Re: [Vo]:Repeatable COP of ~1.5 seems to be reported by many

2024-07-23 Thread Axil Axil
Rossi will demo an onboard 3 KW overunity EV battery charging system in
October. Here is Rossi's LENR theory www.
   IMO, what Rossi calls electron clusters are actually an
Exciton-polariton condensate. Disregard Zitterbewegung in cluster
formation. Upon termination, the condensates Bosenova produces the high
energy electron output that produces direct current output. Fusion is not
involved. The nuclear energy comes from extremely intense magnetic effects
on the quarks in matter that disrupt the strong force producing a Quark
Gluon plasma. These magnetic effects come from 10e21 spin=1 particles
(electron dressed photons) in the condensate.

On Mon, Jul 22, 2024 at 9:32 PM H L V  wrote:

> The (astro)physicist Sabine Hossenfelder discusses the claim on her
> channel.
> She has 1.4 million subscribers.
> harry
> On Mon, Jul 22, 2024 at 3:42 PM Jed Rothwell 
> wrote:
>> Andrew Meulenberg  wrote:
>> At low external temperatures, many heat pump systems switch over to ohmic
>>> heating.
>> I had one that did that at ~40 deg F, here in Atlanta. Which is not very
>> cold. I think more modern ones go lower. An online source says they go down
>> to 25 deg F.
>> Mine did not have an ohmic heater. It had a conventional natural gas
>> furnace. An auxiliary furnace. The cheapest model available, because it was
>> not used often. I think that is the normal configuration.
>> (Actually, I had two heat pumps for reasons beyond the scope of the
>> discussion. Still have one.)
>>   Do they turn off the heat pump or do they heat the input to the pump?
>> The heat pump definitely goes off. I could see the outdoor compressor
>> stop. The conventional heater takes over.

Re: [Vo]:This could relate to the Mills/Holmlid effect

2023-05-29 Thread Axil Axil

explanation of vacuum decay.

The mass of the up and down quark depends on the energy values of the Higgs
field (aka vacuum). An increase or decrease of this vacuum expectation
value (VEV) that is beyond or below 1.2 (120%) of the ambient Higgs field
VEV that is under the influence of this false vacuum will cause atoms to
fall apart into energy in the zone of the false vacuum. This fluctuation of
the energy levels of the VEV is the fundamental cause of transmutation of
elements in LENR.

On Mon, May 29, 2023 at 7:44 AM Andrew Meulenberg 

> Axil Axil,
> When a free electron falls into a deep atomic orbit, it gains kinetic
> energy and a photon of the same amount is emitted. Both energies are
> provided from decay of the nuclear mass.
> Is this what you call, or equivalent to, vacuum decay?
> Andrew
> On 5/29/23, Axil Axil  wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > *Garett Moddel has patented (it actually works) a device that extracts
> > energy from the vacuum. *
> >
> > An experiment that show energy extraction from the vacuum
> >
> >
> > In his product development, Moddel has found that extracting energy from
> > the vacuum causes unavoidable decay of the matter that his device is
> > constructed from. This decay is called vacuum decay and is seen in all
> > devices that produce energy. Ths decay is a significant issue that must
> be
> > overcome before LENR can be used as a reliable power source.
> >
> >
> >
> > On Sun, May 28, 2023 at 3:12 PM Jones Beene  wrote:
> >
> >> The premise is that entangled behavior is a feature of an expanded
> ground
> >> state— the goal being to  harvest zero-point energy from a system whose
> >> ground state naturally features entanglement and redundancy
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >

Re: [Vo]:This could relate to the Mills/Holmlid effect

2023-05-29 Thread Axil Axil

*Garett Moddel has patented (it actually works) a device that extracts
energy from the vacuum. *

An experiment that show energy extraction from the vacuum

In his product development, Moddel has found that extracting energy from
the vacuum causes unavoidable decay of the matter that his device is
constructed from. This decay is called vacuum decay and is seen in all LENR
devices that produce energy. Ths decay is a significant issue that must be
overcome before LENR can be used as a reliable power source.

On Sun, May 28, 2023 at 3:12 PM Jones Beene  wrote:

> The premise is that entangled behavior is a feature of an expanded ground
> state— the goal being to  harvest zero-point energy from a system whose
> ground state naturally features entanglement and redundancy

Re: [Vo]:physics of entangled systems VERY SIGNIIFCANT--

2023-03-24 Thread Axil Axil

To my mind, LION 2 - Diamond mining analysis overview, a simple experiment
shows how LENR and the pico clusters function as a mechanism that supports
the teleportation of energy and the description of mattermatter. In this
LENR experiment, All the pico clusters begin as deuterium clusters inside
the diamond crystal imperfections. When the LENR reaction begins, the  pico
clusters in their thousands begin to consume the diamond lattice and eat
their way within the diamond building tunnels.  Three instances of this
transmutation behavior happens with each instance producing a single
element of either sulfur, aluminum or silicon.

When the LENR reaction is active it is coherent which means that all the
pico clusters act as one single entity and share a global energy store.
While the pico clusters are moving and eating, diamond vanishes but when
the LENR reaction terminates, all the pico clusters leave the same
transmuted element,  either sulfur, aluminum or silicon at the far end of
their respective tunnel. When active, each pico cluster is an identical
twin of all the others and do the same thing, they all start moving and
they all eat diamond, then they all stop moving when the LENR reaction
terminates and then they all leave the same element at the end of their
respective tunnel.

As explained in the paper "Experimental activation of strong local passive
states with quantum information..."; it is
coherence and quantum entanglement that connect all the pico clusters
together in a quantum mechanical vacuum based network and allows them to
share energy via quantum teleportation of energy. But the LION experiment
shows more quantum mechanical behavior not yet recognized by science, it
shows that all the pico clusters share matter, the matter that they all
transmute as a unified global entity.

The paper "First Realization of Quantum Energy Teleportation on
Superconducting Quantum Hardware...";
predicts that the information about the shared transmuted element would be
shared by all the active pico clusters when the LENR reaction was active.

What makes all this happen is quantum mechanical coherence of all the pico
clusters. Energy and matter teleportation enables the LENR reaction to
utilize a global energy store to generate supernova levels of
nuclear energy based transmutation of elements, Coherence of the LENR
system is why LENR will always produce  polarized EMF radiation in the LENR
reaction. Like any solid state laser, EMF that such a coherent system
produces is always polarized.
Teleportation and coherence witnessed in a LENR system as follows:

2021-04-02 17:11 KeithT

Dear Andrea,
Is the light emitted by the Ecat SKLed polarized?


Keith Thomson.

2021-04-03 08:34 Andrea Rossi

Warm Regards,

On Fri, Mar 24, 2023 at 3:33 PM <> wrote:

> The text of various papers follows below.  These  items are froms from the
> link: 
> *
> *
> quantum gravity
> Wormhole Experiment Called Into Question
> By
> Charlie Wood
> March 23, 2023
> Last fall, a team of physicists announced that they had teleported a qubit
> through a holographic wormhole in a quantum computer. Now another group
> suggests that’s not quite what happened.
> 5
> Read Later
> An illustration of a butterfly falling into a wormhole.
> A holographic wormhole would scramble information in one place and
> reassemble it in another. The process is not unlike watching a butterfly
> being torn apart by a hurricane in Houston, only to see an identical
> butterfly pop out of a typhoon in Tokyo.
> Myriam Wares for Quanta Magazine
> Introduction
> In January 2022, a small team of physicists watched breathlessly as data
> streamed out of Google’s quantum computer, Sycamore. A sharp peak indicated
> that their experiment had succeeded. They had mixed one unit of quantum
> information into what amounted to a wispy cloud of particles and watched it
> emerge from a linked cloud. It was like seeing an egg scramble itself in
> one bowl and unscramble itself in another.
> In several key ways, the event closely resembled a familiar movie
> scenario: a spacecraft enters one black hole — apparently going to its doom
> — only to pop out of another black hole somewhere else entirely. Wormholes,
> as these theoretical pathways are called, are a quintessentially
> gravitational phenomenon. There were theoretical reasons to believe that
> the qubit had traveled through a quantum system behaving exactly like a
> wormhole — a so-called holographic wormhole — and that’s what the
> researchers concluded. When it

[Vo]:Viable superconducting material created at low temperature and low pressure

2023-03-12 Thread Axil Axil

[Vo]:how we change the way the universe works.

2022-09-24 Thread Axil Axil

Noether's theorem or Noether's first theorem states that every
symmetry  of the action
 of a physical system
with conservative
forces  has a
corresponding conservation law

For example, sym­me­try with re­spect to time gives rise to the law of
con­ser­va­tion of en­ergy, maybe the most im­por­tant con­ser­va­tion law
in physics. Any solution of the equa­tion is independent of the direction
of time, the solution does not de­pend ex­plic­itly on time. So en­ergy
conservation results.

Every conservation law has an associated symmetry.

When a symmetry is broken, so too is the associated conservation law.

LENR overunity is accompanied by spontaneous symmetry breaking.

The Mexican hat potential is associated with spontaneous symmetry breaking.

[image: 270px-Mexican_hat_potential_polar.svg.png]

Both superconductivity and the Higgs field are derivative of this
potential. This potential is how superconductivity and the Higgs field are
connected. They can break energy conservation when spontaneous symmetry
breaking occurs.

If the vacuum expectation value is changed, the mass of any particle that
exists under that state will change. In LENR, this is how the charge in the
mass of the up and down quarks produces transmutation under the Higgs

What is important in LENR, condensed matter systems involving
superconductivity produce changes in the vacuum expectation value and can
change what the Higgs field does. When you can change what the Higgs field
does, you can change the way the universe works.

[Vo]:The superconductivity, Meissner effect, and the LENR reaction

2022-08-22 Thread Axil Axil
The LENR reaction is always accompanied by charge separation. Ken
Shoulders observed that  Exotic vacuum objects (EVO) were always found with
charge separation. The double layer formations in SAFIRE is another example
of such charge separation. The cause of charge separation is the Meissner
effect that accompanies superconductivity.

The Meissner effect pushes all magnetic fields away from a superconductive
process. This anti magnetic force is more powerful than the coulomb force.
The superconductive cooper pairs of protons within the superconductor
exerts the anti magnetic force to expel electrons from within the

>From Rossi's SK reactor theory paper. as follows:

Experiment with energy measurement done with a spectrometer
Description of the apparatus:
The circuit of the apparatus consists of a power source supplying direct
current, a 1-Ohm resistor load, and a reactor containing two nickel rods
with LiAlH4 separated by 1.5 cm of space.
Measurements: During the test, a direct current was switched on and off.
When the current was switched on, a plasma was seen flowing between the two
nickel rods. The current was running through the plasma but the plasma was
found to be charge-neutral from a Van de Graaff test.
*This implies that the plasma has anequal amount of positive ions flying in
the direction of the current and negative ions(electrons) in the opposite
Input: 0.105 V of direct current over a 1 Ohm resistance.

Whenever there is charge separation, superconductivity is involved. Rossi
saw charge separation in his SK reactor plasma. This supports the theory
that All LENR plasmas are superconductive.

Re: [Vo]:Superconductivity is the keystone of the LENR reaction

2022-08-08 Thread Axil Axil
The SAFIRE project is a system in which polariton Bose condensation is at
play. This system converts what is generally  microscopic into the
macroscopic. The inches wide anode serves to support a inches wide
polariton Bose condensate. Bose condensation is mathematically described
by Gross-Pitaevskii theory.

Creation of vortices in BEC

Stirring one/two laser beams:

J. Abo-Shaeer et al., Science 292, 476 (2001)

The examples show approximately (A) 16, (B) 32, (C) 80,and (D) 130 vortices.

The vortices have "crystallized“ in a triangular pattern. The diameter of
the cloud

in (D) was 1 mm after ballistic expansion, which represents a magnification
of 20.

[image: image.png]

This system can inform us a great deal about the theory that underlies the
LENR reaction. For example, SAFIRE's operating temperature is in excess of
80,000 K. This raises the question about coherence of a polariton BEC at
that extreme temperature.

In the Gross-Pitaevskii equation, there is a math term that relates to the
force that confines the BEC.

[image: image.png]

The Higgs vacuum theory of the reaction is predicated on the observation
that the anti Higgs field cannot interact in any way with the Cosmological
Higgs field. This implies that the LENR BEC can exist at any temperature
imposed on the LENR BEC by the universe. This also proves that the two
types of vacuum are incompatible and do not interact.

Next, the formation of vortexes on the surface of the SAFIRE anode shows
how a supersolid lattice can form based on a polyhedral pattern.

Next, SAFIRE reports that an explosion of millions of watts occurs in which
the anode loses all vortex based processes and also shows the development
of transmutation on the surface of the anode. This verifies the posit that
energy is only produced when the EVO is destroyed by instability and
transmutation appears during the Bosenova explosion.

No nuclear radiation or particles is produced by the SAFIRE system
indicating an electroweak nature of the vacuum reaction. The developers of
the SAFIRE system also state that one of their business objectives is to
use the SAFIRE system as a nuclear waste remediation process. This
indicates that the SAFIRE system produces weak force bosons that act at a

In general, the behavior and nature of the EVO can be studied on the
macroscopic level using the SAFIRE technology. In addition all the plasma
based overunity systems: Egely, R. Mills, and Rossi are all described by
the same theory.

On Sat, Aug 6, 2022 at 1:45 PM Axil Axil  wrote:

> A superconductor is able to produce a Higgs field (SHF) that is nearly
> identical to the cosmic Higgs field that applies mass to
> fundamental particles. This field generation is accomplished through the
> agency of the Higgs mechanism.
> The ability of a condensed matter system to produce a micro bubble of the
> Higgs field is centered on the characteristics of superconductivity called
> the Higgs mode. This property of a superconductor was first hinted at by
> the discovery that photons gained rest mass when under the influence of a
> superconductor. The cosmic Higgs field (CHF) only confers rest mass on a
> fundamental particle.
> With reference to some history as early as the early 1960s, Philip
> Anderson who was an outstandingly creative pioneer of solid state physics was
> complementing theoretical particle physics. Also interested in particle
> physics, in 1962, Anderson published a paper demonstrating how photons
> (or light quanta) obtain mass in a superconductor. Peter Higgs recognized
> that this mechanism was identical to the way mass was applied to
> fundamental particles in particle physics. This led to the development of
> the theory of the Higgs field in 1964 and led to both Higgs and François
> Englert being awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 2013.
> In explanation, a superconductor does not allow penetration by external
> magnetic fields (the Meissner effect). This observation implies that in a
> superconductor the electromagnetic field becomes short ranged. Successful
> theories arose to explain this during the 1950s, first for fermions 
> (Ginzburg–Landau
> theory, 1950), and then for bosons (BCS theory, 1957).
> The Ginzburg–Landau equation predicts two new characteristic lengths in a
> superconductor. The first characteristic length is termed coherence length:
> The second one is the penetration depth of a magnetic field produced by
> the Meissner effect.
> There seems to be a tight correlation between superconductivity and the
> CHF. The cosmic Higgs mechanism is a type of superconductivity which occurs
> in the vacuum. It occurs when all of space is filled with a sea of
> particles which are charged, or, in field language, when a charged field
> has a nonzero vacuum expectation value. This begs the explanation that when

[Vo]:Superconductivity is the keystone of the LENR reaction

2022-08-06 Thread Axil Axil
A superconductor is able to produce a Higgs field (SHF) that is nearly
identical to the cosmic Higgs field that applies mass to
fundamental particles. This field generation is accomplished through the
agency of the Higgs mechanism.

The ability of a condensed matter system to produce a micro bubble of the
Higgs field is centered on the characteristics of superconductivity called
the Higgs mode. This property of a superconductor was first hinted at by
the discovery that photons gained rest mass when under the influence of a
superconductor. The cosmic Higgs field (CHF) only confers rest mass on a
fundamental particle.

With reference to some history as early as the early 1960s, Philip Anderson
who was an outstandingly creative pioneer of solid state physics was
complementing theoretical particle physics. Also interested in particle
physics, in 1962, Anderson published a paper demonstrating how photons (or
light quanta) obtain mass in a superconductor. Peter Higgs recognized that
this mechanism was identical to the way mass was applied to
fundamental particles in particle physics. This led to the development of
the theory of the Higgs field in 1964 and led to both Higgs and François
Englert being awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 2013.

In explanation, a superconductor does not allow penetration by external
magnetic fields (the Meissner effect). This observation implies that in a
superconductor the electromagnetic field becomes short ranged. Successful
theories arose to explain this during the 1950s, first for fermions
theory, 1950), and then for bosons (BCS theory, 1957).

The Ginzburg–Landau equation predicts two new characteristic lengths in a
superconductor. The first characteristic length is termed coherence length:
The second one is the penetration depth of a magnetic field produced by
the Meissner effect.

There seems to be a tight correlation between superconductivity and the
CHF. The cosmic Higgs mechanism is a type of superconductivity which occurs
in the vacuum. It occurs when all of space is filled with a sea of
particles which are charged, or, in field language, when a charged field
has a nonzero vacuum expectation value. This begs the explanation that when
the universe was formed, it was a superconductor that was above the
superconducting transition temperature. Over time, the universe cooled
below the formation temperature of the Higgs mechanism to express itself as
a superconductor.

There is a difference between the SHF and the CHF. The SHF is the
antithesis of the CHF. If the CHF generates a constant positive scalar
curvature, then the SHF generates a constant negative scalar curvature. If
the CHF is de Sutter space, then the SHF is anti de Sutter space. When anti
de Sutter space forms, it is segregated off from de Sutter space of CHF so
that the superconductor is protected from any external temperature
intrusions and remains metastable.

How does SHF form in cold fusion?

In the classic cold fusion meme, a hydride is formed in a lattice
imperfection of palladium. When the loading of the hydride reaches greater
than 75%, the pressure that is applied to the hydride becomes great enough
for the electrons in the Hydride to delocalize and the hydride transforms
into a Hole superconductor. A hole superconductor occurs when a central
core of proton cooper pairs form surrounded by a cloud of delocalized

In other examples of Hole superconductor formation, a catalyst is used to
form the superconductor. Holmlid uses the styrene catalyst type Shell
S-105. Chukanov uses total ionization of plasma that he calls ball
lightning.  Ken Shoulders used a spark to stimulate hydrogen into the SHF
form. Rossi uses lithium hydride and a high Dv/Dt spark. Ohmasa, Leclair,
and the Indian Suhas all have used cavitation in one form or another
to compress
water into superconducting water crystals. George Egely uses polaritons
produced by microwave stimulation of dust. The SAFIRE reactor uses

SHF can form from nano and micro metal particles since these particles will
form a one dimensional superconductor through Ballistic conduction.

The application of photons onto the electron cloud of the Hole
superconductor to form polaritons is an indispensable stimulus to the
formation of the SFH.

The polariton format process is accomplished inside an optical cavity.
The  electron cloud
of the Hole superconductor provides that optical cavity.  This cavity is
where the energy of the electron and the photon come into a state of energy
equilibrium so that a state of superposition of the electron and photon can
occur. This process where the electron and photon join together into a
single quantum waveform is known as quantum entanglement.

For example in Holmlid's reaction, a laser pulse applied onto the Ultra
dense hydrogen (UDH) hole superconductor will form an optical cavity in
which a Bose condensate of polaritons will form in the electron cloud that
surrounds the positive co

Re: [Vo]:How Higgs field unnaturalness enables cold fusion

2022-07-30 Thread Axil Axil
The next facit of the theory is how the Higgs mode in superconductors
allows for the generation of an anti higgs vacuum potential in a condensed
matter system that will deconstruct elements through the manipulation of
the masses of quarks.

The Higgs field and superconductors are intimately connected. Higgs got his
theory about the Higgs field by copying Anderson, the top man in
superconductor theory. The Higgs field is actually a superconductor thing.

For more background see

On Sat, Jul 30, 2022 at 5:19 PM Jones Beene  wrote:

> Speaking of Ni isotopes... Axil mentions Ni64 and Ni62 in this LENR
> context ... Is it significant that the Higgs mass is close to twice the
> average mass of nickel? An alloy of copper and nickel can be produce which
> is essentially identical in mass to twice Higgs.
> Coincidence of irrelevant ?
> There does not appear to be good commentary on the mass similarity of
> Higgs vis-a-vis a copper nickel alloy - at least that I can find. But if
> this mass value is/was significant, the "old guard" in LENR should look
> more closely at tellurium... especially alloyed with nickel or
> nickel-copper.
> That is because a second glaring coincidence along these lines is that the
> mass-energy of an isotope of tellurium being almost the same value as Higgs
> (~ 125 GeV) and twice that of ideal nickel or copper-nickel.
> Best of all - Low power laser irradiation seems to be a way to exploit the
> 'coincidence'. See below.
> This could point the way to actually being able to engineer the Higgs
> boson despite the low lifetime.
> Axil Axil wrote:
> Particle physicists have an issue with our universe, it is not natural.
> This wildly unnatural universe is at the bottom of our cold fusion
> experience. The improbable existence of our universe is what makes cold
> fusion possible. Our reality is setting on the knife's edge of existence. A
> minimal increase of the Higgs field will push the universe into disaster.
> Our universe is within a hair's breadth from destruction [snip].. the
> nickel isotopes became more enriched in Ni62 and Ni64. Ni61 also showed a
> great deviation from the normal isotopic distribution. These isotopic
> shifts showed redistribution of neutrons among the nickel atoms, yet no
> neutrons were ever detected during these reactor runs. ;
> The old guard cold fusion meme cannot explain how this change in isotopic
> distribution could happen. The fusion nuclear reaction does not affect
> isotopes, it only affects the number of protons and neutrons inside a
> nucleus. As I have shown previously, this change in isotopic distribution
> comes from slight changes in the masses of the up and down quarks in
> protons and neutrons.

[Vo]:How Higgs field unnaturalness enables cold fusion

2022-07-30 Thread Axil Axil
Particle physicists have an issue with our universe, it is not natural.
This wildly unnatural universe is at the bottom of our cold fusion
experience. The improbable existence of our universe is what makes cold
fusion possible. Our reality is setting on the knife's edge of existence. A
minimal increase of the Higgs field will push the universe into disaster.
Our universe is within a hair's breadth from destruction.

Naturalness and the Standard Model
Matt Strassler [August 27 – September 9, 2013] What is “Naturalness”? [This
subject is closely related to the hierarchy problem.]

Transmutation of matter happens when our universe is pushed over the edge
into an alien vacuum state. Transmutation begins when small pieces of our
universe will have entered into a microbubble of a newly created strange
alien state; and now this new micro anti-universe instantly reverts this
captured matter very softly and with high order into a cloud of energy and
strange alien fundamental particles. Only when this portion of our reality
re-enters back into the influence of our everyday existence does this
matter return to its normal structure, but that small portion of that
matter has been reordered and reconfigured into new forms and elements that
are different from how that matter was configured when it entered into that
new anti micro existence.

The sharpness of the Higgs fields' potential curve at its minimum defines
how fast mass will be applied to the fundamental particles in this
universe. A steep curve at the Higgs field minimum will result in a rapid
increase in the mass of all the fundamental particles in the alien universe.

Experts often compare the finely tuned Higgs mass to a pencil standing on
its sharpened lead tip, nudged this way and that by the slightest force
like a puff of air current or a table vibration that is so week that it is
undetectable to our senses will upset that perfect balance. It is not a
state of impossibility; it is a state of extremely small likelihood, say
scientists that study this issue. If you ever came across such a pencil
standing there, you would first move your hand over the pencil to see if
there was any string holding it from the ceiling. Next, you would look at
the tip to see if there is chewing gum.

The nucleus of the atom is a finely balanced system. The mass of the quarks
that comprise the nucleus is also finely balanced to keep the nucleus
together. If the mass of the quarks inside the nucleus were to increase by
just a few percent, then the nucleus would fall apart.

But the disintegration of the nucleus would reflect the amount of energy
that has been added to the Higgs potential. First we would see slight
isotopic shifts as a single neutron would leave the nucleus as just a
minuscule amount of quark mass is added.

As the Higgs vacuum potential grow further, elements would transmute as
protons left the nucleus.

And finally, when the Higgs potential neared its maximum and the
transmutation process became extreme, then all forms of confusing elemental
fissions and fusions would occur simultaneously.

>From transmutation results that have been seen over the years, it is
apparent that the process (EVO) that is transmuting elements has a
continuous range in power from very weak (slight isotopic changes) to
extremely strong (production of lead).

This brings to mind the 2005 article that George H. Miley authors to
explain some of the transmutation patterns he was seeing in his research.

Dr. Miley tries to make sense of the transmutation results that he was
seeing. This type of transmutation is extreme when the atoms that enter the
influence of the powerful EVO are turned into a quark gluon plasma.

Quark-Gluon Model for Magic Numbers Related to Low Energy Nuclear


Quark Masses and the Stability of the Proton and Deuteron

It has long been noted that the stability of the proton depends on the up
and down quark masses, requiring md - mu geq Eem approx alpha3/2 mproton to
overcome the extra electromagnetic mass-energy Eem of a proton relative to
a neutron. Detailed considerations suggest that md - mu is quite finely
tuned, in the sense that if it were changed by more than a fraction of its
value either way, nuclear astrophysics as we know it would radically change.

Quarks being always confined never appear ``on-shell'' so their masses are
tricky to measure precisely. A recent review by Fusaoka and Koide (1998)
gives mu = 4.88 ± 0.57 MeV, md = 9.81 ± 0.65 MeV, larger than the 0.511 MeV
of the electron but negligibl

Re: [Vo]:Thorium

2022-07-18 Thread Axil Axil
NRA regulates fissionable content of fuel at 5% or less. All fuel is
buffered with U238 at 95% or more to prevent proliferation. The fissionable
content produces Pu239 from U238. U233 inclusion in the fuel as the
fissionable component makes the reprocessing of the used fuel very
dangerous because of its U232 content. U232, a strong alpha/gamma emitter
that makes used fuel deteriorate eventually into deadly airborne
nanoparticle dust.

U232 is the most deadly stuff used as a potential proliferation deterrent.

Some opinions about U232

On Mon, Jul 18, 2022 at 7:39 PM Robin 

> In reply to  MSF's message of Mon, 18 Jul 2022 20:26:34 +:
> Hi,
> [snip]
> >I admit to being a thorium aficianado with a heavy prejudice toward the
> development of the thorium molten salt reactor. I have often wondered about
> its abandonment.
> >
> >So, from my point of view, I am quite pleased that Senator Tuberville
> wants to continue with thorium development.
> >
> >
> exactly how does one go about "destroying" a Thorium stockpile? By
> moving it from one stockpile to another??
> The whole concept is ridiculous on the face of it, which leads me to
> suspect that "freeing up space" is just an excuse
> to ensure that the Thorium never actually gets used to generate power.
> I see two possible reasons for this:
> 1) The coal lobby.
> 2) U233 can be used for bombs. However this doesn't make a lot of sense,
> because so can Plutonium, and both U233 &
> Plutonium can be used to generate power in nuclear reactors.
> I would say, if they want to get rid of U233, then they can give it to
> India. It will cut decades off their Thorium
> program. ;)
> BTW (quote):-
> **
> The Thorium Energy Alliance estimates that there “is enough thorium in the
> United States alone to power the country at
> its current energy level for over 1,000 years.” However, Tuberville points
> out that as the United States has been
> destroying its U-233 supplies (much of which is stored at Oak Ridge
> National Laboratory), China has begun constructing
> nuclear reactors powered by thorium and is also considering using it to
> power its aircraft carriers.
> In addition, given that the U.S. imports 79 percent of the uranium used in
> its nuclear power plants, Tuberville goes on
> to remark, “We don’t want to be using Russia’s uranium. . . . We don’t
> want to go to Russia to buy [thorium]. Just think
> about the national security for this.”
> **
> The second paragraph of this quote is at odds with the first. If the USA
> has a thousand years worth of Thorium, then why
> would they need to go to Russia to buy it? (The author of the quote
> probably misunderstood the Senator's intention. More
> likely IMO is that he meant that the US wouldn't want to have to go to
> Russia to buy U233, which the Russians would be
> making in breeder reactors.)
> BTW2, How has the US been "destroying it's U-233 supplies", but using them
> in reactors? I wouldn't call that destroying
> them, but rather simply using them for their intended purpose.
> BTW3 AFAIK, the US can import all the Uranium it wants from Australia.
> I suspect that "The sickness country" in northern Australia got it's name
> because people got radiation sickness from the
> Uranium deposits, after long exposure (i.e. living on top of it.)
> If no one clicked on ads companies would stop paying for them. :)

Re: [Vo]:Celani verifies Cincinnati Group transmutation

2022-06-21 Thread Axil Axil
The demonstration and study of transmutation has come a long way over the
decades. In this 3D micrograph, the false colour picture on the right shows
the distribution of the various elements generated from copper produced in
the VEGA experiment.

