Parquet Hive table become very slow on 1.3?

2015-03-31 Thread Zheng, Xudong
the detailed LocatedBlocks info. Another finding is, if I read the Parquet file via scala code form spark-shell as below, it looks fine, the computation will return the result quick as before. sqlContext.parquetFile(data/myparquettable) Any idea about it? Thank you! -- 郑旭东 Zheng, Xudong

Re: Parquet Hive table become very slow on 1.3?

2015-04-08 Thread Zheng, Xudong
it to executor side and each task only needs to reconcile those part-files it needs to touch. This is also what the Parquet developers did recently for parquet-hadoop Cheng On 3/31/15 11:49 PM, Zheng, Xudong wrote: Thanks Cheng! Set

Is it possible to set the number of cores per executor on standalone cluster?

2015-07-17 Thread Zheng, Xudong
Is it possible to set the number of cores per executor on standalone cluster? Because we find that, cores distribution may be very skewed on executor at some time, so the workload is skewed, that make our job become slow. Thanks! -- 郑旭东 Zheng, Xudong