Re: Pruning commit logs manually

2011-06-17 Thread Peter Schuller
a memtable is flushed can the commit log which contains the data being flushed, be removed by Cassandra. -- / Peter Schuller

Re: Force a node to form part of quorum

2011-06-16 Thread Peter Schuller
It would be great if Cassandra puts this on their roadmap. There is lot of durability benefits by incorporating dc awareness into the write consistency equation. You may be interested in the discussion here: -- / Peter Schuller

Re: Forcing Cassandra to free up some space

2011-06-15 Thread Peter Schuller
changes so I'm not sure off hand what'll happen to the auto-system.gc code in cassandra that attempts to free space. CASSANDRA-2521 is IMO the real solution. -- / Peter Schuller

Re: repair and amount of transfers

2011-06-14 Thread Peter Schuller
at the same time. -- / Peter Schuller

Re: Retrieving a column from a fat row vs retrieving a single row

2011-06-08 Thread Peter Schuller
adding a lot of overhead in terms of disk I/O unless your data set fits comfortably in memory. -- / Peter Schuller

Re: sync commitlog in batch mode lose data

2011-06-07 Thread Peter Schuller
kernels) barriers at the OS level - and the list goes on. -- / Peter Schuller

Re: sync commitlog in batch mode lose data

2011-06-03 Thread Peter Schuller
will legitimiately get very low values without it indicating anything is wrong.) -- / Peter Schuller

Re: sync commitlog in batch mode lose data

2011-05-31 Thread Peter Schuller
and cassandra service 5). read the key list generated in step 2) with consistency level ONE How sure are you that the system is honoring fsync() properly, including flushing any caches on underlying drives? Or is this with battery backed caching RAID controllers? -- / Peter Schuller

Re: repair question

2011-05-24 Thread Peter Schuller
the more I think of it ;) -- / Peter Schuller

Re: repair question

2011-05-24 Thread Peter Schuller
Hmmm, I'm starting to like this idea more and more the more I think of it ;) Filed: -- / Peter Schuller

Re: repair question

2011-05-23 Thread Peter Schuller
. Particularly in a situation with lots of dropped messages. I'm getting the 2^15 from AntiEntropyService.Validator.Validator() which passes a maxsize of 2^15 to the MerkelTree constructor. -- / Peter Schuller

Re: Gossiper question

2011-05-18 Thread Peter Schuller
/browse/CASSANDRA-2554 which may be relevant, but simple overload is also a possible reason. -- / Peter Schuller

Re: Cassandra and concurrent programming

2011-05-16 Thread Peter Schuller
/) for that. -- / Peter Schuller

Re: Native heap leaks?

2011-05-15 Thread Peter Schuller
Ok, so I think I found one major cause contributing to the increasing Nice job tracking this down! That is useful to know, even outside of Cassandra use cases. Frankly it's disappointing to learn what nio is doing. -- / Peter Schuller

Re: Inconsistent data issues when running nodetool move.

2011-05-15 Thread Peter Schuller
is useful since it allows consistency semantics similar to ALL but allows you to survive nodes being down, at the cost of a higher RF (3 at least)) -- / Peter Schuller

Re: Commitlog Disk Full

2011-05-13 Thread Peter Schuller
? Including overwrites. If not, I'm not sure what's going on. Since you said it took about a day of traffic it feels fishy. -- / Peter Schuller

Re: Monitoring bytes read per cf

2011-05-13 Thread Peter Schuller
to be, due to the LRU:ishness of caches, the less frequently accessed data that tends to make it difficult to judge by numbers that include all I/O. -- / Peter Schuller

Re: Commitlog Disk Full

2011-05-12 Thread Peter Schuller
setting in question is the memtable_flush_after setting. Do you have that set to something very high on one of your column families? You can use describe keyspace name_of_keyspace in cassandra-cli to check current settings. -- / Peter Schuller

Re: Finding big rows

2011-05-11 Thread Peter Schuller
What is the best way to find keys of such big rows? One, if not necessarily the best, way is to check system.log for large row warnings that trigger for rows large enough to be compacted lazily. Grep for 'azy' (or lazy case-insens) and you should find it. -- / Peter Schuller

Re: Index interval tuning

2011-05-10 Thread Peter Schuller
store? So the only thing I can do is test it and see how it goes. To make the change affective, should I do anything beyond changing the value in cassandra.yaml and restart the node? I'll try first with 256 and see what happens. That should be it. -- / Peter Schuller