On Tue, Jun 21, 2022 at 3:12 PM Terry Blanton  wrote:

> Tom Valone's web site is loaded with FE and less fringy stuff:

[Vo]:Rossi demos his product line to be available for pre-order

2021-12-08 Thread Axil Axil
The official presentation video of the Rossi product line will be posted on
this new YouTube Channel for Leonardo Corporation:

There is no content there at this point, but the video will go live on this
channel on thursday 9:00 am Miami time (US Eastern Time)

Re: [Vo]:Freire et al., Preliminary survey on cold fusion

2021-12-06 Thread Axil Axil

Consider a quantum system of a mix of a barrel of balls of many colors. The
barrel is spinning and the balls are being mixed. While the balls are all
being mixed, the color of the solution or final state of the system is not
known. To observe the state (color) that the system is in, the barrel must
be stopped from rotating and the observer must extract a colored ball from
the stationary barrel. The color of that ball is the resolution of the

The condition of many colored balls is called superposition. A system can
be many things all at the same time and that system changes among those
many conditions at random from one instant to the next. A system may
resolve into one of these many states when the system terminates (The
barrel stops rotating) and the color of the selected ball is observed.

Quantum mechanics does not follow the scientific method, it is not
reductionist. It is a system that follows probability because randomization
among many possible states is involved

“God does not play dice with the universe; He plays an ineffable game of
His own devising, which might be compared, from the perspective of any of
the other players [i.e. everybody], to being involved in an obscure and
complex variant of poker in a pitch-dark room, with blank cards, for
infinite stakes, with a Dealer who won't tell you the rules, and who *smiles
all the time*.”

On Mon, Dec 6, 2021 at 1:30 PM <> wrote:

> Axil Axil—
> I consider the physics discussed in the items you have referenced do not
> have a logical basis, since there is no assumption of cause and effect.
> This  situation avoid the application of the scientific method IMHO.
> SMOKE AND MIRROWS come to mind.  A better summary than
> energy being coughed up by the vacuum would be the “hand of God”  takes
> charge of the collapse of QM systems when humans look too closely.
> Bob Cook
> Sent from Mail <> for
> Windows
> *From: *Axil Axil 
> *Sent: *Monday, December 6, 2021 2:11 AM
> *To: *vortex-l 
> *Subject: *Re: [Vo]:Freire et al., Preliminary survey on cold fusion
> Because the nuclear level processes that occur in the Reaction are
> confined to a quantum mechanical system that is coherent, that
> nuclear reaction is not possible to observe. This means that if particles
> are generated and energy is produced, those particles and that energy is
> not observable to the observer. This is known as the "Measurement problem".
> After the coherence of the quantum system is destroyed, the quantum system
> becomes a classical system in which energy can be observed. But this energy
> is not nuclear energy but energy derived from the vacuum as rendered by
> "vacuum decay" where a small amount of residual energy and matter stored in
> the quantum system is released in a disruptive process of
> system disintegration and therefore such residual matter and energy
> becomes  observable.
> There is a causal disconnection between the processes that happen in which
> the quantum system is coherent and the disrupted release of stored residual
> matter and energy that is released during the destruction of the erstwhile
> quantum system.
> If particles were produced during the time when the quantum system was
> coherent, those particles would not have been observable. It is a fool's
> errand to try to make sence of the quantum processes that had occured when
> the quantum system was coherent. This observation and its understanding is
> not possible because the expectations of the classical world do not apply
> to the processes that were quantum coherent and rendered unobservable.
> On Sun, Dec 5, 2021 at 8:39 PM <
>> wrote:
> Nuclear magmatic resonance [phenomena are the basis for the desogn and
> operation of common MRI maschines of used by the medical business.
> A metastable nuclear at a small energy above the stable state of a target
> isotope is produced by a radio frequency  photon  in resonance with the
> differential energy between the 2 states.
> A  magnetic field is applied to the target isotope to  allow  a resonant
> to react with the isotope and raise its energy slightly.
> The magnetic is shut off and the target isotope returns to is grouind
> state with th

Re: [Vo]:Freire et al., Preliminary survey on cold fusion

2021-12-06 Thread Axil Axil
Because the nuclear level processes that occur in the Reaction are confined
to a quantum mechanical system that is coherent, that nuclear reaction is
not possible to observe. This means that if particles are generated and
energy is produced, those particles and that energy is not observable to
the observer. This is known as the "Measurement problem".

After the coherence of the quantum system is destroyed, the quantum system
becomes a classical system in which energy can be observed. But this energy
is not nuclear energy but energy derived from the vacuum as rendered by
"vacuum decay" where a small amount of residual energy and matter stored in
the quantum system is released in a disruptive process of
system disintegration and therefore such residual matter and energy
becomes  observable.

There is a causal disconnection between the processes that happen in which
the quantum system is coherent and the disrupted release of stored residual
matter and energy that is released during the destruction of the erstwhile
quantum system.

If particles were produced during the time when the quantum system was
coherent, those particles would not have been observable. It is a fool's
errand to try to make sence of the quantum processes that had occured when
the quantum system was coherent. This observation and its understanding is
not possible because the expectations of the classical world do not apply
to the processes that were quantum coherent and rendered unobservable.

On Sun, Dec 5, 2021 at 8:39 PM <> wrote:

> Nuclear magmatic resonance [phenomena are the basis for the desogn and
> operation of common MRI maschines of used by the medical business.
> A metastable nuclear at a small energy above the stable state of a target
> isotope is produced by a radio frequency  photon  in resonance with the
> differential energy between the 2 states.
> A  magnetic field is applied to the target isotope to  allow  a resonant
> to react with the isotope and raise its energy slightly.
> The magnetic is shut off and the target isotope returns to is grouind
> state with the emission of a photon to conserve energy and angular momentum
> of the QM system.
> Bob Cook
> PS:  My work with NMR was 60 years ago in 19621.
> Sent from Mail <> for
> Windows
> --
> *From:* Axil Axil 
> *Sent:* Saturday, December 4, 2021 5:59:44 PM
> *To:* vortex-l 
> *Subject:* Re: [Vo]:Freire et al., Preliminary survey on cold fusion
> Thankyou for your opinion. A nuclear reaction produces energy from a
> change in the binding energy of the nucleus. When this binding energy
> changes, the nucleus will become unstable where the liberated binding
> energy is oftentimes carried away by a particle(s) exiting the nucleus.
> If the Reaction is based on a nuclear reaction, particle emissions are to
> be expected. The lack of particle emissions in the Reaction was and still
> is a major factor in the lack of acceptance by the science community that
> the nuclear based explanation of  the Reaction is real.
> By the way, Holmlid's observation that particles were produced by his
> Reaction has not been seen by his replicators. It looks like what Holmlid
> was seeing were EVOs produced by the ultra dense hydrogen as detected by 
> Sveinn
> Ólafsson 's cloud chamber.
> On Sat, Dec 4, 2021 at 8:01 PM Jürg Wyttenbach  wrote:
> Axil,
> You basically are a nonsense talker with no clue of real dense matter
> physics.
> A particle emission is associated with a momentum.  How do you believe
> that mass at rest can produce this???
> J.W.
> On 04.12.2021 19:36, Axil Axil wrote:
> Also identify what fusion and/or fission reaction that this gamma
> radiation is coming from. Show proof that this radiation is associated with
> particle emissions. Nuclear reactions produce well defined
> particle emissions. Also explain how the reaction is being produced. Keep
> in mind that high energy radiation can be produced by breaking radiation
> from high energy electrons. These high energy electron based wide
> continuous spectrum reactions are not necessarily nuclear reactions.
> On Sat, Dec 4, 2021 at 1:10 PM Jürg Wyttenbach  wrote:
> May be soon if the standard model  mafia will not oppose
> J.W.
> On 0

Re: [Vo]:Freire et al., Preliminary survey on cold fusion

2021-12-04 Thread Axil Axil

The production of energy by the reaction is produced when the EVO is
induced to become unstable. This instability results in a Bosenova where
10^23 electrons explode at the speed of light.

Here is a video of this process occurring in an experiment.

When I watched this VEGA experiment where the EVOs exploded in a BoseNova,
I noticed that the high energy electrons exiting the Bosenova are producing
a bright band from the explosion that traveled directly in a short straight
line to the anode.  A sharp almost instantaneous voltage spike in the anode
circuit should occur when those high energy electrons return to the anode.

When we saw Rossi's QX demo, we saw the random high dv/dt voltage spikes on
Rossi's pumping input show on his input line scope. Those voltage feedback
spikes destroyed his controller, but it looks like he found a way to
capture that voltage in the SKLEP reactor. The over unity energy is carried
by those high energy electrons at 1.5 MeV, I believe that Rossi is
capturing this return of high energy electrons in the SKLEP reactor.  These
electrons may be getting to the anode before they can release their energy
as heat in the plasma.

On Sat, Dec 4, 2021 at 6:49 PM <> wrote:

> Axil Axil wrote:
> “We went through this before regarding ferrosilicon production. The
> "reaction" does not produce any energy as well as radiation and particles.
> Recently. to support my claim that transmutation is not energy generation
> productive, in the post titled "*LENR transmutation may be subject to
> quantum mechanical superposition,*" I reference the production of
> ferrosilicon in India as an example of massive transmutation with little
> if no excess energy production.
> See
> ”
> Page 8 of the report cited in Axil Axil’s comment is copied  hereafter:
> >>>>>8. Remarks on Possible Future Studies Unfortunately Silcal operations
> were severely crippled by power cuts ranging from 30 to 100% and frequent
> power  nterruptions from 1996 onwards till 1999. Following a dispute
> regarding violation of Power Tariff agreement with the state government and
> withdrawal of exemptions from power cut for our industry, the Silcal plant
> had to be shut down in 2002 and the company wound up in 2010. This was an
> inevitable consequence of the fact that cost of electrical power consumed
> forms a substantial component of the net cost of production of Fe–Si alloy
> by the smelting process What has been has been observed by us in our plant
> may be considered to be only partial transmutation of the C and O present
> in the reaction zone into Si and Fe. As such we were making attempts to
> attain 100% transmutation of all the carbon and oxygen nuclei present in
> the input feed, from 1995 to 2002. For the last 15 years, we have been
> contemplating various ways of improving the technology, hoping to move
> towards achieving 100% transmutations. We do believe that we now have
> the design and operational parameters for such an improved plant design. If
> we had carried out isotopic analysis of the produced Fe–Si alloy it would
> have given us very valuable clues. We deeply regret not having thought of
> doing this those days. We are meanwhile continuing efforts to try and set
> up a new plant where these transmutation results could be replicated once
> again. The objective of this paper is to share our findings with the LENR
> community, with the hope that operators of sim- ilar plants elsewhere in
> the world, especially in Norway, could be encouraged to look for the
> occurrence of anomalous production of Si and Fe in similar submerged arc
> furnace smelting plants. On our part we shall be most happy to shareour
> results and experience in a true scientific spirit with anyone
> interested.<<<<<<
> My second sentence of my comments to Axil Axil  is not clear and may have
> been misunderstood.
> I have modified this sentence with bold font  as follows:
> The *increase*  *in*  phonic *kinetic energy* of an atomic *system of
> electrons * is subsequently *emitted as  low  energy radiation*
>  (NON-GAMMA)  with a resulting decrease of the total energy of the new
> nuclear configuration—a nuclear transmutation.
> The Indian paper cited by Axil Axil seems to recognize the potential of
> increased smelting process heat, but does not address  the QM system with a
> phase change and subsequent release of phonic kinetic energy.
> Bob Cook
> __

Re: [Vo]:Freire et al., Preliminary survey on cold fusion

2021-12-04 Thread Axil Axil
Thankyou for your opinion. A nuclear reaction produces energy from a change
in the binding energy of the nucleus. When this binding energy changes, the
nucleus will become unstable where the liberated binding energy is
oftentimes carried away by a particle(s) exiting the nucleus.

If the Reaction is based on a nuclear reaction, particle emissions are to
be expected. The lack of particle emissions in the Reaction was and still
is a major factor in the lack of acceptance by the science community that
the nuclear based explanation of  the Reaction is real.

By the way, Holmlid's observation that particles were produced by his
Reaction has not been seen by his replicators. It looks like what Holmlid
was seeing were EVOs produced by the ultra dense hydrogen as detected by Sveinn
Ólafsson 's cloud chamber.

On Sat, Dec 4, 2021 at 8:01 PM Jürg Wyttenbach  wrote:

> Axil,
> You basically are a nonsense talker with no clue of real dense matter
> physics.
> A particle emission is associated with a momentum.  How do you believe
> that mass at rest can produce this???
> J.W.
> On 04.12.2021 19:36, Axil Axil wrote:
> Also identify what fusion and/or fission reaction that this gamma
> radiation is coming from. Show proof that this radiation is associated with
> particle emissions. Nuclear reactions produce well defined
> particle emissions. Also explain how the reaction is being produced. Keep
> in mind that high energy radiation can be produced by breaking radiation
> from high energy electrons. These high energy electron based wide
> continuous spectrum reactions are not necessarily nuclear reactions.
> On Sat, Dec 4, 2021 at 1:10 PM Jürg Wyttenbach  wrote:
>> May be soon if the standard model  mafia will not oppose
>> J.W.
>> On 04.12.2021 18:59, Jones Beene wrote:
>> Jürg Wyttenbach wrote:
>> Axil, I can send you any time a gamma spectrum with 300 active lines from
>> a cold fusion reaction...
>> -
>> Is this work published?
>> It should be included in the LENR/CANR library, especially if the gamma
>> lines support a theory
>> --
>> Jürg Wyttenbach
>> Bifangstr. 22
>> 8910 Affoltern am Albis
>> +41 44 760 14 18
>> +41 79 246 36 06
>> --
> Jürg Wyttenbach
> Bifangstr. 22
> 8910 Affoltern am Albis
> +41 44 760 14 18
> +41 79 246 36 06

Re: [Vo]:Freire et al., Preliminary survey on cold fusion

2021-12-04 Thread Axil Axil
Regarding: "Axil Axil’s  recent comment Re LENR NO- RASIATION  PHENOMENA is
without basis IMHOP."

We went through this before regarding ferrosilicon production. The
"reaction" does not produce any energy as well as radiation and particles.

Recently. to support my claim that transmutation is not energy generation
productive, in the post titled "*LENR transmutation may be subject to
quantum mechanical superposition,*" I reference the production of
ferrosilicon in India as an example of massive transmutation with little if
no excess energy production.


On Sat, Dec 4, 2021 at 2:06 PM <> wrote:

> Axil Axil’s  recent comment Re LENR NO- RASIATION  PHENOMENA is without
> basis IMHOP.
> I myself have cons intensified that nuclear spin  energy to phonic energy
> of an entangled phonic atomic electronic system when sufficient resonant EM
> conditions exist in the entangled (QM) system.
> The increased phonic of an atomic electronic system subsequently emits
> radiant (NON-GAMMA) EM energy with a resulting decrease of the total energy
> of the new nuclear configuration—a nuclear transmutation.
> The LENR reaction conserves energy and  angular momentum.
> The engineering of nano-entangled- QM systems, that provide necessary
> phonic and nuclear isomeric states, created with the introduction of a
> controlling magnetic field, is IMHO the crux of LENR  success.
> This nano engineering started with control of the Pd electrode crystal
> grain size and B magnetic fields the Pd crystals produced in the P-F tests.
> Bob Cook
> Sent from Mail  for
> Windows
> *From: *Jones Beene 
> *Sent: *Saturday, December 4, 2021 9:59 AM
> *To: *
> *Subject: *Re: [Vo]:Freire et al., Preliminary survey on cold fusion
> Jürg Wyttenbach wrote:
> Axil, I can send you any time a gamma spectrum with 300 active lines from
> a cold fusion reaction...
> -
> Is this work published?
> It should be included in the LENR/CANR library, especially if the gamma
> lines support a theory

Re: [Vo]:Freire et al., Preliminary survey on cold fusion

2021-12-04 Thread Axil Axil
Also identify what fusion and/or fission reaction that this gamma radiation
is coming from. Show proof that this radiation is associated with
particle emissions. Nuclear reactions produce well defined
particle emissions. Also explain how the reaction is being produced. Keep
in mind that high energy radiation can be produced by breaking radiation
from high energy electrons. These high energy electron based wide
continuous spectrum reactions are not necessarily nuclear reactions.

On Sat, Dec 4, 2021 at 1:10 PM Jürg Wyttenbach  wrote:

> May be soon if the standard model  mafia will not oppose
> J.W.
> On 04.12.2021 18:59, Jones Beene wrote:
> Jürg Wyttenbach wrote:
> Axil, I can send you any time a gamma spectrum with 300 active lines from
> a cold fusion reaction...
> -
> Is this work published?
> It should be included in the LENR/CANR library, especially if the gamma
> lines support a theory
> --
> Jürg Wyttenbach
> Bifangstr. 22
> 8910 Affoltern am Albis
> +41 44 760 14 18
> +41 79 246 36 06

Re: [Vo]:Freire et al., Preliminary survey on cold fusion

2021-12-03 Thread Axil Axil
The indications against the "REACTION" having a nuclear origin is the issue
that no nuclear or particle radiation is ever detected. Also all reaction
products and transmutation are stable. No one has ever produced or even
attempted a theory that explains the nuclear origin of the radiationless
nuclear reaction.


On Fri, Dec 3, 2021 at 9:02 PM Jed Rothwell  wrote:

> Preliminary survey on cold fusion: It’s not pathological science and may 
> require
> revision of nuclear theory.
> Discussion and copy of paper here:


2021-10-17 Thread Axil Axil

The means to extract energy from a Higgs mode system is to destroy the
coherence in the system to harvest the energy created by the Higgs
mechanism. Think of an alternating current where power is not realized
unless there is movement of electrons in the wire.

So too with magnon coherence, the energy deposited in the spin wave is not
realized unless the decoherence in the spin wave is destroyed, this is why
there is a destabilizing magnetic field applied to the billet that destroys
the coherence in the magnon condensate.

In order to achieve this rapidly alternating Bose condensation in the
magnons, the magnet must be set so that it is easy to continually distort
the magnetic order on a razor's edge in the magnet to milk the energy out
of the magnon condensate.

A part of the setup in an over unity magnetic system is to weaken the
magnet through conditioning to the point that its magnon condensate can be
rapidly switched off and on with ease using a competing but weaker
demagnetizing countering magnetic field provided by a surrounding wired

On Sat, Oct 16, 2021 at 11:56 PM Axil Axil  wrote:

> Regarding: "progress in understanding the Manelas mechanism"
> Condensed matter science has a property within the phenomena of
> superconductivity and anisotropic quantum magnets called "Higgs mode".
> This mode is the keystone to unlocking the energy contents of space/time
> because it allows bubbles of false vacuum to be generated.
> Stable Higgs mode in anisotropic quantum magnets
> What Dr. Ahern saw in  the MANELAS system that could extract energy from
> space/time similar to how EVOs (as per ken Shoulders) function using the
> Higgs mode from an anisotropic quantum magnet.
> Quantum dimer magnet
> In the MANELAS system, the magnetic fields applied to the  Manelas billet
> produced a Bose condensate of magnons.
> The Bose-Einstein condensation in quantum dimer systems is, at its
> essence, a field-induced magnetically ordered state that comes about from
> the Zeeman splitting of the triplet states. The bosons of the Bose-Einstein
> condensate can be thought of as the component of the spin parallel to the
> applied magnetic field, reaching a maximum when the spins become polarized
> by the field. The difference between the Bose-Einstein condensation and a
> typical ordered state is the spontaneous breaking of the spin's U(1)
> symmetry (i.e. the circular symmetry transverse to an applied magnetic
> field). This spontaneous symmetry breaking gives rise to a
> pseudoNambu-Goldstone Boson as in the Higgs mechanism
> On Tue, Feb 21, 2017 at 12:38 PM Brian Ahern  wrote:
>> Excess energy and magnetic cooling seem to poke up every now and then. It
>> is difficult for even the most dedicated technologists to connect phonons
>> with magnons.
>> I have had some unique experience with this interaction during my tenure
>> as a Staff Sientist at USAF Rome Lab in Lexington MA.  I 1988 I was tasked
>> to understand the new cuprate superconductors. By shear luck I discovered
>> that MIT Professor Keith Johnson had solved the problem five years earlier.
>> In fact, his 1983 paper presented in Zurich directed Bednors and Meuller to
>> work on the cuprates. Bedorz was the leader of the conference in 1983.
>> He found that the superconduction arises when the Born-Oppenheimer
>> conditions are not met. That is, when the valence electron motion is
>> coupled to vibrational modes. The electrons are in molecular orbitals and
>> magnetism exists under very specific orbital topologies.
>> So magnetism (Specific electron orbitals conditions) and phonons can be
>> coupled under specific orbital conditions and one combination is shallow
>> well ferromagnetism.  Like the superconductor coupling, specific coupling
>> can lead to coherent behavior as well in  a ferromagnetic system.
>> More needs tobe said but there is some new physics at work in the Manelas
>> billet.
>> --
>> *From:* 
>> *Sent:* Monday, February 20, 2017 1:56 PM
>> *To:* Chris Zell;
>> *Subject:* RE: [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE
>> Chris-
>> I have understood that phonons are “virtual” particles that represent a
>> localized energy in a crystal lattice made up of kinetic energy and
>> potential energy in a resonant stable dynamic state.  It is primarily
>> thought to be an electric field that couples the nuclei and electrons in


2021-10-16 Thread Axil Axil
Regarding: "progress in understanding the Manelas mechanism"

Condensed matter science has a property within the phenomena of
superconductivity and anisotropic quantum magnets called "Higgs mode".

This mode is the keystone to unlocking the energy contents of space/time
because it allows bubbles of false vacuum to be generated.

Stable Higgs mode in anisotropic quantum magnets

What Dr. Ahern saw in  the MANELAS system that could extract energy from
space/time similar to how EVOs (as per ken Shoulders) function using the
Higgs mode from an anisotropic quantum magnet.

Quantum dimer magnet

In the MANELAS system, the magnetic fields applied to the  Manelas billet
produced a Bose condensate of magnons.

The Bose-Einstein condensation in quantum dimer systems is, at its essence,
a field-induced magnetically ordered state that comes about from the Zeeman
splitting of the triplet states. The bosons of the Bose-Einstein condensate
can be thought of as the component of the spin parallel to the applied
magnetic field, reaching a maximum when the spins become polarized by the
field. The difference between the Bose-Einstein condensation and a typical
ordered state is the spontaneous breaking of the spin's U(1) symmetry (i.e.
the circular symmetry transverse to an applied magnetic field). This
spontaneous symmetry breaking gives rise to a pseudoNambu-Goldstone Boson
as in the Higgs mechanism

On Tue, Feb 21, 2017 at 12:38 PM Brian Ahern  wrote:

> Excess energy and magnetic cooling seem to poke up every now and then. It
> is difficult for even the most dedicated technologists to connect phonons
> with magnons.
> I have had some unique experience with this interaction during my tenure
> as a Staff Sientist at USAF Rome Lab in Lexington MA.  I 1988 I was tasked
> to understand the new cuprate superconductors. By shear luck I discovered
> that MIT Professor Keith Johnson had solved the problem five years earlier.
> In fact, his 1983 paper presented in Zurich directed Bednors and Meuller to
> work on the cuprates. Bedorz was the leader of the conference in 1983.
> He found that the superconduction arises when the Born-Oppenheimer
> conditions are not met. That is, when the valence electron motion is
> coupled to vibrational modes. The electrons are in molecular orbitals and
> magnetism exists under very specific orbital topologies.
> So magnetism (Specific electron orbitals conditions) and phonons can be
> coupled under specific orbital conditions and one combination is shallow
> well ferromagnetism.  Like the superconductor coupling, specific coupling
> can lead to coherent behavior as well in  a ferromagnetic system.
> More needs tobe said but there is some new physics at work in the Manelas
> billet.
> --
> *From:* 
> *Sent:* Monday, February 20, 2017 1:56 PM
> *To:* Chris Zell;
> *Subject:* RE: [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE
> Chris-
> I have understood that phonons are “virtual” particles that represent a
> localized energy in a crystal lattice made up of kinetic energy and
> potential energy in a resonant stable dynamic state.  It is primarily
> thought to be an electric field that couples the nuclei and electrons in
> the lattice—primarily the valence electrons.  The nuclei oscillate around
> some mid position in the lattice and valence  electrons change their
> orbital spin states reflecting the motion of the nuclei.
> Temperature of the crystal lattice is a measure of the amplitude of the
> nuclei special displacement around their mid position in the lattice.  If
> the crystal constitutes a coherent QM system, then all nuclei vibrate with
> the same amplitude and the crystal is at a single temperature.  If the
> amplitude (temperature) get to high, the crystal electronic bonds fail and
> the order of the crystalline coherent system is lost.
> Magnetic fields change the nature of the potential/kinetic energy
> sharing.  A preferred direction in the crystal is created relative to the
> magnetic B field that exists within the crystalline coherent system.  The
> orbital spin energy states of the valence electrons are modified.  Large B
> fields can cause large changes in these orbital spin states.  If there are
> resonances between a nuclear orbital spin state of the coherent system and
> an electronic orbital spin state, it would seem possible that spin energy
> may be swapped, changing nuclear potential energy into PHONIC  energy of
> the crystalline coherent system.
> A variable B field induced by a variable ambient H magnetic field will
> create a universe of differing spin energy states each with a small
> difference in it angular momentum.  If total angular momentum can be
> It may be also possible that the transition is reversible.  In such ca

[Vo]:Bosenova of electron clusters

2021-10-10 Thread Axil Axil
Some unrelated independent third party research might serve to validate
Rossi's reaction theory positing  high energy electron production coming
from a Bosenova of what Rossi calls electron clusters embedded in his

We know these clusters to actually be polariton condensates.

In the video below, Sveinn Ólafsson is shining a laser spot onto some Ultra
dense hydrogen (UDH) and seeing some interference patterns that he cannot
account for.

In the article about polaritons lasers, the same interference patterns are
seen in the article as follows:

also from the underlying source document

What Sveinn is doing is producing what we call  an EVO (aka  polariton
condensate) from an UDH seed when Sveinn excites the UDH with the laser

Sveinn also reports the appearance of high energy particles coming from the
area where the interference pattern appears corresponding with the laser

We see at 8:31 in the video, that high energy particles are produced that
we know from Rossi's paper are electrons.

These electrons have an energy of 1.5 MeV. This same energy was the maximum
energy that we saw in the radiation burst that came from the MFMP LENR
experiment upon activation of heat production. That gamma ray burst was
called the "signal" and took the form of breaking radiation whose top
energy was 1.5 MeV from a Bosenova of an electron cluster.

