
2013-06-14 Thread Danny Ayers
Linked Data. Oo, that's a tricky one. I suppose it might be, like data, that's, erm, linked. I don't mean to trivialise, such questions should always be asked. The Web has turned out to be rather a complicated system. But it mostly works through simplicity, isn't that hard to conceive of a link


2012-03-29 Thread Danny Ayers
A proposed mini-convention for giving SPARQL endpoints an I'm Feeling Lucky option and hence supporting things like WebFinger. Take a query like: SELECT DISTINCT ?blog WHERE { ?person foaf:name James Snell . ?person foaf:weblog ?blog . } LIMIT 1 If I'm asking something like that, then

Re: Lucky SPARQL

2012-03-29 Thread Danny Ayers
PS. A better name might be Optimistic SPARQL (and it should probably return a 404 if the query doesn't return a suitable pattern). On 29 March 2012 14:18, Danny Ayers wrote: A proposed mini-convention for giving SPARQL endpoints an I'm Feeling Lucky option and hence

Re: NIR SIDETRACK Re: Change Proposal for HttpRange-14

2012-03-27 Thread Danny Ayers
This seems an appropriate place for me to drop in my 2 cents. I like the 303 trick. People that care about this stuff can use it (and appear to be doing so), but it doesn't really matter too much that people that don't care don't use it. It seems analogous to the question of HTML validity. Best

Minimum useful linked data

2011-09-03 Thread Danny Ayers
I'm not sure the 80% demographic for linked data is getting enough attention. So how about this - We have : a) timbl's definition of linked data [1] and it seems reasonable to assume that : b) most developers using APIs aren't that familiar with RDF c) JSON is popular with these developers

Re: ANN: Sparallax! - Browse sets of things together (now those on your SPARQL endpoint)

2011-08-19 Thread Danny Ayers
On 18 August 2011 02:37, Giovanni Tummarello wrote: Hi Danny, i liked sparallax a lot, problem is its hard to maintain. David didnt upgrade parallax any longer and the intern who did the sparql to MQL conversion that allows sparallax to operate on sparql is now

Re: ANN: Sparallax! - Browse sets of things together (now those on your SPARQL endpoint)

2011-08-17 Thread Danny Ayers
Nice work! Due to requirements of query functionalities and aggregates, Sparallax currently only works on Virtuoso SPARQL endpoints. (do other triplestores have aggregates? if so please let us know and we'll try to support other syntaxes as well) Which aggregate functions are needed? ARQ has

Defining LD (was Re: Branding?)

2011-07-28 Thread Danny Ayers
[cc'ing, this all seems to be drifting a little beyond JSON scope - see [1], [2], [3] ] LD meaning Labeled and Directed for JSON-LD works for me too. But I don't see a problem with defining linked data as being all-URIs (fully grounded, no bnodes or literals) just for spec

Re: WebID and pets -- was: Squaring the HTTP-range-14 circle [was Re: in RDF ...]

2011-06-20 Thread Danny Ayers
On 20 June 2011 10:51, Kingsley Idehen wrote: On 6/20/11 8:31 AM, Henry Story wrote: Perhaps it can become mythical. The URL should be by now:-) The URI :-) The mythical URI, perfect. --

Re: WebID and pets -- was: Squaring the HTTP-range-14 circle [was Re: in RDF ...]

2011-06-20 Thread Danny Ayers
On 19 June 2011 20:42, Henry Story wrote: Ok. So you need to give each of your dogs and cats a webid enabled RDFID chip To inject a little reality: Sashapooch has got an embedded RFID (not yet RDFID!) tag, not sure but I think it became Italian law. Basilhound being a

Re: Fwd: Squaring the HTTP-range-14 circle [was Re: in RDF ...]

2011-06-20 Thread Danny Ayers
Point taken, I forget where I am sometimes, will try harder. My apologies. On 19 June 2011 21:06, Nathan wrote: Danny Ayers wrote: I feel very guilty being in threads like this. Shit fuck smarter people than me. Just minor, and I can hardly talk as I swear most often

Re: Squaring the HTTP-range-14 circle [was Re: in RDF ...]

