Rick Butland wrote:
As I understand it, RDP provides the RPC's for a Windows to communicate with the SmartCard driver on the client. The usual case is for some PKI authentication package on the Terminal Server to demand credentials, which is tunneled over RDP to the client. It sounds like in your case, both the Smartcard reader driver and the authentication package usually reside on the same Windows XP instance. If it uses the same RPC's that, say, ActivIdentity does, this *could* work - according to the spec, RDP 5.1 supports SmartCard redirection. You'll still need the drivers for the USB card reader installed on the 'home' system. So, enable SmartCard services on SGD, RDP on the Windows XP instance, and give it a try.

We did and it worked, as long as the reader was connected to the 'home' system before going into SGD.

Thanks for the encouragement!



Martin Sapsed
Microcomputer Support Manager
IT Services                          "Who do you say that I am?"
Bangor University                          Jesus of Nazareth

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