On Jan 24, 2008 8:07 AM, Kava <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 1. Considering the drives are different sizes, would I be better off setting 
> up 2 x 2-way mirrors separately and then adding them to the pool?
Yes.  With raidz you will only get the capacity of the smallest disk
times (number of disks - 1), or 750 GB.  Since this is the same as a
pair of mirrors, you might as well use the mirrors, which will likely
perform better.

> 2. If I use RAIDZ instead of mirroring, will I always be protected against a 
> single disk failure (even though the disks are different sizes)?

> 3. With RAIDZ, is there anyway to determine where an individual file resides? 
> Specifically, is there any way to determine whether the parity information 
> for the file (or the User Copy) is residing on a separate device/drive? I 
> know that ZFS 'tries' to do it, but can you check?
With raidz every file is striped across all your drives.  Writes
happen in $blocksize chunks, up to a maximum of 128k.  With a raidz
vdev these 128k chunks are broken into (number of devices - 1) pieces,
and parity is generated from those N-1 pieces.  Then the new set of N
pieces are written to your N drives.

> 4. Assume that 12 months later I want to remove the smaller drives and 
> replace them with larger (TB) drives. Is it easy enough to remove them 
> (presumably one at a time) without losing any data?
Yes.  "cfgadm -c unconfigure old-device", then hot-unplug it and plug
the new drive in and run "zpool replace old-device".

> 5. Can anyone recommend a cheap (but reliable) SATA PCI or PCIX card? Again, 
> performance is not that important.
I'm using the Supermicro-branded AOC-SAT2-MV8 with the Marvell
88SX6081 chipset.  It's worked well for me, except the one defective
card I got (look at the archives for details on what happened - no
data loss, just annoyingly slow).

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