Re: OT: YJ vs Notebook

2008-05-23 Thread Jan Erik Moström

John <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 08-05-22 13.08

Does anyone have any opinions on how YJ compares to Notebook from
Circus Ponies? I like YJ and since Notebook is $20 more than YJ, I
haven't tried it. Just wondering if anyone else here has, and can
comment on how the two compare.

I use both, Yojimbo to me is that drawer where you put all the 
stuff you might need sometime ... or not. Notebook is a place 
where you can write longer pieces of text, take meeting notes, 
etc --- in short a notebook.

None of them is perfect for everything and even put together 
they don't cover everything I need (you got to add BBEdit, Yep, 
BibDesk and Skim for that)

Jan Erik Moström,

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Re: Wish: smart collections by type

2008-05-22 Thread Jan Erik Moström

John <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 08-05-22 09.35

But from what I see so far, as a very new person here, it 
appears that the developers have a very definite mind of their 
own as to what YJ should do, and/or, not do.  Maybe I'm wrong, 
but they don't seem to pay much attention to the desires of 
their user base.

As a longtime user of BBSW I have to comment on this. While it 
may *seem* that they don't pay attention I don't think that is 
the case ... it's definitely not my impression. My experience is 
that they are less interested in knowing how something should 
look/work, what they are really interested in is to understand 
what you *want to do* - what problem you are trying to solve.

They then try to find best possible way to solve that problem, 
which might result in an implementation that is similar to what 
was asked or something different.

My experience is that they might to chose to not implement some 
feature because they think it makes the program too complex or 
difficult to use.

Note that BBSW are well-known for being rather tight-lipped 
about releases, new features etc, so I've always interpreted a 
silent BBSW as that they are working on a new version.

Please note: I don't know what plans BBSW have, what features 
the next version of Yojimbo will have, etc. I have beta tested 
their software for a few years but that's it.

Jan Erik Moström,

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Re: Can't start Yojimbo - "already running"

2008-05-18 Thread Jan Erik Moström

Eric Hamburg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 08-05-18 09.20

Anyone know how to fix this?

I'm not sure ... I haven't tried this on my own machine ;-) but 
without having Yojimbo running see if you have a file

/Users/YOU/Library/Application Support/Yojimbo/.ContentIndex.lock


/Users/YOU/Library/Application Support/Yojimbo/.Yojimbo.lock

They are not normally visible so you need to use the terminal or 
tell Finder to list hidden files (or tell Path Finder to list 
hidden files). If you move these files to another place, does 
that help?

Jan Erik Moström,

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Re: blogging support

2008-04-18 Thread Jan Erik Moström
OK, here is the script which might look way more complicated 
than necessary ... and it is.

A plain "bare bones" script can be found here


The one I actually use can be found here


but if you want to look at the last one I recommend that you 
read <> to 
make sense of why I've made things so complicated.

Jan Erik Moström,

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Re: blogging support

2008-04-18 Thread Jan Erik Moström

Frank Mantek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 08-04-18 12.01

Would you mind sharing that script source for educational 
purposes (as an ex-windows users i had not had a lot of time 
investigating AppleScript for my day to day actions, i am 
missing a good entry point...)

OK, I'll translate the script (comments are in Swedish) and 
upload later today.

Jan Erik Moström,

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Re: blogging support

2008-04-17 Thread Jan Erik Moström

David G. Simmons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 08-04-17 10.22

I have investigated all of those, with mixed results. Journler is
dropping blog support. Plus their blog support is basically to
export to ecto, and then re-edit in ecto. I hate doing the same
thing over and over again. :-)

I've been in a slightly similar situation but instead of Yojimbo 
(which for me is a "box for various information") I use 
Journler. For various reasons (I'm doing some custom tag 
translation) I use an applescript to send the entry from 
Journler to MarsEdit which I only use to post the entry - 
nothing else (for this blog at least).

A similar solution could be done using Yojimbo which would allow 
to post an entry from Yojimbo to your blog using MarsEdit/Ecto 
with one single shortcut - you would actually never have to do 
anything at all in MarsEdit/Ecto. (and you can add all kind of 
custom actions/tagging)

Jan Erik Moström,

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Re: How to store links in Yojimbo

2008-04-09 Thread Jan Erik Moström

Krzysztof M. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 08-04-08 15.29

This part of menu is only active when you click inside the note 
or highlight some portion of the text inside the note to make 
it hyperlinked. So that why I am asking is it any different way 
to store file links inside Yojimbo separately not as a pointer 
inside the note? For example SOHO Notes does it pretty well.

I don't know if this is what you want to do but ...

+   Create a bookmark in Yojimbo
+   Select the file you want link and drag it to the Location field
+   Add "file://" to the beginning of the location field

(And you could make an applescript that do this so you only drag 
& drop on the applescript to get the link)

Jan Erik Moström,

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Re: On Yojimbo and Time Machine

2008-02-14 Thread Jan Erik Moström

Rhet Turnbull <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 08-02-14 15.58

I would never use a backup solution that didn't run on live data.
Thankfully the days of "they system is down for backup" are long gone.
Whether I use Time Machine or I use Super Duper or Chronosync or
something else, I'm certainly not about to take my machine offline or
logout to do the backup.

