Regenerate or move postfix queue

2012-06-21 Thread Santiago Romero


I'm running out of space for my postfix's spool directory and I'm planning 
to create a new 30GB partition and mount it over the current spool dir 

How do I re-generate the queue after mounting the new partition and having 
an emtpy /var/spool/postfix/ ?

In squid, as an example, exists squid -Z which recreates postfix's queue. 
There is something similar in postfix? Maybe I should check CentOS 
postfix's post-install scripts instead (/etc/postfix/post-install)?

Another option would be (after stopping postfix), move the old queue 
contents to the new queue, but I'm not sure if that would be OK (in qmail, 
it couldn't be done because each message in the queue depends on the fs 



# ls -ld /var/spool/postfix/
drwxr-xr-x 16 root root 4096 oct  1  2009 /var/spool/postfix/

# ls -l /var/spool/postfix/
total 1736
drwx--  2 postfix root 32 jun 21 09:27 active
drwx--  2 postfix root   4096 jun 21 06:54 bounce
drwx--  2 postfix root   4096 ago 14  2008 corrupt
drwx-- 18 postfix root   4096 jul  2  2010 defer
drwx-- 18 postfix root   4096 jul  2  2010 deferred
drwx--  2 postfix root   4096 ago 14  2008 flush
drwx--  2 postfix root   4096 ago 14  2008 hold
drwx--  2 postfix root 761856 jun 21 09:25 incoming
drwx-wx---  2 postfix postdrop  16384 jun 21 09:25 maildrop
drwxr-xr-x  2 rootroot   4096 jul  2  2010 pid
drwx--  2 postfix root   4096 may 26 12:11 private
drwx--x---  2 postfix postdrop   4096 may 26 12:11 public
drwx--  2 postfix root   4096 ago 14  2008 saved
drwx--  2 postfix root   4096 ago 14  2008 trace

Re: Question about address verification in MX2 when primary MX is down...

2009-08-06 Thread Santiago Romero

Yes, that's what the docs say.
450 = default, defer mail if the address can't be verified.
250 = if the address can't be verified, accept it anyway. Not 

So, summarizing. (And, please, correct me before doing a wrong change 
in my config file):

My current server now is a backscatter source, because it accepts mail 
to ANY recipient address for the domains listed in relay_domains 
(domains I'm work as a secondary MX for).

By adding the following to my, I'll check RCPT TO addresses 
against primary MX, except when PRIMARY MX doesn't answer. In that case, 
I'll accept any destination for my relay_domains list, just like I was 
doing before adding those lines:

address_verify_map = btree:/var/lib/postfix/verify
address_verify_positive_refresh_time = 14d
unverified_recipient_defer_code = 250

smtpd_recipient_restrictions =

If the above is true, I'm in a better state than before: when the 
primary MX works, I reject non existing accounts, and when it does not 
work, I accept ALL (as I was doing).

Is that right?


Re: Question about address verification in MX2 when primary MX is down...

2009-08-05 Thread Santiago Romero


Quoting the documentation[1]:

The unverified_recipient_defer_code parameter (default 450) specifies
the numerical Postfix SMTP server reply code when a recipient address
probe fails with some temporary error. Some sites insist on changing
this into 250. NOTE: This change turns MX servers into backscatter
sources when the load is high.


So, do you mean that changing this parameter to 250 would make postfix 
to accept the email?

Thanks a lot.

Re: Question about address verification in MX2 when primary MX is down...

2009-08-04 Thread Santiago Romero

If you want this behavior,  do not use reject_unverified*.
Instead, use a relay_recipient_maps that can be checked locally.


This server is a secondary MX server for our customers. Those customers 
have their own private primary MX servers, so It's not possible for me 
to have a local database of existing accounts.

That's why I wanted to use reject_unverified_recipient, to let postfix 
guess if an account is valid or not using RCPT TO. And this behaviour is 
perfect, except when primary MX doesn't answer. It would be really 
perfect to be able to force postfix to accept the incoming emails when 
the dest address cannot be validated...

Unless you have a really good reason, you'd be much better off just
losing the MX2,

Customers paying for MX BACKUP SERVER service is a good reason to not loose 
MX2 :-)

Really, reject_unverified_recipient feature is very nice, but rejecting all 
mail when primary MX doesn't answers breaks it for us :(

Any idea? :?

