Re: Cocoon Forms 2.1 - One of two fields required

2009-02-25 Thread Tobia Conforto
Merico Raffaele wrote: Tobia Conforto wrote: In Cocoon 2.1, Forms, how do I require the user to fill at least one out of two (or more) fields? For example, I might have the 'phone' and 'mobile' fields. I want the user to fill at least one of them. Where should I put such a validator? I

Re: Cocoon Forms 2.1 - One of two fields required

2009-02-25 Thread Tobia Conforto
Wolfgang Ruelfing wrote: Hello, you can put the general form validation code straight into the form element Thank you! This is exactly what I was looking for. I had tried to do something like this on my own, but I made an critical mistake: I set the validation error on the form itself,

Cocoon Forms 2.1 - One of two fields required

2009-02-16 Thread Tobia Conforto
Hello In Cocoon 2.1, Forms, how do I require the user to fill at least one out of two (or more) fields? For example, I might have the 'phone' and 'mobile' fields. I want the user to fill at least one of them, possibly both, and I don't want the form to validate if they're both empty.

Re: Failing Mysql JDBC connections

2008-06-20 Thread Tobia Conforto
I wrote: As soon as this happens, all pages being worked on at the same time fail with such messages as: SQLTransformer.Query: Failed to execute query [...] com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.MySQLNonTransientConnectionException: No operations allowed after connection closed. For the record, this

Failing Mysql JDBC connections

2008-06-13 Thread Tobia Conforto
Hello I have a big problem right now: my Cocoon MySql connections have started to fail randomly, and when they do they bring down all pages currently being generated. My gut feeling is that it's a synchronization problem, some race condition in Cocoon or in the Mysql connector. This is

Re: Old Cocoon query

2008-04-17 Thread Tobia Conforto
On 17 Apr 2008, Derek Hohls wrote: in this mail: you gave guidance on how to post-process escaped tags from a database. However, when I implement it, it also strips out all the sql:field tags as well, leaving just text inside the

Re: Redirect to GET, strange bug

2008-04-01 Thread Tobia Conforto
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: FYI: Cocoon's redirects usually escape from the current processing. The redirect is sent to the browser, but the request may not have been processed. That does not appear to be what you need. I don't quite understand what you mean here. The Redirect from

Re: Multiple or single cocoon instances

2008-03-31 Thread Tobia Conforto
Hi In our (limited) experience, here are pros and cons of using a single instance: + better use of server resources (RAM, CPU) this is quite important; + single global configuration (servlet container, Java VM, Apache or other frontend...) + being forced to deploy global updates (to

NullPointerException without a stacktrace

2008-03-27 Thread Tobia Conforto
Does anybody occasionally get a NullPointerException in the logs, without a matching stacktrace? Like this: $date ERROR $url [sitemap.handled-errors] ErrorHandlerHelper: Sitemap: error calling function $flowscript_func at map:call - $sitemap_path java.lang.NullPointerException And

Re: AJAX forms: returning to previous page after submit using Apples

2008-03-10 Thread Tobia Conforto
Victor Oomens wrote: How can I return to another page after a user completes an ajax form? Put a cocoon.redirectTo(...) after your showForm See Tobia - To unsubscribe,

Re: Sitemap pipelines

2008-03-10 Thread Tobia Conforto
Alec Bickerton wrote: I need the pipeline to return to the pipeline in the global sitemap if nothing matches so that the default matchers will get hit. You need to issue an internal redirect to the parent sitemap. Assuming /default is a (fake) path that in the parent sitemap falls through

Re: Is there an url wildcard selector (equivalent)

2008-03-10 Thread Tobia Conforto
Rainer Pruy wrote: wildcard *matcher* is one of the most used components with cocoon, I'd reckon. But what to do, when one needs to handle X/c/** and X/** (excluding X/c/**) different? At least if the contained components are not final (serialize, read) Cocoon has no URI selector,

Re: Using xsl variables in javascript

2008-02-14 Thread Tobia Conforto
Lincoln Mitchell wrote: I simple need to convert this inline javascript: script type=text/javascript function myFunction(){ xsl:choose xsl:when test= $myParam='x' alert('x') /xsl:when /xsl:choose } /script …to an external javascript file like: function myFunction(){ if

