Title: Today's News
  June 08, 2004 Published by  SearchDomino.com   

Today's News

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  > IntelliPRINTPLUS

  > On-demand concept still stumps users
  > Sun: Someday, Java will be open source
  > Inside Mitch Kapor's open source world
  > More headlines
  > Expert Webcast: Understand and manage WebSphere V5
  > Your computer could be collecting dust -- 'toxic dust'

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Are you looking for a solution to generate enterprise reporting from Notes and Domino applications that will save over 80% in developer time? Learn how you can print quality reports, charts, calendars and more while maximizing your productivity. You will no longer have to export data to Excel to create charts and reports. Download a free trial today.


On-demand concept still stumps users
Whether they're purposely ambiguous or just having trouble articulating is unclear, but one thing is for sure: users and experts alike are still confused by the on-demand computing strategies being offered up by IBM, Microsoft and Hewlett-Packard.

Learn how to sharpen your skills for on demand computing
Read how you can take advantage of utility computing

Sun: Someday, Java will be open source
A Java technology evangelist for Sun Microsystems says the company will eventually offer up an open source version of the Java development language, but it remains unclear when it will be available or how licensing arrangements would work.

Inside Mitch Kapor's open source world
Mitch Kapor, who now runs the operations of the Open Source Applications Foundation, says the four years before he founded Lotus "felt like a lifetime," and a "pilgrimage" to see Linus Torvalds helped spur his interest in open source.

More headlines
[From around the Web]
E-mail on the move (Belfast Telegraph)
Fueling collaboration with Web conferencing (FCW)

Also on SearchDomino.com

WEBCASTS: Expert Webcast: Understand and manage WebSphere V5
SPEAKER: Tony Higham, Chief Solution Officer, Fatwire Software
DATE/TIME: June 24, noon EDT (16:00 GMT)

At this upcoming webcast, Tony will show you how to deploy WebSphere Application Server, test apps on it and manage its ongoing maintenance. You'll also learn how to identify bottlenecks in WebSphere, train your developers how to fine-tune applications to use resources more efficiently, and analyze the performance of apps.
Register now to attend this webcast.

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ASK THE EXPERTS: Ask Brian Mahoney: Setting up a mail-forwarding agent
Dear Brian: I'm a newbie, and I want to know how to create an agent in Domino that will forward an incoming note to a specific targeted address, within Lotus Notes.
Click here to read Brian's expert response.

TOPICS: Domino Dictionary Challenge: That's so corny!
The essential center, or core, of a computer operating system, this item provides basic services for all other parts of the operating system. It's sometimes also referred to as a nucleus. Its services are requested by others parts of the operating system, or by application programs through a specified set of program interfaces.
Think you know the term? Click here to find out.

The Missing Link

Your computer could be collecting dust -- 'toxic dust'
[Associated Press]
OK, so your computer is hardly HAL, the homicidal hunk of hardware from 2001: A Space Odyssey, but still, this news isn't too comforting. Several environmental groups claim that computer processors and monitors have a "toxic dust" that's been linked to reproductive and neurological disorders in lab rats. Evidently, some flame retardants that weren't supposed to get out of their plastic casings ... got out of their plastic casings. Independent researchers say this isn't a crisis, no person has gotten sick (that they know of), and that there's really nothing you can do about it. Just keep your white rats away from the computer.

Read the story

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