powersem + newpagestyle?

2002-01-16 Thread Stefan Becuwe
, but no lines etc. If, however, I use seminar together with seminar.bug/bg2 and fixseminar, the pagestyle is used. Any idea how to solve this problem? Thanks Stefan Becuwe -- \documentclass[display,a4paper]{powersem} %\documentclass{seminar} %\input seminar.bug %\input seminar.bg2 \usepa

strange behaviour of liststepwise + highlight?

2002-01-17 Thread Stefan Becuwe
I wonder if, what happens with the following example file, is supposed to happen or not. "Interesting" is shown in the default blue, associated with "lightbackground". When step 1 is shown, this block seems to be in black. When step 2 is shown, the color of block 1 is changed to the default bl

changing page color

2002-02-11 Thread Stefan Becuwe
I use the following options to the preview version of texpower \usepackage[sans,coloremph,colorhighlight,lightbackground]{texpower} Is it possible to change the pagecolor for the whole document without modifying tpcolors.cfg? If I put a \pagecolor{..} just before or after the \begin{document},