Your misunderstanding me, if you run a backup on a programs data 
file (without the applications talking to each other) you always 
run the risk of inconsistent data (unless you have a filesystem 
that does some fancy stuff). For example, if you have an 
application with several files that in some way depend on each 
other - for example a database that store data as individual 
files and then have an index file to keep track of them - there 
is always the chance that the backup is done between the 
modification of the individual files which would make the data 
in the backup inconsistent.

So while I'm running TM for my whole disk, I'm also running a 
second program for applications that is constantly running like 
my email program.

Jan Erik Moström,

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Re: On Yojimbo and Time Machine

2008-02-14 Thread Jan Erik Moström

Rhet Turnbull <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 08-02-14 15.09

Then again, Yojimbo's habit of storing
everything in a monolithic database has been one of my (few) critiques
since Yojimbo was released.

Curious, why is this bad?

I hope that BareBones and/or Apple gets this fixed soon. Requiring
the user to have two separate backup plans is unacceptable.

Hmmm, I would always be skeptical of a backup solution that runs 
on live data.

Jan Erik Moström,

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Re: Scrapping Synced libraries and starting over?

2007-12-20 Thread Jan Erik Moström

Johan Strandberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 07-12-20 05.58

At this point I can no longer recommend Yojimbo (previously my
favorite application) and I strongly urge anybody who has not yet
upgraded to 1.5 to hold off upgrading until the problems have been

I'm not sure that it's Yojimbo that is at fault, there have been 
some problems with .Mac syncing in general (personally I have a 
number of sync conflicts in some of the apps, I don't which 
ones, I sync but when I try to get it resolved there is nothing 
to be resolved ... ).

Jan Erik Moström,

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Re: newbie question

2007-12-11 Thread Jan Erik Moström

Steve Kalkwarf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 07-12-11 11.51

Ah, but the problem (for us) with that is that we want to share
calendars & contacts, so separate accounts are no good.

What we do in our house is cross-publish calendars. I tried all 
sorts of evil tricks to allow my calendars to be multi-writer, 
and they never worked out.

Same here, we publish some of our calendars to a server and 
subscribe to each other - not perfect but it has worked well for 
the last year or so.

Jan Erik Moström,

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Re: Yojimbo and Spaces

2007-11-26 Thread Jan Erik Moström

J. Stewart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 07-11-26 16.35

This should work already. The drop dock is visible everywhere.

Not on my machines (2) when using Spaces. It only shows in Space 1
though I can view Yojimbo notes in any space.

OK, sorry. I now understand why it works on my machine. Forget 
my answer.

Jan Erik Moström,

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Re: Yojimbo and Spaces

2007-11-26 Thread Jan Erik Moström

Ton Ensing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 07-11-26 15.41

the Drop Dock in my main space?

This should work already. The drop dock is visible everywhere.

Jan Erik Moström,

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Re: Yojimbo password

2007-11-11 Thread Jan Erik Moström

Jan Pieter Kunst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 07-11-11 19.53

2) If I check "Allow Yojimbo to use the Keychain...", but NOT
"Automatically view encrypted items", Yojimbo never asks for my
password. Not after I log out and back in again, not ever after a
restart of my Mac.

If I've understtod it Yojimbo reads the password from the 
keychain so as long as it's unlocked ...

But I would also like to see a "unlock for X minutes" feature
Jan Erik Moström,

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Re: How do you remove default Collections?

2007-07-21 Thread Jan Erik Moström

tedd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 07-07-21 11:38

How do you remove default Collections, such as "Serial Numbers" 
and "Passwords" -- I never use them and they just take up 
Collection space.

Select which ones you want to show using the "cog wheel" at the 
bottom of the list.

Jan Erik Moström,

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Yojimbo URLs in Address Book

2007-07-14 Thread Jan Erik Moström
I tried to insert a Yojimbo URL in the Address Book but when I 
click on it then Address Book tries to open the URL in my web 
browser. I assume it's Address Book that does something strange, 
does anyone know if it can be fixed.

Jan Erik Moström,

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Re: Folders/Tag-collections

2007-05-27 Thread Jan Erik Moström

Niels Kobschätzki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 07-05-24 22:41

Only being curious but how many tag collections/collections does
other users have (especially the developers would be
interesting because they are so against having a structure
through folders or smart tag-collections in smart

normally 300 - 600 items, 0 collections, 10 tag collection, 0 
organizing time

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Re: Quacksilver & Yojimbo

2007-04-16 Thread Jan Erik Moström
I have no answer for you but I do like the name "QuackSilver" 
much better than the original ;-)

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Re: insert date/time into Note

2007-03-25 Thread Jan Erik Moström

Reply to Samuel Gasster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 07-03-25 13:02:

I like the idea of having a uniform solution across all apps.

It will money that you will not regret spending ... but try both 
Textpander and TypeIt4Me before deciding.


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