2011-06-19 Thread Danny Ayers
is a bad idea. It won't. Pat On Jun 18, 2011, at 1:51 PM, Danny Ayers wrote: On 17 June 2011 02:46, David Booth wrote: I agree with TimBL that it is *good* to distinguish between web pages and dogs -- and we should encourage folks to do so -- because doing so *does* help

Re: Squaring the HTTP-range-14 circle [was Re: in RDF ...]

2011-06-19 Thread Danny Ayers
On 19 June 2011 12:37, Henry Story wrote: [snip pat] The way to do this is to build applications where this thing matters. So for example in the social web we could build a slightly more evolved like protocol/ontology, which would be decentralised for one, but would

Re: Squaring the HTTP-range-14 circle [was Re: in RDF ...]

2011-06-19 Thread Danny Ayers
I thought forever that if we see iniquities we are duty-bound to stand in the way. But that don't seem to change anything. Let the crap rain forth, if you really need to make sense of it the blokes on this list will do it. Activity is GOOD, no matter how idiotic. Decisions made on very

Re: Squaring the HTTP-range-14 circle [was Re: in RDF ...]

2011-06-19 Thread Danny Ayers
can understand. The Myers-Briggs thing is intuitively rubbish. But with only one or two posts in the ground, it does seem you can extrapolate. On 19 June 2011 19:52, Henry Story wrote: On 19 Jun 2011, at 19:44, Danny Ayers wrote: I am of the view that this has been

Re: Squaring the HTTP-range-14 circle [was Re: in RDF ...]

2011-06-18 Thread Danny Ayers
On 16 June 2011 22:39, Pat Hayes wrote: Not only do I not follow your reasoning, I don't even know what it is you are saying. The document is a valid *representation* of the car, yes of course. That's all that's necessary to square this circle. But as valid as the car itself?

Re: Squaring the HTTP-range-14 circle [was Re: in RDF ...]

2011-06-18 Thread Danny Ayers
On 17 June 2011 02:46, David Booth wrote: I agree with TimBL that it is *good* to distinguish between web pages and dogs -- and we should encourage folks to do so -- because doing so *does* help applications that need this distinction.  But the failure to make this

Re: Squaring the HTTP-range-14 circle [was Re: in RDF ...]

2011-06-15 Thread Danny Ayers
On 13 June 2011 07:52, Pat Hayes wrote: OK, I am now completely and utterly lost. I have no idea what you are saying or how any of it is relevant to the http-range-14 issue. Want to try running it past me again? Bear in mind that I do not accept your claim that a description

Re: Squaring the HTTP-range-14 circle

2011-06-15 Thread Danny Ayers
Awesome rant Richard! I think this bit would work better live : I want to tell the publishers of these web pages that they could join the web of data just by adding a few @rels to some as, and a few @properties to some spans, and a few @typeofs to some divs (or @itemtypes and @itemprops).

Re: Squaring the HTTP-range-14 circle

2011-06-15 Thread Danny Ayers
On 14 June 2011 10:49, Richard Cyganiak wrote: On 13 Jun 2011, at 20:51, David Booth wrote:    a foaf:Document;    dc:title Richard Cyganiak's homepage;    a foaf:Person;    foaf:name Richard Cyganiak;    owl:sameAs;  

Re: Squaring the HTTP-range-14 circle [was Re: in RDF ...]

2011-06-15 Thread Danny Ayers
On 15 June 2011 18:30, Pat Hayes wrote: Boy, that is a humdinger of a non-sequiteur. Given that HTTP has flexibility, it is OK to identify a description of a thing with the actual thing? To me that sounds like saying, given that movies are projected, it is OK to say that

Re: Squaring the HTTP-range-14 circle [was Re: in RDF ...]

2011-06-15 Thread Danny Ayers
On 16 June 2011 02:26, Pat Hayes wrote: If you agree with Danny that a description can be a substitute for the thing it describes, then I am waiting to hear how one of you will re-write classical model theory to accommodate this classical use/mention error. You might want to

Squaring the HTTP-range-14 circle [was Re: in RDF ...]

2011-06-12 Thread Danny Ayers
On 12 June 2011 01:51, Pat Hayes wrote: On Jun 11, 2011, at 12:20 PM, Richard Cyganiak wrote: ... It's just that the designers don't seem to care much about the distinction between information resources and angels and pinheads. This is the prevalent attitude

Re: in RDF ...

