Re: How much connections are handled per thread?

2011-12-20 Thread Tobias Crefeld
Am Tue, 20 Dec 2011 15:52:57 +0100

 It is Tomcat 5.5.26
 If this is the case I get some munition to go the the developers.

In my experience this route is an useless approach as long as you run a
4 years old Tomcat and without being able to identify classes that
aren't thread-safe.


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Re: SSL Port 443 for AIX

2011-11-12 Thread Tobias Crefeld
Am Sat, 12 Nov 2011 07:21:58 -0500 schrieb whoswho

 Tomcat has been installed as a non-root user.  I want to use SSL port
 443 and not the deafult port 8443.  When I modify the SSL connector,
 and try connecting as 443, I get permission denied since the tomcat
 account owner is non-root.

It's a (Unix?-) principle that services with numbers below 1024 are
only allowed to get startet by root.

You can use NAT to exchange port numbers.
Or if it's possible to extract SSL-certificates you install Apache
(httpd) that is using it's own mechanism to start services with low
port numbers, setup SSL and use something like mod_proxy_ajp or mod_jk
to contact Tomcat's ajp-connector.


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Re: URI mapping

2011-10-22 Thread Tobias Crefeld
Am Sat, 22 Oct 2011 17:17:26 +0100 schrieb Mark Thomas

 ProxyPass /tomcat7 http://localhost:8080
 ProxyPass /tomcat7 ajp://localhost:8080

Usually Tomcat is listening for ajp-requests on port 8009, not 8080.


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Re: Tomcat 5.5.27 - Solaris 10 - Tomcat process starts additional copies of itself with only 1 thread and no CPU

2011-09-09 Thread Tobias Crefeld
Am Fri, 09 Sep 2011 11:25:13 +0200
schrieb André Warnier

 What does the command netstat -pan | grep LISTEN show when you have
 such multiple copies running ?

Unfortunately Solaris' netstat doesn't know a option to show listeners.
IIRC there are some scripts in Solaris-world that should do the job.

 Tobias Crefeld.

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Re: Tomcat 5.5.27 - Solaris 10 - Tomcat process starts additional copies of itself with only 1 thread and no CPU

2011-09-09 Thread Tobias Crefeld
Am Fri, 9 Sep 2011 09:54:36 +0100
schrieb Dave Stubbs

 When we list the system tasks we see that the ghost process PPID is
 the same as the PID of the still running main tomcat instance. Here
 is list of what happened when it wasn't picked up for a while.

Obviously the parent-JVM itself starts the other JVMs, so it must be
an application issue.
Do the child-JVMs stop when 21115 shuts down?
Do the child-JVMs terminate on normal signals like -SIGTERM?

I would try to log the exact time, when these additional JVM are being
started and compare these with things that were happening on the
parent-Tomcat - maybe you find a application dependency that way.

Just an idea: Maybe the parent-JVM gets a signal to restart itself that
isn't handled correct?
- sorry, but haven't found a source for Sun-JDK instantly)


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Re: Tomcat 5.5.27 - Solaris 10 - Tomcat process starts additional copies of itself with only 1 thread and no CPU

2011-09-09 Thread Tobias Crefeld
Am Fri, 09 Sep 2011 14:34:44 +0200
schrieb André Warnier

 As an alternative to netstat under Solaris, there is the lsof

AFAIK there is no lsof in (standard-) Solaris-10. But maybe one can
take it from independent repositories like Sunfreeware
( shows a hit for lsof on Solaris10/Sparc).

Actually I never found a standard tool in Solaris-10 that could list
the tcp-listeners (...and meanwhile there are only 2 Solaris-machines
left - dying next month...).


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Re: virtual host for apache/tomcat server

2011-03-31 Thread Tobias Crefeld
Am Thu, 31 Mar 2011 07:49:07 -0400
schrieb James Pifer

 So I have a web server at: that has just
 static web pages, etc. 
 I have a tomcat jsp that I want to respond to 
 I setup a VirtualHost similar to you example, but when I go
 to it loads tomcat, not my static pages. 

I guess this is an Apache2-issue. It seems that your separation of
vhosts doesn't work properly.

You could setup an own vhost-config for a named-vhost with or check your config for default to deliver your
static, non-tomcat content.


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Re: virtual host for apache/tomcat server

2011-03-30 Thread Tobias Crefeld
Am Wed, 30 Mar 2011 15:09:12 -0400 schrieb James Pifer

 Ok, my httpd.conf is pretty standard. It includes proxy_ajp.conf
 which has:
 LoadModule proxy_ajp_module modules/
 ProxyPass /tomcat/ ajp://localhost:8009/

I only have some experience with Tomcat-6, not Tomcat-5.5, so maybe
there are some mistakes in my posting, but AFAIK:
 - A corresponding ProxyPassReverse is missing. 
 - If you want to redirect requests to http://hostname.domain.tld/ to
ROOT then you should simply write / and not /tomcat/.

Maybe a chip of our mixed IP- and name-based Apache-vhost-configs gives
you an idea of how to setup Apache2 (in this environment hostnames with
TLD prod are private IP-adresses for internal access). 

The setup uses a mix of mod_proxy_http and mod_proxy_ajp. Of course you
have to configure tomcat's server.xml to offer ajp-access via Port
8009. Usually mod_proxy_ajp works better (handling of out-buffer,
cache ontrol) but in rare cases we had problems with mod_proxy_ajp.

Of course httpd.conf of our apache2.2 has got an include-statement
for /srv/conf.d/*.conf in order to use this config.