Re: PATCH: Possible reasons for qmgr loading the system?

2009-03-06 Thread Santiago Romero

To apply this patch, cd into the Postfix-2.5.* top-level source
directory and execute:

$ patch  thismessage

We were able to reproduce the scheduler looping problem, and it
does not recur with the patched version

A question ... what' the way to make this patch to be included in 
Ubuntu Server postfix packages?

I mean, should I submit your message+patch to the package maintainers 
of Ubuntu / Debian / Redhat so that new postfix packages with the 
bug corrected are released as updates for users?

Or ... you just publish the patch / bug somewhere and then the package 
maintainers update their sources automatically without we or you needing 
to contact them? :?

I can patch postfix's sources, but then I loose Ubuntu package security 
updates and will force me to maintain postfix from sources since this 
moment. The best way would be your patch to be integrated in postfix and 
new security postfix packages to be released by package maintainers, 
but I don't know how to force that.


Santiago Romero

Re: PATCH: Possible reasons for qmgr loading the system?

2009-03-06 Thread Santiago Romero

Gerard escribió:

In a perfect world, the program maintainers would know about the patch
and take steps to correct their package/port or whatever. You might
want to contact the maintainer of Postfix for your Distro and see if
they are planning on updating the package/port. Usually, they do get a
little annoyed if you start bugging them 5 seconds after the patch is
released. Some of them actually have day jobs

Well, I'm not planning to bug them with the patch. I don't know if the 
integration of the patch with the current package versions is automatic 
or author / bug discoverers must or should notify them to package 

That's what I was asking: if the process is automatic or should I 
notify / help in any way.

Santiago Romero

Re: PATCH: Possible reasons for qmgr loading the system?

2009-03-05 Thread Santiago Romero

 Wietse Venema wrote:
 You might want to repeat your precise Postfix version at this point,
 and which queue manager version is configured in your
 Current Postfix versions have (qmgr=new, oqmgr=old) in
 Older Postfix versions have (nqmgr=new, qmgr=old) instead. The
 programs are the same except for the job selection algorithm.

r...@egeo:~# postconf mail_version
mail_version = 2.5.1

r...@egeo:~# grep -i qmgr /etc/postfix/
qmgr  fifo  n   -   n   300 1   qmgr
#qmgr fifo  n   -   -   300 1   oqmgr

 If you are using the new queue manager, it is worthwhile to see if
 the problem persists when you switch to the old queue manager.

It seems I'm using the new one...

 OK, leave the above settings and see if this helps
 (Postfix 2.5 or later).

 I have not been able to reproduce the problem, but there was
 some bogosity with the handling of _destination_rate_delay.

 diff --exclude=man --exclude=html --exclude=README_FILES -cr
 src/qmgr/qmgr_entry.c- src/qmgr/qmgr_entry.c

Well, I'm using postfix's ubuntu package, so it's not compiled from 
source code because I need all my ~=100 Linux machines to be easily 
updatable (apt-get update  apt-get upgrade).

In this case, I'm going to recompile .deb source package including your 
patch to see if that solves the problem ...

Please, allow me a couple of days to recompile / install it (it's a 
production system, I need to find a working window with customers). I'll 
inform you in this list if the problem happens again or if the patch 
seemed to fix the problem. Do you want any kind of aditional change / 
logging / config to make the problem more easy to happen?

(I mean, setting rate_ values higher or lower so that the problem 
reproduces again faster, because it passed 5 days between the last 2 
times qmgr ate the CPU...).


Santiago Romero

Re: PATCH: Possible reasons for qmgr loading the system?

2009-03-05 Thread Santiago Romero

Please wait for an updated patch, we believe we have identified the
cause and reproduced the symptoms (in that order). I have a candidate
patch, but I expect Wietse will send an updated more polished version
in the not too distant future.

Ok, I'll wait for it. I'm going to roll back to ubuntu packages (I 
already applied the patch and was testing it).