In addition, Sveinn also sees material degradation at the spot of high
energy particle production on the substrate.

[Vo]:Weak force action at a distance

2021-06-28 Thread Axil Axil

Influence of Relic Neutrinos on Beta Radioactivity

The weak force scope of activity  is considered to be exclusively located
in its actions inside the nucleus of the atom or the subatomic particle.
But the fact that the weak force is acting at a distance beyond those
locations implies unambiguously that grand unification of forces are
occurring during the "reaction".

One instance of weak force action at a distance is the instantiation of
isotopic changes in isotope stabilization caused by some cosmic mechanisms.

The experiments by Alexander Parkhomov is a solid indicator that some new
particle is producing weak force reactions at a distance. Parkhomov's
experiments indicate that it is likely that the new unknown exotic weak
force boson  is generated by dark matter since the data shows cosmic
influence associated with a pronounced variable nature of beta decay.
Parkhomov is correct to attribute regular patterns in beta decay to cosmic
factors, but the particle that he has selected to be the weak force carrier
doesn't fit well to the data.

I think a better fit is a dark photon that is expected to carry the long
range weak force under grand unification. This photon could be the X-boson
that is produced by dark matter. This weak force boson could be massless as
expected but retain the nature of the photon with the exception the X-boson
restricts its interaction with matter exclusively to the weak force. But it
is possible that the X-boson could have a Higgs force linkage that
generates some mass and sub-light seed behavior.

Parkhomov has developed a weak force based isotopic telescope that
generates data which shows gravitational focusing. effects of isotropic
flux of weak force carrying particles. N.A. Kozyrev has also observed stars
by means of an isotopic weak force  telescope reflector showing similar
gravitational lensing data patterns.

Parkhomov points out the conformation of deviations from exponential decay
rates. Any measurements of the rates of radioactive decays should reveal
only an exponential decrease along with superimposed chaotic fluctuations
obeying Poisson distribution. Lately however, after it became possible to
conduct accurate long-term measurements, some experimental results, which
appear to indicate the existence of periodic and sporadic deviations from
the exponential law, were obtained.

Also, the weak force data is sensitive to the use of a diffraction grating
which indicates that the weak force carrier has  a wave nature.

It has been shown that the weak force can be amplified by the application
of laser light onto gold nanoparticles. This speaks against the neutrino as
the weak force carrier since there is no connection between photons
produced by a laser and the production of neutrinos.

 It is likely possible to characterize the nature of the dark matter weak
force carrier by using a time of flight experiment using laser excited
nanoparticles  to determine the speed of the weak force carrier, its mass
if any, and the potential that it is carrying.

Re: [Vo]: uap report out

2021-06-27 Thread Axil Axil
It is better to put our convictions to the test than to  cower before the
shadows of our fears.

On Mon, Jun 28, 2021 at 1:25 AM Robin 

> In reply to  Axil Axil's message of Mon, 28 Jun 2021 01:12:35 -0400:
> Hi,
> >*Fortune favours the bold.*
> Unfortunately, so does misfortune. ;)
> Regards,
> Robin van Spaandonk 

Re: [Vo]: uap report out

2021-06-27 Thread Axil Axil
*Fortune favours the bold.*

On Mon, Jun 28, 2021 at 1:06 AM Robin 

> In reply to  Axil Axil's message of Mon, 28 Jun 2021 00:55:51 -0400:
> Hi,
> [snip]
> >Why not opt for some active measures. Fire a missile into one of these
> >UAPs. What will happen is that the missile will pass right on through this
> >UAP and the drama will be all over.
> If it's mundane, you would certainly prove as much, however your missile
> is going to land somewhere, and do you really
> want to be responsible for killing someone with it? However if it's a real
> object, then  you could be shooting a plane
> out of the sky. If it's an alien space ship, they will blast your missile
> out of the sky before it hits. See previously
> posted photo taken by google street view in outback Western Australia. ;)
> Regards,
> Robin van Spaandonk 

Re: [Vo]: uap report out

2021-06-27 Thread Axil Axil
Why not opt for some active measures. Fire a missile into one of these
UAPs. What will happen is that the missile will pass right on through this
UAP and the drama will be all over.

On Mon, Jun 28, 2021 at 12:47 AM Robin 

> In reply to  Axil Axil's message of Mon, 28 Jun 2021 00:19:42 -0400:
> Hi,
> [snip]
> >The "UAP"  is likely to be a form of ball lightning.
> That's certainly one possibility. Another mundane explanation for some
> nighttime occurrences is remote lights from over
> the horizon reflecting off an inversion layer.
> Regards,
> Robin van Spaandonk 

Re: [Vo]: uap report out

2021-06-27 Thread Axil Axil
The "UAP"  is likely to be a form of ball lightning.

On Sun, Jun 27, 2021 at 11:37 PM Robin 

> In reply to  Jones Beene's message of Mon, 28 Jun 2021 01:14:21 +
> (UTC):
> Hi,
> [snip]
> >Frank - Don't you love the way the brass likes to exert a bit of
> unnecessary control every story by ignoring the common designation (in wide
> use by the public - which is UFO) - and inserting their own name?
> >
> >Why invent "UAP" when UFO is equally unknown and ambiguous,  since it
> adds zero real info, other than a layer of confusion ?
> Maybe that's why. :)
> Actually "phenomena" is somewhat more encompassing than "object", which
> tends to imply a solid thing. "Phenomena" also
> allows for cloud formations etc. So they are either trying to be objective
> ;) or trying to "explain away" as much as
> possible.
> [snip]
> Regards,
> Robin van Spaandonk 

Re: [Vo]:The Higgs mode

2021-06-23 Thread Axil Axil
I never could understand how magnets could produce overunity effects until
the Higgs mode has turned up in anisotropic magnets.

To refresh our memories from a old post from Russ Gerorge as follows:

I had the privilege of standing in the parking lot of the hotel where
Chukanov had his demo running for several hours in the company of Martin
Fleischmann fusing some of our little grey cells over that device. Chukanov
answered or at least responded to every single question we posed to him and
we sent many his way. It was a fascinating and captivating demo. Martin was
the kind of man who had insatiable curiosity and not a mean molecule in his
body and showed it in his sincere interest and professorial manner.
Chukanov sent us both away with several large chunks of his metal.

Meanwhile the hundreds of ICCF conference attendees almost entirely shunned
the ‘parking lot demo’ and Chukanov, especially the self-appointed high
priest insiders of cold fusion. There was little but derision and snide
attacks behind Chukanov’s back at the meeting.

After a couple hours in hot afternoon sun with Chukanov and his machine
Martin and I adjorned to the beach and floated for a long time like basking
whales chatting about this and that.

Somewhere in my collection of ‘cold fusion’ holy treasures I have some of
Chukanov’s SmCo5 metal. I think I will dig it out and see if some of the
recent ‘activation’ ideas make it work even better!

The SmCo5 magnet is an anisotropic magnet.

Stable Higgs mode in anisotropic quantum magnets

On Tue, Jun 22, 2021 at 5:06 PM Axil Axil  wrote:

> Science says that the Higgs field is like a pencil that is standing on its
> point. Just the smallest perturbation can cause the Higgs field to fail.
> This twisty nature of the Higgs field could be the mechanism behind all the
> over-unity systems that have shown up over the years. The Higgs mode is a
> new behavior seen in condensed matter systems. The “Higgs Mode,” otherwise
> known as the Higgs amplitude mode, is seen as a close relative to the Higgs
> boson. Since the Higgs boson was first theorized in the 1960s, the first
> physical discovery came in 2012, and new quantum phenomena have since been
> detected. In this post, we look at the new quantum state known as the Higgs
> mode, the materials that the Higgs mode is found in and the Higgs Boson
> itself. The Higgs amplitude mode is a quantum phenomenon seen in
> materials and occurs when the magnetic field of its electrons fluctuate in
> a way similar to that of a Higgs boson. The materials that exhibit this
> phenomenon can do so because the crystal structure of the material enables
> the electrons to behave in such a way. When the Higgs mode presents itself
> in these materials, the material is often undergoing a quantum phase
> transition. The Higgs mode has been detected in many different systems,
> including in ultracold atomic gases, disordered superconductors, and
> dimerized quantum magnets. However, in many cases, the Higgs mode is
> unstable and decays. As such, it has only been reported in a handful of
> publications. However, some systems can support these quantum effects
> without decaying. The earliest experimental observation was seen in the
> Raman scattering of a superconducting charge-density wave compound. The
> Raman spectra found an unexpected peak that was later characterized as the
> presence of a Higgs mode. In a system where the Higgs mode is presented,
> the Higgs field in that system can be made to fail, in effect, the system
> topples the Higgs field inside that system. When the Higgs field fails, the
> forces of nature revert back to the way they were before the Higgs field
> manifested in the universe. That time is about 10^-43 seconds after the big
> bang. All sorts of weird and unworldly behaviors then developed in those
> Higgs mode systems

[Vo]:The Higgs mode

2021-06-22 Thread Axil Axil
Science says that the Higgs field is like a pencil that is standing on its
point. Just the smallest perturbation can cause the Higgs field to fail.
This twisty nature of the Higgs field could be the mechanism behind all the
over-unity systems that have shown up over the years. The Higgs mode is a
new behavior seen in condensed matter systems. The “Higgs Mode,” otherwise
known as the Higgs amplitude mode, is seen as a close relative to the Higgs
boson. Since the Higgs boson was first theorized in the 1960s, the first
physical discovery came in 2012, and new quantum phenomena have since been
detected. In this post, we look at the new quantum state known as the Higgs
mode, the materials that the Higgs mode is found in and the Higgs Boson
itself. The Higgs amplitude mode is a quantum phenomenon seen in materials
and occurs when the magnetic field of its electrons fluctuate in a way
similar to that of a Higgs boson. The materials that exhibit this
phenomenon can do so because the crystal structure of the material enables
the electrons to behave in such a way. When the Higgs mode presents itself
in these materials, the material is often undergoing a quantum phase
transition. The Higgs mode has been detected in many different systems,
including in ultracold atomic gases, disordered superconductors, and
dimerized quantum magnets. However, in many cases, the Higgs mode is
unstable and decays. As such, it has only been reported in a handful of
publications. However, some systems can support these quantum effects
without decaying. The earliest experimental observation was seen in the
Raman scattering of a superconducting charge-density wave compound. The
Raman spectra found an unexpected peak that was later characterized as the
presence of a Higgs mode. In a system where the Higgs mode is presented,
the Higgs field in that system can be made to fail, in effect, the system
topples the Higgs field inside that system. When the Higgs field fails, the
forces of nature revert back to the way they were before the Higgs field
manifested in the universe. That time is about 10^-43 seconds after the big
bang. All sorts of weird and unworldly behaviors then developed in those
Higgs mode systems

Re: [Vo]:Hydrino validation?

2021-06-20 Thread Axil Axil
Anti matter means gamma radiation. Where is the gamma radiation?

On Sun, Jun 20, 2021 at 5:37 PM Robin 

> In reply to  Jones Beene's message of Sun, 20 Jun 2021 15:47:20 +
> (UTC):
> Hi,
> [snip]
> In this paper they mention that the particles produced by Holmlid's
> reaction resemble the output of an annihilation
> reaction. I put it to you that the reason for this is that they are the
> result of an annihilation reaction.
> Holmlid's ultra dense Hydrogen may the means by which Protium is converted
> into anti-Hydrogen, according to
> e- + p+ <=> e+ + p-  (matter/anti-matter or charge exchange reaction).
> The e+ then annihilates the e- from another Hydrogen atom, and the p-
> annihilates the p+ from another Hydrogen atom.
> It is the latter reaction that is responsible for the Kaons, mesons, muons
> etc.
> You may recall that I mentioned sometime ago that the anti-matter to
> matter conversion might be a little asymmetric,
> such that a small amount of energy is required to convert matter into
> anti-matter, with this asymmetry being responsible
> for the prevalence of matter over anti-matter in the Universe.
> Perhaps the condensation energy of the Holmlid-hydrogen is sufficient to
> overcome the asymmetry, and convert ordinary
> Hydrogen into anti-Hydrogen? Maybe with some help from the laser along the
> way?
> Regards,
> Robin van Spaandonk 

Re: [Vo]:Hydrino validation?

2021-06-20 Thread Axil Axil
Did you see this video?

Holmlid's replicators cannot identify the particles that Holmlid claims to
be seeing. Also. the particles that show up in the cloud chamber happen to
be strange radiation.

On Sun, Jun 20, 2021 at 11:47 AM Jones Beene  wrote:

> This chart could lead to an interesting experiment - see Fig 4 of the
> paper below, which relates to the desorption energy of K at a graphite
> surface.
> Imagine a few drops of water on a graphite plate -- H2O containing
> dissolved KCl -- and irradiated in an oven. Sparks may fly as water is
> split and recombined.
> Would low energy microwaves be converted into ionizing UV ?
> Perhaps  - according to the new paper by Holmlid
> Production of ultra-dense hydrogen H(0): A novel nuclear fuel
> Production of ultra-dense hydrogen H(0): A novel nuclear fuel
> Condensation of hydrogen Rydberg atoms (highly electronically excited)
> into the lowest energy state of condensed...

Re: [Vo]:Hydrino validation?

2021-06-18 Thread Axil Axil
e  - with which to support the surprising
> claim.
> But with vastly different atomic weights such as between sodium and
> potassium, there is no credible expectation of transmutation, and ... in
> the end... *contamination *is the most likely explanation.
> --
> Axil Axil wrote:
> See my post above on this thread at
> Jun 12, 2021, 12:04 AM (5 days ago)
> Transmutation never produces any particles, radiation or energy  is not
> knowable  because of quantum mechanical superposition and Feynman's
> Infinite Quantum Paths theory. The state of superposition is only
> completed until the transmutation has long been completed.
> .
> for theory details see
> On Thu, Jun 17, 2021 at 6:20 PM Jones Beene  wrote:
> Axil,
> Wouldn't that kind of transmutation involve releasing two alphas from the
> K nucleus ?
> AFAIK that would be unknown to physics ... or what kind or reaction are
> you suggesting?
> Axil Axil wrote:
> The sodium lines seen in the grape microwave experiment may have come from
> transmutation of potassium into sodium, Grapes don't contain much sodium:
> 2mg vs, 176mg per cup

Re: [Vo]:Hydrino validation?

2021-06-17 Thread Axil Axil
See my post above on this thread at

Jun 12, 2021, 12:04 AM (5 days ago)

Transmutation never produces any particles, radiation or energy  is not
knowable  because of quantum mechanical superposition and Feynman's
Infinite Quantum Paths theory. The state of superposition is only
completed until the transmutation has long been completed.
for theory details see

On Thu, Jun 17, 2021 at 6:20 PM Jones Beene  wrote:

> Axil,
> Wouldn't that kind of transmutation involve releasing two alphas from the
> K nucleus ?
> AFAIK that would be unknown to physics ... or what kind or reaction are
> you suggesting?
> Axil Axil wrote:
> The sodium lines seen in the grape microwave experiment may have come from
> transmutation of potassium into sodium, Grapes don't contain much sodium:
> 2mg vs, 176mg per cup

Re: [Vo]:Hydrino validation?

2021-06-17 Thread Axil Axil
The sodium lines seen in the grape microwave experiment may have come from
transmutation of potassium into sodium, Grapes don't contain much sodium:
2mg vs, 176mg per cup

On Thu, Jun 17, 2021 at 5:38 PM Jones Beene  wrote:

> The sparking phenomenon of KCl is partially explained by the "plasma
> grape" phenomenon, especially since grapes contain potassium and sodium.
> Here is a video of the grape effect - which goes part of the way to
> explain the more general case,
> At about 6:40 in the video Veritasium shows the emission spectrum of the
> plasma which is basically a spike of potassium with contribution of sodium.
> A further contribution from hydrinos is doubtful due to the absence of
> Lyman line broadening.
> The self-focusing standing wave and internal reflection of the microwaves
> in grapes provide heat but no plasma since the GHz photons are
> non-ionizing, and essentially most of the plasma consists of potassium and
> sodium ions indicating that they are somehow activated. Since grapes
> contain sugar which ignites with the sparking - a situation of using no
> "fuel" (plain KCl solution) would be more impressive.
> A further refinement would be to fill a pair of tiny balloons (about the
> size of grapes) with a KCl solution then nuke them and compare that
> sparking to the grapes -- in order to gauge the contribution of "fuel"
> (sugars).
> --
> Potassium atoms are strongly sensitive to a magnetic field. This could
> relate to what is happening in the experiment where microwave radiation is
> applied to KCl  (at least in the sense of ultra strong coupling to the
> gigahertz waves from the oven.)
> The most sensitive magnetometer available , named SERF - comes from
> Princeton and consists of a cell containing potassium vapor and a buffer
> gas. The unpaired electrons on the potassium atoms are spin-polarized so
> that a probe detects the precession of spin in the presence of a magnetic
> field. This device is capable of incredible sensitivities on the order of 10
> -18 Tesla, 1000 times more sensitive than a SQUID detector.
> Thus microwave radiation, already efficient, can be utilized in a more
> efficient way - perhaps becoming strongly ionizing and splitting water.
> IOW it is possible that the extreme spin sensitivity of potassium to RF is
> a little understood effect -- maybe one looking for an application.
> -
> I like the sound of "something strange going on."
> Heck, it might be worthwhile to try various mixtures of KCl and NaCl to
> see if there is an obvious particular ratio where the sparking is maximized.
> Mills uses a pinhole technique for finding UV where he actually drills a
> sub-mm hole into the reactor wall with line of sight to the plasma, and
> mounts and glues a photocell UV detector chip over the hole - but that is
> for a vacuum reactor.
> Robin may have experience with this...?
> Michael Foster wrote:
> Some of the sparking looks a little too far from the surface of the glass
> container to be contaminated by it and there's a lot of sodium spectrum
> being displayed. *So something strange is going on*, I think.

Re: [Vo]:Hydrino validation?

2021-06-15 Thread Axil Axil

There may be transmutation of potassium to sodium going on. The cessation
of the sparking before all the water boils off may indicate that the
majority of the potassium has been transmuted to sodium since the potassium
carries the reaction and sodium does not.

Initially in order to establish a baseline, check for sodium
before sparking the solution to establish sodium is not present in the
potassium salt. After the sparking stops, test for sodium. Vaporize the
salt and look for the yellow spectrum bands.

On Tue, Jun 15, 2021 at 4:24 PM Michael Foster  wrote:

> Sorry Jones, I have no way to detect UV spectral lines with this setup.
> Even though the 1500 l/mm diffraction grating I used can pass UV
> wavelenghts down to about 255 nm it's unlikely they would get through the
> soda-lime glass jar and the microwave oven door. 27.2 eV and 13.6 eV are
> way into the vacuum ultraviolet and would be blocked by almost any common
> substances.
> Some of the sparking looks a little too far from the surface of the glass
> container to be contaminated by it and there's a lot of sodium spectrum
> being displayed. So something strange is going on, I think.
> On Friday, June 11, 2021, 10:30:56 PM GMT+1, Jones Beene <
>> wrote:
> Most interesting, Michael.  It would be even more so (to Mills' investors
> :-)  ... if there had been some of the Mills' UV lines as predicted - 27.2
> eV , 13.6 eV and so on.
> Did you see any UV lines at all?
> Michael Foster wrote:
> I tried this and it looks really kewl indeed. The potassium chloride I
> used was pure enough that if you do a simple flame test, you don't get any
> of that yellow-orange sodium color. I watched the sparking with a 1500 lpm
> diffraction grating and the double D lines of sodium are way too bright to
> be accounted for from the potassium chloride. So it's either transmutation
> (unlikely), or the energy produced by the sparking is enough to remove some
> sodium from the wall of the glass container.
> I didn't see any of the characteristic hydrino spectral lines :-)

Re: [Vo]:Hydrino validation?

2021-06-11 Thread Axil Axil
Transmutation is NOT gainful. The reaction occurs in a coherent
environment that is in a state of superposition. Any energy that would be
produced is not realized and is placed in the cosmic trash can by quantum

This assertion is shown here

Silcal Metallurgic Ltd. system produced 4.5 tons of transmutation per day
for weeks on end without the appearance of any excess energy.

Also, How can chickens produce calcium in their gut if transmutation
generates excess energy?

On Fri, Jun 11, 2021 at 9:53 PM Jones Beene  wrote:

> Worth mentioning is this - the experiment using radiation in the radio
> wave spectrum to excite an alkali dissolved in water is similar to the
> device invented by John Kanzius. This invention was initially used to treat
> cancer but could also split water and ignite the gas in a flame, which was
> quite impressive.
> Unfortunately the device proved to be not gainful, although it was very
> efficient. It used RF in the megahertz range, which was resonant with
> sodium.
> Using microwave irradiation with potassium has the potential to be gainful
> - to the extent Mills theory is correct, even if the Kanzius device was
> not. Apparently resonance is involved with KCl too.
> It would be rather amusing if an amazingly simply way to apply the hydrino
> theory turns up inadvertently on the internet, which Mills has himself
> completely missed.

Re: [Vo]:quantum effects coming out of a cavitating cleaner

2021-06-11 Thread Axil Axil
Sorry, the project name is

On Fri, Jun 11, 2021 at 5:37 PM Axil Axil  wrote:

> Bob Greenyer of MFMP has moderated the experiments that you are interested
> in under the project name "ULTRA". There is a lot of info on Bob's site on
> this stuff.
> Bob's site is as follows:
> also see
> On Fri, Jun 11, 2021 at 4:45 PM Michael Foster  wrote:
>> I'd like to try this myself, but I can find no other reference to the
>> phenomenon other than yours. By cavitating cleaner do you mean an ordinary
>> ultrasonic cleaner, or is it something different? How much power is needed?
>> What size and thickness of foil are used, etc.?
>> If the surface of the aluminum fragments is black, it might be just be
>> finely divided aluminum particles, which if fine enough are black. If, on
>> the other hand, some transmutation takes place, I'd like to do some
>> chemical tests.
>> On Tuesday, April 13, 2021, 04:57:48 AM GMT, Axil Axil <
>>> wrote:
>> *Nobody had ever expected to see quantum effectscoming out of a
>> cavitating cleaner. But amateur physics experiments performedat home have
>> most likely done it. This breakthrough in amateur experimentalmethods is so
>> much unexpected and might open the door to the discovery of howmultiple
>> dimensions of a quantum system functions. Also this method could formthe
>> basis of an experimental platform for string theory.*
>> *When a static system is doing multipleconcurrent activities, there is a
>> chance that the system's dimensionalityexceeds that of space time. To my
>> eye, this multi functionality seems to be thecase with a caveating cleaner
>> eroding a sheet of aluminum foil.*
>> *There is an excellent chance that the cavitatoris producing a Bose
>> condensate at room temperature. The usual method used toproduce such a
>> condensate is to lower the temperature of a collection ofspecial atoms to
>> near absolute zero. The usual method is an experimentrequiring the use of a
>> $million worth of low temperature equipment.*
>> *The cavitating cleaner is producing Bosecondensation by just turning the
>> unit on. This condensate can be studied inreal time. This process is also
>> 100% reproducible and these micro basedexperiments can be performed using
>> real time microscopic inspection methods aswell as high frame rate video
>> examination. Just turn on the cavitator, and theBose condensates springs to
>> life.*
>>  *There are over 70 different kinds and countingof Bose condensates
>> currently characterized. It is not clear what flavor ofcondensate that is
>> being generated in the cavitator.*
>> *The indications that a Bose condensate is beingformed by the cavitator
>> is the appearance of a Mexican hat structure impressedinto the aluminum
>> within a blackened duplex microcavity. The number eightshaped duel cavity
>> begins its formation as a dipole but when the duel cavity isfully formed,
>> only one side of the duplex cavity remains active. The otherinactive member
>> of the dipole is ill formed and stunted. What marks the solitonas active is
>> a vortex of water that is ongoing inside and above the cavitywhich is
>> rotating at a fearsome rate. This vortex of water has been observed onvideo
>> at 120 frames a second but the vortex still looks like an amorphous
>> cloudeven at 8 millisecond resolution. The direction of rotation and its
>> violencebecomes apparent when some detritus moves close to the water
>> vortex. The watervortex looks like a cloud hovering over the aluminum
>> sombrero as the rotationalrate of the vortex is so very great. The vortex
>> of water is centered on thecrown of the Mexican hat structure that has been
>> impressed into the aluminum.*
>> *The rotation of water above the condensate in thecavity is extreme. That
>> rate of rotation is directly proportional to themagnetic field strength of
>> the vortex tubes projecting out of the soliton. Itmight be possible to
>> calculate this field strength of the vortex tubes of thecondensate by
>> determining the rotation rate of the water and correlating thatrotational
>> rate against the known magnetic strength of a rare earth magnet.Because the
>> rate of water rotation is so great, a very expensive high ratevideo camera
>> is required to do this rotational counting, however.*
>> *I also see the aluminum foil break apart andfloat 

Re: [Vo]:quantum effects coming out of a cavitating cleaner

2021-06-11 Thread Axil Axil
Bob Greenyer of MFMP has moderated the experiments that you are interested
in under the project name "ULTRA". There is a lot of info on Bob's site on
this stuff.

Bob's site is as follows:

also see

On Fri, Jun 11, 2021 at 4:45 PM Michael Foster  wrote:

> I'd like to try this myself, but I can find no other reference to the
> phenomenon other than yours. By cavitating cleaner do you mean an ordinary
> ultrasonic cleaner, or is it something different? How much power is needed?
> What size and thickness of foil are used, etc.?
> If the surface of the aluminum fragments is black, it might be just be
> finely divided aluminum particles, which if fine enough are black. If, on
> the other hand, some transmutation takes place, I'd like to do some
> chemical tests.
> On Tuesday, April 13, 2021, 04:57:48 AM GMT, Axil Axil 
> wrote:
> *Nobody had ever expected to see quantum effectscoming out of a cavitating
> cleaner. But amateur physics experiments performedat home have most likely
> done it. This breakthrough in amateur experimentalmethods is so much
> unexpected and might open the door to the discovery of howmultiple
> dimensions of a quantum system functions. Also this method could formthe
> basis of an experimental platform for string theory.*
> *When a static system is doing multipleconcurrent activities, there is a
> chance that the system's dimensionalityexceeds that of space time. To my
> eye, this multi functionality seems to be thecase with a caveating cleaner
> eroding a sheet of aluminum foil.*
> *There is an excellent chance that the cavitatoris producing a Bose
> condensate at room temperature. The usual method used toproduce such a
> condensate is to lower the temperature of a collection ofspecial atoms to
> near absolute zero. The usual method is an experimentrequiring the use of a
> $million worth of low temperature equipment.*
> *The cavitating cleaner is producing Bosecondensation by just turning the
> unit on. This condensate can be studied inreal time. This process is also
> 100% reproducible and these micro basedexperiments can be performed using
> real time microscopic inspection methods aswell as high frame rate video
> examination. Just turn on the cavitator, and theBose condensates springs to
> life.*
>  *There are over 70 different kinds and countingof Bose condensates
> currently characterized. It is not clear what flavor ofcondensate that is
> being generated in the cavitator.*
> *The indications that a Bose condensate is beingformed by the cavitator is
> the appearance of a Mexican hat structure impressedinto the aluminum within
> a blackened duplex microcavity. The number eightshaped duel cavity begins
> its formation as a dipole but when the duel cavity isfully formed, only one
> side of the duplex cavity remains active. The otherinactive member of the
> dipole is ill formed and stunted. What marks the solitonas active is a
> vortex of water that is ongoing inside and above the cavitywhich is
> rotating at a fearsome rate. This vortex of water has been observed onvideo
> at 120 frames a second but the vortex still looks like an amorphous
> cloudeven at 8 millisecond resolution. The direction of rotation and its
> violencebecomes apparent when some detritus moves close to the water
> vortex. The watervortex looks like a cloud hovering over the aluminum
> sombrero as the rotationalrate of the vortex is so very great. The vortex
> of water is centered on thecrown of the Mexican hat structure that has been
> impressed into the aluminum.*
> *The rotation of water above the condensate in thecavity is extreme. That
> rate of rotation is directly proportional to themagnetic field strength of
> the vortex tubes projecting out of the soliton. Itmight be possible to
> calculate this field strength of the vortex tubes of thecondensate by
> determining the rotation rate of the water and correlating thatrotational
> rate against the known magnetic strength of a rare earth magnet.Because the
> rate of water rotation is so great, a very expensive high ratevideo camera
> is required to do this rotational counting, however.*
> *I also see the aluminum foil break apart andfloat in the roiling water
> currents atop the surviving duplex structures. Onsome of these fragments,
> the Mexican hat structures are still impressed intothe material of the
> fragment. On occasion, an active water vortex is stillactive on the surface
> of these fragments.*
> *Some of these active fragments remain activeand continue to generate a
> water vortex even after the power to the cavitatoris turned off.*
> *Without exc

Re: [Vo]:Hydrino validation?