[crm@mikesch ~]$ cat /srv/conf.d/crm.conf
# vhost-configuration **
# Virtual IP-Alias via DNS
# vhost for production
  DocumentRoot /srv/crm/html
  ErrorLog /srv/crm/logs/error_log
  TransferLog /srv/crm/logs/access_log
# Reverse-Proxy for ajp-connector
  ProxyRequests Off
  Proxy *
Order deny,allow
Allow from all
# avoid public access to mgmt-applications
  ProxyPass/docs !
  ProxyPass/probe !
  ProxyPass/manager !
# connecting tomcats ROOT via mod_proxy_http and coyote
  ProxyPassReverse /
# alternative: connecting tomcats ROOT via ajp
#  ProxyPass/ ajp:// 
#  ProxyPassReverse / ajp://
# allow vhost for management only for users in private network
  DocumentRoot /srv/crm/html/mgmt
  ErrorLog /srv/crm/logs/error_log
  TransferLog /srv/crm/logs/access_log
# Displaying Apache vhost-statistics under /usage
  Alias /usage /srv/crm/html/mgmt/usage
  Location /usage
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
Allow from
Allow from ::1
Allow from
# Reverse-Proxy fuer ajp-connector
  ProxyRequests Off
  Proxy *
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
Allow from
Allow from ::1
Allow from
  ProxyPass/probe   ajp://
  ProxyPassReverse /probe   ajp://
  ProxyPass/manager ajp://
  ProxyPassReverse /manager ajp://
  ProxyPassReverse /docsajp://


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Re: SSL Cert

2010-12-14 Thread Tobias Crefeld
Am Mon, 13 Dec 2010 20:15:55 -0500
schrieb George Christiansen - PA

 I'm trying to remove an SSL cert from a Tomcat instance. Can I just
 comment/remove the certs from server.xml and maintain SSL without the

You can create a self-signed SSL-certificate instead.


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Re: Tomcat log files

2010-11-15 Thread Tobias Crefeld
Am Tue, 09 Nov 2010 16:06:14 -0500
schrieb Christopher Schultz

 Have you correctly replaced lib/tomcat-juli.jar
 and installed lib/tomcat-juli-adapters.jar? If not, you may be falling
 back to the old logger which requires

For whatever-reason and different than tomcat-juli-adapters.jar the
default location of tomcat-juli.jar is bin/, not lib/. 


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Re: Rotating Tomcat-Logs

2010-10-22 Thread Tobias Crefeld
Am Thu, 21 Oct 2010 11:13:53 +0200
schrieb André Warnier

 In addition, it is somewhat of a moving target, since Linux
 distributions seem to each superpose their own schemes to the
 standard Tomcat scheme (like using jsvc, and/or re-directing to
 SYSLOG e.g.).

Today this is necessary because the default installation of Tomcat
delivers (somehow) managed logs like catalina.2010-10-20.log and
unmanaged logs like catalina.out at the same time.

Deploying a logging facility on a server (e.g. Linux-based OS) for one
or more Tomcats on one hardware / OS can become difficult because on
the one hand you need a way to disconnect log file access during
rotation or deletion of the log file and on the other hand you might
need a logging facility that separates logging of each
Tomcat-installation of one server AND gives the different Tomcats the
necessary rights to write / send their log data to their log file.

In addition it might be necessary that a webapps of Tomcat needs
random access to the log data of its Tomcat to do some file analysis
(e.g. Lambda Probe, Chainsaw, Splunk) which won't work if you use

Using syslogd instead file-handler might be an alternative but of
course this is OS-specific. At our company we are using MS-Win for
developers and CentOS/Debian/Solaris for production (and I guess that
this is a typical scenario) and so we are interested in a general
solution. This leads of course to a Java-based solution but it should
work more predictable than the JULI-setup of Tomcat.

 Anyway, I am interested in finding a scheme, based on JULI, and
 which :
 - would generally-speaking start by directing ALL Tomcat logs to one
 single file, NOT rotated by JULI

I think a default setup of Tomcat should deliver a logging that isn't
growing endless by design. 
This means it should use log rotation with a clearly limited number of
Today catalina.-MM-DD.log (and friends) seem to have no limit
of generations. I wouldn't care if the rotation is happening time
controlled or size controlled but initially there should be a maximal
possible number of files that could be created.

One file-pattern for default-Tomcat (without webapps) is enough -
actually I still have no idea what all these standard-0-Byte-logs are
used for.

 - would use the system facilities (aka logrotate), to rotate,
 compress and archive this logfile as I see fit, not as JULI sees fit.

This could get difficult because you have to pause Tomcats access to
the log files during external log rotation. Today you already have to
do this in order to rotate catalina.out. We do this during a daily
Tomcat-reboot every night at about the same time as the
logrotate-cronjob but actually this is just a hack and there is no real
synchronisation between these two events (like the reload of Apache2 by
And it would be OS-specific.

 - would provide a simple path to, /when needed/, provide more
 specific logfiles for one or the other application.
 (but not the current standard unmanageable mess)
 - create a Tomcat FAQ that explains how to do the above, so that
 other sysadmin-types can enjoy the fruits of my labor
 There is already a lot of scattered information on this topic in the
 archives of this list, but to my knowledge nothing really
 comprehensive at one single location.