The original 2.5.x code is correct for oqmgr, but not for qmgr
(aka nqmgr), which requires additional internal state adjustments
when destinations are blocked and unblocked

I've changed to oqmgr in for the machine that uses that 
special slow transport. Would I notice any difference in postfix 
behaviour because of using oqmgr instead of qmgr (less performance 
or something like that)?


Santiago Romero

Re: Possible reasons for qmgr loading the system?

2009-03-04 Thread Santiago Romero

Wietse Venema escribió:

Santiago Romero:
 I case it happens again ...  Where or what should I take a look? At OS 
level (disk or network I/O, processes...) I didn't see anything before 
the postfix restart...

Try ``strace -o filename -p pid'' or the equivalent for your OS.


Today happened again in 2 new machines. The last one:

top - 09:44:25 up 19:39,  2 users,  load average: 4.68, 4.87, 4.76
Tasks: 154 total,   6 running, 148 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
Cpu(s): 30.7%us, 49.2%sy,  0.0%ni, 11.7%id,  1.3%wa,  1.0%hi,  6.1%si,  

26926 postfix   20   0  5840 2552 1792 R   43  0.3 276:51.22 qmgr   

The problem was never appeared in those machines until, yesterday, I 
added the following to postfix configuration:

slow unix  -   -   -   -   -   smtp
 -o syslog_name=postfix-slow

# Special slow transport:

Stracing qmgr process for a while (before restarting postfix), showed 
lots of lines like:

time(NULL)  = 1236156322
epoll_ctl(8, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, 128, {EPOLLIN, {u32=128, 
u64=13252642876283682944}}) = 0

fcntl64(128, F_GETFL)   = 0x802 (flags O_RDWR|O_NONBLOCK)
fcntl64(128, F_SETFL, O_RDWR)   = 0
ioctl(128, FIONREAD, [10])  = 0
poll([{fd=128, events=POLLIN, revents=POLLIN}], 1, 360) = 1
read(128, status\\0\0, 4096)  = 10
gettimeofday({1236156322, 508869}, NULL) = 0
close(128)  = 0
epoll_ctl(8, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, 129, {EPOLLIN, {u32=129, 
u64=13252642876283682945}}) = 0

fcntl64(129, F_GETFL)   = 0x802 (flags O_RDWR|O_NONBLOCK)
fcntl64(129, F_SETFL, O_RDWR)   = 0
ioctl(129, FIONREAD, [10])  = 0
poll([{fd=129, events=POLLIN, revents=POLLIN}], 1, 360) = 1
read(129, status\\0\0, 4096)  = 10
gettimeofday({1236156322, 510488}, NULL) = 0
close(129)  = 0
alarm(333)  = 333
socket(PF_FILE, SOCK_STREAM, 0) = 13
fcntl64(13, F_GETFL)= 0x2 (flags O_RDWR)
fcntl64(13, F_SETFL, O_RDWR|O_NONBLOCK) = 0
connect(13, {sa_family=AF_FILE, path=private/slow}, 110) = 0
gettimeofday({1236156322, 513893}, NULL) = 0
fcntl64(13, F_DUPFD, 128)   = 128
close(13)   = 0
epoll_ctl(8, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, 128, {EPOLLIN, {u32=128, 
u64=13834671851822907520}}) = 0

time(NULL)  = 1236156322
socket(PF_FILE, SOCK_STREAM, 0) = 13
fcntl64(13, F_GETFL)= 0x2 (flags O_RDWR)
fcntl64(13, F_SETFL, O_RDWR|O_NONBLOCK) = 0
connect(13, {sa_family=AF_FILE, path=private/slow}, 110) = 0
gettimeofday({1236156322, 515731}, NULL) = 0
fcntl64(13, F_DUPFD, 128)   = 129
close(13)   = 0
epoll_ctl(8, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, 129, {EPOLLIN, {u32=129, 
u64=13834671851822907521}}) = 0

time(NULL)  = 1236156322
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [100])   = 0
time(NULL)  = 1236156322

My problem seems to be related to my new slow transport. I don't know 
what I'm doing wrong, because I followed your advice and postfix 
manuals... but that's happening since I added my slow transport ...

I'm using postfix-2.5.1-2ubuntu1.2.

Santiago Romero

Possible reasons for qmgr loading the system?

