
Where does the abstract configurator enter the flow? Unless it overrides the InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostname() call, I don't think it will help since that is the ONLY thing the transport is looking at for HELO. Details in my previous post..... I believe the actual error is in:

I can make the fix to that class if you have the ability to rebuild the geronimo.javamail.jar file.



On 10/27/2014 12:16 PM, Robert Munn wrote:

See my previous note, I think the java.mail.localhost parameter is being 
ignored in the source code. I tried your suggestion and it did not seem to make 
a difference. I added the parameter as an argument in wrapper.conf as:

But that change was not picked up.

I am testing a temporary patch of, trying 
to do a build, but is throwing a 503 error Service 
Temporarily Unavailable. It took 14 minutes to do a build, and I’m not sure the 
build is good, although it reported success. I am going to test my patch and 
report back.


On Oct 27, 2014, at 9:09 AM, Bernd Waibel <> wrote:

Hi Jerry

I am not using v3 but:

Could you try setting the parameter "" 
in the java startup command line?

Most java.mail parameters are only parsed on startup by the vm.


-------- Ursprüngliche Nachricht --------
Von: Jerry Malcolm <>
An: James Users List <>
Betreff: Re: James 3 b4 HELO Override Not Working?

More progress... But now I'm really stumped.  I dug into the
remoteDelivery mailet source.  I did confirm that James is NOT using the
smtpserver.xml 'hello' value at all for outbound HELO.  It is definitely
using the config parms for the remoteDelivery mailet.

In the mailet, the outbound HELO value is set by javax.mail.Transport
based on the 'mail.smtp.localhost' property passed in via the Properties
object.  According to the Transport javadoc, it says it'll use the
property value for HELO if it's set, and if it's not set, it'll use
InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName().  Fine.  So I cloned the mailet
so I could add log statements and do some debug.   I add two log
statements right above the 'transport.sendMessage()' call in the
RemoteDelivery mailet:

      log( "JWMRemoteDelivery.deliver() mail.smtp.localhost - " +
props.getProperty( "mail.smtp.localhost" ));

      log( "JWMRemoteDelivery.deliver()
InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName() - " +
InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName() );

       transport.sendMessage(message, addr);

In the log, I get....

INFO  09:52:19,480 | james.mailetcontext | JWMRemoteDelivery.deliver()
mail.smtp.localhost -

INFO  09:52:19,480 | james.mailetcontext | JWMRemoteDelivery.deliver()
InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName() - p2825577

This is precisely what I expected to get.  BUT.... when the mail is
sent, the p282.... is sent in the HELO.

It appears that javax.mail.Transport is ignoring the property (or not
recognizing that it is set).  But I'm pretty certain that a bug that is
that blatant would not be hanging around unreported in a base java class
like Transport.  But, then again, that's what I appear to be seeing.

Where am I going wrong?

Secondarily, anybody know how I can change what java reports back on the
InetAddress call other than changing the machine name?  Is there a JVM
parameter I can pass in?  If I can force that, problem solved for me
(although it's still not working correctly).

Thanks again.


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