This is my impression as well. Another source I use often is the book
Professional Apache Tomcat 6 but some of the described features (or
attributes) doesn't work, too - e.g. generation-parameter %g that
works if you use it for your own application but not in Tomcats

I think the concept of java.util.logging or JULI isn't so bad but 
 1. Tomcat shouldn't supersede parameters in the,
 2. Tomcat should inform about faults in,
 3. we need a complete documentation of, and 
 4. 0-byte-logfiles like admin, host-manager, localhost and manager
should be left out by default.


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Rotating Tomcat-Logs

2010-10-21 Thread Tobias Crefeld
We have problems to manage Tomcats Logs. Logfiles like catalina.out or
application specific logging is not the problem, but there are some
files that are created each day new by tomcat (Tomcat-6):

From what I read till now JULI should be able to offer some rotation
features, so I tried several new settings in
tomcat/conf/ but it seems that it has little effect.

Our goal is to delete all log data that is older than e.g. 3 months.
The file naming schema doesn't matter. Additionally I would prefer if
the usually empty files (actually all files mentioned above except
catalina.*.log) aren't been created at all.


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Re: Tomcat 64 bits

2010-08-20 Thread Tobias Crefeld
Am Fri, 20 Aug 2010 13:37:08 +0200
schrieb KiLiCoOl

 Is there a version of Tomcat 6.* in 64 bits under linux ?

A short search in the archives of this mailing list would help:


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Re: Tomcat 64 bits

2010-08-20 Thread Tobias Crefeld
Am Fri, 20 Aug 2010 14:15:30 +0200
schrieb KiLiCoOl

 True but no one explain how to compile tomcat in 64 bits for
 unix ... :(

This is correct and there is an explanation in the thread.

  A short search in the archives of this mailing list would help:


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Re: Tomcat starts slow

2010-08-10 Thread Tobias Crefeld
Am Tue, 10 Aug 2010 16:58:45 +0400
schrieb Maxim Kuleshov

 But for some reason tomcat wants IPv6 connection and while time
 (retries * timeout) passed - it hangs at start.
 And I even don't know - what subsystem use such kind of
 interconnection (via IPv6 loopback).

Just an idea: Tomcat is trying to establish a listener at
localhost:8005 for shutdown-requests during start. 

AFAIK you can change the port number but not the host address. Maybe
you have an /etc/hosts- or a DNS-entry that translates localhost to an


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Re: 64 bit version for linux

2010-08-10 Thread Tobias Crefeld
Am Tue, 10 Aug 2010 08:07:06 -0500
schrieb Caldarale, Charles R

  JAVA_OPTS=$JAVA_OPTS -d64 -Xms512m -Xmx4096m  
 Odd; -d64 is not valid on any JVM I have installed.

Interesting! I never tested leaving out this parameter on a 64bit-JVM
under Linux but after a short test it looks as if we don't need -d64 on

We ran Tomcat on JVM/Solaris in the past and had to use it there.
( )
During migration to JVM/Linux we simply took over most Java-Options.
Only on some old systems (with Linux on Sparc) we had to leave out the
-d64 because there is no 64-bit-version of Sun-JDK for this platform
- only 32bit-OpenJDK.

Thanks for the hint!


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Re: 64 bit version for linux

2010-08-09 Thread Tobias Crefeld
Am Mon, 9 Aug 2010 04:52:55 -0700 (PDT)
schrieb Angelo Chen

 the standard tomcat(apache-tomcat-6.0.20.tar.gz) is running in a 64
 bit version of Centos. so can my app use memory bigger than 4G? I

Which JVM-version does your Tomcat use? IIRC there are different
defaults for different versions of CentOS. Maybe 
 yum list installed |grep ^java
 yum list installed |grep ^jdk
I would download last JDK for Linux/x64 at, install it and set the
correct path, for example: JAVA_HOME=/usr/jdk/latest;export JAVA_HOME
before starting Tomcat.

Maybe defaults of JVM have changed but AFAIK you have to set some
additional JAVA_OPTS-parameters to use 64bit and more RAM. We are using
a scriptlet like the following on our larger machines as part of the or start-stop-wrapper for

# Speicherlimit nur bei Aufruf von run, debug oder start auf 3 GB oder mehr 
case $1 in
 # Fuer 32-Bit-Betrieb die naechsten beiden Zeilen auf 3072k aendern

 believe the 2G is the limit for 32 bit version of Linux.

3GB is a possible limit for 32bit.


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Re: Error: Invalid or unreadable WAR file : error in opening zip file

2010-07-09 Thread Tobias Crefeld
Am Fri, 9 Jul 2010 10:21:09 -0300
schrieb Fernando Morgenstern

 SEVERE: Error starting static Resources
 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid or unreadable WAR file :
 error in opening zip file
 I've verified and tomcat user does have read permissions to war file.
 Also, i don't think this is a problem with the war file ( actually,
 all of them ), since other tomcat servers can deploy applications

Just guessing: Tomcat user (of this particular machine) has no write
permission on Tomcats directory webapps/ or webapps/Box/


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Re: Error: Invalid or unreadable WAR file : error in opening zip file

2010-07-09 Thread Tobias Crefeld
Am Fri, 9 Jul 2010 11:01:00 -0300
schrieb Fernando Morgenstern

 * Only webapps folder is shared between servers using glusterfs.

I don't think that it is a good idea if you put your webapps-directory
on a shared storage - especially if you use funny things like
setgid-flag. Tomcat expects an exclusive access to its

We are using Tomcat-installations for the same application as well but
we use rsync to synchronize and avoid common storage. 

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
 Tobias Crefeld.

