[Users] Any advice please?

2010-11-09 Thread Druss Drenai
I found this php script in order to handle mms received and store them into my 
(this file was created by a user and reported in this page: 
$uploaddir = '/var/www/html/';
foreach ($_FILES as $i = $file) {
$part = $_FILES[$i];
$uploadfile = $uploaddir . basename $part['name'][0]);
if(move_uploaded_file($part['tmp_name'][0],$part['name'][0])) {
echo File is valid, and was successfully uploaded.\n;
else {
echo File upload error!\n;
Do you think it could be good for what i need to do with the mms? 

Users mailing list

[Users] Any advice please ?

2010-11-09 Thread Druss Drenai
My fault,i believed test-mbuni.php was the web page where i could display the 
image and text i send.

Thanks a lot for your help,if i'm not wrong there should be in the Mbuni 
documentation a sample php file to handle mms content...or maybe you already 
know where i could get one already tested and functional?

I appreciate your help so much, my brain was collapsing after 3 days i spent on 
this =)

Users mailing list

[Users] I: help request about MMS

2010-11-05 Thread Druss Drenai
Edit: I forgot to add in my previous message the configuration files which were 
used to use Mbuni as a VAS GW;these 2 files are: 

(1)mbuni.conf [configuration file created for MMS]
(2)core.conf[configuration file where bearerbox,smsbox,wapbox are created]


#Mbuni core group

group = core
log-file = /etc/mbuni/log/mmsgw.log
log-level = 0
access-log = /etc/mbuni/log/access.log
http-interface-name = *

#We are using this prefix +39 for mobile phones in Italy

group = mbuni
name = My MMSC
hostname = kalilab.it
host-alias = mmsc  
local-prefixes = +39 
directory-store = /var/mbuni
max-send-threads = 5
send-mail-prog = /usr/sbin/sendmail -f %f %t 

group = mmsc
id = ProvaMbuni
#group-id =
mmsc-url = http://mbuni:t...@localhost:1982/soap
incoming-username = user
incoming-password = pass
incoming-port = 10012
type =  soap

group = mms-vasp
vasp-id = newcorp
type = soap
short-codes = 111,1234
vasp-username = newscorp
vasp-password = test
vasp-url = http://user:p...@localhost:12345/

group = send-mms-user
username = tester
password = footbar
fakedsender = 100

group = mms-service
name = me
post-url = http://localhost/test-mbuni.php
catch-all = false
http-post-parameters = fx=trueimages[]=%itext[]=%iskip=1
accept-x-mbuni-headers = true
pass-thro-headers = X-NOXIA-MMSC-Charging,X-NOKIA-MMSC-Charged-Party
keyword = test
omit-empty = no
suppress-reply = true
service-code = regular


#include = /etc/kannel/dlr-mysql.conf
include = /etc/kannel/modems.conf

group = core
admin-port = 13000
smsbox-port = 13001
admin-password = bar
#status-password = foo
#admin-deny-ip = *.*.*.*
admin-allow-ip = 
log-file = /etc/kannel/log/kannel.log
log-level = 0
box-deny-ip = *.*.*.*
box-allow-ip =
#unified-prefix = +358,00358,0;+,00
#access-log = /tmp/access.log
#store-file = kannel.store
#ssl-server-cert-file = cert.pem
#ssl-server-key-file = key.pem
#ssl-certkey-file = mycertandprivkeyfile.pem
#dlr-storage = mysql
wapbox-port = 13002
wdp-interface-name = *

group = wapbox  
bearerbox-host = localhost
#syslog = none
log-file = /var/tmp/wapbox.log
syslog-level = none
access-log = /var/tmp/wapaccess.log
timer-freq = 10
map-url = http://mmsc/* http://localhost:1981/*;

# SMSC connections are created in bearerbox and they handle SMSC specific
# protocol and message relying. You need these to actually receive and send
# messages to handset, but can use GSM modems as virtual SMSCs
# This is a fake smsc connection, _only_ used to test the system and services.
# It really cannot relay messages to actual handsets!
#group = smsc
#smsc = fake
#smsc-id = FAKE
#port = 1
#connect-allow-ip =
# Smsbox(es) do higher-level SMS handling after they have been received from
# SMS centers by bearerbox, or before they are given to bearerbox for delivery

group = smsbox
bearerbox-host =
sendsms-port = 13013
#global-sender = 13013
#sendsms-chars = 0123456789 +-
log-file = /etc/kannel/log/smsbox.log
log-level = 0
#access-log = /tmp/access.log

# These users are used when Kannel smsbox sendsms interface is used to
# send PUSH sms messages, i.e. calling URL like
# http://kannel.machine:13013/cgi-bin/sendsms?username=testerpassword=foobar...

group = sendsms-user
username = diego
password = diego
#user-deny-ip = *.*.*.*
#user-allow-ip = 192.168.*.*
#concatenation = true
#max-messages = 3

# These are 'responses' to sms PULL messages, i.e. messages arriving from
# handsets. The response is based on message content. Only one sms-service is
# applied, using the first one to match.

group = sms-service
keyword =
catch-all = true
#omit-empty = true
concatenation = true
get-url = http://localhost/smsd.php?to=%ptext=%afrom=%Psent=%tsmsc=%i;

- Messaggio inoltrato -
Da: Druss Drenai ddre...@yahoo.it
A: Users@mbuni.org
Inviato: Gio 4 novembre 2010, 18:57:14
Oggetto: help request about MMS

Hi there,i'm a noob user of Mbuni

We followed the Mbuni guide in order to create a mbuni.core file;we also 
followed this very useful guide written down by a user:


We intend to use Mbuni as a VAS GW as follows:
1)user send a MMS
2)Mbuni stores MMS in a database (so no forward,just stores)

When we try to receive a MMS:
-bearerbox run
-wapbox run
-smsbox run
-mmsbox  run ( no errors in debug are displayed)

Conclusion: Nor text and image are displayed inside the mbuni-test php file in 
www directory
and inside our database,it displays that something was stored but it appears to 
be a sms 

and not a MMS.
In our database this is what appears:



[Users] help request about MMS

2010-11-04 Thread Druss Drenai
Hi there,i'm a noob user of Mbuni

We followed the Mbuni guide in order to create a mbuni.core file;we also 
followed this very useful guide written down by a user:


We intend to use Mbuni as a VAS GW as follows:
1)user send a MMS
2)Mbuni stores MMS in a database (so no forward,just stores)

When we try to receive a MMS:
-bearerbox run
-wapbox run
-smsbox run
-mmsbox  run ( no errors in debug are displayed)

Conclusion: Nor text and image are displayed inside the mbuni-test php file in 
www directory
and inside our database,it displays that something was stored but it appears to 
be a sms 

and not a MMS.
In our database this is what appears:


All configuration files are being used,including kannel.

Thank you in advance for any suggestions you can give us

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