Re: Doing string operations over sitemap values

2008-02-14 Thread Tobia Conforto
Nacho ( wrote: * I have this URL http://localhost:8080/b/menores-de-edad; * In sitemap i have a match like b/** * I need to do replace - in {1} to spaces * I do this using an input module inheriting from AbstractJXPathModule, and using a xpath like expression,

Re: Doing string operations over sitemap values

2008-02-14 Thread Tobia Conforto
Joerg Heinicke wrote: Nacho ( wrote: {request:translate('{1}','-','')} the user might go to: http://localhost:8080/b/hello',,'world It's JXPath, not JXTemplate. Does it evaluate Java calls at all? If your example really works,

Re: REPOST: Losing request parameters during form error

2008-02-14 Thread Tobia Conforto
Derek Hohls wrote: upgrading on the servers is, unfortunately, a much longer and time- consuming process. I guess I was hoping it was not a bug. Maybe it's not. Can you post a minimal example (simple form with maybe 1 widget) and minimal sitemap that exhibits the problem? Tobia

Re: MySQL Year vs CForms Date

2008-02-14 Thread Tobia Conforto
Derek Hohls wrote: if I use MySQL Year column and Cocoon Forms integer type together, then the forms validator complains that the widget is not a date type. This part I don't understand. Are you trying to apply some sort of date widget or date formatting or date validation to the integer

Re: Cache Browser

2008-02-12 Thread Tobia Conforto
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: The reload (Mozilla) or refresh (MSIE) command should force browsers to ignore cache and retrieve the entire page from the server. This is not always effective. This reminds me, Shift+Reload forces the browser to refresh the entire page, including all

Re: Cache Browser

2008-02-11 Thread Tobia Conforto
alexandre mazouz wrote: I have 2 web applcations A and B in localhost with the same adress and ports (\) in 2 server jetty (J1 and J2). i close A and launch B i have A. The only way to have B is to clean the cache of the browser. You might try to define an action that sets the

Re: Attempting to Install Cocoon-2.2

2008-02-04 Thread Tobia Conforto
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: FILE: mvn.bat == Fix Bad command or filename REM if %HOME% == (set HOME=%HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%) SET HOME=C:\apache\maven-2.0.8 == Fix Invalid switch REM exit /B %ERROR_CODE% I haven't used Windows much (fortunately) but I have the feeling this script was written for

Re: Cforms fd:assert validation

2008-02-04 Thread Tobia Conforto
Carlos Martínez wrote: I use the language from the page and it seems that work properly. Yes, that link comes straight from the Most obscure and valuable subfolder of my Cocoon bookmarks folder :-) Tobia

Re: Cforms fd:assert validation

2008-02-02 Thread Tobia Conforto
Carlos Martínez wrote: I don't know how the expression of the assert should be. I believe this is the language used in fd:assert, at least in Cocoon 2.1: Don't ask me why... Tobia

Re: Cforms and Character Encoding

2008-01-23 Thread Tobia Conforto
Peter Sparkes wrote: The problem turned out to be in web.xml I amended param-nameform-encoding/param-name param-valueISO-8859-1/param-value To param-nameform-encoding/param-name param-valueUTF-8/param-value and now everything is in UTF-8 and works properly

Re: keypress events

2008-01-18 Thread Tobia Conforto
Edward Elhauge wrote: I would like some guidance on what the best way is to attach an 'onkeypress' event handler to a Cocoon CForm Widget? My use case is that I want to set a 'form dirty' flag as users type data into my forms. I've been using the 'fd:on-value-changed' handler for that

Re: Cached AbstractReader

2007-12-21 Thread Tobia Conforto
Jon Evans wrote: How would I have made it work as a Configurable reader? I had this in my sitemap: map:read type=conceptimage mime-type=image/gif src={1}/ map:parameter name=defaultFilename value=context://images/default.gif/ /map:read I'm not sure what Configurable is supposed to do

Re: Converting CRLF to br/ in pipeline

2007-12-20 Thread Tobia Conforto
stevecam wrote: I have text that I am taking from a database that has formatting in it, mainly as CR and LF characters. I want these to appear as br/ tags in my XHTML output. Is there a standard mechanism to achieve this, hopefully simply by adding a standard transformer into my pipeline?