+49 - 89 - 2190 964-15

Cataneo GmbH
Lilienstrasse 8, D-81669 Muenchen
Tel: +49 (0) 89-2190 964-0
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Geschäftsführer: Michael Wölfle, Martin Gerull

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Re: how to calculate a memory tomcat

2010-06-15 Thread Tobias Crefeld
Am Tue, 15 Jun 2010 08:42:47 +1000
schrieb Matthew Peterson

 Lambda Probe is stale. It has been forked to Psi Probe which has
 regular activity:

It's always nice if there is some development in progress but it's not
so nice if this makes results worse. 

Unfortunately some Psi-probes pages are hard to read, e.g. the new
thread-column at the connection page making the URL-column unreadable
- the new development seems to wear IE-only-glasses... ;) - or a change
of fonts for static text causing collisions with the dynamic part of the
text at the same page.


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Re: RewriteRule rewrites, but mod_jk persists with old URI

2010-06-15 Thread Tobias Crefeld
Am Tue, 15 Jun 2010 15:04:01 +0200
schrieb André Warnier

 In other words, it appears to receive the URI /mir/search.jsp, try
 to map it to a worker, succeed, but then forwarding the request to
 Tomcat as /jsp/search.jsp anyway (which was the original URL, not
 the rewritten one). This /jsp/search.jsp is indeed not found by
 Tomcat (because in Tomcat it is /mir/search.jsp), and I receive in
 return a 404 error page from Tomcat.

I'm not quite sure whether I have understood your problem but maybe
this additional setting (after JkMount) helps:

  JkOptions +ForwardURIProxy


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Re: RewriteRule rewrites, but mod_jk persists with old URI

2010-06-15 Thread Tobias Crefeld
Am Tue, 15 Jun 2010 20:08:15 +0200
schrieb André Warnier

 The version of mod_jk on that system is 1.2.18, and
 Now I'll see if I can get a more recent mod_jk as a Debian package,

I'm not so familiar with Debian and we run only on sparc-version (5.0,
Lenny), but there should be a newer one at the normal repositories:

Server Version: Apache/2.2.9 (Debian) mod_jk/1.2.26

$ dpkg-query -p libapache2-mod-jk |head
Package: libapache2-mod-jk
Priority: optional
Section: web
Installed-Size: 536
Maintainer: Debian Java Maintainers
Architecture: sparc
Source: libapache-mod-jk
Version: 1:1.2.26-2+lenny1
Replaces: libapache2-mod-jk2
Depends: libc6 (= 2.7-1), apache2.2-common, apache2


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Re: how to calculate a memory tomcat

2010-06-14 Thread Tobias Crefeld
Am Sun, 13 Jun 2010 22:27:40 +0700
schrieb andy susanto

 is there any tool that i can monitor my tomcat ?, because at peak hour

You should ask your preferred search engine after JMX.

JDK offers some applications like jconsole (old fashioned but usually
sufficent) or jvisualvm (looks nicer, less stable) to monitor the

Additional, more tomcat-specific data can be monitored by the
tomcat-app lamdba-probe.


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Re: how to calculate a memory tomcat

2010-06-14 Thread Tobias Crefeld
Am Mon, 14 Jun 2010 20:06:42 +0400 schrieb Myk Bova

 Lambda Probe for Apache Tomcat ?

Correct, sorry for the typo!


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Re: Tomcat died on java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: requested 2147483664 bytes for Chunk::new. Out of swap space? message

2010-05-26 Thread Tobias Crefeld
Am Wed, 26 May 2010 13:08:23 +1000
schrieb Leon Kolchinsky

 # A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
 # java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: requested 2147483664 bytes for
 Chunk::new. Out of swap space?

Without knowing the application I would strongly estimate that it is
an application bug if it requests a block of 2 GB memory.

It might be a good idea to monitor the JVM and its memory management
with JMX-tools like jconsole (X11) or LambdaProbe (Tomcat).

 CATALINA_OPTS=-server -XX:+UseParallelGC -Xms2048m -Xmx2048m
 -XX:MaxPermSize=1024m -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled
 -XX:+CMSPermGenSweepingEnabled -Djava.awt.headless=true

We are using in our standard setups some more parameters although I'm
not sure if they are necessary always or just still valid, e.g.:

# Maximum Size of new generation; default: function of NewRatio
# Default size of new generation; default: 30% larger
# Ratio of new/old generation sizes; default: 8

Here you find some parameter docs:

Generally I would ask the application vendor for suggested parameters.


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Re: Classpath for JSP

2010-04-26 Thread Tobias Crefeld
Am Mon, 26 Apr 2010 13:22:49 -0400
schrieb Reuven Koblick

 I verified that the class that was not found is indeed
 in /WEB-INF/classes. Also, classes in *.jar files in WEB-INF/lib are
 found. Does anyone have any thoughts or suggestions?

Maybe wrong rights for directories or files in the classes-directory?

Is the class at the correct place within the directory tree compared to
the class-hierarchy?

What does catalina.out report exactly?

There is a nice management tool called Lambda-Probe that could give you
some assistance under its menu applications/attributes. You get it
as a war-file at .


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Re: Tomcat 6.0.26 startup scripts changed from 6.0.18

2010-04-08 Thread Tobias Crefeld
Am Thu, 8 Apr 2010 15:16:36 -0400
schrieb Eric B.

 So what my init.d script currently does is pre-create an empty pid
 file in the /var/run directory, then changes ownership of it to
 tomcat so that tomcat can then update it with the actual pid of the
 tomcat process.
 Given that there is no way for the startup script to write to
 the /var/run directory, my options are fairly limited without
 modifying it.  1) Change the location of the pid file.  2) Make
 the /var/run directory tomcat writable by default (via acl or by mode
 permissions)  Neither option particularly appeals to me.

