Re: [gradle-user] trouble with ant.taskdef classpath

2009-08-27 Thread JerodLass
we keep trying to figure out if something else is going wrong? JerodLass wrote: It looks like I can work around this by putting jdom.jar in gradle's library. Is there anything that this will obviously mess up? Is there a better workaround that anybody can think of? Thank you, Jerod

Re: [gradle-user] trouble with ant.taskdef classpath

2009-08-25 Thread JerodLass
output with the parentLoader class loading. Thoughts? Jerod hdockter wrote: On Aug 24, 2009, at 4:13 PM, JerodLass wrote: I'm trying to define a new custom ant task that replaces some context-related code in a few files, which is already written and works from an ant build, but I

Re: [gradle-user] Adding Dependencies for Custom Ant Tasks

2009-07-27 Thread JerodLass
Adam Murdoch-2 wrote: JerodLass wrote: My mistake, I thought my labyrinth of a question gave the impression that I was adding my custom gradle task to the classpath of something else. In my gradle task, I add the custom task class to the classpath of the ant task as I define

[gradle-user] Adding Dependencies for Custom Ant Tasks

2009-07-24 Thread JerodLass
I am defining and using a custom ant task to deploy/generate stubs for EJBs. I get an error at the RMIC part of the deploy, where it complains that a few classes could not be found. This is accurate, and I put together a jar to fix it, but I don't know how to get it in the classpath for the

Re: [gradle-user] Adding Dependencies for Custom Ant Tasks

2009-07-24 Thread JerodLass
of them tries to use a class it can't find. Again, if I drop that jar in my jdk directory that I run gradle from, it picks up the files and runs smoothly. Sorry for the confusion. Adam Murdoch-2 wrote: JerodLass wrote: I'm not adding the custom task itself to the classpath of anything

[gradle-user] Re: Re[gradle-user] pository Priorities

2009-07-21 Thread JerodLass
Jira 558: Thanks Jerod hdockter wrote: Hi Jerod, On Jul 15, 2009, at 5:28 PM, JerodLass wrote: Is there a way to prioritize the repository searching for dependencies? Most jars that the project I'm building needs are in a project

[gradle-user] Re[gradle-user] pository Priorities

2009-07-15 Thread JerodLass
Is there a way to prioritize the repository searching for dependencies? Most jars that the project I'm building needs are in a project flatDir repository, but since I'm building outside of websphere and using websphere jars, I also added a few dependencies to jars that can be found in another

Re: [gradle-user] Deploying EJBs

2009-07-14 Thread JerodLass
of websphere (using the wsejbdeploy ant task)? Anyone know where to look? Jacob Grydholt Jensen wrote: 2009/7/9 JerodLass Now I seem to be seeing this problem a lot:  The java class could not be loaded. java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: org/gradle/BootstrapMain

Re: [gradle-user] Deploying EJBs

2009-07-09 Thread JerodLass
causes this issue? JerodLass wrote: I've been using IBM's jdk and ant tasks, which I use a custom ant task definition for in gradle, to deploy EJBs. Projects (not all, but some) that could build several months ago now fail with gradle 0.6 during ejb deploys for bizarre classpath

Re: [gradle-user] Excluding a Test Source File

2009-07-09 Thread JerodLass
though you are excluding it? -Paul JerodLass wrote: I clean before every build, but I just moved everything but the source and it still happens. Does this feature work for other people? If you have a test class that doesn't compile and you exclude it from compile and compileTests

Re: [gradle-user] Excluding a Test Source File

2009-07-09 Thread JerodLass
JerodLass wrote: It's a test file that isn't referenced by any other test, and compiling fails on the file so no .class file is generated. Also, I can't figure out why but it looks like the file I'm trying to ignore is compiled first. Paul Speed-2 wrote: Note also: I don't know

[gradle-user] Excluding a Test Source File

2009-07-08 Thread JerodLass
I'm building a project with a test file that imports a class that I see no evidence actually exists. The test file is 95% commented out so I know I can safely ignore it, but it's not mine so I cannot change it. Thus, I would like to exclude it from the build (which doesn't run tests yet

