Title: Today's News
  December 20, 2004 Published by  SearchDomino.com   

Today's News

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  >  2005 outlook: Desktops to see Linux, search war and more spyware
  >  Storage Clips: Rivals respond to Symantec-Veritas merger
  >  IBM blade spec gets attention
  >  More headlines
  >  Featured Topic: Top 10 developer tips of 2004
  >  Ask Andre Guirard: Error trying to access server DSN in LotusScript
  >  Poll: J2EE -- How fast, how soon?
  >  The Missing Link: Of pudding and pink slips


2005 outlook: Desktops to see Linux, search war and more spyware
TechTarget group publisher Paul Gillin offers up his annual predictions for the year ahead, and forecasts a pay hike for IT pros, a potential new owner for Apple and the rise of Linux, spyware and searching on the desktop.

Looking back: Gillen's 2004 outlook
Check out IT career expert John Boroshok's mid-year 2004 view

The Latest SearchDomino.com White Papers
Sign up to receive the White Paper Alerts newsletter from SearchDomino.com to keep up with the latest additions to our White Paper Library. White paper topics include Migration/Upgrades, Messaging, Domino vs. Exchange, Administration, Development and more. Subscribe now!

Storage Clips: Rivals respond to Symantec-Veritas merger
NetApp, EMC and CA pipe in about Symantec-Veritas; MPAK unveils e-mail archiving appliance; Banks clear checks electronically with Viewpointe.

IBM blade spec gets attention
The goal of the IBM-Intel BladeCenter spec was to enable third parties to build technology for the blade architecture, and spread this server form. A little while on, the specification is getting some traction.

More headlines
[From around the Web]
Adidas runs Domino on multiOS server (LinuxInsider.com)
Top 10 ROI tips of 2004 (SearchCIO.com)

Also on SearchDomino.com

TOPICS:  Featured Topic: Top 10 developer tips of 2004
When you need developer advice, SearchDomino's Developer Tips section is the place to turn. We've gathered the most popular developer tips submitted by our members and experts in 2004 and listed them all right here.

ADVICE:  Ask Andre Guirard: Error trying to access server DSN in LotusScript
Dear Andre: I want to access the server DSN in LotusScript. But it returns an error. How can I call server DSN?
Click here to read Andre's expert response.

POLLS:  Poll: J2EE -- How fast, how soon?
J2EE: How much do you need to know? When do you need to know it? IBM owns Lotus, and a lot of the company's next-generation software solutions require Java and J2EE, not just LotusScript. What do you think? Cast your vote in our poll.

PREVIOUS POLL RESULTS: In our last poll, we asked what percentage of the content at Lotusphere 2005 should be dedicated to Notes and Domino? Here's what you and your peers told us.

The Missing Link

Of pudding and pink slips
It seems a guy in the U.K. was a little too hasty with the pudding. The queen gives all her staff a pudding for Christmas -- and we're not talking about the instant stuff in a box that Bill Cosby used to shill; we're talking nice English pudding from a fancy food store. When Ben Church, a property administrator at Buckingham Palace, got his royal pudding, he put it on eBay's auction block for about 15 pounds more than what Her Majesty paid for it. Bad move -- Ben got the boot. Ben better be glad he didn't do this 400 years ago -- he could have lost his head instead of his job.

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