2011-06-12 Thread Danny Ayers
On 12 June 2011 16:26, Richard Cyganiak wrote: Hi Pat, On 12 Jun 2011, at 00:33, Pat Hayes wrote: Nothing is gained from the range assertions. They should be dropped. They capture a part of the documentation: the “expected type” of each property. That part of

Re: Squaring the HTTP-range-14 circle [was Re: in RDF ...]

2011-06-12 Thread Danny Ayers
(there will be some isomorphism between a thing and a description of a thing, right? Absolutely not. Descriptions are not in any way isomorphic to the things they describe. (OK, some 'diagrammatic' representations can be claimed to be, eg in cartography, but even those cases don't stand up

Re: Squaring the HTTP-range-14 circle [was Re: in RDF ...]

2011-06-12 Thread Danny Ayers
On 13 June 2011 02:28, Pat Hayes wrote: Next point: there can indeed be correspondences between the syntactic structure of a description and the aspects of reality it describes. That is what I was calling isomorphism (which I still don't think was inaccurate). But ok, say there

Problems with SPARQL on WWW4 server

2011-03-20 Thread Danny Ayers
(Not sure which list is most appropriate - please advise) I'm getting a lot of errors querying against: while some queries work, e.g. PREFIX rdfs: SELECT DISTINCT ?s WHERE { ?s rdfs:label ?label . FILTER

Re: Metaweb joins Google

2010-07-24 Thread Danny Ayers
It's not hard to find reasons to be cynical about Google's move, mostly around the potential for them to make Freebase their own in the sense of hiding it within their infrastructure and only exposing proprietary, user-oriented interfaces - the temptation for Google to improve aspects of the

Re: Subjects as Literals

2010-07-06 Thread Danny Ayers
I've been studiously avoiding this rat king of a thread, but just on this suggestion: On 2 July 2010 11:16, Reto Bachmann-Gmuer wrote: ... Serialization formats could support Jo :nameOf :Jo as a shortcut for [ owl:sameAs Jo; :nameOf :Jo] and a store could

Re: Subjects as Literals

2010-07-06 Thread Danny Ayers
On 6 July 2010 13:34, Nathan wrote: Danny Ayers wrote: :Jo rdfs:value Jo together with :Jo rdf:type rdfs:Literal ? 1: is there and rdfs:value? (rdf:value) My mistake, it is rdf:value 2: I would *love* to see rdf:value with a usable tight definition that everybody

Re: Using predicates which have no ontology?

2010-04-02 Thread Danny Ayers
On 3 April 2010 00:53, Nathan wrote: Hi All, Any guidance on using predicates in linked data / rdf which do not come from rdfs/owl. Specifically I'm considering the range of:* Can't find a URL that resolves there such as edit,

Re: KIT releases 14 billion triples to the Linked Open Data cloud

2010-04-01 Thread Danny Ayers
One fact there's no avoiding, the service works! Bravo Denny. Compelling paper, although more scenarios would be good. My cousin told me about a cow being stuck in the village post office this morning, and in both cases things seemed interesting, and potentially useful towards Web serendipity.

Re: SPARQL: sorting resources by label?

2010-03-14 Thread Danny Ayers
On 14 March 2010 20:04, Toby Inkster wrote: I use something like:        OPTIONAL {          ?subject ?labelprop ?label .          GRAPH {            ?labelprop a .      

Re: SPARQL: sorting resources by label?

2010-03-12 Thread Danny Ayers
On 13 March 2010 04:16, Axel Rauschmayer wrote: Thanks for any comments or suggestions... I'm a little perturbed that you have to use something so convoluted to get labels Why not something just like (whatever graph) SELECT ?o WHERE { ?s rdfs:label ?o } , or at worse an

Re: RDFa for Turtles 2: HTML embedding

2010-03-10 Thread Danny Ayers
On 10 March 2010 18:19, Paul Houle wrote: head xmlns=; xmlns:dcterms=;     meta rel=dcterms:creator content=Ataru Morobishi /head ... This does bend the XHTML/RDFa standard and also HTML a little (those namespace

Re: head/@profile needed in HTML 5? GRDDL in Linked Data community?