2021-06-09 Thread Axil Axil

George Elely - nanodust fusion documents his experements.

On Wed, Jun 9, 2021 at 11:29 PM Axil Axil  wrote:

> If memory serves, they ran a EDX on the processed carbon and iron was
> detected. Anyway, George Egely has rum many microwave based experiments
> where transmutation was preduced.
> George Egely -
> On Wed, Jun 9, 2021 at 11:23 PM Jones Beene  wrote:
>> There is no fusion taking place in this video. No transmutation either.
>> There is a mundane explanation for the magnetism.
>> Axil Axilwrote:
>> Dr George Egely  generates transmutation using a microwave.

Re: [Vo]:Hydrino validation?

2021-06-09 Thread Axil Axil
If memory serves, they ran a EDX on the processed carbon and iron was
detected. Anyway, George Egely has rum many microwave based experiments
where transmutation was preduced.
George Egely -

On Wed, Jun 9, 2021 at 11:23 PM Jones Beene  wrote:

> There is no fusion taking place in this video. No transmutation either.
> There is a mundane explanation for the magnetism.
> Axil Axilwrote:
> Dr George Egely  generates transmutation using a microwave.

Re: [Vo]:Hydrino validation?

2021-06-09 Thread Axil Axil
By the way, if any transmutation is occuring, then the experiment is not
related to the Hydrino since that theory disavows any transmutation.

On Wed, Jun 9, 2021 at 11:14 PM Axil Axil  wrote:

> Dr George Egely  generates transmutation using a microwave.
> Regarding: "The odd thing is that I evap't a beaker of about 600ml of KCl
> (heated to boiling for about 10 mins) and I didn't see anything happen
> then. I stopped before the amount of liquid dropped below 400ml though".
> The sparking may have stoped because the potasium might have all been
> transmuted or highly contaminated by transmuted reactants.
> Maybe we can get magicsound to do this experiment and use his SEM to chech
> for transmutation.
> On Wed, Jun 9, 2021 at 10:56 PM Jones Beene  wrote:
>> Once formed, the EVO could possibly be pumped with energy from microwaves
>> or other forms of radiation --but--  AFAIK the actual formation of the EVO
>> itself takes place only on a "special" electrode, which actually is the key
>> to Shoulder's work (and former trade secret).
>> Sounds like someone may be trying to conflate with Shoulder's EVO and a
>> different phenomenon.
>> Axil Axil wrote:
>> Microwaves delever energy to the EVOs "wirelessly" (without electodes).
>> If you need references to beleive this I will supply some.

Re: [Vo]:Hydrino validation?

2021-06-09 Thread Axil Axil
Dr George Egely  generates transmutation using a microwave.

Regarding: "The odd thing is that I evap't a beaker of about 600ml of KCl
(heated to boiling for about 10 mins) and I didn't see anything happen
then. I stopped before the amount of liquid dropped below 400ml though".

The sparking may have stoped because the potasium might have all been
transmuted or highly contaminated by transmuted reactants.

Maybe we can get magicsound to do this experiment and use his SEM to chech
for transmutation.

On Wed, Jun 9, 2021 at 10:56 PM Jones Beene  wrote:

> Once formed, the EVO could possibly be pumped with energy from microwaves
> or other forms of radiation --but--  AFAIK the actual formation of the EVO
> itself takes place only on a "special" electrode, which actually is the key
> to Shoulder's work (and former trade secret).
> Sounds like someone may be trying to conflate with Shoulder's EVO and a
> different phenomenon.
> Axil Axil wrote:
> Microwaves delever energy to the EVOs "wirelessly" (without electodes). If
> you need references to beleive this I will supply some.

Re: [Vo]:Hydrino validation?

2021-06-09 Thread Axil Axil
Microwaves delever energy to the EVOs "wirelessly" (without electodes). If
you need references to beleive this I will supply some.

On Wed, Jun 9, 2021 at 10:34 PM Jones Beene  wrote:

> AFAIK the EVO would necessarily form on an electrode - but there isn't any
> corresponding electrode in this experiment unless I missed something.
> Axil Axil wrote:
> This could be related to the way potassium generates clusters of Rydberg
> matter as per Holmlid and catalyzes the production of EVOs. The EVOs grow
> until the point of instability whereupon they explode in a bosenova. If
> this is happening, there would be X-rays produced by the bosenova as the
> high energy electrons produce Bremsstrahlung while undergoing
> thermalization. The use of self developing dental X-ray film would be a
> proper detection method for those X-rays.
> buy self developing dental X-ray film here
> self developing dental X-ray film
> The size of the spark looks about right for a 500 Gev Bosenova.
> Jones Beene wrote:
> Good question. In the early days Mills focused on potassium as a necessary
> catalyst for working with nickel electrolysis - and which which we now
> learn will apparently both split water and produce a plasma with microwave
> irradiation, while sodium will not. So - this experiment kind of fits into
> Mills' theory even though he never used RF to any great extent.
> One can imagine improvements to this which could possibly provide much
> more information. This is actually more complex than it seems at first. I
> am amazed that apparently water is being split by the oven - or is there an
> alternative explanation?
> Axil Axil wrote:
> Interesting. What is ypur take about the theory behind the production of
> sparks? Why Hydrinos?
> Jones Beene wrote:
> FWIW - I ran across a simple experiment while looking around for a science
> fair project for a neighbor's son ...
> There are not many experiments which are both robust, cheap and don't
> require complex data logging to suggest the energy anomaly. One needs to
> find a discarded microwave oven of course...

Re: [Vo]:Hydrino validation?

2021-06-09 Thread Axil Axil
buy self developing dental X-ray film here

On Wed, Jun 9, 2021 at 10:24 PM Axil Axil  wrote:

> This could be related to the way potassium generates clusters of Rydberg
> matter as per Holmlid and catalyzes the production of EVOs. The EVOs grow
> until the point of instability whereupon they explode in a bosenova. If
> this is happening, there would be X-rays produced by the bosenova as the
> high energy electrons produce Bremsstrahlung while undergoing
> thermalization. The use of self developing dental X-ray film would be a
> proper detection method for those X-rays.
> buy self developing dental X-ray film here
> self developing dental X-ray film
> The size of the spark looks about right for a 500 Gev Bosenova.
> On Wed, Jun 9, 2021 at 10:09 PM Jones Beene  wrote:
>> Good question. In the early days Mills focused on potassium as a
>> necessary catalyst for working with nickel electrolysis - and which which
>> we now learn will apparently both split water and produce a plasma with
>> microwave irradiation, while sodium will not. So - this experiment kind of
>> fits into Mills' theory even though he never used RF to any great extent.
>> One can imagine improvements to this which could possibly provide much
>> more information. This is actually more complex than it seems at first. I
>> am amazed that apparently water is being split by the oven - or is there an
>> alternative explanation?
>> Axil Axil wrote:
>> Interesting. What is ypur take about the theory behind the production of
>> sparks? Why Hydrinos?
>> On Wed, Jun 9, 2021 at 9:30 PM Jones Beene  wrote:
>> FWIW - I ran across a simple experiment while looking around for a
>> science fair project for a neighbor's son ...
>> There are not many experiments which are both robust, cheap and don't
>> require complex data logging to suggest the energy anomaly. One needs to
>> find a discarded microwave oven of course...

Re: [Vo]:Hydrino validation?

2021-06-09 Thread Axil Axil
This could be related to the way potassium generates clusters of Rydberg
matter as per Holmlid and catalyzes the production of EVOs. The EVOs grow
until the point of instability whereupon they explode in a bosenova. If
this is happening, there would be X-rays produced by the bosenova as the
high energy electrons produce Bremsstrahlung while undergoing
thermalization. The use of self developing dental X-ray film would be a
proper detection method for those X-rays.

buy self developing dental X-ray film here

self developing dental X-ray film

The size of the spark looks about right for a 500 Gev Bosenova.

On Wed, Jun 9, 2021 at 10:09 PM Jones Beene  wrote:

> Good question. In the early days Mills focused on potassium as a necessary
> catalyst for working with nickel electrolysis - and which which we now
> learn will apparently both split water and produce a plasma with microwave
> irradiation, while sodium will not. So - this experiment kind of fits into
> Mills' theory even though he never used RF to any great extent.
> One can imagine improvements to this which could possibly provide much
> more information. This is actually more complex than it seems at first. I
> am amazed that apparently water is being split by the oven - or is there an
> alternative explanation?
> Axil Axil wrote:
> Interesting. What is ypur take about the theory behind the production of
> sparks? Why Hydrinos?
> On Wed, Jun 9, 2021 at 9:30 PM Jones Beene  wrote:
> FWIW - I ran across a simple experiment while looking around for a science
> fair project for a neighbor's son ...
> There are not many experiments which are both robust, cheap and don't
> require complex data logging to suggest the energy anomaly. One needs to
> find a discarded microwave oven of course...

Re: [Vo]:Hydrino validation?

2021-06-09 Thread Axil Axil
Interesting. What is ypur take about the theory behind the production of
sparks? Why Hydrinos?

On Wed, Jun 9, 2021 at 9:30 PM Jones Beene  wrote:

> FWIW - I ran across a simple experiment while looking around for a science
> fair project for a neighbor's son ...
> There are not many experiments which are both robust, cheap and don't
> require complex data logging to suggest the energy anomaly. One needs to
> find a discarded microwave oven of course...

[Vo]:the "naturalness problem"

2021-06-08 Thread Axil Axil
Here is some background about the pickle that science is in regarding the
nature of the vacuum as follows:

Now that you understand the "naturalness problem" we can now suggest a way
to determine the maximum energy content of the vacuum by experiment.

String theory tells us that the end stage of a tachyon condensates life
cycle is the annihilation of the space time that the condensate has been
inhabiting. We might think of this phenomena as deriving energy from

There are many assumption that underpin science that cannot be verified by
experiment. These assumptions come from our everyday common sense
experiences in living our lives. One assumption that I am especially
interested in exploring is an investigation into the opinion that energy
cannot be produced from nothing. This is crackpot stuff. But I see a way to
prove that this proposition holds merit.

Sen and Witten's string theory tells us that the end stage of a tachyon
condensates life cycle is the annihilation of the space time that the
condensate has been inhabiting. There is an instability between the D-brane
and the anti D-brane that contain the condensate. Ashoke Sen wasn't scared
of such an instability. We might think of this phenomena as an opportunity
to derive energy from nothing since the D-brane applied to our universe is
simply space-time.

The potential energy curve for the complex tachyon condensate is nothing
else than the Mexican hat potential of a sort. The minima correspond to a
complete destruction of the D-brane and the anti-D-brane. The D-brane is
comprised of the Higgs field and all the virtual particles that interact
with the Higgs field.

The D-brane and anti-D-brane carry the opposite charges. They're antimatter
to each other. So they may annihilate with each other and the tachyon
condensate is just a sign of this looming annihilation. When they
annihilate, however, the potential energy for the tachyon rolls down lower.
How much lower? Well, the decrease of the potential energy is exactly what
you would expect from the complete destruction of the latent energy E=mc2
carried by the brane and the anti-brane. Because this energy is uniform and
its density is given by the tension, Sen realized that it had to be the
case that the energy densities obeyed... twice the tension.

The way I look at this proposition, when the tachyon condensate becomes
unstable, it releases the maximum energy content of the de Sitter space and
the anti de sitter space that the condensate is sitting in. This amount of
energy can be determined by measuring the sum of all the energies of the
electrons that explosively exit the region where the annihilation of the
space time has occured.

I beleive that I have seen an experiment that shows a weak Bosenova
reaction of a tachyon condensate at the very lowest level of the expected
maximum vacuum energy potential or about 500GeVs.

[image: image.png]

This picture is the tachyon potential called the Mexican hat potential. An
exotics vacuum object (EVO) is' our name for the tachyon condensate. When
the EVO is first formed, it has a minimal energy potential at the peak of
the hat. At that low energy level, the EVO is stable. As the EVO
auto-creates more tachyons and gains energy, it descends the tachyon
potential until it gets near the bottom of the potential which is the place
that contains the most energy. At that maximum energy potential, the
tachyon condensate becomes unstable. It will explode in a Bosenova, where
the space that the EVO occupied... our space time (de Sitter space) and the
space time that the tachyon condensate co occupied (anti de Sitter space)
annihilate as a space/anti space pair, producing energy based on E=MC2 as
discribed above.

We have seen this happen in experiments supported by MFMP as follows.

I am excited to share this video of the tachyon condensate  end of life in
the life cycle of the tachyon condensate. The Bosenovas of the condensates
are occurring on the cathode and are pictured as a circular flash of white
light. There is a bright streak that extends from the Bosenova to the anode
which consists of high current high energy electrons that are produced when
the tachyon condensate explodes. The popping sounds that correspond to the
Bosenova events are produced by an AM radio tuned between stations. .

All the Bosenova looks to me to be generating about the same energy level
and that level appears to be at the low end of the vacuum energy power
expectation level.

The regular speed portion of the video showing the Bosenovas begins at  :20
and the slow speed video starts at 2:10.

120fps + 4x slow motion

It is valuable 

Re: Dave Beaty Re: [Vo]:ufo report to be coming out in a month

2021-05-23 Thread Axil Axil
I suggest to the US defense department that they assume a more proactive
posture to analyze the nature of the UFO by probing the physical nature of
the UFOs that are intruding into US restricted airspace as follows:

I suggest that one of the most intelligent and capable Super Hornet
missiles: the AIM-120 AMRAAM air-to-air missile undergoes warhead
replacement with a custom UFO sensor characterization package to probe the
internal structure of the UFO. These sensors might include magnetic field
characterization, UFO real time flight data location recording, time
dilation detection, field energy power level measurement, inertial movement
measurement and recording, and sundry environmental measurements and
recording which might include temperature, pressure, electric polarization,
and the like.

The Super Hornet warhead sensor replacement package might include package
recovery signaling similar to a black box air crash recorder.

The AIM-120 AMRAAM air-to-air missile already has the necessary targeting,
pursuit and penetration capabilities necessary to localize the UFO,
intercept it and proceed to penetrate the UFO's interior so that data can
be recorded and saved for later analysis.

By following an after action sensor package signaling beacon, the Navy can
locate and retrieve the sensor package either on land or under the ocean
anywhere on earth.

On Sun, May 23, 2021 at 6:47 PM Robin 

> In reply to  Axil Axil's message of Sun, 23 May 2021 15:36:43 -0400:
> Hi,
> Perhaps the piezoelectric effect caused by pressure on the geological
> strata creates localized high voltages that ionize
> the air.
> >What if UFOs are actually Weakly interacting massive particles (WIMP).
> >Maybe the common conception of what a particle can be is too limited at
> >least in terms of size. What if UFOs are the appearance of dark matter on
> >earth. I have a number of reasons in support of this conjecture.
> >
> >A case in point, the The Hessdalen lights.
> >
> >The Hessdalen lights are unexplained lights observed in a
> 12-kilometre-long
> >(7.5 mi) stretch of the Hessdalen valley in rural central Norway.
> >
> >The bus-sized Hessdalen lights are of unknown origin. They appear both by
> >day and by night, and seem to float through and above the valley. They are
> >usually bright white, yellow or red and can appear above and below the
> >horizon. The duration of the phenomenon may be a few seconds to well over
> >an hour. Sometimes the lights move with enormous speed; at other times
> they
> >seem to sway slowly back and forth. On yet other occasions, they hover in
> >mid?air.Unusual lights have been reported in the region since at least the
> >1930s. High activity occurred between December 1981 and mid-1984, during
> >which the lights were being observed 15–20 times per week, attracting many
> >overnight tourists who arrived in for a sighting. As of 2010, the number
> of
> >observations has dwindled, with only 10 to 20 sightings made yearly.
> >
> >Many attempts at trying to get to the bottom of these lights have centered
> >on the local geology to explain their casation. The one that I like the
> >best is the explanation that attributes the phenomenon to an incompletely
> >understood reaction involving hydrogen, oxygen and sodium, which occurs in
> >Hessdalen because of the large deposits of scandium there. This
> explanation
> >seems to support the catalytic formation of a metallic hydrogen based
> >polariton condensate. But how can  this condensate grow so large, the size
> >of a bus. A clue comes from research observations about how the Hessdalen
> >lights are initiated:
> >
> >"The light phenomenon is always preceded by very short-lasting (on the
> >order of a fraction of second) flashes of light which appear everywhere in
> >the valley and which emit power ranging from 10 to 300 W. Sometimes such
> >flashes are recorded at a very short distance (up to 5 m) from the
> >observer."
> >
> >This indicates that the large bus-sized condensate waveform condenses
> from
> >the entanglement of many smaller sub clusters. There is no
> >alien civilization origin story involved here.
> >
> >There are many such areas around the world that have seen these lights
> >produced on a regular basis including the Marfa lights in Texas.
> >
> >But there are other clues that can lend support to the assignation of
> >status to UFO sightings.
> >
> >I have mentioned the polygon structure of the UFO which is a result of the
> >supersolid nature of polariton lattice formation.
> >
> >There is mention by Navy pilots to the roiling of the surface of the sea
> >that is occurring on the surface of the ocean directly under the ocean
> >hugging  UFO.
> >
> >I have seen this appear in cavitation based polariton condensation
> >formation where the anopole spin circulation induces massive vortex
> >formation behavior in water.
> >
> >Next, polariton condensation is a surface localized reaction where the
> >condensate is attracted t

Re: Dave Beaty Re: [Vo]:ufo report to be coming out in a month

2021-05-23 Thread Axil Axil
What if UFOs are actually Weakly interacting massive particles (WIMP).
Maybe the common conception of what a particle can be is too limited at
least in terms of size. What if UFOs are the appearance of dark matter on
earth. I have a number of reasons in support of this conjecture.

A case in point, the The Hessdalen lights.

The Hessdalen lights are unexplained lights observed in a 12-kilometre-long
(7.5 mi) stretch of the Hessdalen valley in rural central Norway.

The bus-sized Hessdalen lights are of unknown origin. They appear both by
day and by night, and seem to float through and above the valley. They are
usually bright white, yellow or red and can appear above and below the
horizon. The duration of the phenomenon may be a few seconds to well over
an hour. Sometimes the lights move with enormous speed; at other times they
seem to sway slowly back and forth. On yet other occasions, they hover in
mid‑air.Unusual lights have been reported in the region since at least the
1930s. High activity occurred between December 1981 and mid-1984, during
which the lights were being observed 15–20 times per week, attracting many
overnight tourists who arrived in for a sighting. As of 2010, the number of
observations has dwindled, with only 10 to 20 sightings made yearly.

Many attempts at trying to get to the bottom of these lights have centered
on the local geology to explain their casation. The one that I like the
best is the explanation that attributes the phenomenon to an incompletely
understood reaction involving hydrogen, oxygen and sodium, which occurs in
Hessdalen because of the large deposits of scandium there. This explanation
seems to support the catalytic formation of a metallic hydrogen based
polariton condensate. But how can  this condensate grow so large, the size
of a bus. A clue comes from research observations about how the Hessdalen
lights are initiated:

"The light phenomenon is always preceded by very short-lasting (on the
order of a fraction of second) flashes of light which appear everywhere in
the valley and which emit power ranging from 10 to 300 W. Sometimes such
flashes are recorded at a very short distance (up to 5 m) from the

This indicates that the large bus-sized condensate waveform condenses  from
the entanglement of many smaller sub clusters. There is no
alien civilization origin story involved here.

There are many such areas around the world that have seen these lights
produced on a regular basis including the Marfa lights in Texas.

But there are other clues that can lend support to the assignation of WIMPs
status to UFO sightings.

I have mentioned the polygon structure of the UFO which is a result of the
supersolid nature of polariton lattice formation.

There is mention by Navy pilots to the roiling of the surface of the sea
that is occurring on the surface of the ocean directly under the ocean
hugging  UFO.

I have seen this appear in cavitation based polariton condensation
formation where the anopole spin circulation induces massive vortex
formation behavior in water.

Next, polariton condensation is a surface localized reaction where the
condensate is attracted to metal surfaces. This could be why the UFOs
attempt to approach ships and jet aircraft.

If the UFO based condensate does ever contact the surface of a ship or
plane, that surface may dematerialize. That would set the defence
department into an alien attack based panic. These bus sized WIMPs could be
dangerous and not to be toyed with.

As far as an application of UFO WIMP technology goes... if an aircraft
could be encased in a dark matter field, the aircraft might  demonstrate
the performance behavior that the UFOs are currently showing the US Navy.
This includes MOND based antigravity, no control surfaces, no restraint by
air resistance,  zero inertial maneuvering,  instant acceleration,
deceleration, and change of direction, and point to point quantum

The WIMP hunters now searching in those multi million dollar holes in the
ground might be better served to get their eyes directed toward the skys.

When Ed Witten set down his mathematical description of a
tachyon condensate, no one would ever imagine that these equations could
ever actually be realized.

On Sat, May 22, 2021 at 10:12 PM Axil Axil  wrote:

> If UFOs are actually visitors from other civilizations, they must have a
> technology that is far more advanced than ours is. But don't be concerned,
> there are no other civilizations involved with UFOs... these fearful
> objects are but a dimly seen preview of a new epoch in science and
> technology that could be available to humankind if only we can embrace it
> without fear.
> The laws of nature in their full expanse are just now becoming visible.
> But even at this very early juncture, the specifications of this new
> technology are truly awesome. What is to come in the very near future is
> beyond the dreams of the most imagi

Re: Dave Beaty Re: [Vo]:ufo report to be coming out in a month

2021-05-22 Thread Axil Axil
If UFOs are actually visitors from other civilizations, they must have a
technology that is far more advanced than ours is. But don't be concerned,
there are no other civilizations involved with UFOs... these fearful
objects are but a dimly seen preview of a new epoch in science and
technology that could be available to humankind if only we can embrace it
without fear.

The laws of nature in their full expanse are just now becoming visible. But
even at this very early juncture, the specifications of this new technology
are truly awesome. What is to come in the very near future is beyond the
dreams of the most imaginative Sci Fi authors but new military sensors can
now preview the dance moves of these flying profits of the future.

The AN/APG-79, and other AESA radars like it on fighter aircraft, offer
a huge leap in capability in virtually every respect. This includes a
massive improvement in reliability as a steerable radar dish is no longer
needed with electronically scanned arrays.

Mechanically scanned arrays have to quickly sweep in all directions
physically and even under heavy G forces and buffeting, and they have to
survive crashing down on a carrier deck after missions over and over. So,
migrating to a system with few moving parts was a massive coup in terms of
reliability for Navy fighters. he AN/APG-79's resolution, range, speed of
scan, simultaneous tracking, and target discrimination abilities are
drastically improved over its predecessor. Even the ability to operate in
air-to-air and air-to-ground modes at the same time has been introduced. In
addition, advanced software and processing that interprets what the more
sensitive radar 'sees' provides a higher quality end product to Super
Hornet crews, resulting in dramatically improved situational awareness.

All this means that AESA equipped fighters can see farther, better
understand what was being detected, and have a hugely enhanced ability to
detect objects flying low over surface clutter. Even small or low
observable (stealthy), or slow-moving targets, or those that attempt
to hide in the 'doppler notch' of a threatening fighter's radar by flying
perpendicular to it, have a tougher time eluding detection and engagement
when facing opposition fighters packing AESA radar sets.

With all that being said, apparently, this same leap in sensor technology
also lifted the curtain, so to speak, when it came to detecting UFOs flying
near Navy fighters while on training missions.

The pilots began noticing the objects after their 1980s-era radar was
upgraded to a more advanced system. As one fighter jet after another got
the new radar, pilots began picking up the objects, but ignoring what they
thought were false radar tracks.

As with any advancement is scientific sensing, new discoveries
immediately follow.

Lt. Ryan Graves, an F/A-18 Super Hornet pilot who has been in the Navy for
a decade has come forward after talking to the Navy and Congress about the
events he and his squadron mates witnessed between 2014 and 2015.

This navy pilot and his wingman were flying in tandem about 100 feet apart
over the Atlantic east of Virginia Beach when something flew between them,
right past the cockpit. It looked to the pilot, Lieutenant Graves said,
like a sphere encasing a cube.

When I see these polygon shapes, I know what ballpark that the game is
being played in. These are the classic supersolid shapes. I see the marks
that these shapes impress in material corrosion all the time in
micrographs. Triangles, hexagons,  pyramids,  and  even saucer-shapes are
also seen.

There may be an instance of fear involved in the interpretation of this
new reality like a bushman seeing his picture on a smartphone for the
first time.  When a nanoscale object described in a math paper is just an
exercise in logic, but when that same object, now  the size of a bus, is
pacing your jet airliner at 30,000 feet, the culture shock is beyond most
of us and that is when  the fear sets in.

On Sat, May 22, 2021 at 8:09 PM Jed Rothwell  wrote:

> Michael Foster  wrote:
>> Everyone just assumes that these visitors must be from civilizations far
>> advanced from our own. That may or may not be true.
> If they are actually visitors from other civilizations, they have to be
> far advanced. They cannot be from anywhere in the solar system. Our robot
> probes have now visited every planet and most large moons. There is no sign
> of intelligent life anywhere in the solar system. So if there are non-human
> visitors they must have crossed interstellar space. To do that, they have
> to be far advanced over us. We could not begin to do that, except -- as I
> noted -- with tiny spacecraft that cannot be controlled when they arrive.

Re: [Vo]:an update from Sveinn

2021-05-16 Thread Axil Axil
Sveinn is creating Cavity Higgs-Polaritons (CHP) when he irradiates the
ultra dense matter (cluster) which is a superconductor with a laser.

Cavity Higgs-Polaritons are different from ordinary polaritons in that they
each  carry a quantum of the Higgs vacuum potential. The laser is creating
a false Higgs vacuum in the Higgs polariton condensate that will form. This
false vacuum  will change the nature of space time for any piece of matter
that the cluster comes into contact with. This disruption of matter is what
is causing the disappearance of foil that Sveinn is seeing. The
interference patterns
that show in laser interaction with the cluster are produced when the laser
photons interact with the electron cloud that surrounds the cluster during
a entanglement process between the photons and the electrons.

The cluster serves as an optical cavity in which photons and electrons can
become entangled to form polaritons.

The structure of matter is controlled by the Higgs field. If the Higgs
field is modified, then matter will change its nature to correspond to the
changes in the Higgs field. Just a small change in the strength of the
Higgs field by just a few percent in either the plus or minus  direction
will  cause matter to decompose back into energy.

What the cluster turns out to be is dark matter.  There are many indicators
that this observed behavior fits the profile of how dark matter will act.