Re: Cached AbstractReader

2007-12-20 Thread Tobia Conforto
Jon Evans wrote: I've implemented a class which extends AbstractReader. It uses some SOAP calls to pull some binary gif image data from a remote system. My problem is that the resource is not cached if I throw a MissingResourceException. At the moment, products with no icons cause the remote

Re: JXTemplate: blank lines in source code

2007-12-20 Thread Tobia Conforto
Hello Hans-Christian Meier wrote: I have noticed that the use of JXTemplate produces blank lines in the HTML source code. For example the import of the macros to use CForms (jx-macros.xml). In the HTML output the jx:import line is replaced with many blank lines. Is there a way to prevent

Re: Regular Expression Help

2007-12-14 Thread Tobia Conforto
Derek Hohls wrote: I need to check that a valid web address (grammatically correct anyway) is being entered in a form field. I am trying to check for the address starting with a valid prefix - the regexp I am using is: pattern=^(http|https|ftp):// The regexp validator anchors the pattern by

Re: What is COB-INF?

2007-12-05 Thread Tobia Conforto
dperez wrote: Jeroen Reijn wrote: You can find that on the website: Arrrgh, another web page I don't know how to reach through the menus! ??? It's the first page shown when you click on Getting involved / Committer's and contributor's section. Tobia

Re: different Stylesheets to be applied within a folder

2007-12-03 Thread Tobia Conforto
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Within a Document a stylesheet reference was set as: Document ... stylesheetmyStyleA/stylesheet ... /Document How could I apply a certain stylesheet ? This seems to be another example of content-based pipeline, which is not directly supported in Cocoon.

Re: Cocoon and content-negotiation

2007-11-29 Thread Tobia Conforto
Severin Gehwolf wrote: select a particular XML file with the best-matching language extension according to users Accept-Language HTTP headers. This is usually achieved in Cocoon using the LocaleAction: Other kinds

Re: xpath condition on xml data in sitemap

2007-11-26 Thread Tobia Conforto
Sébastien Geindre wrote: i need to make a conditional treatment in my site generator transformer A if condition on xml from transformerA -- transformer B1 else -- transformer B2 transformer C serializer the condition is computed on xml data and global variables What you ask for is not

Re: New server recommendations?

2007-11-26 Thread Tobia Conforto
Peter Flynn wrote: I think the last time I asked, the recommendation was to make httpd proxy Tomcat [...] Does anyone have any specific Dos or Donts about this platform or configuration? My personal experience with Tomcat for use with Cocoon 2.1 has been terrible, both on RHEL and Debian. We

Re: Flowscripts - are they cached?

2007-11-12 Thread Tobia Conforto
Derek Hohls wrote: on this server it did not seem to have any effect, so I was wondering if there was some other setting I had overlooked. There is a setting in cocoon.xconf that might be related: /cocoon/flow-interpreters/component-instance/reload-scripts Tobia

Re: Flowscripts - are they cached?

2007-11-12 Thread Tobia Conforto
Derek Hohls wrote: I already have a setting looking like this: reload-scriptstrue/reload-scripts Is this what you meant? Yes. Well I guess you can try and use the ?cocoon-reload=true request parameter, which is faster than restarting the whole container. You can enable it in

Re: Flowscripts - are they cached?

2007-11-12 Thread Tobia Conforto
Another thing: sometimes I run into missing reloads caused by differences in the system time on servers or workstations. That is, a newer file is not reloaded if Cocoon doesn't see it as newer, based on the system clock. Depending on your setup, you might want to investigate that. Tobia

document() and xsltc

2007-11-07 Thread Tobia Conforto
I think I stumbled upon a bug in the XSLTC transfomer regarding the document() function. Here is a minimal example: --- sitemap fragment: -- match pattern=test generate src=foo.xml/ transform src=foo-bar.xsl type=xsltc/ serialize type=xml/ /match ---

Re: Compiled XSLT

2007-10-23 Thread Tobia Conforto
Ard Schrijvers wrote: I'm wondering if there is a way to pre-compile XSLT into Java classes, using the command-line xsltc compiler, put those classes somewhere in Cocoon's classpath and use them as transformers. Actually, since Cocoon can already run the cached compiled stylesheets

Compiled XSLT

2007-10-22 Thread Tobia Conforto
Hello, I'm wondering if there is a way to pre-compile XSLT into Java classes, using the command-line xsltc compiler, put those classes somewhere in Cocoon's classpath and use them as transformers. Tobia - To unsubscribe,