2010-03-01 Thread Danny Ayers
I worry that discarding profile URIs may cause problems further down the line. The cost of keeping it in the spec is virtually zero - ignore usually. We know that things like URI-based extensibitlies work, dereference for more info, having a profile URI leaves the window open for e.g. a

Re: Terminology when talking about Linked Data

2010-02-17 Thread Danny Ayers
PS. On 17 February 2010 12:00, Danny Ayers wrote: For a definition of Linked Data I'd suggest anything that conforms to timbl's Linked Data expectations:   1. Use URIs as names for things   2. Use HTTP URIs so that people

Re: Terminology when talking about Linked Data

2010-02-17 Thread Danny Ayers
For a definition of Linked Data I'd suggest anything that conforms to timbl's Linked Data expectations: 1. Use URIs as names for things 2. Use HTTP URIs so that people can look up those names. 3. When someone looks up a URI, provide useful information, using the standards (RDF, SPARQL)

Re: The status of Semantic Web community- perspective from Scopus and Web Of Science (WOS)

2010-02-13 Thread Danny Ayers
In defence of Ying Ding, mapping out the academic citation material is worthwhile, but I do tend to agree with Dan and Jeremy in that it's only part of the picture (and almost certainly not the major part). While I could have a good old rant about the role played by enthusiastic amateurs (which

Academic publishing and the Web [was Re: The status of Semantic Web community- perspective from Scopus and Web Of Science (WOS)]

2010-02-13 Thread Danny Ayers
Irrespective, don't you think HTML or even better an RDF (re. your data sources) would be sort of congruent with this entire effort? Dan and others could have just slotted URIs into the RDF etc.. and the resource could just grow and evenly rid itself of its current contextual short-comings

Re: Question about paths as URIs in the BBC RDF

2010-01-29 Thread Danny Ayers
On 29 January 2010 00:31, Nathan wrote: I have got one kind of big question; why not just be more verbose and include full URIs? if it ensures that the data is always perfect and full abstracted from the notion of HTTP (touchy subject?)[1] then why not do it? Including an

Re: Creating JSON from RDF

2009-12-14 Thread Danny Ayers
2009/12/14 Richard Light In message, Hammond, Tony writes Normal developers will always want simple. Surely what normal developers actually want are simple commands whereby data can be streamed in, and

Re: Creating JSON from RDF

2009-12-12 Thread Danny Ayers
Jeni, marvellous that you're working on this, and marvellous that you've thought this through an awful lot already. I can't offer any real practical suggestions right away (a lot to digest here!) but one question I think right away may some significance: you want this to be friendly to normal

Re: Ontology Wars? Concerned

2009-11-24 Thread Danny Ayers
Hi Nathan, A good question, the way it gets answered as far as I can see depends on what you're after. Glad to see you're thinking linked data. But people really do try to overthink it when it comes to ontologies, in my opinion: ideally the best ontologies/vocabs will win - - rubbish. The

Re: RDF Update Feeds + URI time travel on HTTP-level

2009-11-24 Thread Danny Ayers
Good man, I couldn't help thinking there was a paper in that... 2009/11/22 Herbert Van de Sompel hi all, (thanks Chris, Richard, Danny) In light of the current discussion, I would like to provide some clarifications regarding Memento: Time Travel for the Web, ie the idea

Re: RDF Update Feeds + URI time travel on HTTP-level

2009-11-22 Thread Danny Ayers
2009/11/22 Richard Cyganiak On 20 Nov 2009, at 19:07, Chris Bizer wrote: [snips] From a web architecture POV it seems pretty solid to me. Doing stuff via headers is considered bad if you could just as well do it via links and additional URIs, but you can argue that the

Re: differentFrom?