2009-02-26 Thread Santiago Romero


Today I had a load average issue in a postfix mail server (only runs 
postfix service). Suddenly, load average started to raise and qmgr 
process appeared on top of top taking 20-30% of CPU.

top - 18:19:54 up 7 days,  2:03,  2 users,  load average: 4.94, 3.96, 4.02
Tasks: 144 total,   6 running, 138 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
Cpu(s): 48.3%us, 50.7%sy,  0.0%ni,  0.0%id,  0.0%wa,  0.0%hi,  1.0%si,  

Mem:   1035280k total,   64k used,35316k free,   149072k buffers
Swap:   750696k total,   88k used,   750608k free,   599308k cached

23665 postfix   20   0  5880 2628 1792 S 20.3  0.3  68:11.18 
23662 root  20   0  5392 1732 1400 R  6.0  0.2  20:49.46 master  

Network traffic was low and we had the normal throughput of emails.

Queue had only 73 emails in it when the problem happened (just like 
now, they are all deferred emails).

Doing postfix stop / postfix start solved the problem.

I case it happens again ...  Where or what should I take a look? At OS 
level (disk or network I/O, processes...) I didn't see anything before 
the postfix restart...


Santiago Romero

Re: Limit rate/concurrency to a given domain

2009-02-23 Thread Santiago Romero

That's right, the logs show the program name (smtp) not the transport 
name; you can't tell which transport called smtp.

You can add something like
  -o syslog_name=postfix-slow
to the slow transport entry to differentiate the logging.

That's it. Postfix is awesome and very well designed. Such kind of 
change would need 723435 patches in qmail (and that's why I'm migrating 
all my qmail servers to postfix).

Thanks a lot.

Santiago Romero

Accepting messages only for valid users in a secondary MX server

2009-02-23 Thread Santiago Romero


I have a secondary MX server with qmail that I'm migrating to postfix. 
Currently, my qmail server checks RCPT TO addresses against a plain text 
file that contains all the valid email accounts for some of the domains 
that is making MX-backup for. That plain-text file is scp'ed from the 
main server.

As I'm migrating it to postfix, I wonder if it's possible to do the 
same in postfix.

To summarize it, currently I have 2 files called:

valid_accounts.txt: a list of valid accounts in the primary MX.
domains_to_check_user.txt: Holds a list of domains. Server only checks 
RCPT against valid_accounts.txt for the domains present in this file.

When a new email arrives, if the destinatary domain is in 
domains_to_check_user.txt, then I check the RCPT TO against 
valid_accounts.txt (and return NO SUCH USER or ACCEPT the email).

If the domain is not in domains_to_check_user.txt, I accept it (if 
it's in qmail's rcpthosts's, of course).

This way, I'm rejecting thousands of email messages directed to 
non-existent accounts in our main domains and sent directly to our MX2 
server (as it cannot check if the account exists without this method).

Is there any way of doing something similar in postfix (maintaining 
domains and accounts in 2 different files would be nice)?

Thanks a lot.

Santiago Romero

Re: Accepting messages only for valid users in a secondary MX server

2009-02-23 Thread Santiago Romero

Postfix calls domains that it accepts mail for but delivers elsewhere 
(such as MX backups) relay_domains.  You can use a plain text file or 
any supported postfix map type.

The list if valid recipients in those domains is specified in 
relay_recipient_maps.  Specify one or more map files listing the valid 
recipients; all other recipients are rejected.

My question is : Can I have domains in relay_domains for which I check 
relay_recipient_maps and domains for which I don't check it?

Example:   - My main domain, I know accounts in the primary MX  - I work as MX backup for it, I don't know their accounts

relay_domains =,
relay_recipient_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/valid_relay_accounts

If I define N (let's say 100) accounts for in 
valid_relay_accounts and 0 accounts for, what would 
postfix do with with emails? Would postfix reject or 
accept it (no accounts defined in relay_recipient_maps por it).

My problem is that I have knowledge of accounts of SOME of the domains 
I act as MXBackup for... and I want to check rcpt to only for those 
domains, while accepting any RCPT TO for the others.