Re: Compiled XSLT

2007-10-22 Thread Tobia Conforto
Ard Schrijvers wrote: I'm wondering if there is a way to pre-compile XSLT into Java classes, using the command-line xsltc compiler, put those classes somewhere in Cocoon's classpath and use them as transformers. your xsl stylesheets are compiled only once in cocoon and then held in memory

Re: Calling an InputModule from flowscript

2007-10-19 Thread Tobia Conforto
I wrote: I'm saving the input module into a global flowscript variable, because it's supposed to be request-independent. Nevermind that. I realized I must acquire the input module from the selector every time, lest I end up with IllegalStateExceptions. Tobia

Re: Newbie question: jx:choose/

2007-10-19 Thread Tobia Conforto
Marcus Wejderot wrote: I have tried all kinds of things in @test. What I really want to do is to check if the variable ${userid} is empty. How to do this? I usually write: test=${empty(userid)} empty() is native JX language for testing against most kinds of empty, such as (IIRC) 0, false,

Re: Calling an InputModule from flowscript

2007-10-19 Thread Tobia Conforto
Joerg Heinicke wrote: Tobia Conforto wrote: But I cannot pass null to my own input module in place of the third parameter (Map objectModel) because I use that objectModel in my class Another workaround is to create a map in your flowscript with the necessary data. Yes, I had arrived

Re: .DOC and .PPT modifying

2007-10-18 Thread Tobia Conforto
Luiz Antonio Falaguasta Barbosa wrote: using Cocoon includes putting images into the pure XML files (saved by MS Office 2003) too, right? If (and only if) those file formats really are valid XML, there's nothing in them that Cocoon can't handle. You will have to figure out how exactly the

Calling an InputModule from flowscript

2007-10-17 Thread Tobia Conforto
Hello I'm following the advice Grzegorz gave me about coding my custom URL-rewriting logic into an input module and using that input module with the LinkRewriterTransformer, and wherever else I need it. My input module works well in the sitemap, but I don't seem to be able to call it from

Re: Tabs and CForms

2007-10-16 Thread Tobia Conforto
Kamal Bhatt wrote: I would like to create a tab based interface where the user can freely navigate between tabs, without the screen validating and without every field being on the form (only the fields on the tab). Additionally, I would like to validate the form completely validates at the

Re: Cocoon 2.1 environment objects from a Java XSLT extension

2007-10-11 Thread Tobia Conforto
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: XSLT Extensions assist formatting. Data collection belongs in the XML generation phase. Using XSLT Extensions to generate data is a very bad practice. What are the requirements? Let me explain better. I need to translate URIs in a XML document, in the middle of a

Re: SendMail smart host (was sendmail)

2007-10-11 Thread Tobia Conforto
Peter Sparkes wrote: I have to use a Smart host, Please is it possible to use a Smart Host with sendmail and if so how. You didn't say whether you're using the Sendmail Transformer, the Sendmail Action, or another thing entirely. Here is how you can configure for the

Re: Cocoon 2.1 environment objects from a Java XSLT extension

2007-10-11 Thread Tobia Conforto
Grzegorz Kossakowski wrote: I'm not sure if it's going to fit in your case but I would suggest to take a look at Cocoon's quite powerful LinkRewriterTransformer[1]. Very interesting, thanks. It seems to fit my case perfectly! Basically all you would need to do is to implement your own input

Cocoon 2.1 environment objects from a Java XSLT extension

2007-10-10 Thread Tobia Conforto
Hi I'm rewriting some functionality into Java XSLT extensions, for performance reasons. For now I'm just writing a Java class, copying it to WEB-INF/classes and calling its static methods from XSLT as such: xsl:value-of select=myclass:myMethod($whatever)

Re: Cocoon Installation problems on SunOS

2007-10-10 Thread Tobia Conforto
Joerg Heinicke wrote: Derek Hohls wrote: We are trying to install Cocoon 2.1.8 under SunOS (version 5.7). The vanilla version of Cocoon installs and runs fine. However, as soon as we try and add a mySQL driver to the lib directory, and alter the cocoon.xconf file, the Cocoon startup

Re: Cocoon Installation problems on SunOS

2007-10-10 Thread Tobia Conforto
Derek Hohls wrote: In the meantime, rather than hacking around with all sorts of combinations, we are trying to locate and use another server (running Linux, which seems not to have these sorts of problems) The server I was having that problem on was running Linux, so I believe the issue to be