On Sun, May 16, 2021 at 6:48 PM Axil Axil  wrote:

> Sveinn could be creating an EVO. EVOs dematerialize matter but leave a
> small percentage of reformulated matter behind as transmutation. Sveinn did
> not indicate that the matter removed from the foil was detected as any type
> of emissions. The matter just disappeared. This behavior is how EVOs behave.

[Vo]:an update from Sveinn

2021-05-16 Thread Axil Axil[/media]

Sveinn could be creating an EVO. EVOs dematerialize matter but leave a
small percentage of reformulated matter behind as transmutation. Sveinn did
not indicate that the matter removed from the foil was detected as any type
of emissions. The matter just disappeared. This behavior is how EVOs behave.

Re: [Vo]:crenulated micro ball

2021-05-14 Thread Axil Axil
There are other circumstances that are important to take into
consideration. This result has shown up 100% of the time with identically
the same results. Excess energy including heat production has not appeared.
Try it yourself in your cavitation cleaner. Your house will not meltdown or
your town vaporize. What has occurred before will happen tomorrow. You can
manufacture your own micro balls as many others are now doing. This process
is unwavering and reliable. Now fit this absolute behavior into your

On Sat, May 15, 2021 at 12:24 AM Robin 

> In reply to  Axil Axil's message of Fri, 14 May 2021 21:34:49 -0400:
> Hi,
> [snip]
> >The number of atoms that comprise that 50 micron diameter ball are in the
> >trillions, and the elemental composition of the ball is made up of many
> and
> >varied elements including about 20% iron. Please take these conditions in
> >mind in your theory of ball formation.
> That just makes it likely that many particles would be ejected rather than
> one, unless the total reaction is a
> combination of nuclear reactions that results in no net energy change.
> This is possible by combining fusion reactions,
> some of which produce energy and others which cost energy, so that there
> is no net mass change for the ensemble.
> Another possibility is that neutrino/anti-neutrino pairs are produced
> which carry energy away undetectably, at least
> with ordinary equipment.
> [snip]
> Regards,
> Robin van Spaandonk 

Re: [Vo]:crenulated micro ball

2021-05-14 Thread Axil Axil
How did the aluminum atoms become carbon,  oxigen, magnesium, silicon, and
iron with regards to applicable fusion and fission reactions?

On Fri, May 14, 2021 at 8:14 PM <> wrote:

> In response to Axil’ request for an explanation of changes in an EVO I
> note the following:
> The Al ball  starts as a coherent system of a nearly homogenous  group of
> atoms   composed of electrons and positrons with a total energy (kinetic
> plus potential.)
> All the kinetic energy is spin energy with  total angular  momentum  near
> or equal to zero.
> A varying magnetic happens and changes the balance between potential and
> kinetic energy with an increase in spin in  the atomic electrons (phonic or
> thermal energy) and a decrease of the spin energy of various nucleons .
>  thereby increasing the entropy of the coherent system.
> The Al mass has accomplished a PHASWE change with  no change in total
> energy, but with an increase in thermal energy.  The change  happens very
> fast,
> The new thermal energy is shared relatively slowly by common I R radiation
>  and normal convective and conduictive heat exchange mechanisms
> The total energy of the original system is lower (more stable) with the
> excess energy lost  to the universe  where entropy seems to always
> increase.
> The phase change noted above does NOT entail  any linear momentum and
> hence no energetic single particles of radiation
> Bob Cook
> an ex
> Sent from Mail <> for
> Windows 10
> *From: *Axil Axil 
> *Sent: *Wednesday, May 12, 2021 2:04 AM
> *To: *vortex-l 
> *Subject: *[Vo]:crenulated micro ball
> Here is a SEM and an elemental analysis of a crenulated micro ball that is
> produced by a cavitation cleaner through the creation and activation of
> EVOs. In this miracle of creation, aluminum foil is made to disappear and a
> small residual deposition of differing elements takes the form of this
> ball. I would like to understand the details of how such a process can
> happen all without any signs of any radiation or heat.

Re: [Vo]:crenulated micro ball

2021-05-14 Thread Axil Axil
The number of atoms that comprise that 50 micron diameter ball are in the
trillions, and the elemental composition of the ball is made up of many and
varied elements including about 20% iron. Please take these conditions in
mind in your theory of ball formation.

On Fri, May 14, 2021 at 8:49 PM Robin 

> In reply to's message of Sat, 15 May 2021
> 00:14:21 +:
> Hi,
> [snip]
> >The phase change noted above does NOT entail  any linear momentum and
> hence no energetic single particles of radiation
> It's possible to eject particles as long as the *vector* sum of the linear
> momentum of the ejected particles remains the
> same as before the reaction (if the frame of reference is chosen such that
> the initial entity had zero linear momentum,
> then the vector sum of the linear momenta of the final particles must also
> be zero in the same frame of reference). In
> fact this is what happens during decay of a radioisotope.
> In short just because the original entity had no linear momentum, it
> doesn't mean there can't be any ejected particles.
> It only means that the ejected particles are bound by the conservation
> laws.
> If only a single particle is emitted, then whatever remains behind also
> counts as a particle, and can compensate for the
> momentum of the single particle by moving in the opposite direction. You
> see this when a cannonball is fired from a
> cannon.
> [snip]
> Regards,
> Robin van Spaandonk 

[Vo]:It's all the same thing

2021-05-12 Thread Axil Axil
It seems to me that the hydrino, Holmlid's ultra dense matter, and Rossi's
electron pico clusters are all the same thing.

Rossi is advanced in his understanding of the process because he recognizes
that an electron condensate is forming that is seeded by the pico
cluster/hydrino/ultra dense matter.

The hydrino is a superconductor with a low level electron cloud called a
spin wave that is formed by the Meissner effect at very low levels.
Actually, the hydrino is metallic hydrogen.

Holmlid says that there are three levels that the spin wave can assume
relative to the positive superconductive core. The hydrino has been shown
to comply with these three levels.


Neither Mills or Holmlid understand that a neutral electron bose condensate
will always form around a  metallic hydrogen seed, but Rossi does which is
a credit to him.

The superconductor seeded bose condensate is just one of the forms that an
EVO can assume. There are many other versions which require pumping of
various formats to activate the EVO.

[Vo]:crenulated micro ball

2021-05-12 Thread Axil Axil
Here is a SEM and an elemental analysis of a crenulated micro ball that is
produced by a cavitation cleaner through the creation and activation of
EVOs. In this miracle of creation, aluminum foil is made to disappear and a
small residual deposition of differing elements takes the form of this
ball. I would like to understand the details of how such a process can
happen all without any signs of any radiation or heat.,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/

[Vo]:Bose condensation erosion (BCE)

2021-04-19 Thread Axil Axil
I am intrigued by the string theory of micro black holes that develop in
structures called bubbles of nothing within anti-de sitter (AdS) space.
This phenomenon seems to be related to Bose condensates which may explain a
unique type of erosion which causes matter to disappear. As an identifier
mechanism, I believe that Bose condensation can consolidate into a lattice
structure called a supersolid. The supersolid lattice takes on unmistakable
distinctive polygonal shapes: hexagon, triangle, and sphere that identifies
the action of Bose condensation present at high density. These shapes
appear in the erosive patterns that Bose condensation(BCE) can leave in its

Acoustically driven x-ray emission and matter collapse in lead

Pertinent to this introduction, one paper listed above that appears to be
connected  to the appearance of BCE is really mind blowing. A paper
authored by a Mexican physics team that describes the  bombardment of a
lead foil (sandwiched in plastic) with sound shockwaves (coming from a
simple yet powerful system to create the cavitation shockwaves) and they
observed, not without a fair share of surprise, X ray emissions and also a
polygonal shaped hole in the foils where the lead simply “disappeared” and
was nowhere to be found (take in account it was encased in plastic, and the
small debris they could find inside of it did not account for even 1% of
the missing material). They propose that the matter “collapsed” and produce
some conjectures about how this could be explained invoking some electron
involvement, from an accepted theoretical frame of reference, but obviously
fall short of explaining and express their intention to keep working on

I am really impressed and excited by this result and believe that the
indicators point to the action of a quasiparticle based condensate
formation when phonons become entangled with electrons. Extra dimensions
must be involved in the movement of lead to some other place under a state
of coherent superposition. There is a class of experiments that show
possible action within extra dimensions possibly within the body of the
lead and/or condensate that might advance the study of both Witten/Sen
 singularities and extra dimensions.

Re: [Vo]:Coincidence ?

2021-04-17 Thread Axil Axil
Muon detection studied by pulse-height energy analysis:
Novel converter arrangements

Two different sources for producing H(0) have been used
for this study. They are similar to a source described in a
previous publication.28 Potassium-doped iron oxide catalyst
samples (cylindric pellets)32,33 in the sources produce the ultradense
H(0) from hydrogen or deuterium gas flow at pressures
of 10−5–100 mbars. The sources give a slowly decaying muon
signal for several hours and days after being used for producing
H(0). They can be triggered to increase the muon production
by laser irradiation inside the chambers or

*sometimes even byturning on the fluorescent lamps in the laboratory for a

On Sat, Apr 17, 2021 at 8:29 PM Jones Beene  wrote:

> It would be helpful to know if they tried the available wavelengths of
> lasers and chose the best ... as this seems like one of those details which
> should be high priority...
> Axil Axil wrote:
> I heard from Sveinn Ólafsson that Holmlid can also activate the ultra
> dense hydrogen by using a spark.
> Jones Beene wrote:
> Holmlid notably uses laser pulses in the 532 nm spectra to form ultra
> dense hydrogen or deuterium.
> As it turns out, the same greenish spectra of the laser has also been used
> to form the breakthrough material which has been called "the first room
> temperature superconductor" a few months ago ( Note that there have been
> numerous other strong claims for this breakthrough before, but Wiki sez
> this one is the first - although it is not clear who has replicated the
> work).
> Anyway ... the point of this post being that laser irradiation at this
> exact frequency 532 nm also turns up in another disparate situations where
> hydrogen densification is apparent.
> Previously with the Holmlid work, observers  thought or assumed that the
> greenis laser spectra related to irradiation of the catalyst, not the
> hydrogen itself.
> The RTSC work would seem to indicate that it is the hydrogen which is
> responding to the photons not the catalyst, which although coherent (the
> wavelength) is spatially way out of proportion to interact with atoms of
> hydrogen... many orders of magnitude difference, in fact.
> Somehow, I get the strange feeling that this detail - the identical laser
> wavelength used to activate hydrogen, is not coincidental...
> Jones

Re: [Vo]:Coincidence ?

2021-04-17 Thread Axil Axil
I heard from Sveinn Ólafsson that Holmlid can also activate the ultra dense
hydrogen by using a spark.

On Sat, Apr 17, 2021 at 11:07 AM Jones Beene  wrote:

> Holmlid notably uses laser pulses in the 532 nm spectra to form ultra
> dense hydrogen or deuterium.
> As it turns out, the same greenish spectra of the laser has also been used
> to form the breakthrough material which has been called "the first room
> temperature superconductor" a few months ago ( Note that there have been
> numerous other strong claims for this breakthrough before, but Wiki sez
> this one is the first - although it is not clear who has replicated the
> work).
> Anyway ... the point of this post being that laser irradiation at this
> exact frequency 532 nm also turns up in another disparate situations where
> hydrogen densification is apparent.
> Previously with the Holmlid work, observers  thought or assumed that the
> greenis laser spectra related to irradiation of the catalyst, not the
> hydrogen itself.
> The RTSC work would seem to indicate that it is the hydrogen which is
> responding to the photons not the catalyst, which although coherent (the
> wavelength) is spatially way out of proportion to interact with atoms of
> hydrogen... many orders of magnitude difference, in fact.
> Somehow, I get the strange feeling that this detail - the identical laser
> wavelength used to activate hydrogen, is not coincidental...
> Jones

Re: [Vo]:quantum effects coming out of a cavitating cleaner

2021-04-16 Thread Axil Axil
With reference to the post that I contributed to this blog a few days ago
regarding how multiple dimensions could underpin unobservable processes
during cavitation, I now continue as follows:

Beginning a few days ago, an opportunity afforded itself whereby an
scanning electron microscope (SEM) analysis of the magnetic fragments
produced by the cavitating cleaner was attempted and completed today. The
magnetic particles were characterized and turned out to be a collection of
random shaped element alloy mixtures composed of a wide range of various
elements. Since there was no attempt to avoid contamination of the tap
water, the element mix that was found is to be expected.  But in all cases,
the alloys always included iron as the magnetized element.

 The surprising result was the shape of these alloyed particles: in one
singular case, a perfectly formed sphere with a crenellated surface that
resembled the surface of the brain.  In this singular case, an absolutely
pure iron micro sphere with a brain-like crenellated surface  was formed
instantly in water without any heat. How such a singular object  can form
 in a low energy environment is inexplicable.

One advantage of this cavitation based experiment is that it is 100%
reproducible, and dirt cheap to perform... that is if you have access to a

If you are interested in pursuing a challenging science based mystery
story,  the cost  of participation in time and money is less than trivial.
What will be hard is discovering the reasons that underpin this mysterious

I have no clue about how these strange particles can form and I would sure
like to get an explanation of how such a perfect crenellated sphere can
form so rapidly and what could possibly be the template that directs the
shape of this formation... could extra dimensions be involved?

On Tue, Apr 13, 2021 at 12:57 AM Axil Axil  wrote:

> *Nobody had ever expected to see quantum effects coming out of a
> cavitating cleaner. But amateur physics experiments performed at home have
> most likely done it. This breakthrough in amateur experimental methods is
> so much unexpected and might open the door to the discovery of how multiple
> dimensions of a quantum system functions. Also this method could form the
> basis of an experimental platform for string theory.*
> *When a static system is doing multiple concurrent activities, there is a
> chance that the system's dimensionality exceeds that of space time. To my
> eye, this multi functionality seems to be the case with a caveating cleaner
> eroding a sheet of aluminum foil.*
> *There is an excellent chance that the cavitator is producing a Bose
> condensate at room temperature. The usual method used to produce such a
> condensate is to lower the temperature of a collection of special atoms to
> near absolute zero. The usual method is an experiment requiring the use of
> a $million worth of low temperature equipment.*
> *The cavitating cleaner is producing Bose condensation by just turning the
> unit on. This condensate can be studied in real time. This process is also
> 100% reproducible and these micro based experiments can be performed using
> real time microscopic inspection methods as well as high frame rate video
> examination. Just turn on the cavitator, and the Bose condensates springs
> to life.*
>  *There are over 70 different kinds and counting of Bose condensates
> currently characterized. It is not clear what flavor of condensate that is
> being generated in the cavitator.*
> *The indications that a Bose condensate is being formed by the cavitator
> is the appearance of a Mexican hat structure impressed into the aluminum
> within a blackened duplex microcavity. The number eight shaped duel cavity
> begins its formation as a dipole but when the duel cavity is fully formed,
> only one side of the duplex cavity remains active. The other inactive
> member of the dipole is ill formed and stunted. What marks the soliton as
> active is a vortex of water that is ongoing inside and above the cavity
> which is rotating at a fearsome rate. This vortex of water has been
> observed on video at 120 frames a second but the vortex still looks like an
> amorphous cloud even at 8 millisecond resolution. The direction of rotation
> and its violence becomes apparent when some detritus moves close to the
> water vortex. The water vortex looks like a cloud hovering over the
> aluminum sombrero as the rotational rate of the vortex is so very great.
> The vortex of water is centered on the crown of the Mexican hat structure
> that has been impressed into the aluminum.*
> *The rotation of water above the condensate in the cavity is extreme. That
> rate of rotation is directly proportional to the magnetic field strength of
> the vortex tubes projecting out of the soliton. It might be possible to

[Vo]:quantum effects coming out of a cavitating cleaner

2021-04-12 Thread Axil Axil
*Nobody had ever expected to see quantum effects coming out of a cavitating
cleaner. But amateur physics experiments performed at home have most likely
done it. This breakthrough in amateur experimental methods is so much
unexpected and might open the door to the discovery of how multiple
dimensions of a quantum system functions. Also this method could form the
basis of an experimental platform for string theory.*

*When a static system is doing multiple concurrent activities, there is a
chance that the system's dimensionality exceeds that of space time. To my
eye, this multi functionality seems to be the case with a caveating cleaner
eroding a sheet of aluminum foil.*

*There is an excellent chance that the cavitator is producing a Bose
condensate at room temperature. The usual method used to produce such a
condensate is to lower the temperature of a collection of special atoms to
near absolute zero. The usual method is an experiment requiring the use of
a $million worth of low temperature equipment.*

*The cavitating cleaner is producing Bose condensation by just turning the
unit on. This condensate can be studied in real time. This process is also
100% reproducible and these micro based experiments can be performed using
real time microscopic inspection methods as well as high frame rate video
examination. Just turn on the cavitator, and the Bose condensates springs
to life.*

 *There are over 70 different kinds and counting of Bose condensates
currently characterized. It is not clear what flavor of condensate that is
being generated in the cavitator.*

*The indications that a Bose condensate is being formed by the cavitator is
the appearance of a Mexican hat structure impressed into the aluminum
within a blackened duplex microcavity. The number eight shaped duel cavity
begins its formation as a dipole but when the duel cavity is fully formed,
only one side of the duplex cavity remains active. The other inactive
member of the dipole is ill formed and stunted. What marks the soliton as
active is a vortex of water that is ongoing inside and above the cavity
which is rotating at a fearsome rate. This vortex of water has been
observed on video at 120 frames a second but the vortex still looks like an
amorphous cloud even at 8 millisecond resolution. The direction of rotation
and its violence becomes apparent when some detritus moves close to the
water vortex. The water vortex looks like a cloud hovering over the
aluminum sombrero as the rotational rate of the vortex is so very great.
The vortex of water is centered on the crown of the Mexican hat structure
that has been impressed into the aluminum.*

*The rotation of water above the condensate in the cavity is extreme. That
rate of rotation is directly proportional to the magnetic field strength of
the vortex tubes projecting out of the soliton. It might be possible to
calculate this field strength of the vortex tubes of the condensate by
determining the rotation rate of the water and correlating that rotational
rate against the known magnetic strength of a rare earth magnet. Because
the rate of water rotation is so great, a very expensive high rate video
camera is required to do this rotational counting, however.*

*I also see the aluminum foil break apart and float in the roiling water
currents atop the surviving duplex structures. On some of these fragments,
the Mexican hat structures are still impressed into the material of the
fragment. On occasion, an active water vortex is still active on the
surface of these fragments.*

*Some of these active fragments remain active and continue to generate a
water vortex even after the power to the cavitator is turned off.*

*Without exception, the duplex structures have only one rotating water
vortex ongoing. The other conjoined cavity in the duplex structure is
inactive and its Mexican hat structure is ill formed. It appears that the
rotating vortex cavity has transferred its energy to the counter vortex
cavity structure. The direction of water vortex rotation is
counterclockwise which indicates from the right hand rule that the magnetic
effect producing the water vortex is a North Pole magnetic monopole field.*

*The color of the surface of the duplex cavity is black except for the
Mexican hat deposition which appears to rise out of the centered base of
the cavity. The Mexican hat formation has an iridescent jewel like nature,
is now highly magnetic. When a magnet was placed in the water, a fragment
of this formation was found to have affixed itself to a magnet placed in
the water. The magnetic particle looks like the central core or crown of
one of the sombrero structures that has had parts of the brim of the
Sombrero missing. This structure of the fragment has assumed a hexagonal
shape and must have been formed by a supersolid lattice field.*

*As the foil is ripped apart, most if not all of the resulting aluminum
fragments were coated with some black stuff. Any position change of the
fragments did not change 

Re: [Vo]:A photo of an EVO on the fly

2021-04-02 Thread Axil Axil

This is a VEGA video segment from a DAVE experiment analysed by Bob
Greenyer with 30 times slow motion.

On Fri, Apr 2, 2021 at 3:45 AM Axil Axil  wrote:

> Strange radiation is a self amplifying chain reaction that is self
> contained. SR just needs a source of electrons to grow. The electrons are
> without charge and form a lattice which implies that there is no internal
> movement as in a plasmid. Consistent with the Higgs abyss hypothesis, the
> EVO only requires the most insubstantial superconductive seed to initiate
> growth, but once growth begins, it continues self sustained in the presence
> of a free electrons feed stock until instability sets in and the EVO
> explodes.
> However, if the source of free electrons dry up, the EVO becomes dormant
> and can survive indefinitely until additional free electron feedstock again
> becomes available.
> On Tue, Mar 30, 2021 at 5:34 PM Axil Axil  wrote:
>> Presented now is a video that shows the energy release from an EVO at
>> termination  via the Bosenova.
>> Bosenova production in slow motion
>> VEGA - 240fps + 8x slow motion
>> The production of EVO in slow motion.
>> On Tue, Mar 30, 2021 at 5:05 PM Axil Axil  wrote:
>>> Naked singularities are not related to gravitational black holes. These
>>> micro black holes are a consequence of tachyon condensation. Ashoke Sen
>>> took the fear out of tachyons for physicists when he characterized tachyon
>>> condensation. In the late 1990s, Ashoke Sen conjectured that the tachyons
>>> carried by open strings attached to D-branes in string theory reflect the
>>> instability of the D-branes with respect to their complete annihilation.
>>> The total energy carried by these tachyons has been calculated in string
>>> field theory; it agrees with the total energy of the D-branes, and all
>>> other tests have confirmed Sen's conjecture as well. Tachyons therefore
>>> became an active area of interest in the early 2000s. OK, so
>>> open-string tachyons and closed-string tachyons in twisted sectors are more
>>> or less understood by now. Physicists no longer panic or abandon the theory
>>> when they see a tachyon. Instead, they calmly interpret these tachyons as
>>> sources of instabilities – instability that annihilate objects or whole
>>> chunks of spacetime and that may (but don't necessarily have to) lead to a
>>> new stable world with some interesting objects that may be left over. For
>>> this reason, it was Ashoke Sen and his apprentices such as Edward Witten
>>> who unified nothingness and somethingness in physics – i.e. in string
>>> theory (because no other theory can achieve similar unifications) – and who
>>> discovered new perspectives on the somethingness in between and that's my
>>> explanation why both Sen and Witten deserves their $3 million Breakthrough
>>> prizes. I am interested in relating the abstractions of string theory
>>> to real world engineering applications. I want to know the ways and means
>>> of how these naked singularities annihilate objects or whole chunks of
>>> spacetime and that may lead to new stable conditions with some interesting
>>> transformed objects that may be left over.
>>> On Tue, Mar 30, 2021 at 4:18 PM Axil Axil  wrote:
>>>> Holmlid new paper legwork by can
>>>> *Title:* “Production of ultra-dense hydrogen H(0): A novel nuclear
>>>> fuel”
>>>> Date:
>>>> 26 March 2021
>>>> *Authors:* Leif Holmlid, Andrzej Kotarba, Pawel Stelmachowski.
>>>> *Link:*
>>>> Some LENR-relevant excerpts from the paper:
>>>> [...] It is possible to have an energy output by forming H(0) from
>>>> hydrogen gas. This condensation energy will easily be believed to be
>>>> non-chemical thus nuclear due to its size (of the order of hundred times
>>>> larger than normal chemical energy output). It may be a large part of the
>>>> energy which is considered to be caused by so-called cold fusion, as
>>>> suggested previously by Winterberg [6,7]. Other nuclear reactions in H(0)

Re: [Vo]:A photo of an EVO on the fly

2021-04-02 Thread Axil Axil
Strange radiation is a self amplifying chain reaction that is self
contained. SR just needs a source of electrons to grow. The electrons are
without charge and form a lattice which implies that there is no internal
movement as in a plasmid. Consistent with the Higgs abyss hypothesis, the
EVO only requires the most insubstantial superconductive seed to initiate
growth, but once growth begins, it continues self sustained in the presence
of a free electrons feed stock until instability sets in and the EVO

However, if the source of free electrons dry up, the EVO becomes dormant
and can survive indefinitely until additional free electron feedstock again
becomes available.

On Tue, Mar 30, 2021 at 5:34 PM Axil Axil  wrote:

> Presented now is a video that shows the energy release from an EVO at
> termination  via the Bosenova.
> Bosenova production in slow motion
> VEGA - 240fps + 8x slow motion
> The production of EVO in slow motion.
> On Tue, Mar 30, 2021 at 5:05 PM Axil Axil  wrote:
>> Naked singularities are not related to gravitational black holes. These
>> micro black holes are a consequence of tachyon condensation. Ashoke Sen
>> took the fear out of tachyons for physicists when he characterized tachyon
>> condensation. In the late 1990s, Ashoke Sen conjectured that the tachyons
>> carried by open strings attached to D-branes in string theory reflect the
>> instability of the D-branes with respect to their complete annihilation.
>> The total energy carried by these tachyons has been calculated in string
>> field theory; it agrees with the total energy of the D-branes, and all
>> other tests have confirmed Sen's conjecture as well. Tachyons therefore
>> became an active area of interest in the early 2000s. OK, so open-string
>> tachyons and closed-string tachyons in twisted sectors are more or less
>> understood by now. Physicists no longer panic or abandon the theory when
>> they see a tachyon. Instead, they calmly interpret these tachyons as
>> sources of instabilities – instability that annihilate objects or whole
>> chunks of spacetime and that may (but don't necessarily have to) lead to a
>> new stable world with some interesting objects that may be left over. For
>> this reason, it was Ashoke Sen and his apprentices such as Edward Witten
>> who unified nothingness and somethingness in physics – i.e. in string
>> theory (because no other theory can achieve similar unifications) – and who
>> discovered new perspectives on the somethingness in between and that's my
>> explanation why both Sen and Witten deserves their $3 million Breakthrough
>> prizes. I am interested in relating the abstractions of string theory to
>> real world engineering applications. I want to know the ways and means of
>> how these naked singularities annihilate objects or whole chunks of
>> spacetime and that may lead to new stable conditions with some interesting
>> transformed objects that may be left over.
>> On Tue, Mar 30, 2021 at 4:18 PM Axil Axil  wrote:
>>> Holmlid new paper legwork by can
>>> *Title:* “Production of ultra-dense hydrogen H(0): A novel nuclear fuel”
>>> Date:
>>> 26 March 2021
>>> *Authors:* Leif Holmlid, Andrzej Kotarba, Pawel Stelmachowski.
>>> *Link:*
>>> Some LENR-relevant excerpts from the paper:
>>> [...] It is possible to have an energy output by forming H(0) from
>>> hydrogen gas. This condensation energy will easily be believed to be
>>> non-chemical thus nuclear due to its size (of the order of hundred times
>>> larger than normal chemical energy output). It may be a large part of the
>>> energy which is considered to be caused by so-called cold fusion, as
>>> suggested previously by Winterberg [6,7]. Other nuclear reactions in H(0)
>>> may be the main processes considered to be cold fusion, with very little of
>>> normal fusion products like 4He and neutrons out.
>>> So-called cold fusion according to Fleischmann and Pons [8] is probably
>>> due to the condensation reactions of H(0) as mentioned above and also due
>>> to the spontaneous nuclear processes which take place in H(0) [9]. Such
>>> spontaneous nuclear processes are similar to those induced by pulsed lasers
>>> [[10], [11], [12]] which do not give 4He and neutr

Re: [Vo]:A photo of an EVO on the fly

2021-03-30 Thread Axil Axil
Presented now is a video that shows the energy release from an EVO at
termination  via the Bosenova.

Bosenova production in slow motion
VEGA - 240fps + 8x slow motion

The production of EVO in slow motion.