Santiago Romero

Re: Limit rate/concurrency to a given domain

2009-02-19 Thread Santiago Romero

Wietse Venema escribió:

default_destination_rate_delay (default: 0s)
   The default amount of delay that is inserted between individual  deliv-
   eries  to  the same destination; with per-destination recipient limit 
   1, a destination is a domain, otherwise it is a recipient.

The delay is NOT implemented by the smtpd process. 

I finally was setting:

slow  inet  n   -   -   -   -   smtp


slow_destination_recipient_limit = 1
slow_destination_concurrency_limit = 1
slow_destination_rate_delay = 2

Do you mean (sorry If I didn't understood it) that I can use:

slow_destination_recipient_limit = 1
slow_destination_concurrency_limit = 1

but no:

slow_destination_rate_delay = 2


The logfile shows in any way that I'm sending a give email with the 
slow transport instead of the standard smtp transport? (To verify if 
my config is working correctly and check if emails are going out by the 
right transport).

Thanks for your help.

Santiago Romero

Strange problem with pickup process (maybe just a coincidence)

2009-02-11 Thread Santiago Romero


I have a strange problem monitoring the pickup process: we have a 
monitoring system that, sometimes, warns us with pickup process not in 
memory (master and qmgr seems to continue running). When we enter the 
machine, we notice that pickup is really in memory, but after that 
alarm, every monitoring cycle (every 180 seconds) tells us that pickup 
is not present in memory as a process.

Starting with the first alarm reported by the monitoring tool, pickup 
process is reported as not in memory in each monitoring cycle, until 
we do a postfix restart. Then it works perfectly again for a 
undeterminated amount of time (days, weeks, months).

I can't find any error in the logs... and my shows:

# grep pickup /etc/postfix/
pickupfifo  n   -   n   60  1   pickup

I noticed that pickup wakes up every 60 seconds, and my monitoring 
system checks processes every 180 seconds. Maybe it's just 
synchronization and my monitoring system performs the checking just 
when postfix is restarting pickup?

Does the wake up restart the process itself?

The docs just say:

Wake up time (default: 0)
 Automatically  wake  up the named service after the
 specified number of seconds. The wake up is  imple-
 mented  by  connecting to the service and sending a
 wake up request.  A ? at the  end  of  the  wake-up
 time  field requests that no wake up events be sent
 before the first time a service is used.  Specify 0
 for no automatic wake up.

But I don't now if wake up means a signal or an o.s. kill + new 
process (which could explain my monitoring incidence).

(if it's that, I can just change 60 to 70 seconds, and that way the ps 
auxwww | grep pickup won't synchronize with pickup restart).

Is it safe to raise those 60 seconds to a more higher value, such as 
600 or so?

Am I right with the synchronization hypotesis or could be something 

Thanks a lot.

Santiago Romero

Re: Strange problem with pickup process (maybe just a coincidence)

2009-02-11 Thread Santiago Romero

Bastian Blank escribió:

On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 09:00:14AM +0100, Santiago Romero wrote:
I have a strange problem monitoring the pickup process: we have a  
monitoring system that, sometimes, warns us with pickup process not in  

What is the meaning of this message?


This one (this morning!):

truth:~# date
mie feb 11 09:52:04 CET 2009

b...@truth:/usr/local/bb/ext$ ps auxwww | grep pickup
bb   12674  0.0  0.0  1332  432 pts/0S09:50   0:00 grep pickup

b...@truth:/usr/local/bb/ext$ ps auxwww | grep pickup
bb   12692  0.0  0.0  1332  432 pts/0S09:50   0:00 grep pickup

b...@truth:/usr/local/bb/ext$ ps auxwww | grep pickup
bb   12705  0.0  0.0  1332  432 pts/0S09:50   0:00 grep pickup

b...@truth:/usr/local/bb/ext$ ps auxwww | grep pickup
bb   12712  0.0  0.0  1332  432 pts/0S09:50   0:00 grep pickup

truth:~# /etc/init.d/postfix restart
Shutting down postfix:
postfix/postfix-script: stopping the Postfix mail system

Starting postfix:
postfix/postfix-script: starting the Postfix mail system

truth:~# ps auxwww | grep pickup
postfix  13427  0.1  0.0  2864  976 ?S09:51   0:00 pickup -l 
-t fifo -u

root 13560  0.0  0.0  1752  732 pts/0S09:51   0:00 grep pickup

Pickup process just disappears from memory, and no info about that is 
shown in log files :-?

