eSX wrote:
> We are tesing ZFS in OpenSolairs, write TBs data to ZFS, But when the
> capacity is close to 90%, ZFS went into slowly. We do ls, rm, and write
> something, those operation is so terrible. for example, we do ls in a
> Directory which have about 4000 Directories, the time is about 5-10s!
> we've checked the CPU, memory(and swap), IO, all those are normal and
> idle. So is there any specialty in ZFS when capacity is high, like UFS?
> thanks.

It's insane to exhaust every bits in almost *any* file system IMHO,
because when this happens you end up with a lot of fragments (this will
affect ZFS more than UFS, as the difference in disk layout), which will
just hurt performance because the increased disk seek requests.

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