Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RPM v6 package format draft, major update (Discussion #2919)

2024-04-04 Thread Panu Matilainen
It's not a bad idea. Gzip is getting a bit long in the tooth, and I guess all 
distros moved to something better 10-15 years ago.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RPM v6 package format draft, major update (Discussion #2919)

2024-04-04 Thread Daniel Alley
How about defaulting to Zstd compression as opposed to Gzip?

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RPM v6 package format draft, major update (Discussion #2919)

2024-03-21 Thread Panu Matilainen
I guess it's time to move on with the low-level spec:

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RPM v6 package format draft, major update (Discussion #2919)

2024-03-12 Thread ニール・ゴンパ
I'd probably go with `RPMTAG_FILEMIME`.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RPM v6 package format draft, major update (Discussion #2919)

2024-03-12 Thread Panu Matilainen
One almost forgotten metadata-level thing added: replace libmagic strings (in 
RPMTAG_FILECLASS) with MIME classification. I don't know if it makes more sense 
to reuse the existing tag or reserve a new one just for the purpose though.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RPM v6 package format draft, major update (Discussion #2919)

2024-03-07 Thread Panu Matilainen
So I guess what we could do here is what old tags do when they go to die: 
rename to OLD-prefix, reuse the name with a new id and add a header extension 
to retrieve the old tag if new is not set. And, since v4 merrily ignores the 
old tag being missing, compatibility is retained. So should be doable, but how 
useful it is in reality I don't know. A new payload format would have to be 
tracked by an rpmlib() dependency and not just a random string.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RPM v6 package format draft, major update (Discussion #2919)

2024-03-07 Thread Panu Matilainen
Those three were specifically singled out as only being relevant for v3. Things 
like caps and payload compressors relate to actual rpm capabilities depending 
on how it was built, and will need to stay.
But .. considering rpm < 4.6 will not be able to read v6 then that's indeed a 
better cut-off point than general v4, so FileDigests can go, maybe something 
else too.

Note that this is only about *generating* said dependencies into packages. What 
capabilities librpm provides is a separate matter, eg ExplicitPackageProvides 
is never generated although it is provided. Ditto for HeaderLoadSortsTags and 
ConcurrentAccess, maybe something else. But getting rid of those would be just 
general cleanup.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RPM v6 package format draft, major update (Discussion #2919)

2024-02-22 Thread Daniel Alley
>rpmlib() dependencies on v3 compatibility are dropped: 

Are these being specifically singled out for deletion, or can we blanket-delete 
feature dependencies introduced before 4.6?  Because that's a much longer, e.g.

* ExplicitPackageProvides
* FileCaps
* FileDigests


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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RPM v6 package format draft, major update (Discussion #2919)

2024-02-21 Thread Panu Matilainen
Heh, I didn't remember the workaround for 3.x, that's pretty funny. That 
would've been added by a rather green me, probably in 2007 or so, thinking this 
checking is a good thing. And then nobody thought to update the name when the 
new payload format was added years later. It's annoying how much that little 
slip some ten years ago is hurting just now.

It's something to consider. While v6 always uses the new non-cpio payload, the 
community has shown interest in other types of payload too, and having a clean 
mechanism for this would of course be nice. 

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RPM v6 package format draft, major update (Discussion #2919)

2024-02-21 Thread Daniel Alley
>this cannot be reflected in PAYLOADFORMAT as that would be a gratituous 
>compatibility break

Ironically dropping the tag entirely would work fine, because of the backwards 
compatibility backflips already in place to deal with v3 packages.

So... why not?  The situation already exists where you need to actually look at 
the payload to figure out what it is, and use RPM to process it in any case.

Alternatively can we at least neuter this check and get that backported, so 
that `PAYLOADFORMAT` could theoretically be fixed in a couple years.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RPM v6 package format draft, major update (Discussion #2919)

2024-02-21 Thread Panu Matilainen
Oh, RPMSIGTAG_FILESIGNATURELENGTH needs to be dropped because it's just broken.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RPM v6 package format draft, major update (Discussion #2919)

2024-02-20 Thread Panu Matilainen
Figuring out what to do with this is one of the next things on my plate.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RPM v6 package format draft, major update (Discussion #2919)

2024-02-20 Thread Panu Matilainen
There's now also a draft PR that implements mosts of this draft, as far as 
package generation goes:

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RPM v6 package format draft, major update (Discussion #2919)

2024-02-20 Thread ニール・ゴンパ
> proper multiarch dependencies (instead of ()(64bit) markers)

As a reminder, I took a stab at this in #360 and later #1038. The big change 
since then is the introduction of subarches for both ARM and x86_64, and I 
still expect that to happen for RISC-V too. What are we thinking for this now?

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