Your solution with creating an empty PID-file, changing the
ownership and filling it afterwards with the PID-number sounds a little
bit complicated and I doubt that there are a lot of installations using
this approach.

We created a special directory for the tomcat-PID-files (we're running
up to 8 Tomcats on one hardware) in order to keep the PIDs together and
set the sticky bit for this directory (looks similar to the usual
settings of /tmp) to restrict access to the PID-files once they are
created by

[te...@mikesch ~]$ ls -l /srv/
drwxr-xrwt  2 rootroot4096  8. Apr 08:08 run

te...@mikesch ~]$ ls -l /srv/run/
-rw-r--r-- 1 crm   crm   6  8. Apr 04:03
-rw-r--r-- 1 premiere  premiere  6  8. Apr 08:08

Changing the path of the PID-file is pretty simple by setting
CATALINA_PID before calling


BTW: I have no opinion concerning the patch of you
suggested, sorry.

BTW2: We aren't so happy with the change of the in
6.0.26, too, but as we separated tomcat's bin-directory from tomcat's
symlinked default-installation for some historical reason, it causes
no trouble with rebooted hardware as we still use the old


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Re: mod_jk errors with tomcat 6.0.20 and Apache 2.0.52

2010-01-22 Thread Tobias Crefeld
I guess that you should exchange the JkMount /* tomcatssl by
JkMount /* tomcat1 provided you use a standard Tomcat-setup.

For a parallel SSL- + Non-SSL-Setup using Apache2 you basically need 2
virtual-hosts in Apache2. One for Port 443 with the
standard-SSL-parameters Apache2 expects to integrate OpenSSL for https
and another for Port 80 / plain http. The Jk-directives are the same for
both virtual hosts and don't care about SSL and go to Tomcats port 8009
(= using standard configuration). 
8443 is typically the http-over-ssl-port (=http) for direct SSL access via
coyote-connector and has nothing to do with ajp.

If your Apache2 is doing the SSL-integration Tomcat sees no
SSL-traffic because Apache2 lets openssl do the conversion from SSL and
is connecting to Tomcat without any SSL-traffic but simple http.

You can give Tomcat some information about the SSL-session like you did

  JkExtractSSL On
  JkHTTPSIndicator HTTPS

but then you have to give Apache2 an advice to deliver these
information by a 
 SSLOptions +StdEnvVars +ExportCertData

( might
give you an idea about the two possibilities to setup Tomcat + SSL)

On some of our servers we're still running Apache 2.0 + mod_jk + Tomcat
6 on Solaris - nearly the same setup as under Linux.
These servers run with SSL and Non-SSL parallel but without these extra
Jk-SSL-indicator-parameters you are using.


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Re: mod_jk errors with tomcat 6.0.20 and Apache 2.0.52

2010-01-22 Thread Tobias Crefeld
Am Fri, 22 Jan 2010 14:25:11 +
schrieb Matt Turner

 The SSL pass-through requirement explains why I was attempting to
 pass through to :8443 directly - but it sounds like that's the wrong

If it isn't possible to move the SSL-certificate and -keys to the
Apache2 (and change the Tomcat to service ajp- or plain-http-requests)
the only possibility to do a pass-through will be a NAT-machine /
firewall with port-forwarding (e.g. port 443 - 8443).

There is another approach to passthrough https (=443) to 8443 by using

 Should I just use something like..
   ProxyPass /cas ?

I doubt that this will work. A https-client (alias webbrowser) is
transmitting SSL-traffic and ProxyPass is configuring a http-proxy
which expects http - no matter what kind of traffic it use to connect
to the real webserver.


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Re: JSP 2.0 examples throw security exception - Need help with configuration

2010-01-04 Thread Tobias Crefeld
Am Mon, 4 Jan 2010 17:08:26 +0530
schrieb Shanmugham, Dayanand (IE10)

 3.Started Tomcat instance 
 4.All Servlets and JSP 1.2 examples work fine but when I run
 the JSP 2.0 examples, I get the following security exception messages
 5.I removed the comments from tomcat-users.xml file

IIRC you have to restart Tomcat after changing tomcat-users.xml (+
refresh webbrowser). 


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Fw: JSP 2.0 examples throw security exception - Need help with configuration

2010-01-04 Thread Tobias Crefeld
Am Mon, 4 Jan 2010 17:47:23 +0530
schrieb Shanmugham, Dayanand (IE10) - admin [04/Jan/2010:17:45:09 +0530] GET /manager/html
 HTTP/1.1 500 2615

admin is not a valid username but a valid role in the (uncommented)
default-version of tomcat-users.xml. You should look (or insert) in the
file which usernames (and passwords) are valid.


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Re: Rerouting Traffic when number of connection increases

2009-12-11 Thread Tobias Crefeld
Am Thu, 10 Dec 2009 16:44:35 -0500
schrieb Arunkumar Janarthanan

 We have a 4 Apache  Tomcat instances running on and trying to setup a

What do you mean with 4 Apache  Tomcat exactly?

 custom message by redirecting user to different Apache instance with
 currently we are expereincing HIGH traffic, please visit later

Is this a problem of overload of the Apache or of the Tomcats? If
Tomcat isn't answering the forwarded requests of an Apache-webserver
fast enough Apache will show a error-page (IIRC error code 503). You
could change the content of this page to something less mysterious. If
your application supports load balancing you could use mod_proxy or
mod_jk to use one Apache as load balancer but you should have carefully
tested the ability of your application to run in a load-balanced
environment (e.g. session handling, DB-connection pooling,...).