2009-11-14 Thread Danny Ayers
2009/11/14 Simon Reinhardt I definitely think it's useful for Linked Data purposes, just like owl:sameAs, IFPs and everything that Allemand and Hendler describe as RDFS-Plus (although they don't include owl:differentFrom in that). Yeah, certainly worth investigating

Re: Linked (genealogy) data

2009-10-02 Thread Danny Ayers
Good stuff! cc'ing Ian who has worked on this kind of stuff for a while. My paternal grandfather made a huge tree, did a load of research (Boy Scout until age of 65). Quite recently I tried to explain to my mother how this was interesting...not quite sure what she had to hide :) But this is

Re: how to consume linked data

2009-09-25 Thread Danny Ayers
Many thanks for responses, stuff to think about. Yihong got to /root of my question, ...miss the main purpose why we want to have data linked in the first place why are places like itsy, youtube and redtube (yup, pr0n still lives) more compelling, given what we know? people *are* getting the

Re: how to consume linked data

2009-09-25 Thread Danny Ayers
2009/9/25 Kjetil Kjernsmo On Friday 25. September 2009 10:15:34 you wrote: sorry if I sound negative, I reckon the semweb is a done deal now, the many-eyeballs arrived. Thanks for asking the right questions, Danny, I believe it is critical for the success that someone

Re: how to consume linked data

2009-09-25 Thread Danny Ayers
2009/9/25 Juan Sequeda Linked Data is out there. Now it's time to develop smart (personalized) software agents to consume the data and give it back to humans. I don't disagree, but I do think the necessary agents aren't smart, just stupid bots (aka Web services a la

Re: how to consume linked data

2009-09-25 Thread Danny Ayers
... best Leo It was Danny Ayers who said at the right time 24.09.2009 09:59 the following words: The human reading online texts has a fair idea of what is and what isn't relevant, but how does this work for the Web of data? Should we have tools to just suck in any nearby triples, drop them

Re: ...and that URI

2009-09-16 Thread Danny Ayers
2009/9/16 Norman Gray Ooops, sorry.  I've sent the comments off to their proper place. ditto --

Re: ...and that URI

2009-09-15 Thread Danny Ayers
Thanks Raphaël - great stuff! I very much like the 5 aspects (though visually it's begging for a 6th - not that I can think of one :) 2009/9/15 Raphaël Troncy The W3C acknowledge the value of

dbpedia not very visible, nor fun

2009-09-14 Thread Danny Ayers
It seems I have a Wikipedia page in my name (ok, I only did fact-check edits, ok!?). So tonight I went looking for the corresponding triples, looking for my ultimate URI... Google dbpedia = front page, with news on the list on the left is Online Access what do you get? [[ The DBpedia data set

...and that URI

2009-09-14 Thread Danny Ayers The W3C acknowledge the value of this stuff, no? So shouldn't it be available (via redirect or whatever) from somewhere more like : ?? --

Anyone RDFized IP address geolocation data?

2009-08-01 Thread Danny Ayers
I'm after an RDF dump so I can get client country from IP address. There's a source for the raw data at : but if someone's already converted such stuff it'll save me time. Also, what would be my best bet for mapping country codes (US etc) to the

Re: looking for an event ontology/vocabulary

2009-07-29 Thread Danny Ayers
2009/7/29 Pat Hayes Indeed. However, it suffers from one glaring defect, which may simply be a problem of documentation: i does not explain its terms. Documentation is a pretty common problem... In particular, it refers to a 'factor' of an event, without anywhere saying

Re: Excellent News for LOD: Yahoo Provides Tool for RDFa+GoodRelations for Site Owners

2009-07-16 Thread Danny Ayers
Chipping in a little late - yep, this really is excellent news. E-commerce was a huge driver for the Web (/me sidesteps the bust), there's every reason it could be a shot in the arm for the semweb too. Also the lure of shopkeeper $$$s makes this kind of thing great pedagogical material - note

Re: .htaccess a major bottleneck to Semantic Web adoption / Was: Re: RDFa vs RDF/XML and content negotiation

2009-07-03 Thread Danny Ayers
2009/7/2 Bill Roberts I thought I'd give the .htaccess approach a try, to see what's involved in actually setting it up.  I'm no expert on Apache, but I know the basics of how it works, I've got full access to a web server and I can read the online Apache documentation as well

Re: .htaccess a major bottleneck to Semantic Web adoption / Was: Re: RDFa vs RDF/XML and content negotiation