Santiago Romero

Re: smtpd banner problem

2009-01-20 Thread Santiago Romero

Marco Tchi Hong escribi:

  In I
have :
= $myhostname ESMTP $mail_name (DATA
  But when I
do : telnet myserver.tld 25 from another
server I get :
  I don't find
why I don't get the good banner.

That sounds like a CISCO PIX / ASA firewall filtering your SMTP
traffic with the MAILGUARD feature.

Ask your firewall administrator to disable that HORRIBLE and EVIL
feature, it will cause more problems than benefits.

When your fw admin disable MAILGUARD, smtp clients will connect
directly to your port 25 and you'll see your nice banner :)

Santiago Romero

Re: Upgrading from 2.5.1 to 2.5.4 (sasl error????).

2008-08-21 Thread Santiago Romero

 Santiago Romero:
 make makefiles CCARGS=-DUSE_SASL_AUTH -DUSE_CYRUS_SASL -lsasl

 See the INSTALL file. Also on-line as

 See also the SASL_README file for SASL-specific command syntax.

Ok, I see it:


Thanks a lot :)

Santiago Romero

Upgrading from 2.5.1 to 2.5.4 (sasl error????).

2008-08-20 Thread Santiago Romero


I tried to upgrade from a perfectly running postfix system
(2.5.1 + SASL1) to 2.5.4, and got an strange error.

I compiled 2.5.1 (tar.gz from postfix's website) 3 months ago with:

make makefiles CCARGS=-DUSE_SASL_AUTH -lsasl
make install
(answered the install questions and installed postfix in /postfix/ 

It's been working nicely since then, but due to CVE-2008-2936 I
downloaded 2.5.4 (tar.gz from postfix's website) and wrote:

tar xvzf postfix-2.5.4.tar.gz
cd postfix-2.5.4
make makefiles CCARGS=-DUSE_SASL_AUTH -lsasl
/etc/init.d/postfix stop
make upgrade
/etc/init.d/postfix start

Telnetting port 25 results in (mail.log):

postfix/smtpd[8368]: warning: unsupported SASL server implementation: cyrus
postfix/smtpd[8368]: fatal: SASL per-process initialization failed
postfix/master[28601]: warning: process /postfix/usr/libexec/postfix/smtpd
  pid 8368 exit status 1
postfix/master[28601]: warning: /postfix/usr/libexec/postfix/smtpd: bad
  command startup -- throttling

Going back to /root/sources/postfix-2.5.1 and remaking a make upgrade
solved the problem temporary.

Now I'm trying to know what I'm doing wrong, because I'm using the same
configure/make setup and the same files...

# postconf -n | grep -i sasl | grep -v authenticated
broken_sasl_auth_clients = yes
smtpd_sasl_auth_enable = yes
smtpd_sasl_path = smtpd

# cat /etc/postfix/sasl/smtpd.conf
pwcheck_method: pwcheck
#mech_list: PLAIN LOGIN

# dpkg -l | grep -i sasl
ii  libsasl-dev1.5.27-3.1wood Development files for authentication 
ii  libsasl-module 1.5.27-3.1wood Basic Pluggable Authentication Modules 
for S

ii  libsasl7   1.5.27-3.1wood Authentication abstraction library.
ii  sasl-bin   1.5.27-3.1wood Programs for manipulating the SASL 
users dat

Any idea? What I'm doing wrong?

Thanks for any help.

Santiago Romero

Re: Upgrading from 2.5.1 to 2.5.4 (sasl error????).

2008-08-20 Thread Santiago Romero


When Dovecot authentication was introduced the arguments were changed. 
Now you have to use -DUSE_CYRUS_SASL explicitely in order to compile 
support for Cyrus sasl in.