If your application is getting irreparable unstable by overload it
might help if you limit the number of connections that the
Apache-Tomcat-connector allows.


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Re: How to get java process id of a user running tomcat

2009-12-03 Thread Tobias Crefeld
Am Wed, 2 Dec 2009 12:00:06 +0530
schrieb raj kumar

 When i ran tomcat and shut it down my java process is not closing
 along with shutdown.i need to kill it explicitly. So  I would like to

BTW: How much memory is reserved for your Tomcat-JVM ($JAVA_OPTS) and
how much memory has your server available?


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Re: How to get java process id of a user running tomcat

2009-12-02 Thread Tobias Crefeld
Am Wed, 2 Dec 2009 12:00:06 +0530
schrieb raj kumar

 Tomcat: jakarta-tomcat-5.0.28
 Java : j2sdk1.4.2
 OS: SunOS

ps -fu TomcatsUsername |grep java |grep -v grep |cut -f2 -d 

If the release of your SunOS is as antique as the rest of your software
it's possible that one of these commands doesn't work.


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Re: Easy Way to Upgrade Tomcat Versions?

2009-11-30 Thread Tobias Crefeld
Am Mon, 30 Nov 2009 08:02:41 -0800 (PST)
schrieb Thomas Moorer

 I have been thinking about upgrading my Tomcat 6.0.16
 instance to the latest 6.0.20. I have been thinking about the best way
 to do that. I have modified several config and shell files and suppose
 I could just copy those to the 6.0.20 instance, but then I began to
 wonder if I could just update the Tomcat specific files in my current
 install location.

Usually (!) it should be enough if you copy the files from conf/ and
bin/ (and your application, of course) to the new apache-tomcat-tree.

 Is it acceptable as an upgrade method to just
 copy the 6.0.20/lib/*.jar files into the existing 6.0.16/lib

It depends on how clean your installation is. If you have put
additional jars into the apache-tomcat/lib/ - directory in the past
this might be the better way. Of course this isn't good practice
because application specific jars should be installed unter

Running Unix/Linux I prefer another practice. In the home-dir of the
tomcat-User I create a skeleton similar to the following:

~/tomcat/webapps/bsps - ../default/webapps/examples
~/tomcat/webapps/docs - ../default/webapps/docs
~/tomcat/webapps/manager - ../default/webapps/manager
~/tomcat/webapps/ROOT - ../../ROOT
~/tomcat/lib - default/lib
~/tomcat/logs - ../logs
~/tomcat/default - /opt/apache-tomcat-6.0.20

Under /opt I install the Tomcat-versions out of the... tar.gz-archive:

After this preparation changing to another tomcat-version is just a
deletion and re-creation of the symbolic link default 
( ~/tomcat/default - /opt/apache-tomcat-6.0.20 ) and you roll back
to an older version the same way.

In this setup your configuration and scripting under tomcat/conf/ and
tomcat/bin/ is left untouched and the factory-installation of tomcat
under /opt is left untouched as well. 

By setting links under tomcat/ to default/xyz/ you tell your
installation to take the factory-default and by replacing the links to
a separate directory (like tomcat/conf/) you can customize your
installation. Of course you have to pay attention that your customized
directories stay compatible if you made a Tomcat-update by exchanging
the links as described above but usually there is no need to change

Maybe this principle works under MS-Windows as well. I read that MS is
offering symbolic links since WinXP-SP2 but I have not much experience
with their OS.


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Re: Use java 1.5 apps with tomcat 6

2009-11-26 Thread Tobias Crefeld
Am Thu, 26 Nov 2009 10:54:08 +0100
schrieb Jimmy Spam

 By default, system is using jre1.6 and If I uninstall it, tomcat 6  
 doesn't work, so How can do for that tomcat use jre1.5 without crash?

Please have a look at the beginning of the of your
Tomcat-installation. There is a brief documentation how to set the
intended JVM. If Opensuse is using another script to start Tomcat you
will have to check if there is a setting of the environment variable

Basically you will have to set the variable JAVA_HOME
to /usr/java/latest, /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_17 or
/usr/java/jre1.5.x_y or where-ever the bin-directory of your JVM is.
You can have dozens of different JVM under /usr/java/ (typical place
for JDKs under Linux) installed. The selection happens through a
JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/latest, etc..

Usually it shouldn't be necessary to export this variable as long as and the environment variable setting happens in the same
process. This way the impact for the rest of the OS is kept to a


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Re: Preventing httpd from accessing WEB-INF contents

2009-11-25 Thread Tobias Crefeld
Am Wed, 25 Nov 2009 11:13:19 -0500
schrieb Jonathan Mast

 I need something that will be apply globally and can't be overridden
 by VirtualHost directives.  

Why don't you use a standard like Location/Order/Deny/Allow in the
vhosts config to deny access to WEB-INF, etc.?

Individual config-files for Apache's vhosts are still part of the
Apache-config and you can insert in it whatever you like to control (or
crash!) Apache as a whole. Because of this I would never give the
Tomcat-User (e.g. our developers) direct access to the vhost's


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Re: https and port numbers

2009-11-17 Thread Tobias Crefeld
Am Tue, 17 Nov 2009 09:40:46 +
schrieb Robert Denison

 I've set up my tomcat server to serve http requests on port 8080 and
 https on port 8443. My firewall forwards requests for 80 to 8080 and
 8443 to 8443. 