Re: Index interval tuning

2011-05-09 Thread Peter Schuller
to judge and likely depends a lot on i/o scheduling and other details. -- / Peter Schuller

Re: strange behaviour in cassandra

2011-05-08 Thread Peter Schuller
lead to a delay of sstable removal which will vary with whatever else is happening (the more busy the node, the more often a concurrent mark/sweep gc phase is triggered, and the more frequently obsolete sstables are deleted). -- / Peter Schuller

Re: compaction strategy

2011-05-07 Thread Peter Schuller
. -- / Peter Schuller

Re: compaction strategy

2011-05-07 Thread Peter Schuller
to the effects of the temporary spike in data size and cache coldness. Sounds like it makes good sense in your situation though. -- / Peter Schuller

Re: Decommissioning node is causing broken pipe error

2011-05-05 Thread Peter Schuller
that the need for major compactions is significantly lessened or even eliminated. However, running major compactions won't cause tombstones *not* to be removed; it's just not required *in order* for them to be removed. -- / Peter Schuller

Re: Backup full cluster

2011-05-04 Thread Peter Schuller
the former row key gets restored to a point in time prior to that of the latter row key may cause the latter write to become visible even though the former write is lost. -- / Peter Schuller

Re: Backup full cluster

2011-05-04 Thread Peter Schuller
: Think before typing. :) -- / Peter Schuller

Re: Performance tests using stress testing tool

2011-04-29 Thread Peter Schuller
Thanks Peter. I am using java version of the stress testing tool from the contrib folder. Is there any issue that should be aware of? Do you recommend using pystress? I just saw Brandon file this: Maybe that's it. -- / Peter Schuller

Re: Performance tests using stress testing tool

2011-04-28 Thread Peter Schuller
haywire as you don't service as many I/O requests as are coming in. There is a grey area in between where latency will be very sensitive to smallish changes in I/O load but aggregate throughput remaining below what can be sustained. -- / Peter Schuller

Re: Performance tests using stress testing tool

2011-04-28 Thread Peter Schuller
. -- / Peter Schuller

Re: OOM on heavy write load

2011-04-28 Thread Peter Schuller
usage during periods of timeouts. If the huge allocations fail due to fragmentation and fallback to Full GC that might be an expected result. Else -XX:+PrintGC -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps. -- / Peter Schuller

Re: OOM on heavy write load

2011-04-28 Thread Peter Schuller
issues. *Maybe* after two full gc:s tops if the first happens while there's a mix still active in memtables. -- / Peter Schuller

Re: decommissioning a wrong node

2011-04-24 Thread Peter Schuller
. the common case of wanting to listen on but no public interfaces... -- / Peter Schuller

Re: Multi-DC Deployment

2011-04-21 Thread Peter Schuller
to skip rows that are obviously bad, but true integrity checking is not supported at this time. -- / Peter Schuller

Re: Consistency model

2011-04-18 Thread Peter Schuller
;) -- / Peter Schuller

Re: Two versions of schema

2011-04-18 Thread Peter Schuller
. +1. I think this is a great take-away w.r.t. schema changes. -- / Peter Schuller

Re: Changing replica placement strategy

2011-04-18 Thread Peter Schuller
*believe* this is true, but I don't dare promise it. -- / Peter Schuller

Re: How to warm up a cold node

2011-04-15 Thread Peter Schuller
if the total database size fits reasonably well in page cache. Pre-heating sstables on a per-cf basis on start-up would be a nice feature to have. -- / Peter Schuller

Re: Cassandra 2 DC deployment

2011-04-15 Thread Peter Schuller
weekly/whatever repair) is the most efficient way to achieve consistency again. -- / Peter Schuller

Re: flush_largest_memtables_at messages in 7.4

2011-04-13 Thread Peter Schuller
on latency than trying to serve real live traffic without a feedback mechanism with a system which is processing fewer requests than incoming. -- / Peter Schuller

Re: unsubscribe

2011-04-13 Thread Peter Schuller -- / Peter Schuller

Re: flush_largest_memtables_at messages in 7.4

2011-04-13 Thread Peter Schuller
. Something like Cassandra/postgresql/etc behaves similarly. If you're running a benchmark at a fixed concurrency of N, you won't have more than N total requests outstanding at any given moment. -- / Peter Schuller