Re: .DOC and .PPT modifying

2007-10-09 Thread Tobia Conforto
Luiz Antonio Falaguasta Barbosa wrote: Is it possible to use Cocoon to change keys by values into .DOC and .PPT file types? Does anybody could give me some example? I don't have first-hand experience with it, but here are a few ideas. If the file is not too big, you can load it into memory as

Re: global:home param local and remote

2007-10-08 Thread Tobia Conforto
Lincoln Mitchell wrote: I am building many website and placing them in folders in webbapp 1st I to this locally: http://localhost:/ I then move it to the webapp on the server to go live: The problem is that when I move to webapp on the server the

Re: Parsing HTML entities

2007-09-17 Thread Tobia Conforto
Andrew Stevens wrote: Tobia Conforto writes: I cannot change this data source component, therefore I need a transformer to examine every text node in the stream, split it at the fake br tags, substitute them with xhtml:br/ elements, and replace every escaped HTML entity with the relevant

Re: XSLT Transformation error in C2.2

2007-09-11 Thread Tobia Conforto
Sébastien Geindre wrote: I try to do this in a xslt stylesheet : xsl:variable name=top select=if(($type='cb') and ($typeName!='wims:statusweatherproduct')) then 'max_fub' else 'top'/ if (...) then ... else ... is not an XPath 1.0 expression! You have a few options. One is to use standard

Problem with CInclude and nested exceptions

2007-09-10 Thread Tobia Conforto
I'm currently experiencing an annoying problem where Cocoon does not log exceptions generated by sub-pipelines called through CInclude. Here is my setup: a pipeline (already nested in other calls) generates a CInclude include element and passes it through the CInclude transformer. The transformer

mod_gzip -like functionality?

2007-09-05 Thread Tobia Conforto
Dear all, While trying to optimize execution and load time for a Cocoon web application, I noticed that AJAX forms require a 173K dojo.js file. This file is only transferred once per session or less, and then cached, but I'd like to optimize the first load time among other things. Therefore I

Re: xhtml serialization and form textarea

2007-09-03 Thread Tobia Conforto
Peter Sparkes wrote: If I serialize it as html the output is : textarea .../textarea However when I serialize as XHTML 1.0 Strict the xhtml output is: textarea .../ What you say is true and also happens with div/, script/, and a few other elements. My advice is to avoid the xhtml

Parsing HTML entities

2007-08-31 Thread Tobia Conforto
Hello I have a data source from which I get SAX text nodes into my pipeline that contain escaped HTML entities and br tags. In Java syntax: Lorem ipsum mdash; dolor sit amet. br Consectetuer or, in XML syntax: Lorem ipsum amp;mdash; dolor sit amet. lt;brgt; Consectetuer As you can see, the

Re: Parsing HTML entities

2007-08-31 Thread Tobia Conforto
Never mind, I solved it by hand I wrote a Python script that takes a list of HTML entities and generates a huge tree of switch() { case: switch () { case: switch () { case: ... The generated Java code goes through a char[] in a single pass and when it recognizes an entity it pushes the

Re: Java strings vs. Javascript strings

2007-08-28 Thread Tobia Conforto
Jason Johnston wrote: So digging around in the Rhino API I discovered the WrapFactory class[1], which is what Rhino uses to wrap Java objects returned from methods so that they can be scripted. By default it wraps java.lang.String objects just like it wraps any other Java object, giving your

Java strings vs. Javascript strings

2007-08-27 Thread Tobia Conforto
Hello Am I the only Cocoon user who is extremely annoyed by the fact that Java strings are not Javascript strings are not Java strings? Depending on the context, in your Flowscript you have to use either: str.startsWith(...) str.length() str.codePointAt(n) and the rest

Re: Java strings vs. Javascript strings

2007-08-27 Thread Tobia Conforto
Jason Johnston wrote: Rhino also makes the JavaScript methods available to Java strings if the java.lang.String class doesn't already define them. For example: js javaString.match(/a.*/) Thanks, that clears part of the confusion to me. It also explains why sometimes I could get away with

Re: I'm losing my faith in SQL Transformer!

2007-08-24 Thread Tobia Conforto
Derek Hohls wrote: I have been frustrated before by the fact that it only nests down to one level; its still not clear to me why further levels of nesting cannot be supported? Can you explain this problem and maybe provide an example? I think I've nested queries up to 4 levels deep without

Re: output indent yes?

