On Thu, Jul 27, 2006 at 03:54:02PM -0400, Christine Tran wrote:
> - What is the compression algorithm used?

It is based on the Lempel-Ziv algorithm.

> - Is there a ZFS feature that will output the real uncompressed size of 
> the data?  The scenario is if they had to move a compressed ZFS 
> filesystem back to UFS, say.  'ls' will give the file's real 
> uncompressed size, but customer had rather not write a script to sum 
> everything up.

You can multiply the 'referenced' and 'compressratio' property of a
filesystem to find out how much space it would use if uncompressed.

> - Customer wants to do a diff between snapshots.  Is there an RFE 
> already filed?

Two, in fact:

6370738 zfs diffs filesystems
6425091 want 'zfs diff' to list files that have changed between snapshots

> _ Customer would like benchmarking numbers.  I think there is a blog 
> item but do we have something more "official"?

No; we're working on some more unofficial benchmark numbers, though :-)

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