Re: Cassandra node's replication factor two with random partition non Bootstrap node problem

2011-04-12 Thread Peter Schuller
reported by the Cassandra client (and which client is it)? I'm not sure what you mean w.r.t. boostrap/master etc. All nodes should be entirely equal, with the exception of nodes that are marked as seed nodes. But seed nodes going down should not cause reads and writes to fail. -- / Peter Schuller

Re: Lot of pending tasks for writes

2011-04-12 Thread Peter Schuller
to saturate your nodes. -- / Peter Schuller

Re: flush_largest_memtables_at messages in 7.4

2011-04-12 Thread Peter Schuller
that I need to adjust any thresholds? And how to calculate correct value? Is this on the same cluster/nodes that you're doing your 250k column stresses (the other thread)? In any case, for typical cases there is: -- / Peter Schuller

Re: Cassandra 2 DC deployment

2011-04-12 Thread Peter Schuller
to a write sees the written data, that doesn't sound very compatible with automatically falling back to CL.ONE... Anyways, those are my off-the-cuff thoughts - maybe it doesn't apply in the situation in question. -- / Peter Schuller

Re: erros which starting cassandra

2011-04-12 Thread Peter Schuller
decreasing heap size is the appropriate course of action. -- / Peter Schuller

Re: Lot of pending tasks for writes

2011-04-12 Thread Peter Schuller
in Cassandra than it is in; so suddenly a single can easily saturate lots of nodes simply because you can so trivially be writing data at very high throughput by upping the column sizes -- / Peter Schuller

Re: flush_largest_memtables_at messages in 7.4

2011-04-12 Thread Peter Schuller
significant); but if this is not the case, then this particular problem should be a matter of adjusting heap size according to your memtable thresholds. I.e., increase heap size and/or decrease memtable flush thresholds. -- / Peter Schuller

Re: CL.ONE reads / RR / badness_threshold interaction

2011-04-12 Thread Peter Schuller
will then go to a node which will have potentially zero cache hit rate on that data since all reads up to that point were taken by the node that just went down. So it's not an obvious win depending. -- / Peter Schuller

Re: flush_largest_memtables_at messages in 7.4

2011-04-12 Thread Peter Schuller
populated? -- / Peter Schuller

Re: flush_largest_memtables_at messages in 7.4

2011-04-12 Thread Peter Schuller
question about queue size in iostat I see it ranging from 114-300. Saturated. -- / Peter Schuller

Re: Heads up: restarting a node with autobootstrap=true after nodetool move will re-bootstrap the node in 0.7.0-0.7.4

2011-04-10 Thread Peter Schuller
about seed nodes not re-bootstrapping, but that's because seeds are special-cased in the start-up process to never initiate bootstrapping and is also unrelated really to the bug.) -- / Peter Schuller

Re: Reg : unsubscribe

2011-04-10 Thread Peter Schuller
          Please unsubscribe my email address from user list . -- / Peter Schuller

Re: CL.ONE reads / RR / badness_threshold interaction

2011-04-06 Thread Peter Schuller
balancing - depending on performance characteristics of nodes. -- / Peter Schuller

Re: Abnormal memory consumption

2011-04-05 Thread Peter Schuller
than you would otherwise, and the result of that is additional compaction work (meaning, less sustainable write throughput). But you won't be forced to have 120 gig nodes (a 120 gig heap would be problematic for other reasons anyway). -- / Peter Schuller

Re: LB scenario

2011-04-05 Thread Peter Schuller
Can someone comment on this ? Or is the question too vague ? Honestly yeah I couldn't figure out what you were asking ;) What specifically about the diagram are you trying to convey? -- / Peter Schuller

Re: Disable Swap? batch_mutate failed: out of sequence response

2011-04-05 Thread Peter Schuller
swapped out, you don't want stacks swapped out,etc. As soon as you start swapping you very quickly run into poor and unreliable performance. Particularly during GC. -- / Peter Schuller

Re: extreme memory consumption

2011-04-05 Thread Peter Schuller
note the virtual mem used 20.6 GB ?!   and Shared 8.4 GB ?! -- / Peter Schuller

Re: Minor Follow-up: reduced cached mem; resident set size growth

2011-04-05 Thread Peter Schuller
. But still. -- / Peter Schuller

Re: running compaction from a machine outside the cluster

2011-04-05 Thread Peter Schuller
, assuming firewall allows. Unless does not have cassandra installed means that you can't use nodetool either? -- / Peter Schuller