It does not compile this way:

gcc -Wmissing-prototypes -Wformat -DUSE_SASL_AUTH -DUSE_CYRUS_SASL
-DNO_EPOLL -DHAS_PCRE  -g -O -I. -I../../include -DLINUX2 -o smtpd smtpd.o
smtpd_token.o smtpd_check.o smtpd_chat.o smtpd_state.o smtpd_peer.o
smtpd_sasl_proto.o smtpd_sasl_glue.o smtpd_proxy.o smtpd_xforward.o
smtpd_dsn_fix.o smtpd_milter.o ../../lib/libmaster.a ../../lib/libtls.a 
../../lib/libxsasl.a ../../lib/libmilter.a ../../lib/libglobal.a 
../../lib/libutil.a -lpcre

-ldb -lnsl -lresolv

../../lib/libxsasl.a(xsasl_cyrus_server.o): In function 
undefined reference to `sasl_server_init'
undefined reference to `sasl_errstring'


But 2.5.1 compiles and works perfectly without -DUSE_CYRUS_SASL, and:

# postconf -a

(in my 2.5.1 without the -DUSE_CYRUS_SASL)

Any idea?

Santiago Romero

Re: Upgrading from 2.5.1 to 2.5.4 (sasl error????).

2008-08-20 Thread Santiago Romero

At the moment I am scratching my head. Something is apparently 
different in the sasl implementation. I assume that you compile both 
versions in the same environment?

Yes. Same machine:

truth:~/sources/postfix# ls -l
total 6188
drwxr-xr-x   16 postfix  postfix  4096 ago 20 10:03 postfix-2.5.1
drwxr-xr-x   16 root root 4096 ago 20 11:28 postfix-2.5.4
-rw-r--r--1 postfix  postfix   3153629 feb 16  2008 postfix-2.5.1.tar.gz
-rw-r--r--1 root root  3157713 ago 14 08:13 postfix-2.5.4.tar.gz

# dpkg -l | grep -i sasl
ii  libsasl-dev1.5.27-3.1wood Development files for authentication 
ii  libsasl-module 1.5.27-3.1wood Basic Pluggable Authentication Modules 
for S

ii  libsasl7   1.5.27-3.1wood Authentication abstraction library.
ii  sasl-bin   1.5.27-3.1wood Programs for manipulating the SASL 
users dat

Y compile 2.5.1 with:

make makefiles CCARGS=-DUSE_SASL_AUTH -lsasl

And SASL works. The same make sentences with 2.5.4 compiles and after the
make upgrade it gives the sasl error in the logs.

If I add the -DUSE_CYRUS_SASL, 2.5.4 does not compile.


Did you start the compilation from a clean extracted tarball? make 
clean sometimes wasn't enough to get rid of some previous build remains.

Yes, just after the tar xvzf...

Santiago Romero

Re: Upgrading from 2.5.1 to 2.5.4 (sasl error????).

2008-08-20 Thread Santiago Romero

Santiago Romero wrote:

I compile 2.5.1 with:

make makefiles CCARGS=-DUSE_SASL_AUTH -lsasl

And SASL works. The same make sentences with 2.5.4 compiles and 
after the

make upgrade it gives the sasl error in the logs.

And compiled postfconf says:

truth:~/sources/postfix/postfix-2.5.4# ./bin/postconf -a

It seems I need a -D flag to use SASL1 ... but that you gave me gives 
linking errors ... :?

Santiago Romero

Re: Upgrading from 2.5.1 to 2.5.4 (sasl error????).

2008-08-20 Thread Santiago Romero

Are you absolutely sure that you need SASL1 and not SASL2? Please 
check what versions of sasl.h are installed on your system. It could 
be that an incompatible version is used during compilation.

Yes, I need it. I don't have available SASL2 and when I tried to 
download and compile sasl2 in such an old system I had real problems 
with other sasl-compiled applications. I must continue using SASL1...

Is that a RedHad or Fedora system?

Debian Woody (quite old, Debian 2.2).

Santiago Romero

Re: Upgrading from 2.5.1 to 2.5.4 (sasl error????).

2008-08-20 Thread Santiago Romero


That is not the correct syntax. See the INSTALL file.

What's wrong? The -lsasl statement?

In the INSTALL file I see you use single quotation marks instead of 
double. Besides of that, what I'm doing wrong?


PS: It compiled and worked with the -DUSE_SASL_AUTH -DUSE_CYRUS_SASL 
-lsasl ... just luck?

Santiago Romero