Karl Rossing wrote:
> $zfs list
> NAME                           USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
> rpool                         48.4G  10.6G    31K  /rpool
> rpool/ROOT                    36.4G  10.6G    18K  /rpool/ROOT
> rpool/ROOT/snv_90_zfs         29.6G  10.6G  29.3G  /.alt.tmp.b-Ugf.mnt/
> rpool/ROOT/[EMAIL PROTECTED]   319M      -  29.6G  -
> rpool/ROOT/snv_93             6.82G  10.6G  16.3G  /
> rpool/dump                    3.95G  10.6G  3.95G  -
> rpool/swap                    8.00G  17.6G  1.05G  -
> I'm on build 93. I would like to shrink swap.
> Is it as simple as "zfs set volsize=4G rpool/swap" on a live system? Is 
> there anything else I need to do?

Yes.  You need to remove it from use first.
# swap -l
swapfile             dev    swaplo   blocks     free
/dev/zvol/dsk/rpool/swap 182,2         8  4194296  4194296
# zfs get volsize rpool/swap
NAME        PROPERTY              VALUE                  SOURCE
rpool/swap  volsize               2G                     -
# swap -d /dev/zvol/dsk/rpool/swap
# swap -l
No swap devices configured
# zfs set volsize=1G rpool/swap
# /sbin/swapadd
# swap -l
swapfile             dev    swaplo   blocks     free
/dev/zvol/dsk/rpool/swap 182,2         8  2097144  2097144

Note: in the first "swap -l" above, blocks == free, so the swap device
was not actually being used.  If your swap device is in use, then you
might not be able to delete it, so you'll have to make another, then
shuffle the data around.
 -- richard
> Thanks
> Karl
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