On Tue, Mar 30, 2021 at 5:05 PM Axil Axil  wrote:

> Naked singularities are not related to gravitational black holes. These
> micro black holes are a consequence of tachyon condensation. Ashoke Sen
> took the fear out of tachyons for physicists when he characterized tachyon
> condensation. In the late 1990s, Ashoke Sen conjectured that the tachyons
> carried by open strings attached to D-branes in string theory reflect the
> instability of the D-branes with respect to their complete annihilation.
> The total energy carried by these tachyons has been calculated in string
> field theory; it agrees with the total energy of the D-branes, and all
> other tests have confirmed Sen's conjecture as well. Tachyons therefore
> became an active area of interest in the early 2000s. OK, so open-string
> tachyons and closed-string tachyons in twisted sectors are more or less
> understood by now. Physicists no longer panic or abandon the theory when
> they see a tachyon. Instead, they calmly interpret these tachyons as
> sources of instabilities – instability that annihilate objects or whole
> chunks of spacetime and that may (but don't necessarily have to) lead to a
> new stable world with some interesting objects that may be left over. For
> this reason, it was Ashoke Sen and his apprentices such as Edward Witten
> who unified nothingness and somethingness in physics – i.e. in string
> theory (because no other theory can achieve similar unifications) – and who
> discovered new perspectives on the somethingness in between and that's my
> explanation why both Sen and Witten deserves their $3 million Breakthrough
> prizes. I am interested in relating the abstractions of string theory to
> real world engineering applications. I want to know the ways and means of
> how these naked singularities annihilate objects or whole chunks of
> spacetime and that may lead to new stable conditions with some interesting
> transformed objects that may be left over.
> On Tue, Mar 30, 2021 at 4:18 PM Axil Axil  wrote:
>> Holmlid new paper legwork by can
>> *Title:* “Production of ultra-dense hydrogen H(0): A novel nuclear fuel”
>> Date:
>> 26 March 2021
>> *Authors:* Leif Holmlid, Andrzej Kotarba, Pawel Stelmachowski.
>> *Link:*
>> Some LENR-relevant excerpts from the paper:
>> [...] It is possible to have an energy output by forming H(0) from
>> hydrogen gas. This condensation energy will easily be believed to be
>> non-chemical thus nuclear due to its size (of the order of hundred times
>> larger than normal chemical energy output). It may be a large part of the
>> energy which is considered to be caused by so-called cold fusion, as
>> suggested previously by Winterberg [6,7]. Other nuclear reactions in H(0)
>> may be the main processes considered to be cold fusion, with very little of
>> normal fusion products like 4He and neutrons out.
>> So-called cold fusion according to Fleischmann and Pons [8] is probably
>> due to the condensation reactions of H(0) as mentioned above and also due
>> to the spontaneous nuclear processes which take place in H(0) [9]. Such
>> spontaneous nuclear processes are similar to those induced by pulsed lasers
>> [[10], [11], [12]] which do not give 4He and neutrons as products but
>> instead give mesons, especially charged and neutral kaons [[13], [14],
>> [15]]. Thus, these processes are not fusion processes. The mesons formed
>> have lifetimes of less than 100 ns. Most often, it is the decay of the
>> mesons which can be studied easily, giving high-accuracy lifetimes in
>> agreement with those measured at large accelerators [16]. Since almost all
>> mesons formed (kaons and pions) decay to muons which have a much longer
>> lifetime of 2.20 μs, the muons have been detected easily [[12], [13], [14],
>> [15],18], and also confirmed separately [15]. The sources of mesons and
>> muons obtained in this way are the strongest that exist and they can be
>> operated with high energy efficiency and at a low cost.
>> These meson producing processes are very similar for H(0) and D(0). This
>> means that many early experiments on cold fusion which aimed at finding the
>> true contribution of fusion by comp

Re: [Vo]:A photo of an EVO on the fly

2021-03-30 Thread Axil Axil
Naked singularities are not related to gravitational black holes. These
micro black holes are a consequence of tachyon condensation. Ashoke Sen
took the fear out of tachyons for physicists when he characterized tachyon
condensation. In the late 1990s, Ashoke Sen conjectured that the tachyons
carried by open strings attached to D-branes in string theory reflect the
instability of the D-branes with respect to their complete annihilation.
The total energy carried by these tachyons has been calculated in string
field theory; it agrees with the total energy of the D-branes, and all
other tests have confirmed Sen's conjecture as well. Tachyons therefore
became an active area of interest in the early 2000s. OK, so open-string
tachyons and closed-string tachyons in twisted sectors are more or less
understood by now. Physicists no longer panic or abandon the theory when
they see a tachyon. Instead, they calmly interpret these tachyons as
sources of instabilities – instability that annihilate objects or whole
chunks of spacetime and that may (but don't necessarily have to) lead to a
new stable world with some interesting objects that may be left over. For
this reason, it was Ashoke Sen and his apprentices such as Edward Witten
who unified nothingness and somethingness in physics – i.e. in string
theory (because no other theory can achieve similar unifications) – and who
discovered new perspectives on the somethingness in between and that's my
explanation why both Sen and Witten deserves their $3 million Breakthrough
prizes. I am interested in relating the abstractions of string theory to
real world engineering applications. I want to know the ways and means of
how these naked singularities annihilate objects or whole chunks of
spacetime and that may lead to new stable conditions with some interesting
transformed objects that may be left over.

On Tue, Mar 30, 2021 at 4:18 PM Axil Axil  wrote:

> Holmlid new paper legwork by can
> *Title:* “Production of ultra-dense hydrogen H(0): A novel nuclear fuel”
> Date:
> 26 March 2021
> *Authors:* Leif Holmlid, Andrzej Kotarba, Pawel Stelmachowski.
> *Link:*
> Some LENR-relevant excerpts from the paper:
> [...] It is possible to have an energy output by forming H(0) from
> hydrogen gas. This condensation energy will easily be believed to be
> non-chemical thus nuclear due to its size (of the order of hundred times
> larger than normal chemical energy output). It may be a large part of the
> energy which is considered to be caused by so-called cold fusion, as
> suggested previously by Winterberg [6,7]. Other nuclear reactions in H(0)
> may be the main processes considered to be cold fusion, with very little of
> normal fusion products like 4He and neutrons out.
> So-called cold fusion according to Fleischmann and Pons [8] is probably
> due to the condensation reactions of H(0) as mentioned above and also due
> to the spontaneous nuclear processes which take place in H(0) [9]. Such
> spontaneous nuclear processes are similar to those induced by pulsed lasers
> [[10], [11], [12]] which do not give 4He and neutrons as products but
> instead give mesons, especially charged and neutral kaons [[13], [14],
> [15]]. Thus, these processes are not fusion processes. The mesons formed
> have lifetimes of less than 100 ns. Most often, it is the decay of the
> mesons which can be studied easily, giving high-accuracy lifetimes in
> agreement with those measured at large accelerators [16]. Since almost all
> mesons formed (kaons and pions) decay to muons which have a much longer
> lifetime of 2.20 μs, the muons have been detected easily [[12], [13], [14],
> [15],18], and also confirmed separately [15]. The sources of mesons and
> muons obtained in this way are the strongest that exist and they can be
> operated with high energy efficiency and at a low cost.
> These meson producing processes are very similar for H(0) and D(0). This
> means that many early experiments on cold fusion which aimed at finding the
> true contribution of fusion by comparing experiments using deuterium with
> similar experiments using ordinary hydrogen were meaningless. The nuclear
> reactions in H(0) are instead annihilation-like processes [19]. The tragic
> un-scientific processes which took place after the report of “cold fusion”,
> aimed to block all research on “cold fusion”, have damaged science and
> especially the reputation of science in society. Now when the pieces of
> knowledge of these processes are falling into place, it is time to
> acknowledge that only more science-based rationales can be used to solve
> such scientific problems, not denials and political or personal persecution.
> My comments
> In both the Holmlid 

Re: [Vo]:A photo of an EVO on the fly

2021-03-30 Thread Axil Axil
Holmlid new paper legwork by can

*Title:* “Production of ultra-dense hydrogen H(0): A novel nuclear fuel”


26 March 2021

*Authors:* Leif Holmlid, Andrzej Kotarba, Pawel Stelmachowski.


Some LENR-relevant excerpts from the paper:

[...] It is possible to have an energy output by forming H(0) from hydrogen
gas. This condensation energy will easily be believed to be non-chemical
thus nuclear due to its size (of the order of hundred times larger than
normal chemical energy output). It may be a large part of the energy which
is considered to be caused by so-called cold fusion, as suggested
previously by Winterberg [6,7]. Other nuclear reactions in H(0) may be the
main processes considered to be cold fusion, with very little of normal
fusion products like 4He and neutrons out.
So-called cold fusion according to Fleischmann and Pons [8] is probably due
to the condensation reactions of H(0) as mentioned above and also due to
the spontaneous nuclear processes which take place in H(0) [9]. Such
spontaneous nuclear processes are similar to those induced by pulsed lasers
[[10], [11], [12]] which do not give 4He and neutrons as products but
instead give mesons, especially charged and neutral kaons [[13], [14],
[15]]. Thus, these processes are not fusion processes. The mesons formed
have lifetimes of less than 100 ns. Most often, it is the decay of the
mesons which can be studied easily, giving high-accuracy lifetimes in
agreement with those measured at large accelerators [16]. Since almost all
mesons formed (kaons and pions) decay to muons which have a much longer
lifetime of 2.20 μs, the muons have been detected easily [[12], [13], [14],
[15],18], and also confirmed separately [15]. The sources of mesons and
muons obtained in this way are the strongest that exist and they can be
operated with high energy efficiency and at a low cost.

These meson producing processes are very similar for H(0) and D(0). This
means that many early experiments on cold fusion which aimed at finding the
true contribution of fusion by comparing experiments using deuterium with
similar experiments using ordinary hydrogen were meaningless. The nuclear
reactions in H(0) are instead annihilation-like processes [19]. The tragic
un-scientific processes which took place after the report of “cold fusion”,
aimed to block all research on “cold fusion”, have damaged science and
especially the reputation of science in society. Now when the pieces of
knowledge of these processes are falling into place, it is time to
acknowledge that only more science-based rationales can be used to solve
such scientific problems, not denials and political or personal persecution.

My comments

In both the Holmlid and Mills technology, the key gateway into the LENR
reaction is the creation of a superconducting nanoparticle. This
superconductive seed triggers the conversion of electrons into tachyons
that when condensed generate a false vacuum which in turn catalyzes the
extraction of energy from the vacuum.

A side non energy producing reaction generates transmutation via a tachyon
catalyzed naked singularity as described by Witten. Connecting energy
production with transmutation is the biggest misconception that has
undercut the understanding of LENR. These two concurrent processes are
completely independent related to energy production.

Energy production only occurs when the condensate is terminated via a

On Tue, Mar 30, 2021 at 11:07 AM Terry Blanton  wrote:

> On Sun, Mar 28, 2021 at 9:20 PM Jones Beene  wrote:
>> Bob,
>> Yes. Lets hear where this comes from.
>> IMO this is completely fake insofar as it relates to Shoulders' work.
> Reminds me of "rods"

Re: [Vo]:A photo of an EVO on the fly

2021-03-29 Thread Axil Axil
The track in question was produced by a tachyon condensate. In this case,
the tachyon is an electron that has evolved into a polariton via
entanglement with a photon that has been created under the influence of a
superconductor. These superconductor seeded polaritons are called Cavity
Higgs polaritons

 or (Bardasis-Schrieffer polaritons


These polaritons modify the vacuum inside the condensate so that the space
time inside becomes Anti de Sutter space. The vacuum within the tachyon
condensate becomes a false vacuum because of the increment of Higgs
potential each superconductive poloriton adds to the condensate.

To learn about the details of this tachyon condensate, refer to all the
string theory that has been developed to characterize it.

for instance See

On Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 9:41 PM Vibrator !  wrote:

> ..i'll just repeat the same point here i made at ECW;  the KE / momentum
> derivations from the tracks alone proceed on an assumption of CoE and CoM,
> hence the findings of stupendous mass / energies / superluminal values of
> 'V'.
> Yet surely a saner explanation is that, rather than burning off a finite
> reserve of momentum & energy in a closed, purely dissipative system, these
> particles are continuously energised, active / open systems?
> They're most likely being driven by the system's PSU, no?  Then we have
> the 'other' alternative, that they're essentially self-contained
> spontaneously-OU systems driven by a fundamental +/- dp/dt asymmetry /
> h-bar from vacuum & time via ie. the EM constant, alpha.
> Treating the tracks as if they were made by passive ejecta when they
> weren't is obvs gonna lead to crazy conclusions..  you assume car tracks
> were powered, not that it must've begun its journey traveling at Mach 9..
> The example shown in the first video was obvs moving at below the camera
> framerate, thru free space..
> And then from tachyons we progress to unicor i mean
> 'monopoles'..  when i looked at Bob G's tracks supposedly evidencing
> monopoles, all i saw was homopolar effects, which he (surprisingly) hadn't
> yet considered, conceding it as a more likely explanation..
> The apparent reality of robust EM OU from 'picometric aggregates' is
> surely enough of a miracle to explain a whole raft of these EVO / SR
> effects - or else, only Rossi's special brew are open systems, and everyone
> else's are inert closed systems, albeit with apparently-superluminal
> 'velocity' components, oh and 'scalar magnetic charge'.. 3 miracles,
> like buses they are eh..
> The beastie shown in that first vid is certainly a beaut tho - just on 1st
> principles, is it a charge component (such as an electron) orbiting a
> proton (or many of each perhaps)?  Or else if it's not electrically bound,
> then what - gravitationally?  Too extreme, surely (even 69 GeV wouldn't
> have that kind of gravity); some kind of ZBW-entangled condensate, then?
> Its radius is massive tho - some kind of long-range interaction?
> There's no apparent counter-wobble of the linear trajectory (or is there?)
> but given eg. the proton / electron mass ratio of over 1800:1 perhaps this
> is to be expected..  Would a homopolar effect not also better fit here
> tho?  So eg. the orbital angular momentum is part & parcel of the system's
> linear momentum, you have a dipole moving thru a magnetic field, LH rule
> etc..
> Besides, shouldn't tachyons interacting with (pummeling thru) ordinary
> matter emit copious braking radiation?  If they're dissipating finite
> energy & momentum then they're constantly decelerating so can't stay
> superluminal for long (just playing devil's advocate here, causality to the
> wind) - do the tracks show such characteristics?
> The obviously-entangled pair of tracks from the slide presentation in the
> 2nd vid is particularly striking - what would spawn such a pair of entagled
> EVO's?  Again, some kind of dipolar effect maybe, ie. one spawned from each
> pole of the same progenator particle / event? Or were they chiral opposites
> / matter-antimatter?  Or how about opposing precessional moments of
> protium-nucleated thermo-ZBW condensates?  ;)
> Just trying to apply a bit of Occam here..

Re: [Vo]:A photo of an EVO on the fly

2021-03-29 Thread Axil Axil
Keith Fredericks has made extensive progress over the years in
characterizing these solatons. They are monopole tachyons and keith's
experiments prove it; actually they are a tachyon condensate. By knowing
this key descriptor, there is a ton of string theory that explains how this
condensate works in detail. It appears that one of the main goals of string
theory is to explain what a tachyon condensate is. Ed Witten has come up
with a theory that explains how these bubbles of false vacuum behave.

Here is a presentation that explains why the solaton follows a spiral
path... well it is because it is a tachon condensate.

ICCF-18 : Keith Fredericks "Possibility of Tachyon ..."

On Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 10:59 AM Bob Higgins 

> @ Jones Beene... There is nothing that exactly ties this to Ken Shoulders'
> work.  It doesn't have to be an EVO.  However, I have never seen or heard
> of a self-luminous, finite helical entity in a plasma system.  Sure, there
> are helical tracks for current flow, but they begin and end on conductors.
> Of course, and I pointed this out to Bob, there is some burden on him to
> prove that this is not an imaging artifact.
> I have seen work in CR39 that shows inexplicable tracks of odd, but
> strangely repeating shapes, that on a fine scale look like they are the
> imprint of some kind of helical monster interacting with the plastic.  We
> have found no explanation for the tracks.  They bear a strong resemblance
> to the strange radiation tracks in other media, which Bob Greenyer has been
> reporting for years, primarily coming from Russian scientists.  It is a
> curious phenomenon that may or may not have anything to do with LENR - but
> it is curious.
> On Sun, Mar 28, 2021 at 10:54 PM Axil Axil  wrote:
>> The Vega project is an open source research project utilizing the methods
>> developed during the SAFIRE project.  Bob Greenyer is working with the
>> VEGA  researchers to interpret and document their findings.
>> To See more Vega videos search YouTube using "Vega MFMP"
>> On Sun, Mar 28, 2021 at 9:20 PM Jones Beene  wrote:
>>> Bob,
>>> Yes. Lets hear where this comes from.
>>> IMO this is completely fake insofar as it relates to Shoulders' work..
>>> Jones
>>> Bob Higgins wrote:
>>> Axil, what is the provenance of this photo/gif anim?
>>> On Sun, Mar 28, 2021 at 5:41 PM Axil Axil  wrote:
>>> An apparently spiral looking track emerges from the highly excited gap
>>> between two brass plates. The EVO is the root cause of strange radiation
>>> tracks.

Re: [Vo]:A photo of an EVO on the fly

2021-03-28 Thread Axil Axil
The Vega project is an open source research project utilizing the methods
developed during the SAFIRE project.  Bob Greenyer is working with the
VEGA  researchers to interpret and document their findings.

To See more Vega videos search YouTube using "Vega MFMP"

On Sun, Mar 28, 2021 at 9:20 PM Jones Beene  wrote:

> Bob,
> Yes. Lets hear where this comes from.
> IMO this is completely fake insofar as it relates to Shoulders' work..
> Jones
> Bob Higgins wrote:
> Axil, what is the provenance of this photo/gif anim?
> On Sun, Mar 28, 2021 at 5:41 PM Axil Axil  wrote:
> An apparently spiral looking track emerges from the highly excited gap
> between two brass plates. The EVO is the root cause of strange radiation
> tracks.

[Vo]:A photo of an EVO on the fly

2021-03-28 Thread Axil Axil
An apparently spiral looking track emerges from the highly excited gap
between two brass plates. The EVO is the root cause of strange radiation

[Vo]:Prove LENR via xenon 124 decay

2021-03-10 Thread Axil Axil

While Looking for Dark Matter, Scientists Discover Something Way Cooler

This test is looking for the decay of xenon 124

Dark-Matter Detector Measures Half-Life of Xenon-124 that’s Longer than
Universe’s Age

The half-life of a process is the time after which half of the radioactive
nuclei present in a sample have decayed away. Using the XENON1T dark-matter
detector, a 1,300-kg vat of super-pure liquid xenon shielded from cosmic
rays in a cryostat submerged in water deep 1.5 km beneath the Gran Sasso
mountains of Italy, physicists from the XENON Collaboration were able to
observe the decay of xenon-124 atomic nuclei for the first time. The
half-life measured for xenon-124 is about one trillion times longer than
the age of the Universe. This makes the observed radioactive decay — the
so-called double-electron capture of xenon-124 — the rarest process ever
seen happening in a detector.

Half-life of xenon 124 is about 18 sextillion years

Get some xenon-124 and use EVOs to decay xenon 124 as a proof of function.

*Xenon*-*124* decays into tellurium-*124*. Any  tellurium-*124 *
contamination  found  with *Xenon*-*124 *after LENR activity will prove
accelerated weak force processes in LENR.

Re: [Vo]:How the Holmlid mechanism works

2021-03-07 Thread Axil Axil
Sorry the link should have been as follows:

On Sun, Mar 7, 2021 at 4:13 AM Axil Axil  wrote:

> Here is a system that produces EVOs. The EVO is unstable and will explode
> when it exceeds 100 microns in size. This explosion was names "Bosenova"
> because the tachyon condensate explodes seeding out a cloud of 10^23
> electrons more or less at the speed of light when their charge and mass is
> reestablished.
> On Sun, Mar 7, 2021 at 4:04 AM Axil Axil  wrote:
>> These bubbles are tachyonic which makes the bubbles replete with negative
>> energy. The bubbles can be considered a false vacuum since the tachyons 
>> (Cavity
>> Higgs-Polaritons) are able to modify the Higgs field.
>> Cavity Higgs-Polaritons
>> Physicists Say They've Created a Device That Generates 'Negative Mass'
>> .
>> "Now physicists from the University of Rochester have created a device
>> that allows them to actually create these polaritons.
>> They do this by manipulating captured photons and combine them with a
>> kind of quasi-particle called an exciton
>> <> to make something
>> half-light/half-matter that some scientists affectionately refer to as 'magic
>> dust
>> <>
>> '."
>> On Sun, Mar 7, 2021 at 1:08 AM Jonathan Berry <
>>> wrote:
>>> How do these bubbles of space really differ from the concept of a
>>> dynamical space-fluidic medium?
>>> BTW my speculation based on some stuff Bob Greenyer has reported is that
>>> in a vacuum these EVO's exist but are empty and don't do anything till the
>>> moment hydrogen or other elements are let in.
>>> That these Evo's or more correctly ADS's can exist in an unnoticed form
>>> till they begin interacting with matter.
>>> On Sun, 7 Mar 2021 at 10:35, Axil Axil  wrote:
>>>> The Exotic Vacuum Object EVO is a bubble of Anti-de Sitter space (AdS
>>>> space) that is formed through the condensation of tachyons made available
>>>> within a superconducting seeded environment. Inside the bubble of AdS space
>>>> (EVO), there exists another universe that is incompatible with our universe
>>>> (De Sitter space)
>>>> De Sitter space
>>>> (
>>>> Anti-de Sitter space
>>>> When matter in our universe encounters AdS space inside the EVO, it
>>>> decomposes into pure energy. Most of this energy is lost through a
>>>> superposition effect produced by superconductivity of the tachyon
>>>> condensate. But some survive the termination of the EVO to produce newly
>>>> formed elements that form in De Sitter space from this excess energy
>>>> residue. This we call transmutation of elements.
>>>> In more detail, at the center of the EVO there exists a black string
>>>> which is a zone of nothingness. It is this core that deconstructs matter
>>>> from De Sitter space that enters the zone of nothingness into pure energy.
>>>> In a recent paper - Nothing really matters
>>>> Our unstable universe is described, but the process of total matter
>>>> destruction throughout the universe as described in the paper is not
>>>> totally correct as we have found through our recent experimentation with
>>>> EVOs (these bubbles of nothing). The process of distruction does not seem
>>>> to spread from the EVO  into De Sitter space. Fortunately, the zone of
>>>> nothing seems to remain confined within the bubble of Anti-de Sitter space.
>>>> Sometimes superposition does not immediately set in for a second or two
>>>> and a lot of subatomic particles and gamma radiation is produced. But when
>>>> the engineering is right,

Re: [Vo]:How the Holmlid mechanism works

2021-03-07 Thread Axil Axil
Here is a system that produces EVOs. The EVO is unstable and will explode
when it exceeds 100 microns in size. This explosion was names "Bosenova"
because the tachyon condensate explodes seeding out a cloud of 10^23
electrons more or less at the speed of light when their charge and mass is

On Sun, Mar 7, 2021 at 4:04 AM Axil Axil  wrote:

> These bubbles are tachyonic which makes the bubbles replete with negative
> energy. The bubbles can be considered a false vacuum since the tachyons 
> (Cavity
> Higgs-Polaritons) are able to modify the Higgs field.
> Cavity Higgs-Polaritons
> Physicists Say They've Created a Device That Generates 'Negative Mass'
> .
> "Now physicists from the University of Rochester have created a device
> that allows them to actually create these polaritons.
> They do this by manipulating captured photons and combine them with a kind
> of quasi-particle called an exciton
> <> to make something
> half-light/half-matter that some scientists affectionately refer to as 'magic
> dust
> <>
> '."
> On Sun, Mar 7, 2021 at 1:08 AM Jonathan Berry 
> wrote:
>> How do these bubbles of space really differ from the concept of a
>> dynamical space-fluidic medium?
>> BTW my speculation based on some stuff Bob Greenyer has reported is that
>> in a vacuum these EVO's exist but are empty and don't do anything till the
>> moment hydrogen or other elements are let in.
>> That these Evo's or more correctly ADS's can exist in an unnoticed form
>> till they begin interacting with matter.
>> On Sun, 7 Mar 2021 at 10:35, Axil Axil  wrote:
>>> The Exotic Vacuum Object EVO is a bubble of Anti-de Sitter space (AdS
>>> space) that is formed through the condensation of tachyons made available
>>> within a superconducting seeded environment. Inside the bubble of AdS space
>>> (EVO), there exists another universe that is incompatible with our universe
>>> (De Sitter space)
>>> De Sitter space
>>> (
>>> Anti-de Sitter space
>>> When matter in our universe encounters AdS space inside the EVO, it
>>> decomposes into pure energy. Most of this energy is lost through a
>>> superposition effect produced by superconductivity of the tachyon
>>> condensate. But some survive the termination of the EVO to produce newly
>>> formed elements that form in De Sitter space from this excess energy
>>> residue. This we call transmutation of elements.
>>> In more detail, at the center of the EVO there exists a black string
>>> which is a zone of nothingness. It is this core that deconstructs matter
>>> from De Sitter space that enters the zone of nothingness into pure energy.
>>> In a recent paper - Nothing really matters
>>> Our unstable universe is described, but the process of total matter
>>> destruction throughout the universe as described in the paper is not
>>> totally correct as we have found through our recent experimentation with
>>> EVOs (these bubbles of nothing). The process of distruction does not seem
>>> to spread from the EVO  into De Sitter space. Fortunately, the zone of
>>> nothing seems to remain confined within the bubble of Anti-de Sitter space.
>>> Sometimes superposition does not immediately set in for a second or two
>>> and a lot of subatomic particles and gamma radiation is produced. But when
>>> the engineering is right, this disruptive and unpleasant process is
>>> eliminated.
>>> On Wed, Feb 24, 2021 at 9:46 PM Axil Axil  wrote:
>>>> There is a formal analogy between the Higgs mechanism and
>>>> superconductivity. The historical record provides ample evidence that
>>>> analogies between superconductivity and particle physics played an
>>>> important heuristic role in the development of the Higgs model.
>>>> But what has re

Re: [Vo]:How the Holmlid mechanism works

2021-03-07 Thread Axil Axil
These bubbles are tachyonic which makes the bubbles replete with negative
energy. The bubbles can be considered a false vacuum since the tachyons (Cavity
Higgs-Polaritons) are able to modify the Higgs field.

Cavity Higgs-Polaritons

Physicists Say They've Created a Device That Generates 'Negative Mass',instead%20of%20being%20pushed%20away

"Now physicists from the University of Rochester have created a device that
allows them to actually create these polaritons.