Tomcat cannot help you in this case. 

You will have to make your firewall forward port 443 to 8443 because
443 is the port number that an average webbrowser assumes if the URL
starts with https://


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Re: problem on TOMCAT 6.0.20: no access to manager pages

2009-11-13 Thread Tobias Crefeld
Am Fri, 13 Nov 2009 16:29:22 +0100
schrieb Marie-Christine Lagasquie

 Of course, the file /usr/local/tomcat/conf/tomcat-users.xml has been
 modified before running Tomcat and now contains :

This is the start of a comment:

   role rolename=tomcat/
   role rolename=role1/
   role rolename=manager/
   role rolename=admin/
   user username=tomcat password=tomcat roles=tomcat/
   user username=both password=tomcat roles=tomcat,role1/
   user username=role1 password=tomcat roles=role1/
   user username=chef password=chtomcat roles=manager,admin/

..and this the end:


BTW: If the system can be accessed from the www you should leave out the
standard-users tomcat, both and role1.


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Re: Manager Application | Security | Tomcat 5.5.27

2009-11-05 Thread Tobias Crefeld
Am Thu, 5 Nov 2009 19:42:58 + schrieb Anurag Kapur
 On Thu, Nov 5, 2009 at 12:29 PM, Tobias Crefeld wrote:

  Separating JMX Proxy from manager won't be very helpful because JMX
  Proxy itself is offering control over tomcat. And it needs direct
  access to MBeans of Tomcat's JVM.

 My Understanding:
 Even if an attacker gets access to the jmx proxy servelt, it would
 not pose the same risk as access to the manager application would.
 With the proxy servlet you can only query the MBeans and get
 information about the state of the container. However, with access to
 manager application, you can potentially reload/start/stop contexts
 which is a big risk.
 Am I correct with this understanding?

The doc under the
JMX Proxy Servlet describes a command set in addition to the query
you mentioned. I haven't tested but it looks like that it offers nearly
the same possibilities as manager does.

Actually query alone discloses enough information that a potential
attacker could use to get real confidential information via other
channels that I don't want to have it in the web.

I don't know how safe you webserver is - standard-setup of Solaris
runs with no active packet filter... - but if you have no other
firewall with ALG I would strongly suggest that you run e.g. an Apache
in front of Tomcat with no access by Tomcat-deployers. Today in our
standard setup there is such an Apache2 that offers the same Tomcat via
two different virtual hosts. One is only proxying URIs that belong to
the production context and can be reached from the whole web. The other
is proxying the manager-applications as well (manager, probe and j4p)
but there are some Apache-rules that allow only access for clients from

BTW: j4p might be another nice approach to get a read-only monitoring.
It's a Tomcat application that delivers all (?) the data that can get
reached by JMX/TCPIP or Mbeans. There is script jmx4perl to read this
data and there is a plugin check_jmx4perl to poll this data by a
I found a article which describes this nice tool:

Actually I haven't tested it in detail and so I can't promise that this
tool is already ready for production. Ask me in two months when I can
tell you more... ;)


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Re: Tocat webapp listening on different port

2009-11-04 Thread Tobias Crefeld
Am Wed, 04 Nov 2009 09:43:54 +0100
schrieb Sergio Arrighi

 Is it possible to have a tomcat webapp listening on a port different 
 from the port which is in use by the server itself??
 I have a tomcat server listening on port 80 and I want the 'A' webapp
 to be listening on port 1.

AFAIK it is not possible to setup 2 http-connectors for one tomcat, but
you can install another tomcat in its own JVM with other port- and/or
IP-address-assignments with a coyote-connector listening to Port 1.

Or you install a proxy or Apache2 with mod_proxy_ajp or mod_proxy_http
to offer an access via port 80 to tomcat and change tomcats
coyote-connector to Port 1. Of course this will only give you two
different ways to connect to the same tomcat (and both applications)
but you can control access by using valves in tomcat and
ProxyPass-settings in Apache2.


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Re: tomcat6.exe tomcat6w.exe 64-bit binaries link - how to download

2009-10-27 Thread Tobias Crefeld
Am Tue, 27 Oct 2009 12:25:18 +0300
schrieb Terekhov Artyom (ADV)

 Hello, I wonder how to get tomcat 64-bit binaries from this link.
 Does not seem to work.

The link works well but svn is for developers information, not for
binary download. Go to if you
need binaries.


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Re: Jre upgrade Issue with Tomcat 5.5 error in opening zip file

2009-10-27 Thread Tobias Crefeld
Am Tue, 27 Oct 2009 03:47:23 -0700 (PDT)
schrieb selvakumar.V

 WARNING: Could not get dir listing for

What do you get if you type at the shell prompt:

ls -la /opt/CSCOpx/MDC/tomcat/webapps/ipm/WEB-INF


ls -la /opt/CSCOpx/MDC/tomcat/



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Re: Tomcat Real Security on Port 80 - Connection Interrupted

2009-10-22 Thread Tobias Crefeld
Am Thu, 22 Oct 2009 05:11:57 -0700 (PDT)
schrieb Kris Reid

 Tomcat 5.5.25
 httpd 1.3.41
 We are using mod_proxy with the following commands:
 Contents of
 ProxyPass / http://localhost:8080/Leads/
 ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:8080/Leads/
  Any ideas would be appreciated

Without watching catalina.out during logon process it is hard to say
what is happening there.
Just an idea: Some of our sites use mod_proxy, too. There we are using
this additional settings:

  ProxyPreserveHost On
  ProxyVia On

Don't know if these settings exist in mod_proxy for Apache 1.3 - we're
using 2.2. Especially the first entry might be important if the
application is using the hostname that the proxy is sending.

