Hi David,

It sounds like the Admin Console doesn't recognize the group objects, are they of a custom type? You can confirm this by using the ldapsearch command to retrieve the objectClass attributes of one of the group objects:

## Note you only need the -D -w options if your directory server doesn't allow anonymous searches. # ldapsearch -h <ldap-server> [-D <bind_dn> -w -] -b <dn_of_a_group> "*" objectclass

The Admin Console, by default, matches the following filter:


This can be customized if needed by editing /opt/tarantella/webserver/tomcat/<tc_version>/webapps/sgdadmin/WEB-INF/web.xml and changing the LdapGroupFilter parameter.

Also, you could try adding the group assignment from the command line:

# /opt/tarantella/bin/tarantella object edit \
   --name "o=Applications/<application_object_name>" \
   --ldapgroups "<dn_of_a_group>"

Hope this helps,

-- DD

David Worth wrote:

I just recently installed SGD version 4.41 on Solaris 10. I want to authenticate against Sun's Java System Directory, formerly known as Sun One Directory Server. I was successfully able to setup LDAP and I am able to see users, however when I go to browse groups, I get no objects found. I am doing this while adding a group to assigned user profiles for an application.

I followed the steps in the SGD documentation as far as adding an atribute for SGD when searching groups. The members of the group are added to memberUid. I also added the uid to the short name attribute. Here is what I added:

tarantella config list --com.sco.jndi.toolkit.utils.LDAPUserCollection.properties-directAttributes
directAttributes: { uniquemember, member, uniqueMember, memberUid }

tarantella config list --com.sco.jndi.toolkit.utils.LDAPUserCollection.properties-userShortAttributes
userShortAttributes: { uid }

Is there something else that I am missing? I am guessing there is another step, since at this point I can not even browse any of the groups, i.e. when I click on groups in the admin window, I get none found.

Thanks for any help.

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