2009-07-02 Thread Danny Ayers
2009/7/2 Linde, A.E. Could someone summarise this thread in a single (unbiased?) post, please? I'll try to answer the questions, even though I've only skimmed the thread... a) what is/are the blocks on LOD via RDF The vast majority of publication tools and supporting

Re: RDFa vs RDF/XML and content negotiation

2009-06-24 Thread Danny Ayers
Thank you for the excellent questions, Bill. Right now IMHO the best bet is probably just to pick whichever format you are most comfortable with (yup it depends) and use that as the single source, transforming perhaps with scripts to generate the alternate representations for conneg. As far as

Redundancy (was Re: RDFa vs RDF/XML and content negotiation)

2009-06-24 Thread Danny Ayers
2009/6/24 Ivan Herman With the increasing popularity of RDFa our system guys have already complained about sudden server request surges on that service. Ie, although it is fine to use the service as it is in the .htaccess example (with full URI-s, though) if you (or anybody


2009-06-24 Thread Danny Ayers
While we could have countless arguments over the appropriateness of DL (or OWL 2) in the Web environment, the bottom line is whether or not owl:imports adds useful information - seems hard to see a problem with that, whether agents can reason or not. The follow your nose thing. What's the problem

Re: Redundancy (was Re: RDFa vs RDF/XML and content negotiation)

2009-06-24 Thread Danny Ayers
2009/6/24 Ivan Herman Unfortunately, no:-( concise, but to the point, thanks :) --

Re: RDFa vs RDF/XML and content negotiation

2009-06-24 Thread Danny Ayers
Ivan, two words : more python! 2009/6/24 Ivan Thanks very much.  I'll take a look at your python scripts, which should be very useful. Cheers Bill Van: Ivan Herman [] Verzonden: wo 24-6-2009 9:14 Aan: Bill

Re: Contd LOD Data Sets, Licensing, and AWS

2009-06-24 Thread Danny Ayers
2009/6/25 Ian Davis I think the onus is on the consumer to ensure they abide with the supplier's wishes, not the other way round. It's really a matter or respect and politeness to give people the credit they ask for. Certainly in principle, but the supplier should know

Re: Common Tag - semantic tagging convention

2009-06-18 Thread Danny Ayers
2009/6/18 Bernard Vatant - The date seems to me a very important piece of information, in particular if you look at tags from the vocabulary management, and/or search engines viewpoint. First, labels change more often than concepts, and second, a search engine

Re: goes Semantic Web the GoodRelations Way

2009-06-08 Thread Danny Ayers
I heard about this elsewhere (?) - I personally think it's hugely significant. Commerce means a lot to a lot of people, this is mainstreaming. Bravo! 2009/6/8 Martin Hepp (UniBW) Hi all: Good news: goes Semantic Web the GoodRelations Way

Re: Extracting RDF triples

2009-06-05 Thread Danny Ayers
Hi Luciano, There are also a few online tools that will do the conversion, offhand I can only remember e.g. Cheers, Danny. --

Re: ANN:

2009-06-03 Thread Danny Ayers
2009/6/3 Hugh Glaser We are pleased to offer as a service to provide you with help finding URIs. Great stuff! We believe that the Semantic Web and Linked Data need to develop clear, focussed, services that only do one or two things, so that they can

Re: BobQL? Boxes of (related) boxes ...

2009-05-31 Thread Danny Ayers
2009/5/31 Dan Brickley Box 1: A journey exploring information about presidents, their kids and their education... box 1.1: All things that are US presidents box 1.2: All things that are children of things in bag_1.1 box 1.3: All things that are educational institutions,

Re: owl:sameAs links from OpenCyc to WordNet

2009-02-23 Thread Danny Ayers
2009/2/23 Dan Brickley Having these associations is still great, so thanks for all the work putting this together. I'd suggest making up a custom relationship name for now to link from a class to a related Wordnet synset. I thought maybe SKOS [1] might have a suitable term,

Re: studies about LD visibility

2009-01-27 Thread Danny Ayers
2009/1/27 Jun Zhao Our projects have been supporting the needs from users who have little or no techy background. They quite buy the idea of Semantic Web, for making it easier to mash up datasets, technically speaking. However, we are still looking for compelling cases

linked data tutorial, lessons learnt

2009-01-23 Thread Danny Ayers
Somewhat late, but maybe useful for someone: At the Italian semweb conference SWAP 2008 [1] I did a tutorial, about 15-20 attendees. The first half, a presentation was straightforward and I think functional, I used a cut-down tweaked version [2] of the slides ChrisB co. used in Karlsruhe.