Re: Abnormal memory consumption

2011-04-04 Thread Peter Schuller
is put into trying to make Cassandra very useful for very very small heap sizes. -- / Peter Schuller

Re: Abnormal memory consumption

2011-04-04 Thread Peter Schuller
; there may be gotchas involved. -- / Peter Schuller

Re: Abnormal memory consumption

2011-04-04 Thread Peter Schuller
caching, you will have to adjust accordingly as well. -- / Peter Schuller

Re: Bizarre side-effect of increasing read concurrency

2011-04-03 Thread Peter Schuller
if max heap is 7.5 gig. -- / Peter Schuller

Re: Bizarre side-effect of increasing read concurrency

2011-04-02 Thread Peter Schuller
Java also enjoys using all the memory your allocate and the Garbage collection does not give it back unless it needs to. This only explains why it never shrinks in top, not increased heap usage (which is presumably the memtables/key/row caches already mentioned). -- / Peter Schuller

Re: Bizarre side-effect of increasing read concurrency

2011-04-02 Thread Peter Schuller
heap size of 5.5GB? Or are you using VM options such that Xms != Xmx? If 5.5 is the maximum heap size and you're at 4 gig after the completion of a mark-and-sweep, I'd say it would be a good idea to pre-emptively up the heap size a bit (or decreases memtables/key/row caches). -- / Peter Schuller

Re: Question on conflict handling

2011-04-01 Thread Peter Schuller
My question is a lot simpler: does Conflict only happens at column level? Or is it at row level? Individual column level only. -- / Peter Schuller

Re: Question on conflict handling

2011-04-01 Thread Peter Schuller
My question is a lot simpler: does Conflict only happens at column level? Or is it at row level? Individual column level only. Well, with the special exception of whole-row deletes. -- / Peter Schuller

Re: Node added, no performance boost -- are the tokens correct?

2011-04-01 Thread Peter Schuller
? Try using from the Cassandra tree as a comparison. If you're sending one request at a time, there is no expectation at all of a performance improvement - just a decrease in performance. -- / Peter Schuller

Re: Naming issue on nodetool repair command

2011-03-31 Thread Peter Schuller
is often conflated with fsck/repair in the sense of trying to fix something unexpected/buggy/broken Maybe nodetool aes or nodetool antientropy? -- / Peter Schuller

Re: How to determine if repair need to be run

2011-03-31 Thread Peter Schuller
), and (3) no node ever happens to be down, flap, or drop a request when you touch the data in question. Basically, unless you are really sure what you're doing - run repair. -- / Peter Schuller

Re: Not able to set ZERO consistency level

2011-03-31 Thread Peter Schuller
Are you *sure* you want it? :) -- / Peter Schuller

Re: How to determine if repair need to be run

2011-03-31 Thread Peter Schuller
for extended periods of time. It doesn't take a lot at all for a *few* writes not getting replicated (for example, just restarting a Cassandra node will cause some writes to be dropped - hinted handoff is not a guarantee, only an optimization). -- / Peter Schuller

Re: How to determine if repair need to be run

2011-03-30 Thread Peter Schuller
as important :) But it relies on 'nodetool repair' reliably exiting with non-zero exit status on failures. if nodetool returns an error this might work:  nodetool -h localhost repair touch /path/to/flagfile.tmp That's the equivalent, due to 'set -e'. -- / Peter Schuller

Re: How to determine if repair need to be run

2011-03-30 Thread Peter Schuller
I concur.  JIRA time? -- / Peter Schuller

Re: How to determine if repair need to be run

2011-03-30 Thread Peter Schuller
. And not even all data that is read at that (e.g. range slices don't imply repair). -- / Peter Schuller

Re: Fatal error from a cassandra node

2011-03-30 Thread Peter Schuller
sizing, but I can't find it right now. -- / Peter Schuller

Re: Fatal error from a cassandra node

2011-03-30 Thread Peter Schuller
There's a wiki page somewhere that describes the overall rule of thumb for heap sizing, but I can't find it right now. -- / Peter Schuller

Re: How to determine if repair need to be run

2011-03-29 Thread Peter Schuller
:// (What *would* be useful perhaps is to be able to ask a node for the time of its most recently started repair, to facilitate easier comparison with GCGraceSeconds for monitoring purposes.) -- / Peter Schuller