They do this by manipulating captured photons and combine them with a kind
of quasi-particle called an exciton <> to
make something half-light/half-matter that some scientists affectionately
refer to as 'magic dust

On Sun, Mar 7, 2021 at 1:08 AM Jonathan Berry 

> How do these bubbles of space really differ from the concept of a
> dynamical space-fluidic medium?
> BTW my speculation based on some stuff Bob Greenyer has reported is that
> in a vacuum these EVO's exist but are empty and don't do anything till the
> moment hydrogen or other elements are let in.
> That these Evo's or more correctly ADS's can exist in an unnoticed form
> till they begin interacting with matter.
> On Sun, 7 Mar 2021 at 10:35, Axil Axil  wrote:
>> The Exotic Vacuum Object EVO is a bubble of Anti-de Sitter space (AdS
>> space) that is formed through the condensation of tachyons made available
>> within a superconducting seeded environment. Inside the bubble of AdS space
>> (EVO), there exists another universe that is incompatible with our universe
>> (De Sitter space)
>> De Sitter space
>> (
>> Anti-de Sitter space
>> When matter in our universe encounters AdS space inside the EVO, it
>> decomposes into pure energy. Most of this energy is lost through a
>> superposition effect produced by superconductivity of the tachyon
>> condensate. But some survive the termination of the EVO to produce newly
>> formed elements that form in De Sitter space from this excess energy
>> residue. This we call transmutation of elements.
>> In more detail, at the center of the EVO there exists a black string
>> which is a zone of nothingness. It is this core that deconstructs matter
>> from De Sitter space that enters the zone of nothingness into pure energy.
>> In a recent paper - Nothing really matters
>> Our unstable universe is described, but the process of total matter
>> destruction throughout the universe as described in the paper is not
>> totally correct as we have found through our recent experimentation with
>> EVOs (these bubbles of nothing). The process of distruction does not seem
>> to spread from the EVO  into De Sitter space. Fortunately, the zone of
>> nothing seems to remain confined within the bubble of Anti-de Sitter space.
>> Sometimes superposition does not immediately set in for a second or two
>> and a lot of subatomic particles and gamma radiation is produced. But when
>> the engineering is right, this disruptive and unpleasant process is
>> eliminated.
>> On Wed, Feb 24, 2021 at 9:46 PM Axil Axil  wrote:
>>> There is a formal analogy between the Higgs mechanism and
>>> superconductivity. The historical record provides ample evidence that
>>> analogies between superconductivity and particle physics played an
>>> important heuristic role in the development of the Higgs model.
>>> But what has recently hit my hot button was the possibility that this
>>> analogy may be more than a formal one but actually a physical one. The
>>> Mexican hat potential and spontaneous symmetry breaking are present in both
>>> these mechanisms.
>>> It has recently been discovered that irradiating a superconductor with a
>>> laser will generate polaritons which inherit their Mexican hat potential
>>> from their superconducting electron feedstock. A highly probable slow light
>>> mixing cavity  will maximize the light/matter quasiparticle environment
>>> that surrounds the superconductor.  It has been experimentally verified
>>> that the  polaritons that are produced by the supercon

Re: [Vo]:How the Holmlid mechanism works

2021-03-06 Thread Axil Axil
The Exotic Vacuum Object EVO is a bubble of Anti-de Sitter space (AdS
space) that is formed through the condensation of tachyons made available
within a superconducting seeded environment. Inside the bubble of AdS space
(EVO), there exists another universe that is incompatible with our universe
(De Sitter space)

De Sitter space

Anti-de Sitter space

When matter in our universe encounters AdS space inside the EVO, it
decomposes into pure energy. Most of this energy is lost through a
superposition effect produced by superconductivity of the tachyon
condensate. But some survive the termination of the EVO to produce newly
formed elements that form in De Sitter space from this excess energy
residue. This we call transmutation of elements.

In more detail, at the center of the EVO there exists a black string which
is a zone of nothingness. It is this core that deconstructs matter from De
Sitter space that enters the zone of nothingness into pure energy.

In a recent paper - Nothing really matters

Our unstable universe is described, but the process of total matter
destruction throughout the universe as described in the paper is not
totally correct as we have found through our recent experimentation with
EVOs (these bubbles of nothing). The process of distruction does not seem
to spread from the EVO  into De Sitter space. Fortunately, the zone of
nothing seems to remain confined within the bubble of Anti-de Sitter space.

Sometimes superposition does not immediately set in for a second or two and
a lot of subatomic particles and gamma radiation is produced. But when the
engineering is right, this disruptive and unpleasant process is eliminated.

On Wed, Feb 24, 2021 at 9:46 PM Axil Axil  wrote:

> There is a formal analogy between the Higgs mechanism and
> superconductivity. The historical record provides ample evidence that
> analogies between superconductivity and particle physics played an
> important heuristic role in the development of the Higgs model.
> But what has recently hit my hot button was the possibility that this
> analogy may be more than a formal one but actually a physical one. The
> Mexican hat potential and spontaneous symmetry breaking are present in both
> these mechanisms.
> It has recently been discovered that irradiating a superconductor with a
> laser will generate polaritons which inherit their Mexican hat potential
> from their superconducting electron feedstock. A highly probable slow light
> mixing cavity  will maximize the light/matter quasiparticle environment
> that surrounds the superconductor.  It has been experimentally verified
> that the  polaritons that are produced by the superconductor will generate
> a tachyonic Higgs field. These quasiparticles are called cavity Higgs
> polaritons.
> This serendipity opens up a physical platform where Spontaneous symmetry
> breaking, Bose condensation, the Higgs field, and tachyonic condensation
> open up the door to a realization of the predictions of string theory such
> as black strings and bubbles of metastable AdS space. Generating a
> metastable bubble of AdS  space would enable the possible experimental
> production of topological vortex-like defects such as  the 'tHooft-Polyakov
> monopole. Furthermore, the radius of curvature of anti de Sitter space
> provides an extra length scale that could allow the study of the equations
> of motion in a limit where the masses of the Higgs field and the massive
> vector bosons are both vanishing. This alone might allow the study of how
> matter and forces behave in a new AdS based universe  let alone allow for
> the availability of an experimental platform on which many of the posits of
> string theory can be physically tested in a real world rooted experimental
>  system.
> This analogy explains how the Holmlid mechanism works. In the AdS bubble,
> the Higgs field is disabled which allows the black string to convert matter
> to energy. The energy is then transferred to the AdS environment which
> surrounds the black string where matter reforms in a new configuration.
> This discussion about tachyon condensation provides theoretical context on
> how an AdS bubble is structured and how that bubble decomposes and reforms
> matter.

Re: [Vo]:How the Holmlid mechanism works

2021-02-26 Thread Axil Axil
The equation of a Light Leptonic Magnetic Monopole
and its Experimental Aspects
Georges Lochak

Urutskoiev produces a boatload of math that shows in part that the EVO is a

This is a smoking gun for tachyonic condensation which shows in detail the
inner structure of the EVO.

This is the dispersion relation of a *supraluminal particle, a tachyon. *The
wave equations (12.2) seem to be the first ones in which tachyons appear
without any ad hoc condition. These nonlinear equations can be evaluated in
various ways which in detail are described in the papers quoted in the
References, especially [7].

On Wed, Feb 24, 2021 at 9:46 PM Axil Axil  wrote:

> There is a formal analogy between the Higgs mechanism and
> superconductivity. The historical record provides ample evidence that
> analogies between superconductivity and particle physics played an
> important heuristic role in the development of the Higgs model.
> But what has recently hit my hot button was the possibility that this
> analogy may be more than a formal one but actually a physical one. The
> Mexican hat potential and spontaneous symmetry breaking are present in both
> these mechanisms.
> It has recently been discovered that irradiating a superconductor with a
> laser will generate polaritons which inherit their Mexican hat potential
> from their superconducting electron feedstock. A highly probable slow light
> mixing cavity  will maximize the light/matter quasiparticle environment
> that surrounds the superconductor.  It has been experimentally verified
> that the  polaritons that are produced by the superconductor will generate
> a tachyonic Higgs field. These quasiparticles are called cavity Higgs
> polaritons.
> This serendipity opens up a physical platform where Spontaneous symmetry
> breaking, Bose condensation, the Higgs field, and tachyonic condensation
> open up the door to a realization of the predictions of string theory such
> as black strings and bubbles of metastable AdS space. Generating a
> metastable bubble of AdS  space would enable the possible experimental
> production of topological vortex-like defects such as  the 'tHooft-Polyakov
> monopole. Furthermore, the radius of curvature of anti de Sitter space
> provides an extra length scale that could allow the study of the equations
> of motion in a limit where the masses of the Higgs field and the massive
> vector bosons are both vanishing. This alone might allow the study of how
> matter and forces behave in a new AdS based universe  let alone allow for
> the availability of an experimental platform on which many of the posits of
> string theory can be physically tested in a real world rooted experimental
>  system.
> This analogy explains how the Holmlid mechanism works. In the AdS bubble,
> the Higgs field is disabled which allows the black string to convert matter
> to energy. The energy is then transferred to the AdS environment which
> surrounds the black string where matter reforms in a new configuration.
> This discussion about tachyon condensation provides theoretical context on
> how an AdS bubble is structured and how that bubble decomposes and reforms
> matter.

Re: [Vo]:How the Holmlid mechanism works

2021-02-25 Thread Axil Axil
The generation of strange quarks implies that extreme energy production
beyond what nuclear binding energy is capable of providing is occuring.

The energy production levels of an accelerator is more likely to be
occurring. The mesons are being formed from a source of pure energy and
lots of it.

On Thu, Feb 25, 2021 at 7:10 PM Jürg Wyttenbach  wrote:

> Axil:
> Quarks are non existent particles. They are just a mathematical
> representation of the external coupling field.
> Real fusion - not chaotic random kinetic events - *happens at rest *due
> to magnetic resonance. The progress of LENR is outpacing everything you
> believe to know and we now know how it works!
> In fact Holmlid has a problem because he uses "bulk" H*-H* that forms
> large hexagonal clusters like graphen. This is the  reason why he never
> could properly measure the binding force of the second electron (495eV),
> the first is 4.3 eV as seen in Rydberg matter. So all his papers contain
> wrong data due to collective effects of long range coupling of the super
> conducting H*n cluster.
> Holmlids muon energy is 120MeV Kaons have a natural mass of close to
> 500MeV! Nothing special as he does the same as CERN with a  few $$..
> instead of billions.
> J.W.
> On 26.02.2021 00:53, Axil Axil wrote:
> Holmlid produces meson that contain strange quarks that yield energy
> exceeding 500 MeV. Your scenario does not account for that level of energy
> production,
> "Relativistic charged particles with velocity up to 500 MeV u-1 thus 0.75
> *c* are observed. Characteristic decay time constants for meson decay are
> observed, for charged and neutral kaons and also for charged pions."
> kaons are composed of strange quarks.
> However, ordinary D+D fusion reactions only give an energy up to 3.0 MeV u
> -1 in the first reaction step, and up to 14.7 MeV u-1 in the second step
> of the reactions. Thus, other nuclear processes take place. The ejected
> mass is here found by magnetic deflection to be less than unity but much
> larger than the electron mass. At least two different masses are observed,
> which agrees with the particles being light mesons. The particle decay
> times observed agree very well with this conclusion.
> On Thu, Feb 25, 2021 at 6:17 PM Jürg Wyttenbach  wrote:
>> We all know the fairy tales of good old standard model, created from
>> mathematicians stranded in physics like Dirac- that never did take basic
>> mechanics lessons.
>> All their fantasies are on the same level as the "endless story" (M.Ende)
>> something children like.
>> The Holmlid mechanism is simple to explain if you can follow SO(4)
>> physics. Holmlid sees the reaction 9H --> 2 4-He + Ko K+ that later
>> decay into Pions muon. The above is the most easy to explain and it of
>> course ends standard model reasoning.
>> Holmlid forms (fuses) 4-He from protons alone. This is also the result of
>> SO(4) modelling.4-He contains no neutron structure. This is also confirmed
>> from the 4-He spectrum as you need at least to add 20.1 MeV to fragment
>> 4-He = to induce a particle substructure. For carbon this limit is 16.1MeV
>> for proton and 18.1 for a neutron. So most N=Z nuclei have no neutron
>> substructure.
>> As Holmlid did measure 4-He almost 10 years ago already, some people
>> might have overlooked it. But Holmlid wants to publish and aneutronic
>> fusion is a no go to get a placement in a good journal.
>> So drink a Whyskey - Higgs
>> J.W.
>> On 25.02.2021 22:08, Axil Axil wrote:
>> As per Keith Fredericks and others, the fact that the superconducting
>> particle is tachyonic is what makes the explanation so complicated. There
>> is only one tachyonic field so far discovered and that is the Higgs field.
>> Tachyonic condensation is a string theory subject.
>> On Thu, Feb 25, 2021 at 10:45 AM JonesBeene  wrote:
>>> Could it really be  that simple?
>>> *From: *Axil Axil 
>>> There is a formal analogy between the Higgs mechanism and
>>> superconductivity. The historical record provides ample evidence that
>>> analogies between superconductivity and particle physics played an
>>> important heuristic role in the development of the Higgs model.
>>> But what has recently hit my hot button was the possibility that this
>>> analogy may be more than a formal one but act

Re: [Vo]:How the Holmlid mechanism works

2021-02-25 Thread Axil Axil
Holmlid produces meson that contain strange quarks that yield energy
exceeding 500 MeV. Your scenario does not account for that level of energy

"Relativistic charged particles with velocity up to 500 MeV u-1 thus 0.75
*c* are observed. Characteristic decay time constants for meson decay are
observed, for charged and neutral kaons and also for charged pions."

kaons are composed of strange quarks.

However, ordinary D+D fusion reactions only give an energy up to 3.0 MeV u-1 in
the first reaction step, and up to 14.7 MeV u-1 in the second step of the
reactions. Thus, other nuclear processes take place. The ejected mass is
here found by magnetic deflection to be less than unity but much larger
than the electron mass. At least two different masses are observed, which
agrees with the particles being light mesons. The particle decay times
observed agree very well with this conclusion.

On Thu, Feb 25, 2021 at 6:17 PM Jürg Wyttenbach  wrote:

> We all know the fairy tales of good old standard model, created from
> mathematicians stranded in physics like Dirac- that never did take basic
> mechanics lessons.
> All their fantasies are on the same level as the "endless story" (M.Ende)
> something children like.
> The Holmlid mechanism is simple to explain if you can follow SO(4)
> physics. Holmlid sees the reaction 9H --> 2 4-He + Ko K+ that later decay
> into Pions muon. The above is the most easy to explain and it of course
> ends standard model reasoning.
> Holmlid forms (fuses) 4-He from protons alone. This is also the result of
> SO(4) modelling.4-He contains no neutron structure. This is also confirmed
> from the 4-He spectrum as you need at least to add 20.1 MeV to fragment
> 4-He = to induce a particle substructure. For carbon this limit is 16.1MeV
> for proton and 18.1 for a neutron. So most N=Z nuclei have no neutron
> substructure.
> As Holmlid did measure 4-He almost 10 years ago already, some people might
> have overlooked it. But Holmlid wants to publish and aneutronic fusion is a
> no go to get a placement in a good journal.
> So drink a Whyskey - Higgs
> J.W.
> On 25.02.2021 22:08, Axil Axil wrote:
> As per Keith Fredericks and others, the fact that the superconducting
> particle is tachyonic is what makes the explanation so complicated. There
> is only one tachyonic field so far discovered and that is the Higgs field.
> Tachyonic condensation is a string theory subject.
> On Thu, Feb 25, 2021 at 10:45 AM JonesBeene  wrote:
>> Could it really be  that simple?
>> *From: *Axil Axil 
>> There is a formal analogy between the Higgs mechanism and
>> superconductivity. The historical record provides ample evidence that
>> analogies between superconductivity and particle physics played an
>> important heuristic role in the development of the Higgs model.
>> But what has recently hit my hot button was the possibility that this
>> analogy may be more than a formal one but actually a physical one. The
>> Mexican hat potential and spontaneous symmetry breaking are present in both
>> these mechanisms.
>> It has recently been discovered that irradiating a superconductor with a
>> laser will generate polaritons which inherit their Mexican hat potential
>> from their superconducting electron feedstock. A highly probable slow light
>> mixing cavity  will maximize the light/matter quasiparticle environment
>> that surrounds the superconductor.  It has been experimentally verified
>> that the  polaritons that are produced by the superconductor will generate
>> a tachyonic Higgs field. These quasiparticles are called cavity Higgs
>> polaritons.
>> This serendipity opens up a physical platform where Spontaneous symmetry
>> breaking, Bose condensation, the Higgs field, and tachyonic condensation
>> open up the door to a realization of the predictions of string theory such
>> as black strings and bubbles of metastable AdS space. Generating a
>> metastable bubble of AdS  space would enable the possible experimental
>> production of topological vortex-like defects such as  the 'tHooft-Polyakov
>> monopole. Furthermore, the radius of curvature of anti de Sitter space
>> provides an extra length scale that could allow the study of the equations
>> of motion in a limit where the masses of the Higgs field and the massive
>> vector bosons are both vanishing. This alone might allow the study of how
>> matter and forces behave in a new AdS based universe  let alone allow for
>> the availability of an experimental pl

Re: [Vo]:How the Holmlid mechanism works

2021-02-25 Thread Axil Axil
As per Keith Fredericks and others, the fact that the superconducting
particle is tachyonic is what makes the explanation so complicated. There
is only one tachyonic field so far discovered and that is the Higgs field.
Tachyonic condensation is a string theory subject.

On Thu, Feb 25, 2021 at 10:45 AM JonesBeene  wrote:

> Could it really be  that simple?
> *From: *Axil Axil 
> There is a formal analogy between the Higgs mechanism and
> superconductivity. The historical record provides ample evidence that
> analogies between superconductivity and particle physics played an
> important heuristic role in the development of the Higgs model.
> But what has recently hit my hot button was the possibility that this
> analogy may be more than a formal one but actually a physical one. The
> Mexican hat potential and spontaneous symmetry breaking are present in both
> these mechanisms.
> It has recently been discovered that irradiating a superconductor with a
> laser will generate polaritons which inherit their Mexican hat potential
> from their superconducting electron feedstock. A highly probable slow light
> mixing cavity  will maximize the light/matter quasiparticle environment
> that surrounds the superconductor.  It has been experimentally verified
> that the  polaritons that are produced by the superconductor will generate
> a tachyonic Higgs field. These quasiparticles are called cavity Higgs
> polaritons.
> This serendipity opens up a physical platform where Spontaneous symmetry
> breaking, Bose condensation, the Higgs field, and tachyonic condensation
> open up the door to a realization of the predictions of string theory such
> as black strings and bubbles of metastable AdS space. Generating a
> metastable bubble of AdS  space would enable the possible experimental
> production of topological vortex-like defects such as  the 'tHooft-Polyakov
> monopole. Furthermore, the radius of curvature of anti de Sitter space
> provides an extra length scale that could allow the study of the equations
> of motion in a limit where the masses of the Higgs field and the massive
> vector bosons are both vanishing. This alone might allow the study of how
> matter and forces behave in a new AdS based universe  let alone allow for
> the availability of an experimental platform on which many of the posits of
> string theory can be physically tested in a real world rooted experimental
>  system.
> This analogy explains how the Holmlid mechanism works. In the AdS bubble,
> the Higgs field is disabled which allows the black string to convert matter
> to energy. The energy is then transferred to the AdS environment which
> surrounds the black string where matter reforms in a new configuration.
> This discussion about tachyon condensation provides theoretical context on
> how an AdS bubble is structured and how that bubble decomposes and reforms
> matter.

[Vo]:How the Holmlid mechanism works

2021-02-24 Thread Axil Axil
There is a formal analogy between the Higgs mechanism and
superconductivity. The historical record provides ample evidence that
analogies between superconductivity and particle physics played an
important heuristic role in the development of the Higgs model.

But what has recently hit my hot button was the possibility that this
analogy may be more than a formal one but actually a physical one. The
Mexican hat potential and spontaneous symmetry breaking are present in both
these mechanisms.

It has recently been discovered that irradiating a superconductor with a
laser will generate polaritons which inherit their Mexican hat potential
from their superconducting electron feedstock. A highly probable slow light
mixing cavity  will maximize the light/matter quasiparticle environment
that surrounds the superconductor.  It has been experimentally verified
that the  polaritons that are produced by the superconductor will generate
a tachyonic Higgs field. These quasiparticles are called cavity Higgs

This serendipity opens up a physical platform where Spontaneous symmetry
breaking, Bose condensation, the Higgs field, and tachyonic condensation
open up the door to a realization of the predictions of string theory such
as black strings and bubbles of metastable AdS space. Generating a
metastable bubble of AdS  space would enable the possible experimental
production of topological vortex-like defects such as  the 'tHooft-Polyakov
monopole. Furthermore, the radius of curvature of anti de Sitter space
provides an extra length scale that could allow the study of the equations
of motion in a limit where the masses of the Higgs field and the massive
vector bosons are both vanishing. This alone might allow the study of how
matter and forces behave in a new AdS based universe  let alone allow for
the availability of an experimental platform on which many of the posits of
string theory can be physically tested in a real world rooted experimental

This analogy explains how the Holmlid mechanism works. In the AdS bubble,
the Higgs field is disabled which allows the black string to convert matter
to energy. The energy is then transferred to the AdS environment which
surrounds the black string where matter reforms in a new configuration.

This discussion about tachyon condensation provides theoretical context on
how an AdS bubble is structured and how that bubble decomposes and reforms

[Vo]:The Higgs force and LENR

2021-01-26 Thread Axil Axil
>From our recent experiments, it looks like the energy that is generated by
the LENR reaction is coming from the Higgs force.

The electron is a quantum mechanical superposition of the electron and its
antimatter partner. The electron vibrates between this two particles many
trillions of times per second which gives the electron mass. For an
explanation of this process See:

When the Higgs force is turned off, the connection with its antiparticle is
removed and with it, so is the charge and mass of the electron.

The LENR reaction turns the Higgs force off then on. When the Higgs force
is turned back on, the aggregation of electrons which have had their charge
and mass removed will regain both charge and mass. This results in an
electromagnetic explosion called a BoseNova. In this video below,
aggregations of electrons on the surface of the cathode are exploding and
it is those Bosenova that is producing the sounds from an AM radio that
mark trillions of electrons regaining their charge and mass.

This process of electron reforming is what propels this arrogation(aka EVO)
of trillions of electrons to expand outward at the speed of light that
produces the energy gain that is seen in LENR.

Do you understand this?

[Vo]:The Higgs polariton

2021-01-23 Thread Axil Axil
I am now interested in what happens when a superconductor is irradiated by
EMF such as a laser or microwaves. This process  may produce a self
perpetuating Higgs vacuum field created inside a polariton condensate that
forms inside a superconducting cavity. The superconductor forms a cavity in
which polaritons are created from the mixing(aka entanglement) of electrons
and EMF(aka photons).

One result of this electron/EMF mixing is the creation of Bogoliubov
quasiparticles which are neutral fermions (spin-1/2 particles). It is
important to me to use the proper science names for major processes
involved with LENR. That said, Rossi is producing Bogoliubov quasiparticles
when he irradiates Holmlid's superconducting pico-clusters with microwaves
in the SK, QX and SKL reactors.

Any electrons that are draw into the superconducting cavity will be
converted to Bogoliubov quasiparticles when photons are being fed into the
superconductor cavity. The production of polaritons will be unlimited
because the superconductor will continue to attract additional electrons
 into its cavity because of charge and mass stripping of the electrons when
the polaritons as formed. This is how EMF reaches its electroweak upper

For the math and additional details see

This article asks: "• Interesting question: what would condensing Higgs
polaritons imply?" The answer is LENR.

There is another type of polariton that I need to understand:
Bardasis-Schrieffer polaritons

Re: [Vo]:A Question About Paul Brown

2020-09-22 Thread Axil Axil
The Papp engine used radium or thorium to increase the sensitivity of the
electrode to electron extraction from the plasma. The alpha decay of Radium
biased the pickup electrode with a positive charge that would attract
electrons. This idea came from the well known technique used to dope
lightning rods with radium back in the 1800s to increase the ability of
these rods to attract lightning.  In the Papp engine, the application of an
electric arc increased the production of alpha decay right before the
feedback current was produced by the plasma.

On Tue, Sep 22, 2020 at 4:30 PM Robin 

> In reply to  Chris Zell's message of Tue, 22 Sep 2020 15:38:15 +:
> Hi Chris,
> [snip]
> >Does anyone have any info on this topic?   It seems to me that either
> Paul Brown was a deliberate, calculated fraud or he discovered something of
> immense value.
> Have you seen this already?
> See also
> and

Re: [Vo]:The so-called "secret new weapon"

2020-09-12 Thread Axil Axil
One of the major issues interfering with the commercializing the LENR
reaction is the erosion of the structure of the reactor caused by the
active agent. Let's call that active agent the EVO, a particle unique to
the LENR reaction..

This video shows this EVO erosion caused by the exposure of a brass key to
a stream of EVOs. You will notice that the erosion is formed by the
production of countless micro craters that have been generated by countless
EVOs. This cratering is a common occurrence in the LENR reaction. When
radiated by enough EVOs any material will fall to dust.

Looking at that key is sobering.

I will bet a dollar to a doughnut that the new strategic weapon that Trump
let slip out to Woodward is a LENR disintegration beam, something like
Tesla had in mind, a beam of EVOs that can melt an engine or a missile or a
satellite at 250 miles out, a particle that cannot be shielded.

“I have built a nuclear, a weapon, I have built a weapon system that
nobody's ever had in this country before,” Trump said in an interview with
journalist Bob Woodward for his book published this week.

“We have stuff that you haven't even seen or heard about. We have stuff
that Putin and Xi have never heard about before," Trump said, referring to
Presidents Vladimir Putin of Russia and Xi Jinping of China. "There's
nobody. What we have is incredible.",which%20would%20make%20war%20unthinkable.,which%20would%20make%20war%20unthinkable

Tesla claimed of having invented a “death ray” capable of destroying 10,000
enemy airplanes at a distance of 250 miles (400 kilometers). On July 23,
1934 Time Magazine wrote an article about Tesla's Ray: “Last week Dr. Tesla
announced a combination of four inventions which would make war unthinkable.

It cannot be ruled out that the U.S. is developing a new nuclear weapon in
complete secrecy. This seems unlikely, however, for two reasons — the cost
would be too much for the classified, nonpublic portion of the budget, and
too many people would be involved in the project for it to stay secret for

LENR hardware is dirt cheap that a small number of workers could develop.

If the totality of the science and the defense industrial complex believes
that LENR is a fraud, then the secret of what the LENR reaction can do can
be easily kept.

One day, agents of the US government took all of John Hutchison's equipment
and never returned it.

Here is what that equipment could do to a block of steel.

On Sat, Sep 12, 2020 at 12:16 PM Jürg Wyttenbach  wrote:

> The Widom Larsen model is not even a model just and idea and form the
> standpoint of physics its nonsensical.
> Nobody no where ever has seen neutrons in LENR...
> Dense Hydrogen. aka "Hydrino", aka H*-H* (how we call it) is a weak
> nuclear bond between two protons. It can be exactly calculated by SO(4)
> physics and is in full agreement with Randall Mills measurement of so
> called 1/4 Hydrinos (that by no way fit what Mills measured..)
> Widom Larsen were clever sales man that almost all they sold have "stolen"
> somewhere.
> So do not overestimate what two old man, after thousands of bottles wine,
> did piss out of their brains.
> J.W.
> On 12.09.2020 16:12, Jones Beene wrote:
> For those who have not connected the dots (in the last few days) and have
> too much time on their hands, the silly season of election year politics is
> now focusing on a "secret" new weapon.
> Not sure if any pundit has mentioned that over two years ago Lewis Larsen
> et al was suggesting exactly the same secret new "cold fusion" augmented
> weapon, which had been developed in a black project by the Pentagon and was
> copied by Russia. Not many took Larsen seriously. Here is some background.
> Lewis Larsen died on October 25, 2019 at the age of 72.
> Along with Allan Widom, Larsen developed the theory of "ultra low
> momentum" neutrons, which is similar and possibly superior to the better
> know theories of Randell Mills and Leif Holmlid and others. There is plenty
> of indication that his "virtual neutron" is approximately the same species
> as ultra-dense hydrogen etc.
> Put on your tin hats.
> This is ripe fruit for the growing number of conspiracy theorists on
> social media. The story may not rise to become an "October surprise" -
> especially once it is learned that it is not exactly new and not exactly
> secret, but nevertheless... Lewis Larsen must be smiling from the other
> side.
> --
> Jürg Wyttenbach
> Bifangstr. 22
> 8910 

Re: [Vo]:Muon catalyzed fusion - the lasting legacy of LENR ?

2020-08-22 Thread Axil Axil
There are numerous societies out on the internet that support out of the
mainstream science theory. One such example has gone so far as to bravely
test their ideas are the electric universe society using rigorous
scientific methods designed by an independent professional third party

 Under the title THE SAFIRE PROJECT, Aurtas International Inc. was
contracted back in 2012 by The International Science Foundation to
empirically test the Electric Sun Model. Aurtas International Inc. is an
independent body which has no affiliation with The Electric Universe, The
Electric Sun or The Thunderbolts Project.