Re: linked data tutorial, lessons learnt

2009-01-23 Thread Danny Ayers
PS. The mighty capable organizers, Aldo and Valentino, got an art exhibition co-located with the conference. Getting a bit of culture in there was brilliant :-) 2009/1/23 Danny Ayers Somewhat late, but maybe useful for someone: At the Italian semweb conference SWAP 2008

Re: linked data tutorial, lessons learnt

2009-01-23 Thread Danny Ayers
eeek! s/Valentino/Valentina 2009/1/23 Danny Ayers PS. The mighty capable organizers, Aldo and Valentino, got an art exhibition co-located with the conference. Getting a bit of culture in there was brilliant :-) 2009/1/23 Danny Ayers Somewhat

Re: linked data tutorial, lessons learnt

2009-01-23 Thread Danny Ayers
2009/1/23 Juan Sequeda Hi Danny Thanks for the info. Could you tell me who were the attendees? I mean, were they already knowledgeable about LD and Semantic Web? I asked who had a FOAF profile and nobody raised their hand (although at least one person did, to my

Re: studies about LD visibility

2009-01-22 Thread Danny Ayers
2009/1/21 Olaf Hartig Does someone know a study that investigates whether people from different communities know about linked data and are aware of the benefits? I've not seen anything, but if the W3C has resources for another Education and Outreach group in

Re: The next Internet giant: linking open data, providing open access to repositories

2008-12-07 Thread Danny Ayers
2008/12/7 Sw-MetaPortal-ProjectParadigm [EMAIL PROTECTED]: The next Internet giant company will be linking open data and providing open access to repositories, in the process seamlessly combining both paid for subscriptions, Creative Commons or similar license based or open source software

Re: The next Internet giant: linking open data, providing open access to repositories

2008-12-07 Thread Danny Ayers
Abstract looks excellent, though personally I'd drop the hypens ('-'). Now to read a paper! 2008/12/8 Marko A. Rodriguez [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Hi all, Here is a short column that I wrote that is in line with this thread of thought: It addresses the importance

Re: A VoCamp Galway 2008 success story

2008-11-29 Thread Danny Ayers
2008/11/29 François Scharffe [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Hi Michael, Michael Hausenblas wrote: Francois, Thanks for your feedback and the question. Though I'm not sure what you technically mean with 'my:links is a named graph' :) ditto The system output the links in a named graph. See the

Re: Can we afford to offer SPARQL endpoints when we are successful? (Was linked data hosted somewhere)

2008-11-29 Thread Danny Ayers
%=profanity /% or something - cool thread while I disagree with many of Aldo's individual points, getting them surfaced is really positive in response to a line from the firestarter: The only reason anyone can afford to offer a SPARQL endpoint is because it doesn't get used too much? while my

Suggestions/existing material for Linked Data tutorial?

2008-11-14 Thread Danny Ayers
Hi LODites, I'm going to be doing a tutorial at the SWAP conference in Rome on 15th Dec (main conf is 16th-17th, ). Provisional title is Publishing Linked Data on the Semantic Web: how and why?. I have my own thoughts about what to do (naturally ;-) but would very

Re: Suggestions/existing material for Linked Data tutorial?

2008-11-14 Thread Danny Ayers
2008/11/14 Andreas Blumauer [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Dear Danny, dear LODites, since I´m presenting LOD/Semweb Ideas/Methods etc. since years rather for non-Semweb people, e.g. for traditional IT-specialists or Web 2.0 folks, I have developed some slides recently for this audience:

Re: Suggestions/existing material for Linked Data tutorial?

2008-11-14 Thread Danny Ayers
2008/11/14 Yves Raimond [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Hi Danny! Hi Yves! We plan to publish, with Keith, a small how-to for doing a hands-on tutorial like the Web-of-data 101 session we did at the WOD-PD event. With Richard's permission, we'll also take a few things from his session, where he used