And we are using the local interface address of the vhost, not
localhost, e.g.:

  ProxyPassReverse /


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Re: Persistent Storage for Webapps

2009-10-13 Thread Tobias Crefeld
Am Mon, 12 Oct 2009 18:57:43 +0200
schrieb Jesse Long

 Thanks for your answers Tobias. Unfortunately we have a very real use 
 case for multiple instances on one host, with different data paths.
 So, /etc/ is not usable, but /etc/app-context path
 derived might be but virtual hosting would break. No way
 identify unique host consistently.

It depends on how you implement virtual hosting. 

I have no experience with Tomcats virtual hosting but a
Tomcat-application can always can request the hostname from the URI and
use it to build a path name. We are using this hostname to give users
via VPN other privileges than users via public internet. Not really
secure but within our business it's enough.

We're using Apache2-vhosts and run one Tomcat (in its own JVM) per
vhost. This wastes RAM but avoids that a
crash|deadlock|overload|whatever in one vhost affects the other vhosts
In our scenario we have one home-directory per vhost
(e.g. /srv/vhost1) where we install Tomcat (mostly by symbolic links to
unpacked Tomcats-archives) incl. startup/shutdown-scripts, cronjobs,
logs, Apache2-document-root, Tomcat-ROOT and persistent data for
import/export. Tomcat's webapps-concept is only used to deploy some
standard applications like Lambda probe, Webservice or j4p.
This vhost-home also contains some *.properties-files with
parameters, e.g. for database-access (we don't use JNDI due to historic
reasons), paths for import/export, etc.

If your using only one Tomcat with several name-based vhosts it
probably will be enough if you read hostname from URI and use this
information to construct the path to a tree
with /srv/vhost1, /srv/vhost2, etc. as data directories.


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Re: Persistent Storage for Webapps

2009-10-12 Thread Tobias Crefeld
Am Mon, 12 Oct 2009 13:01:44 +0200
schrieb Jesse Long

 In my webapp I need persistent storage. I am building my webapp as a
 .war file, and copying it into $CATALINE_HOME/webapps/
 Tomcat extracts $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/app.war to
 The war file contains an empty directory /WEB-INF/data . During
 operations, data files are created under /WEB-INF/data/

WEB-INF should contain only static files which shouldn't be accessible
by Webclients (directly), e.g. by /app/data/filename . So it seems to
be a bad place

 Question: id /WEB-INF/ in the extracted directory the correct place
 for persistent data storage? If not, where is?

AFAIK there is no general advise where to put dynamic, persistent data.
As system administrator I prefer solutions that give me the opportunity
to decide myself where to put dynamic data. There are a lot of reasons
for this: securing against disk space overflow, backup, priviledge
separation, etc.

Following this way you might create a properties-file outside the
Tomcat-hierarchy at a sensible place (e.g. /etc/ with
the paths your application should use. 

Another way is to define a Tomcat-parameter during JVM-startup that will
contain the path to your data-directory. As this might not survive the
next update of Tomcat itself I don't like this kind of configuration
but some applications and classes are working this way.

 My goal is to find a consistent way of creating persistent data
 relative to the context. I dont want to have to configure context
 parameters with data directory paths for each installation.

untested idea: If you have no control over the filesystem of the
target Tomcat you could create a mini-application named data.war that
you are deploying. Of course there is always the danger of accidentally
erasing the data by re-deploying this pseudo-application. And you will
have to find a way by valves, etc. to preserve this path from being
accessed by web-clients. Maybe it is enough if you leave out the


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Re: Should I use mod_jk or mod_proxy_ajp for my Apache2 to Tomcat5 connector on AIX ?

2009-10-08 Thread Tobias Crefeld
Am Thu, 24 Sep 2009 10:54:56 -0500
schrieb Strickland, Lawrence P

 I am having some problems building mod_jk on AIX and I see the same
 functionality is supported in mod_proxy_ajp.
 Does anyone have some good reason why I should use one over the other?

Using mod_proxy_ajp we got problems with larger http-1.0-POST's: The
connector is truncating the POST before receiving its size. 
FOR US this is a serious issue and we found no other workaround than
changing to mod_proxy (http) to wrap port 80 to port 8080 (Tomcat's
coyote-interface) which has other limitations (out.flush; hiding
source IP-addresses).

Beside this mod_proxy_ajp runs pretty well and is more simple to setup
than mod_jk and for most applications it works fine. 
We are still testing mod_jk, so I cannot say if there are other
arguments against mod_jk. Unfortunately CentOS' default-installation of
Apache2 has no support for mod_jk, so we have to update manually. I
estimate it's the same for AIX.

We're running Tomcat-6 but I don't think that this makes any difference
concerning your question.


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Re: Container based authentication using LDAP and Active Directory

2009-09-16 Thread Tobias Crefeld
Am Tue, 15 Sep 2009 15:00:39 -0500
schrieb sharda k

- User ids are being stored in LDAP
- User credentials(password) are being stored in Active Directory
- User roles are gain being stored in LDAP

And how are ADS-credentials and LDAP'S IDs synchronized?

Why don't you put the roles into ADS? ADS is based on LDAP with
Kerberos-authentication, so it should be no problem to add the
necessary schema extensions (untested - I have no ADS).

BTW: There is a book called Professional Apache Tomcat 6 at John
Wiley ( with some advice how to setup authentication by
file, LDAP, PAM or database.


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