[gradle-user] Deploying EJBs

2009-07-08 Thread JerodLass
I've been using IBM's jdk and ant tasks, which I use a custom ant task definition for in gradle, to deploy EJBs. Projects (not all, but some) that could build several months ago now fail with gradle 0.6 during ejb deploys for bizarre classpath and property reasons. This is more likely due to

[gradle-user] Arbitrary multi-project builds progress

2009-06-25 Thread JerodLass
After an issue refreshed my need for build hierarchy control, I'm back to trying to build my multi-project without a physical top-level build. Again, to clean up cvs (among other benefits), I would like to modify my project structure From: -D Project -D SubProject1 -F build.gradle

Re: [gradle-user] Client module for custom ant tasks

2009-06-22 Thread JerodLass
', failonerror:'true', jvmMaxMemory: '1024M') } which worked in previous gradle versions. Any idea would be much appreciated. JerodLass wrote: filed: I have now built my first ear with gradle 0.6.1! Still a lot

Re: [gradle-user] Client module for custom ant tasks

2009-06-18 Thread JerodLass
should skip over 0.6 on the CI engine since the people who own the projects I building have less patience than I do for changes in builds. Thanks for the help! Jerod hdockter wrote: On Jun 17, 2009, at 4:52 PM, JerodLass wrote: Thanks, that worked. I don't have a good answer as to why I do

Re: [gradle-user] Client module for custom ant tasks

2009-06-17 Thread JerodLass
Any idea why project.configurations{ wsanttasks } project.dependencies{ wsanttasks module( } throws a nullpointerexception on the module line when I declare it in a plugin? hdockter wrote: On Jun 16, 2009, at 2:58 PM, JerodLass wrote: snip

Re: [gradle-user] Client module for custom ant tasks

2009-06-17 Thread JerodLass
this in the userguide in example 24.59. Is there a new way to do something with all archives? hdockter wrote: On Jun 17, 2009, at 3:38 PM, JerodLass wrote: Any idea why project.configurations{ wsanttasks } project.dependencies{ wsanttasks module(

Re: [gradle-user] Client module for custom ant tasks

2009-06-16 Thread JerodLass
of the breaking changes document, but it caused problems. Is the configuration still called testCompile while the task is compileTests? Thank you Jerod JerodLass wrote: I also tried adding the clientModule from the configurations closure, but I still can't seem to get it. Anybody know how

Re: [gradle-user] Client module for custom ant tasks

2009-06-15 Thread JerodLass
I also tried adding the clientModule from the configurations closure, but I still can't seem to get it. Anybody know how to translate the included gradle 0.6 code to 0.6? JerodLass wrote: More gradle 0.6 questions... I currently use a custom ant task for deploying ejbs (it's very clunky

[gradle-user] Client module for custom ant tasks

2009-06-11 Thread JerodLass
More gradle 0.6 questions... I currently use a custom ant task for deploying ejbs (it's very clunky), and I was wondering how the following code will need to be different in gradle 0.6: project.dependencies{ addConfiguration('wsanttasks')

[gradle-user] 0.6 Task definitions in plugins

2009-06-10 Thread JerodLass
With the new task declaration scheme, it looks like I'm going to need to make a lot of changes to the plugins I am using. Since createTask() is a deprecated method of Project, how will I go about creating tasks in my plugin classes? Currently, I am declaring as follows:

Re: [gradle-user] arbitrary multi-project layouts

2009-01-07 Thread JerodLass
) dependencies(com.jcraft:jsch:0.1.38) hdockter wrote: Hi Jerod, great to hear from you again. On Jan 5, 2009, at 5:24 PM, JerodLass wrote: it's been a while, but... I'm moving to 0.5 from 0.3 (with very little difficulty, I might add) and I'd like to take advantage of the arbitrary

[gradle-user] arbitrary multi-project layouts

2009-01-05 Thread JerodLass
it's been a while, but... I'm moving to 0.5 from 0.3 (with very little difficulty, I might add) and I'd like to take advantage of the arbitrary multi-project layouts. As such, I have changed: -D Project -D SubProject1 -D SubProject2 -F build.gradle -F settings.gradle to: -D

