Dear member,

Read this featured white paper, "The Key to Stopping Unwanted E-mail:
Sender ID Can't Do It," on today.

Download this white paper here:,,35698,00.htm?track=NL-256&ad=498737

"Going Nowhere Fast," is how the media described recent efforts to
develop an industry-wide e-mail sender authentication standard when
the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) recently shut down its
"MARID" working group. Beyond failing to build a consensus among
major vendors and industry groups around a technical standard such as
Sender ID, authentication proposals also lack any broad based test of
their viability in the marketplace. Even if some form of Sender ID is
eventually adopted, spammers and hackers may actually be able to
exploit the registration of IP addresses with Sender ID to improve
their delivery of junk e-mail.  

The desire to create e-mail authentication standards, however, does
underscore a critical new reality in the fight against spam.  Today,
content filtering alone is no longer sufficient to protect e-mail
systems. IP address analysis and filtering is necessary, but can only
be effective if it is based on real time analysis of the actual
behavior of that address, not on whether or not a sender has been
authenticated.  Just because a sender is who he claims to be doesn't
mean there is no threat -- or that the recipient even wants to accept
the e-mail being sent from an authenticated sender. 

This white paper explains why enterprises do not need to pin their
hopes on Sender ID since there are better, proven email intrusion
prevention solutions that already work today to stop spam, viruses
and e-mail attacks.

Read more about it in this white paper now:,,35698,00.htm?track=NL-256&ad=498737


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