Have you looked at the Secure Gateway? Basically, that's what it's built to do - proxy both the http(s) traffic, and the AIP(s) traffic.

If you want to do it yourself, well, you *can* put up a reverse proxy, and the AIP traffic can be routed through a SOCKS proxy, but I really can't recommend it. For internal connections, you simply connect to sgdserver.domain.com - you don't *have* to go through the gateway.

The Secure Gateway isn't separately priced, and this is what it was designed for, so this is what I'd recommend.



Jonathan C. Bailey wrote:
I'm a bit of an SGD newbie, implementing it as part of our VDI3 install.

Anyway, we have an existing intranet server (intranet.domain.com). The server 
provides HTTP/HTTPS access to intranet resources. We also have a SGD server at 
sgdserver.domain.com (running HTTP only, not public). We'd like to proxy 
requests to /sgd/ via intranet.domain.com with Apache (using ProxyPass and 
ProxyPassReverse), and port forward the secure AIP port to the internal SGD 
server (the port forward being the easy part).

Anyway, is what I'm looking for possible? Anything specific I should be looking 
at in the manual?

Also, we'd like to keep HTTP/unencrypted AIP communications for internal access 
to SGD...


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