Re: How to determine if repair need to be run

2011-03-29 Thread Peter Schuller
-case and requirements, may benefit from more frequent repair. But the important part, is the minimum repair frequency mandated by Cassandra - and determined by GCGraceSeconds. -- / Peter Schuller

Re: How to determine if repair need to be run

2011-03-29 Thread Peter Schuller
be helpful I think, but doesn't currently exist (as far as I know), such that the script (or whatever) doing the repairs would have to solve that problem. -- / Peter Schuller

Re: International language implementations

2011-03-29 Thread Peter Schuller
Can someone list some of the current international language implementations of cassandra ? What is an international language implementation of Cassandra? -- / Peter Schuller

Re: how does cassandra pick its replicant peers?

2011-03-26 Thread Peter Schuller
would be hinted hand-off when writing at CL.ANY and hinted hand-off, but I'll leave that beyond the scope of this.) -- / Peter Schuller

Re: ParNew (promotion failed)

2011-03-26 Thread Peter Schuller
is large and the workload is such that young-gen gc:s promote a high percentage of it's data, I suspect that can lead to CMS triggering too late. (So this paragraph is speculation.) -- / Peter Schuller

Re: ParNew (promotion failed)

2011-03-26 Thread Peter Schuller
. See Well, in_memory_compaction_limit_in_mb can be relevant. But this should only matter if you have large rows in your column family. -- / Peter Schuller


2011-03-26 Thread Peter Schuller
was not responsible anymore for that data. But this doesn't explain why he was able to read the stale data? Or did I miss something about actually having removed the second node from the ring after it was shut off? -- / Peter Schuller

Re: how does cassandra pick its replicant peers?

2011-03-25 Thread Peter Schuller
violate the requirement of quorum. For example, if you're at RF=3, at least two nodes (in the replica set for a given key) must be responding to your request in order for them to succeed at QUORUM. -- / Peter Schuller

Re: Does concurrent_reads relate to number of drives in RAID0?

2011-03-17 Thread Peter Schuller
with multiple disks. -- / Peter Schuller

Re: Does concurrent_reads relate to number of drives in RAID0?

2011-03-17 Thread Peter Schuller
device. This in turn, in the case of a RAID0, means multiplying the target maximum queue depth with the number of drives. -- / Peter Schuller

Re: Does concurrent_reads relate to number of drives in RAID0?

2011-03-17 Thread Peter Schuller
instead of cfq.) -- / Peter Schuller

Re: Is column update column-atomic or row atomic?

2011-03-16 Thread Peter Schuller
columns in a row. Maybe if you describe your use-case. -- / Peter Schuller

Re: Calculate memory used for keycache

2011-03-15 Thread Peter Schuller
of the sstable for specific keys that have recently been accessed. (Normally the index portion is seeked into, a bit of data is streamed from disk, de-serialized, and used to find the offset for that key). -- / Peter Schuller

Re: Nodes frozen in GC

2011-03-15 Thread Peter Schuller
) Anyways, I sympathize with your issues and the fact that you don't have time to start attaching with profilers etc. Unfortunately I don't know what to suggest that is simpler than that. -- / Peter Schuller

Re: Move token to another node

2011-03-15 Thread Peter Schuller
the general recommendation is to set the token manually to avoid surprises. -- / Peter Schuller

Re: Out of Memory every 2 weeks

2011-03-14 Thread Peter Schuller
I am going to try that. Also, you may want to augment your VM options with: -XX:+PrintGC -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCTimestamps That way there should hopefully be some corroborating evidence as to the nature of the heap growth over time. -- / Peter Schuller

Re: Strange behaivour

2011-03-14 Thread Peter Schuller
that involved being stuck in system cpu spin... but I may be mis-remembering. -- / Peter Schuller

Re: Calculate memory used for keycache

2011-03-14 Thread Peter Schuller
with the data structures involved, as well as longer-term effects like fragmentation in old-space in the GC (similarly to malloc/free). -- / Peter Schuller

Re: memory utilization

2011-03-12 Thread Peter Schuller
instead of 10 gb. I haven't investigated properly. Maybe just depending on mmap flags. -- / Peter Schuller

Re: Poor performance on small data set

2011-03-11 Thread Peter Schuller
a nagle + delayed ACK problem. The PHP client probably isn't setting the TCP_NODELAY flag (or the equivalent in Windows). Google for nagle delayed ack for details. -- / Peter Schuller

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