their crimes. I still maintain that of all the candidates McCain is the _least_

Re: [PEN-L] Populism?

2007-04-18 Thread Carrol Cox
Doug Henwood wrote: The very short answer from that book (and its very useful introduction) is that populism is a doctrine that divides societies into The People and The Other. It's almost by definition vague on just who The People are. It was that I had in mind the other day when I said

Re: [PEN-L] Cheap shots and a hot tirade

2007-04-18 Thread Carrol Cox
I have always been able to work in coalitions with _anyone_ who shares the principles of the coalition, and that, in practice, has _always_ included working with vegetarians. Moreover, that has also been the practice of every marxist that I have ever worked with. I have _never_ condemned any

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