Re: [gradle-user] non top-level project root

2008-08-05 Thread JerodLass
, at 5:41 PM, JerodLass wrote: I would like to have the following structure for my projects: -D ProjectsDir -DProject1 -DProject2 -Dbuilds The reason for this is that the projectsDir is to be my main CVS directory, and this way my build logic can be a module rather than a set

[gradle-user] compile exclusion

2008-08-05 Thread JerodLass
What is the best way to exclude files during the compile task? I tried variations of: compile{ exclude '**/*DoNotCompile' } with no luck. Compile doesn't seem to have an excludes method the way resources does. Some files and directories are generated by an IDE plugin but I do not want them

[gradle-user] Debug statements

2008-07-23 Thread JerodLass
How can I output my own debug statements? I've been just printing statements and then deleting them when something's wrong, but can I output to gradle's debug console? -- View this message in context: Sent from the gradle-user

[gradle-user] importance of task order

2008-07-22 Thread JerodLass
I currently have a java project that builds into a jar, publishes to a repository using ivy's ssh resolver, and also generates a pom.xml file which it forks to run maven's site goal on for clean, web-driven reports. The maven tasks are defined in a plugin I wrote. The ivy resolver is configured

[gradle-user] transitive dependencies

2008-07-17 Thread JerodLass
How can I tell gradle to look at every resolver for a dependency, even if it's transitive? Right now, I have the following setup: dependencies{ addMavenStyleRepo('MyRepo', '') addMavenRepo() } I also have dependencies that can be found in either

Re: [gradle-user] task execution context

2008-07-17 Thread JerodLass
implementation. Still, his is probably just an issue with multiple task definitions (each with a corresponding project), and I have only run into it a few times. -Jerod JerodLass wrote: I am defining tasks for certain specific subprojects through my top-level gradlefiles. I am trying to make

[gradle-user] task execution context

2008-07-16 Thread JerodLass
I am defining tasks for certain specific subprojects through my top-level gradlefiles. I am trying to make a generic, useful top-level gradlefile so nobody else gets to use groovy, and one thing it does is detect if the project it an EJB project. If so, it declares the necessary source and

[gradle-user] gradle with a 1.4 jdk

2008-07-10 Thread JerodLass
I need to run gradle with a 1.4 jdk, specifically IBM's 1.4 jdk. The reason for this is that I need to run a websphere EJB deploy ant task to create some EJBs and I have found that this is dependent on IBM's was 5.1 jdk, which is version 1.4.2. I am on a Windows XP machine, so I have the

[gradle-user] lengthy libs execution

2008-07-09 Thread JerodLass
When gradle's output gets to: ++Executing: libs Recursive: true Startproject: : It stalls for a very long time. I have not noticed this before, but this is a new project so the following are potential causes: -My top-level gradle script is a bit longer than any previous -The project has 21

Re: [gradle-user] war woes

2008-07-07 Thread JerodLass
I got it working with the following code: task(name+'_war').fileSet(dir: new File(projectDir, 'Web Content')){ include('**/*') exclude('WEB-INF/**') } task(name+'_war').webInfFileSets = [new FileSet(dir: new File(projectDir, 'Web Content/WEB-INF'), excludes: new

[gradle-user] war woes

2008-07-02 Thread JerodLass
I have also been trying to adjust the WAR files I create. I have a directory called Web Content that contains several critical directories including the WEB-INF directory. Thus far, I have tried using the war plugin with: task(name+'_war').fileSet(dir: new File('Web Content')){

Re: [gradle-user] custom ant tasks - ejb deploy

2008-06-25 Thread JerodLass
somehow or something else is going very wrong. Any help would be great. At this point, I'm also willing to explore another way of creating/deploying an EJB if someone has an idea. Thanks. Jerod JerodLass wrote: UPDATE: I combined some code from the maven repo proxy thread and some from