These recently concluded phased series of rigorous and scientifically
formulated experiments where shown to support the Electric Sun Model which
among other things demonstrate as of yet unrecognized plasma behavior, over
unity power production, and transmutation of elements.

Aurtas International Inc has taken their research seriously enough to have
recently initiated the development of a patented plasma power reactor using
the results gleaned from their experiments.

On Sat, Aug 22, 2020 at 12:30 PM Jürg Wyttenbach  wrote:

> The problem with the Holmlid way of fusion
> 9H --> 2 4-He + Ko,K+ is, it wastes almost all fusion energy (53MeV) in
> kinetic particles. Muon production  rate is low. Further muon catalyzed
> fusion is very dirty and mostly produces kinetic neutrons like in hot
> fusion. If one could harvest the energy of Kaons,Pions then the picture
> would look different.
> Thus simply forget muon catalyzed fusion!!
> LENR as we do it is well understood from the method materials and also the
> production of 4-He can directly be shown from intermediate spectra. All
> there. The problem is that there are no real investors - only crooks like
> IH that simply want to steal your know how.
> Any investor that wants  a share > 50% is a no go, 30% would be the
> maximum acceptable. There are other model like splitting return shares/
> owning shares.
> J.W.
> On 22.08.2020 17:31, Jones Beene wrote:
> The Wiki entry for muon catalyzed fusion has been updated to include the
> new advancement of Norront Fusion of Norway, using the techniques of Dr
> Leif Holmlid of Sweden to produce muons easily and cheaply without the
> requirement of a beam line.
> Even though almost no one (that is, no one who needs to raise VC funding)
> wants to be identified with "cold fusion" these days - clearly what we have
> in the Norront system should be identified as a version of LENR.
> Thirty+ years ago, P&F specifically rejected the notion that muons were
> involved in their technique, and perhaps they were correct on that - but
> they did not know of the big advance of Holmlid which suggests that it is
> far easier to produce muons than anyone ever expected.
> Had the "Letts/Cravens effect" gotten more traction, it clearly bridges
> the gap between what Norront is doing and what P&F were doing. I wonder if
> anyone is still pursuing the Letts/Cravens technique? At one time, it was
> rumored that Industrial Heat (Dewey Weaver) was providing some funds for
> this work - but with no hint of success. Norront, on the other hand, is on
> the verge of producing a commercial unit which ironically looks like
> Rossi's shipping container fusion source.
> Too bad IH did not get any return for all the risks they took, but who
> knows - maybe they have invested in Norront as well.
> Jones
> --
> Jürg Wyttenbach
> Bifangstr. 22
> 8910 Affoltern am Albis
> +41 44 760 14 18
> +41 79 246 36 06

Re: [Vo]:[EE] Wireless power transmission

2020-08-09 Thread Axil Axil

On Mon, Aug 10, 2020 at 12:22 AM William Beaty  wrote:

> On Sat, 8 Aug 2020, wrote:
> > I agree its not clear what I meant..  I was intending to note that the
> form
> > of the energy being transmitted was avoided in the presentation.
> HA!  They can't say "megawatts of RADIATION.  It's jsut microwaves,
> broadcast at exactly the same frequency as your kitchen soup-nuker box."
> The natives would come after them with pitchforks (torches only needed if
> at night.)
> But it's OK! Since its non-ionizing radiation!  And, it's not on land, and
> only sent above water.  So it cooks migratory waterfowl.  And cooks
> pleasure boats who aren't aware of what that long mysterious row of
> floating "danger buoys" actually means.
>  ( (  (   ((O))   )  ) ) 
> William J. Beaty
> beat...@gmail.comCTO, Inventor, Research Engineer
> 206-762-3818 vm5459 Wilkinson Rd, Langley, WA 98260-8700

[Vo]:Superconductivity: It's hydrogen's fault

2020-04-27 Thread Axil Axil

Superconductivity: It's hydrogen's fault

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.124.166402

Topotactic Hydrogen in Nickelate Superconductors and Akin Infinite-Layer
Oxides ABO2, Physical Review Letters (2020).

Re: [Vo]:Weaponizing coronavirus

2020-04-17 Thread Axil Axil

This video claims that UVC light (222 nm) will kill virus but not affect
other cells due to cell size compatibility to the wavelength. Please
confirm with an experiment.

On Fri, Apr 17, 2020 at 3:05 PM ChemE Stewart  wrote:

> New crime:
> Sneezing with a deadly weapon?
> On Fri, Apr 17, 2020 at 2:21 PM Frank Znidarsic 
> wrote:
>> "There is no greater cause that helping each other to survive."  Governor
>> Wolf Pennsylvania.  Now lets us stop it with these evil ideas and move in a
>> more positive direction.  To you who started this discussion what were you
>> thinking?
>> Frank Znidarsic
>> atheist
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Frank Znidarsic 
>> To: vortex-l 
>> Sent: Fri, Apr 17, 2020 1:44 pm
>> Subject: Re: [Vo]:Weaponizing coronavirus
>> Weaponizing corona virus.  Are you kidding me?  You are all going to be
>> on a Federal watch list and no fly list!

Re: [Vo]:Weaponizing coronavirus

2020-04-16 Thread Axil Axil
The method used now is hydrogen peroxide vapor.

On Thu, Apr 16, 2020 at 10:26 PM  wrote:

> In reply to  Terry Blanton's message of Thu, 16 Apr 2020 21:38:07 -0400:
> Hi,
> For paper masks, one could probably also use Ozone or Chlorine gas. That
> way, thousands could be done in a few minutes
> in a batch process.
> >The University of Nebraska Medical Center is sterilizing their N95 masks
> >with a larger version:
> >
> >
> [snip]
> Regards,
> Robin van Spaandonk
> local asymmetry = temporary success

Re: [Vo]:Ivermectin

2020-04-09 Thread Axil Axil

Ivermectin is NOT a cure for COVID-19 (At least not yet)

On Thu, Apr 9, 2020 at 2:47 PM Jones Beene  wrote:

> Cure of the week - Ivermectin
> One can actually get hold of the Veterinarian version on Amazon but of
> course they strongly advise that it is "not for human use."
> ... at least not at the low price available for horses.
> Mr Ed sez... nigh ... neeeigh

Re: [Vo]:Superconducting Metal Hydride

2020-02-06 Thread Axil Axil
roduced in a
particular data set of proton-proton collisions and how many might have
been transformed into the end products their detectors can look for.

“Leptoquarks have become one of the most tantalising ideas for extending
our calculations, as they make it possible to explain several observed
anomalies. At the LHC we are making every effort to either prove or exclude
their existence
says Roman Kogler, a physicist on CMS who worked on this search.

After sifting through collision events looking for specific
characteristics, CMS saw no excess in the data that might point to the
existence of third-generation leptoquarks. The scientists were therefore
able to conclude that any LQ3 that transform exclusively to a top-tau pair
would need to be at least 900 GeV in mass, or around five times heavier
than the top quark, the heaviest particle we have observed.

The limits placed by CMS on the mass of third-generation leptoquarks are
the tightest so far. CMS has also searched for third-generation leptoquarks
that transform into a tau lepton and a bottom quark, concluding that such
leptoquarks would need to be at least 740 GeV in mass
<>. However, it is important to note that
this result comes from the examination of only a fraction of LHC data at 13
TeV, from 2016. Further searches from CMS and ATLAS
<> that take into account data
from 2017 as well as the forthcoming run of 2018 will ensure that the LHC
can continue to test theories about the fundamental nature of our universe.

*See also “CMS searches for third-generation leptoquarks
in the *CERN Courier*’s April 2018 issue**.*
lepton <>quark <>
CMS <>

On Thu, Feb 6, 2020 at 1:51 PM <> wrote:

> Leptoquark—It carries information.  That’s a new idea for me.
> Is this just more SM fudgers making more fudge?  😊 I would hope there is
> a model for how these imaginary particles carry the information to their
> inter generational clients—other imaginary particles.
> Bob Cook
> ---
> *From: *Axil Axil 
> *Sent: *Thursday, February 6, 2020 12:40 AM
> *To: *vortex-l 
> *Subject: *Re: [Vo]:Superconducting Metal Hydride
> This particle is believed to have existed at the very beginning of the
> universe,
> See
> Leptoquark
> Leptoquarks are hypothetical particles that would carry information
> between a generation of quarks and a generation of leptons, thus allowing
> quarks and leptons to interact.
> Current best limits on leptoquarks are set by LHC, which has been
> searching for the first, second, and third generation of leptoquarks and
> some mixed-generation leptoquarks.
> Leptoquarks could explain the reason for the three generations of matter.
> Furthermore, leptoquarks could explain why the same number of quarks and
> leptons exist and many other similarities between the quark and the lepton
> sectors. At high energies, at which leptons (which are not affected by the
> strong force) and quarks (that cannot be separately observed because of the
> strong force) become one;
> This particle could be an actor during the transmutation process in ultra
> dense matter
> Holmlid could prove the existence of Leptoquarks.
> Also
> X and Y bosons
> In particle physics, the X and Y bosons (sometimes collectively called "X
> bosons"[1]:437) are hypothetical elementary particles analogous to the W
> and Z bosons,
> The EVO may be producing these industrial strength "Intermediate Vector
> Bosons"
> The X and Y bosons couple quarks to leptons, allowing violation of the
> conservation of baryon number, and thus permitting proton decay.<
> Since Holmlid is seeing proton decay, he may be producing these powerful
> IVBs
> On Tue, Feb 4, 2020 at 10:43 AM Jones Beene  wrote:
> Nicholas Palmer wrote:
> This brings to mind the 'Cincinnati group' ... The late lamented Chris
> Tinsley showed me a tile which he had burned right through himself using
> the CCs 'secret sauce' which he told me contained zirconium... coincidence?
> Not only the zirconium turns up unexpectedly --- Lochak et al mention
> vanadium as being especially active in LENR...
> Hmm... yet another coincidence?
> (the Oak Ridge results were with a hydride of zirconium and vanadium)

Re: [Vo]:Superconducting Metal Hydride

2020-02-06 Thread Axil Axil
This particle is believed to have existed at the very beginning of the


Leptoquarks are hypothetical particles that would carry information between
a generation of quarks and a generation of leptons, thus allowing quarks
and leptons to interact.

Current best limits on leptoquarks are set by LHC, which has been searching
for the first, second, and third generation of leptoquarks and some
mixed-generation leptoquarks.

Leptoquarks could explain the reason for the three generations of matter.
Furthermore, leptoquarks could explain why the same number of quarks and
leptons exist and many other similarities between the quark and the lepton
sectors. At high energies, at which leptons (which are not affected by the
strong force) and quarks (that cannot be separately observed because of the
strong force) become one;

This particle could be an actor during the transmutation process in ultra
dense matter
Holmlid could prove the existence of Leptoquarks.


X and Y bosons

In particle physics, the X and Y bosons (sometimes collectively called "X
bosons"[1]:437) are hypothetical elementary particles analogous to the W
and Z bosons,

The EVO may be producing these industrial strength "Intermediate Vector

The X and Y bosons couple quarks to leptons, allowing violation of the
conservation of baryon number, and thus permitting proton decay.<

Since Holmlid is seeing proton decay, he may be producing these powerful

On Tue, Feb 4, 2020 at 10:43 AM Jones Beene  wrote:

> Nicholas Palmer wrote:
> This brings to mind the 'Cincinnati group' ... The late lamented Chris
> Tinsley showed me a tile which he had burned right through himself using
> the CCs 'secret sauce' which he told me contained zirconium... coincidence?
> Not only the zirconium turns up unexpectedly --- Lochak et al mention
> vanadium as being especially active in LENR...
> Hmm... yet another coincidence?
> (the Oak Ridge results were with a hydride of zirconium and vanadium)

Re: [Vo]:Superconducting Metal Hydride

2020-02-04 Thread Axil Axil
Under your framework, how do you explain how Holmlid produces proton decay?

On Tue, Feb 4, 2020 at 7:01 PM Jürg Wyttenbach  wrote:

> Axil
> You are an SM -junky.
> Despite claiming to have found the mass generating (Higgs) "particle" -
> what is a logical contradiction in itself, SM is still not able to
> calculate any particle mass.
> All quarks masses are still 1000 miles off as all other related/ invented
> "pseudo particles".
> SM is a stamp collection of virtual resonances of high energy interactions
> nothing else.
> If you believe that LENR = *no kinetic momentum* fusion can be explain by
> knowledge gained with *maximum momentum* particle interaction, then this
> is beyond all flat earth claims.
> May be you should first restart to understand simple Newton physics.
> J.W.
> Am 04.02.20 um 22:09 schrieb Axil Axil:
> Correction of the links below
> One of the most significant clues to the nature of the LENR reaction is
> the "decay" of the proton that is seen through the action of ultra dense
> hydrogen as produced by Holmlid.
> Proton decay points to the formation of the postulated Weak Force  X
> "Intermediate Vector Bosons" ("IVBs"). This particle is the big brother of
> the Z IVB that is responsible for Weak force mediated decays.
> If we want to understand the LENR reaction, we must first understand where
> the Z IVB comes from. This particle is produced by the Higgs field. The
> Higgs field makes the weak force work and therefore also the LENR reaction.
> The IVB family  is a "Goldstone boson" that is created by the Higgs field.
> This origen of the IVB family is why the LENR reaction is a multi leveled
> reaction that correspond to the IVB family member level: that is either the
> Z or the X IVB.
> This multi leveled particle structure is part of grand unification theory.
> The low level LENR reaction is actioned by the Z IVB. It is a weak force
> reaction that is restricted to the stabilization of radioactive isotopes.
> Weak reactors like the latest Mizuno reactor may only produce the weak LENR
> reaction where no transmutation of elements occurs and therefore has a very
> low COP. Its energy only comes from Hawking radiation only.
> The high intensity version of the LENR reaction is actioned by the X IVB.
> It will produce decay of the proton which leads to transmutation of
> elements and energy produced by E=MC^2.
> The X IVB is a particle that is derived from an extra strong false Higgs
> field that exists in the EVO produced by Ultra Dense Matter as seen in the
> Holmlid, Rossi and LION reactors. This strong reaction gets its energy from
> mass to energy conversion and has a very high COP.
> For more background, See
> Also see
> Physics of the Higgs Mechanism and Particle Mass - Part 4 (of 6)
> On Tue, Feb 4, 2020 at 4:00 PM Axil Axil  wrote:
>> One of the most significant clues to the nature of the LENR reaction is
>> the "decay" of the proton that is seen through the action of ultra dense
>> hydrogen as produced by Holmlid.
>> Proton decay points to the formation of the postulated Weak Force  X
>> "Intermediate Vector Bosons" ("IVBs"). This particle is the big brother of
>> the Z IVB that is responsible for Weak force mediated decays.
>> If we want to understand the LENR reaction, we must first understand
>> where the Z IVB comes from. This particle is produced by the Higgs field.
>> The Higgs field makes the weak force work and therefore also the LENR
>> reaction.
>> The IVB family  is a "Goldstone boson" that is created by the Higgs
>> field.
>> This origen of the IVB family is why the LENR reaction is a multi leveled
>> reaction that correspond to the IVB family member level: that is either the
>> Z or the X IVB.
>> This multi leveled particle structure is part of grand unification theory.
>> The low level LENR reaction is actioned by the Z IVB. It is a weak force
>> reaction that is restricted to the stabilization of radioactive isotopes.
>> Weak reactors like the latest Mizuno reactor may only produce the weak LENR
>> reaction where no transmutation of elements occurs and therefore has a very
>> low COP. Its energy only comes from Hawking radiation only.
>> The high intensity version of the LENR reaction is actioned by the X IVB.
>> It will pr

Re: [Vo]:Superconducting Metal Hydride

2020-02-04 Thread Axil Axil
Correction of the links below

One of the most significant clues to the nature of the LENR reaction is the
"decay" of the proton that is seen through the action of ultra dense
hydrogen as produced by Holmlid.

Proton decay points to the formation of the postulated Weak Force  X
"Intermediate Vector Bosons" ("IVBs"). This particle is the big brother of
the Z IVB that is responsible for Weak force mediated decays.

If we want to understand the LENR reaction, we must first understand where
the Z IVB comes from. This particle is produced by the Higgs field. The
Higgs field makes the weak force work and therefore also the LENR reaction.

The IVB family  is a "Goldstone boson" that is created by the Higgs field.

This origen of the IVB family is why the LENR reaction is a multi leveled
reaction that correspond to the IVB family member level: that is either the
Z or the X IVB.

This multi leveled particle structure is part of grand unification theory.

The low level LENR reaction is actioned by the Z IVB. It is a weak force
reaction that is restricted to the stabilization of radioactive isotopes.
Weak reactors like the latest Mizuno reactor may only produce the weak LENR
reaction where no transmutation of elements occurs and therefore has a very
low COP. Its energy only comes from Hawking radiation only.

The high intensity version of the LENR reaction is actioned by the X IVB.
It will produce decay of the proton which leads to transmutation of
elements and energy produced by E=MC^2.

The X IVB is a particle that is derived from an extra strong false Higgs
field that exists in the EVO produced by Ultra Dense Matter as seen in the
Holmlid, Rossi and LION reactors. This strong reaction gets its energy from
mass to energy conversion and has a very high COP.

For more background, See


Also see

Physics of the Higgs Mechanism and Particle Mass - Part 4 (of 6)

On Tue, Feb 4, 2020 at 4:00 PM Axil Axil  wrote:

> One of the most significant clues to the nature of the LENR reaction is
> the "decay" of the proton that is seen through the action of ultra dense
> hydrogen as produced by Holmlid.
> Proton decay points to the formation of the postulated Weak Force  X
> "Intermediate Vector Bosons" ("IVBs"). This particle is the big brother of
> the Z IVB that is responsible for Weak force mediated decays.
> If we want to understand the LENR reaction, we must first understand where
> the Z IVB comes from. This particle is produced by the Higgs field. The
> Higgs field makes the weak force work and therefore also the LENR reaction.
> The IVB family  is a "Goldstone boson" that is created by the Higgs field.
> This origen of the IVB family is why the LENR reaction is a multi leveled
> reaction that correspond to the IVB family member level: that is either the
> Z or the X IVB.
> This multi leveled particle structure is part of grand unification theory.
> The low level LENR reaction is actioned by the Z IVB. It is a weak force
> reaction that is restricted to the stabilization of radioactive isotopes.
> Weak reactors like the latest Mizuno reactor may only produce the weak LENR
> reaction where no transmutation of elements occurs and therefore has a very
> low COP. Its energy only comes from Hawking radiation only.
> The high intensity version of the LENR reaction is actioned by the X IVB.
> It will produce decay of the proton which leads to transmutation of
> elements and energy produced by E=MC^2.
> The X IVB is a particle that is derived from an extra strong false Higgs
> field that exists in the EVO produced by Ultra Dense Matter as seen in the
> Holmlid, Rossi and LION reactors. This strong reaction gets its energy from
> mass to energy conversion and has a very high COP.
> For more background, See
> [url][/url]
> Also see
> Physics of the Higgs Mechanism and Particle Mass - Part 4 (of 6)
> [url]
> On Tue, Feb 4, 2020 at 9:18 AM Jones Beene  wrote:
>> I was hoping that this new discovery would show much tighter hydrogen
>> spacing - in keeping with the various theories for dense hydrogen.
>> However, the spacing is far from pico and not extremely compact at all,
>> and therefore this may result may not be related to LENR.
>> Fortunately, there is a lot of work going on in superhydrides - and this
>> work aligns with the long-held suspicion that a transient f

Re: [Vo]:Superconducting Metal Hydride

2020-02-04 Thread Axil Axil
One of the most significant clues to the nature of the LENR reaction is the
"decay" of the proton that is seen through the action of ultra dense
hydrogen as produced by Holmlid.

Proton decay points to the formation of the postulated Weak Force  X
"Intermediate Vector Bosons" ("IVBs"). This particle is the big brother of
the Z IVB that is responsible for Weak force mediated decays.

If we want to understand the LENR reaction, we must first understand where
the Z IVB comes from. This particle is produced by the Higgs field. The
Higgs field makes the weak force work and therefore also the LENR reaction.

The IVB family  is a "Goldstone boson" that is created by the Higgs field.

This origen of the IVB family is why the LENR reaction is a multi leveled
reaction that correspond to the IVB family member level: that is either the
Z or the X IVB.

This multi leveled particle structure is part of grand unification theory.

The low level LENR reaction is actioned by the Z IVB. It is a weak force
reaction that is restricted to the stabilization of radioactive isotopes.
Weak reactors like the latest Mizuno reactor may only produce the weak LENR
reaction where no transmutation of elements occurs and therefore has a very
low COP. Its energy only comes from Hawking radiation only.

The high intensity version of the LENR reaction is actioned by the X IVB.
It will produce decay of the proton which leads to transmutation of
elements and energy produced by E=MC^2.

The X IVB is a particle that is derived from an extra strong false Higgs
field that exists in the EVO produced by Ultra Dense Matter as seen in the
Holmlid, Rossi and LION reactors. This strong reaction gets its energy from
mass to energy conversion and has a very high COP.

For more background, See


Also see

Physics of the Higgs Mechanism and Particle Mass - Part 4 (of 6)


On Tue, Feb 4, 2020 at 9:18 AM Jones Beene  wrote:

> I was hoping that this new discovery would show much tighter hydrogen
> spacing - in keeping with the various theories for dense hydrogen.
> However, the spacing is far from pico and not extremely compact at all,
> and therefore this may result may not be related to LENR.
> Fortunately, there is a lot of work going on in superhydrides - and this
> work aligns with the long-held suspicion that a transient form of
> superconductivity at greater than room temperature - and the occurrence of
> LENR are somehow related.
> Here is a related paper on another superhydride with a massive 9:1 atomic
> ratio. Ratios of nine or ten to one are possible with high pressure.
> It is only a matter of time until a breakthrough occurs in this field and
> the extreme pressures now being used, become superfluous.
> Terry Blanton wrote:
> *An international team of researchers has discovered the hydrogen atoms in
> a metal hydride material are much more tightly spaced than had been
> predicted for decades — a feature that could possibly facilitate
> superconductivity at or near room temperature and pressure.*

Re: [Vo]:The Leptonic Monopole

2020-01-20 Thread Axil Axil
The EVO is know to be carried in both water and gas (ohmasa gas and browns
gas) as well as free traveling particles that is now called strange
radiation. As Holmlid has shown, the particle is super fluidic and hard to
contain which means it can pass through the smallest hole and can climb out
of a closed container. By the way, the UDH being a superfluid means that
the UDH is involved with  Bose condensation. coherence, and entanglement.


On Mon, Jan 20, 2020 at 1:56 PM Jones Beene  wrote:

> Hmm... Chernobyl. Well if that disaster is to be used as proof of new
> particle - then it fits right into Wallace's thinking - it would seem.
> If an electrical explosion of a generator was involved as a trigger to a
> runaway fission event - then this could indicate that Wallace's particle is
> indeed likely to be the culprit since there is such a large inventory of
> iron in an electrical generator... and his particle is almost neutral - so
> getting a flux of them into the thick walled fission reactor is not a
> problem so long as there is proximity to the source.
> I was not aware there was a "nearby generator" at Chernobyl, since at
> nuclear facilities in the USA the steam turbines and the generators are
> located in a separate hall, which is located rather too far from the
> reactor enclosure to provide any kind of large flux (no matter what new
> particle would be involved).
> Axil Axil  wrote:
> > When Leonid Urutskoev, a top nuclear scientist in Russia was asked to
> analyze the Chernobyl reactor disaster, he came to the conclusion that the
> official reason put forth for its cause was wrong. He suspected that the
> disaster was produced by a number of electrical explosions in a nearby
> generator.

Re: [Vo]:The Leptonic Monopole

2020-01-20 Thread Axil Axil
I posted on this subject back on 2/8/2017 as follows: Low-energy nuclear
reactions and the leptonic monopole Georges Lochak, Leonid Urutskoev When
Leonid Urutskoev, a top nuclear scientist in Russia was asked to analyze
the Chernobyl reactor disaster, he came to the conclusion that the official
reason put forth for its cause was wrong. He suspected that the disaster
was produced by a number of electrical explosions in a nearby generator.

See for background:
To prove his theory, he came up with a new type of experiment using
electrically exploding arcs in titanium foil. He found that the residue
from the pure titanium foil explosion contained new elements, elements
produced by transmutation. But he also found that dissolved uranium salts
in the water that surrounded the titanium foil explosion channel was found
to fission because of the detection of the fission element byproducts
produced by the explosion. This implied that the explosion of the titanium
foil had an effect at two separate locations, first, inside the titanium
foil itself and second outside of the explosion channel at a considerable
distance from the explosion. Urutskoev asked around the Russian nuclear
community and found that other than neutrons, the only thing that could
produce fission in uranium was muons. But U235 did not fission as expected,
U238 fissioned as the even isotope reaction rule in LENR dictate. The LENR
reaction sent out something that produced the reaction at a distance from
the primary zone of causation (Nuclear active environment - NAE) that
caused even isotopes of uranium to fission. Next, Urutskoev placed the
titanium ash on a photographic emulsion (film) and spotted charged
particles coming out of that ash that behaved like magnetic monopoles. What
this all means is that the LENR reaction is a complex multi-faceted
reaction consisting of many stages and causations. In detail, the NAE
produces nuclear reactions but it also produces particles that can exist
independently once created and can produce nuclear reaction remote n space
and time from the NAE. From the reference above: "Here are some conclusions
based on the presented experimental data 1. The particle which left the
trace in the nuclear emulsion is charged, as nuclear emulsions are
insensitive to neutrons. 2. The particle cannot have electric charge, as
otherwise it could not be able to pass through two meters of atmospheric
air and two layers of black paper. 3. The particle does not have high
energy, as no delta-electrons are observed. 4. The mechanism of the
interaction between the particle and the photosensitive layer is not clear.
Assuming the Coulomb mechanism, the absorbed energy estimated using the
darkening area equals around 1 GeV. 5. The radiation is of nuclear origin;
it interacts with magnetic fields. This calls for a discussion of Lochak’s
magnetic monopole. Lochak created his theory 20 years before our
experiments [9 – 12], that is, before those results for understanding and
explaining of which we are now attempting to use it. It should be
emphasized that this is a good omen for a theory. It is always suspicious
when the theories are created specially to explain an experimental
observation. They are like the circles drawn on a target after a shoot has
been made." To supplement with some knowledge that we have acquired from
other research: The Surface Plasmon Polariton: an analog monopole produces
a monopole magnetic field. The SPP is naturally found on the surface of
metal including metallic nanoparticles. The SPP a boson is coherent and
will readily form Bose condensates. The Ultra dense hydrogen nanoparticle
is coherent and formed under high pressure conditions or via catalysts. The
UDH as a superconductor will allow SPP formation on its surface spin wave.
Once created, the UDH can persist indefinitely on its own and travel in
swarms of coherent particles that will share in the nuclear energy (fusion
and fission) that the swarm will generate via entangled muon generated

A UDH swarm

tracks from Fig. 1 are correlated as a group but cannot all be overlaid on
top of each other. These tracks appear to be correlated, yet twisted or
acted upon by some central force. The tracks were digitized in a vector
graphics editor and shown in Fig. 2.

Measurements taken at successive common points of corresponding tracks
indicate a swarm of identical particles each going through coordinated
abrupt transitions at each vertex or kink. The field influence on
corresponding track segments are geometric centers.


Since 2017, this particle has  been identified as an Exotic Vacuum Object
(EVO) as discovered by Ken Shoulders. It is a tachyonic bubb

  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   >