2007-08-16 Thread Tobia Conforto
Lincoln Mitchell wrote: but doesn't indent my html in the xsl file indentyes/indent does not actually indent the code, it just adds newlines here and there. I personally prefer to leave all output unindented (one long line) and just *view* it indented when I want to. This way I don't need to

Re: expire setting

2007-08-12 Thread Tobia Conforto
Johnson wrote: Is it possible to set up expired time for the generated pages of cocoon Yes. Take a look at pipeline configuration, here: and in the root sitemap.xmap from the Cocoon distribution, lines 370–440. You might also find the

Re: Database connection problems during upgrade

2007-08-06 Thread Tobia Conforto
Johannes Textor wrote: this is probably because you have not included com.mysql.jdbc.Driver (not sure if this is the exact class name) in web.xml. Or maybe he didn't copy the actual driver class. For example, mine is: WEB-INF/lib/mysql-connector-java-5.0.6-bin.jar Tobia

Re: access remote jpg

2007-08-03 Thread Tobia Conforto
Lincoln Mitchell wrote: img src=; img src= 4559477.thb.jpg?dlsmC0034765 only the 1st image appears, but if I save the HTML cocoon generates and open that html file independent of cocoon

Re: access remote jpg

2007-08-03 Thread Tobia Conforto
Lincoln Mitchell wrote: You said: What you probably can do is to make the request to your Cocoon server and let Cocoon grab it for you with a reader from the remote server. I am not familiar with the terms you are using so am a bit confused. He meant: «Generate an HTML page that will make the

Re: regexpUriMatcher

2007-08-02 Thread Tobia Conforto
Boissé Denis wrote: Usually ungreedy matcher are in a form (.*?) and suppose to match something like temp/hello/ or temp/hi/ but not matching something like temp/hello/dir/ (that's what happen to me) As Alfred said, you cannot use the 'greediness' of quantifiers to control the matching of an

Re: [Flowscript] everything converted to number type?

2007-07-31 Thread Tobia Conforto
Mark Lundquist wrote: I've got some CForms widgets of datatype base=long/, so I expect that the widget value should be a java.lang.Long, right? Widget's getValue() returns an Object, so that would make sense, yes. it seems like every reference to the widget value gets converted to a JS

Re: Problem with SQLTransformer

2007-07-26 Thread Tobia Conforto
warrell harries wrote: From the xml snippet it appears that you have missed out the sql: prefix Actually his namespaces seem to be ok, so I'm not sure what the problem might be... maybe the SQLTransformer code is not prefix-independent? The source XML: sql-select-themes.xml ?xml

Re: error using java method id flowscript

2007-07-26 Thread Tobia Conforto
christoph wrote: I get following error: line 6: Can't find method org.apache.cocoon.components.flow.util.PipelineUtil.processToDOM(string). Maybe because it's processToDOM(String uri, Object viewData) See Or maybe it's something else...

Disable url rewriting

2007-07-25 Thread Tobia Conforto
Does anybody know how to disable url encoding in Cocoon on Jetty? For a certain web application I want sessions to be handled only through cookies (and not to work when cookies aren't available.) Is it a Cocoon or a Jetty configuration parameter? Tobia

Re: Disable url rewriting

2007-07-25 Thread Tobia Conforto
Let me explain the problem a bit more. I'm still curious about the issue, although I've found a workaround. According to the docs Cocoon will not rewrite URLs, unless you use the encodeURL transformer or call the equivalent flowscript function. What I'm seeing is that the Location header of a

Re: Disable url rewriting

2007-07-25 Thread Tobia Conforto
Nevermind, something was (is) creating spurious sessions where it shouldn't. It will take a while to figure out what misguided component or piece of flowscript is doing so. In the meantime I have put this in a couple places to make sure there is no session before calling redirectTo(): if

Re: Simple Java from flowscript ?