[gradle-user] changing archivesBaseName

2008-06-23 Thread JerodLass
I have tried the following four lines to change the base name of the jar built from my project: project.archivesBaseName = 'proj' project.tasksBaseName = 'proj' archivesBaseName = 'proj' tasksBaseName = 'proj' Still, the jar ends up with the name it had before, of the project directory. How

Re: [gradle-user] publish

2008-06-19 Thread JerodLass
wrote: On Jun 12, 2008, at 3:45 PM, JerodLass wrote: I am now exploring the idea of publishing to a repository, and I was wondering if there's an easy way to do this. What I have tried so far is along the lines of: uploadLibs.configure{uploadResolvers.add(name: 'PublishRepo', url

Re: [gradle-user] adding my own plugin

2008-06-18 Thread JerodLass
Nothing special. You just have to add the jar to the build script classpath. settings.gradle: dependencies('org.jerod:mavenPlugin:1.0') build.gradle: usePlugin('org.jerod.MyMavenPlugin') // fully qualified name your plugin class. See also chapter 15 of the user's guide. -

Re: [gradle-user] adding my own plugin

2008-06-17 Thread JerodLass
Any ideas? JerodLass wrote: I am trying to add my own plugin to gradle, extending java (though I don't know if this is completely necessary). I have based the groovy source for my plugin and convention on those of gradle's 'groovy' and 'java' and 'war' plugins. At this point, where do I

Re: [gradle-user] new build command?

2008-06-17 Thread JerodLass, sorry Update: I was building from the src download, not the svn version. There was no build.gradle file which would seem likely as the reason it couldn't find the task. I updated svn and stole the build script from there and now it builds. JerodLass wrote: My

Re: [gradle-user] adding my own plugin

2008-06-17 Thread JerodLass
, JerodLass wrote: Do I then need to rebuild gradle every time I change my plugin? No, it automatically compiles the classes at the start of the build. See BuildSourceBuilder and the buildSrc directory in gradle itself. Ittay -- View this message in context:

[gradle-user] publish

2008-06-12 Thread JerodLass
I am now exploring the idea of publishing to a repository, and I was wondering if there's an easy way to do this. What I have tried so far is along the lines of: uploadLibs.configure{uploadResolvers.add(name: 'PublishRepo', url: 'http://server/published/maven/maven-repo', username: 'repoadmin',

[gradle-user] adding my own plugin

2008-06-12 Thread JerodLass
I am trying to add my own plugin to gradle, extending java (though I don't know if this is completely necessary). I have based the groovy source for my plugin and convention on those of gradle's 'groovy' and 'java' and 'war' plugins. At this point, where do I need to put my myplugin.groovy file

Re: [gradle-user] gradlefile cleaning?

2008-06-09 Thread JerodLass
I am now having problems with getting the flatDirResolver to work, which I plan to use rather than the unmanagedClasspath. I have added: addFlatDirResolver('common', commonLib).addArtifactPattern('[artifact].[ext]') in the dependencies portion, followed by: compile common-lib:jar and I have

Re: [gradle-user] gradlefile cleaning?

2008-06-09 Thread JerodLass
update: worked when I changed the resolver declaration to: addFlatDirResolver('common', commonLib).addArtifactPattern(commonLib.path+'/[artifact].[ext]') with compile dependencies in the form of :[artifact]::[type] Now, is there some way to generate these sets of compile statements? I am

Re: [gradle-user] gradlefile cleaning?

2008-06-06 Thread JerodLass
If by normal you mean regular compile dependencies on artifacts, the normal dependency declarations had the specific [group]:[artifact]:[version]:[type] format, and not many of the jars in the common directory had these conventions. Just based on the name, unmanagedClasspath seemed to make more

Re: [gradle-user] [gradle-dev] dependency resolving

2008-06-03 Thread JerodLass
The way I understand it, src is just the default srcRoot, and srcDirNames is a list of places under the srcRoot directory that it looks for files. It sounds like you want to change the srcRoot directory. I would try something like srcRootName = 'Source' Since the default value of srcRootName