2007-07-25 Thread Tobia Conforto
Schmitz, Jeffrey A wrote: First, is there anywhere to see specifics about the compilation error encountered? All it tells me is Compilation produced 1 syntax error on line 1. Check your cocoon.log file (it's in WEB-INF/logs/ if you didn't change its location; you can change its location in

Client-side cache handling

2007-07-23 Thread Tobia Conforto
Hi all Is there an established way, recommended way, ad-hoc component or sample about manually controlling the client-side cache? I'm serving the css for some pages as a unified, space-stripped, virtual css file. This speeds up page loading a bit, especially when the original css files are many

Re: Error while evaluating 'cocoon:/{../1}/...not so many levels

2007-07-23 Thread Tobia Conforto
Vaduvoiu Tiberiu wrote: in my parent sitemap I have map:match pattern=*/*/*/* map:mount check-reload=yes uri-prefix={1}/{2}/{3} src={3}/sitemap.xmap / /map:match and in my sub-sitemap I have: map:match pattern=home.htm map:aggregate element=root label=source map:part

Re: Cocoon sessions and cookies

2007-07-20 Thread Tobia Conforto
blogger wrote: I am pipelining a b2evolution blog through cocoon, and I am having a problem maintaining the sessions and cookies. I suggest you fire a packet sniffer (my favorites are tcpick in a terminal, followed by Wireshark in a GUI or on Windows) to capture both the traffic between your

Re: Namespace: behaviour differences

2007-07-20 Thread Tobia Conforto
Let's recap. The following two statements are equivalent and are both prefix-independent: xsl:apply-templates select=sq2:[EMAIL PROTECTED] = 'program-view']/ xsl:apply-templates select=*[local-name() = 'rowset' and namespace-uri() = '' and @name =

Re: Namespace: behaviour differences

2007-07-19 Thread Tobia Conforto
Here's an interesting question: is one of the following more efficient than the other? xsl:value-of select=//wh:thing xmlns:wh=http://whatever/ xsl:value-of select=//*[local-name() = 'thing' and namespace-uri() = 'http://whatever']/ I'm talking about runtime efficiency, not compilation speed

Re: Access to bizData in fd:on-actionfd:javascript

2007-07-19 Thread Tobia Conforto
Dev at weitling wrote: in an on-action-javascript in my forms definition I want to get access to the bizData provided with the showForm()-function. In the end I want to be able to change the entries in a selection list on an ActionEvent. It might be just personal taste, but I tend to write

Re: The continuation ID is invalid

2007-07-19 Thread Tobia Conforto
Christian Sengstock wrote: What happens is: the ID is not changing anymore! It's the same for all users requesting the form with a given browser. We restarted tomcat .. still the same problem We cleared the work dir .. still the same problem We restared the machine .. the form is working

Re: howto call xsp from xsp

2007-07-16 Thread Tobia Conforto
robf wrote: At some point in an xsp I want to include the resultset from calling another xsp, just like it is possible in xslt's This should work: xsp:page language=java xmlns:xsp=; xmlns:util=; . . . util:get-source

Re: Calling map:handle-errors from flowscript

2007-07-11 Thread Tobia Conforto
Joerg Heinicke wrote: Tobia Conforto wrote: throw new produces the following Java stacktrace: org.mozilla.javascript.JavaScriptException Caused by: org.mozilla.javascript.WrappedException Caused

Re: Calling map:handle-errors from flowscript

2007-07-10 Thread Tobia Conforto
Joerg Heinicke wrote: Tobia wrote: cocoon.sendStatus(404) cocoon.response.setStatus(404) cocoon.response.sendError(404) throw new throw new The problem with the (send|set)(Status|Error)

Re: Cocoon database access strategy

2007-06-24 Thread Tobia Conforto
Rob Frohwein wrote: - query1.xmlusing SqlTransformer on table1 - cleansql.xsl rename sql:dbfield - process1.xsl reorganize - query2.xslquery different table - cleansql.xsl rename sql:dbfield - process2.xsl reorganize ... It works, but is this the right approach? I'm also

Re: aggregating duplicate parameters at sitemap level

2007-02-09 Thread Tobia Conforto
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: When the XQuery generator is called for in a map:part, it is impossible to pass the request parameters: map:aggregate element=root !-- get XML representation of request -- map:part src=cocoon:/requestAsXML/ !-- get XQuery result --

XML parsing of form data

2006-12-22 Thread Tobia Conforto
Hi I need to parse a POST parameter as XML and use it in the rest of my pipeline. I thought of doing something like: generate type=request/ transform src=extract-parameter.xsl/ transform type=string-to-xml/ ... But I don't know how to begin writing the

Re: XML parsing of form data

2006-12-22 Thread Tobia Conforto
Jeroen Reijn wrote: Hi Tobia, you might want to have a look at the Stream generator. Awesome! Thanks - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]