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AI INDEX: ASA 21/150/99
14 September 1999


Testimonies from two East Timorese refugees

(Please note that certain names and locations have been deleted to protect 
the individuals concerned)

Testimony 1

On Friday, 3 September, I began to feel unsafe, so went for refuge at the 
[...]. There were only a few refugees there, just pregnant women. I was told 
not to leave the room, in case someone recognised me. But I was uneasy, so 
the next day, I asked permission to go home because I hadn't brought anything 
except the blouse I was wearing and the children. 

In the middle of the road I met a neighbour. 

She asked, "Where are you going?". I said I wanted to go back to my house. 
She then prohibited me because my family and I were being sought and my house 
had already been ransacked by the militia. 

I began to cry and told my husband what I had heard about our house, that it 
had already been ransacked. My husband said, "If that's the case, you go to 
the police and request an escort so that you can see the condition of the 

So I went to the police along with my nephew. The police asked me, "Why do 
you want to go to your house?" I said, "It's not that, Sir. I wanted to come 
here to report that my house has been ransacked by militia, by Aitarak 
["Thorn" militia]. We've heard it's been burned. So, I want to see what 
condition my house is in." I was hounded by another question, "What is it you 
wanted to save from that house?" I was then confused because I didn't know 
what I wanted to save. I only had the blouse I was wearing, so finally I 
said, "Sir, whatever can be salvaged, I will take with me. Even if there is 
nothing there, I just want to see what is there." 

After quite awhile, I was taken to the house by eight police. One of them 
said, "You have made a mistake asking for our help; actually security 
problems are no longer our responsibility. But we still have some sympathy, 
we are still human, so we are helping you; after all, you are also a woman." 

A police beside me continued, "Supposing they have begun to murder each other 
there, we will just have to let it go, we can't take any action because it is 
no longer our responsibility." 

Actually I wanted to contest this because according to what I heard along 
with what I had read and seen in the mass media, Pak Alatas [Indonesian 
Foreign Minister] said that this was still the responsibility of the 
Indonesian government. But the police didn't explain it to me like that, and 
because I was confused and felt stuck, I just remained silent. If I responded 
in a way that would invite questions I might be finished off right there. 

So I indeed saw that my house had been completely ransacked; nothing was 
left. It was all gone; wardrobes, clothes, all of it had been destroyed. 
Statues of Jesus and the Nazareth family had disappeared, also prayer candles 
that had been blessed. It was as if they used those candles to burn my house. 
Furthermore, I was surprised there was absolutely no trace of the TV or 
radio. I thought for sure they had been stolen because I saw all my dishes 
stacked in a wok as if they were ready to be carried away. They probably 
didn't have a chance to take them. After I saw it all, all that was left were 
my husband's neckties. They probably figured they had no use for those so 
just left them. All our shirts and blouses had been burned. I could take only 
a few remaining children's clothes that were still in decent condition 
because at the time we sought refuge we didn't have an opportunity to take 
anything at all with us. After taking the children's clothes I went to the 
regional police and waited for my husband whi le I cried. 

After I met my husband I returned to [...] thinking I might die because the 
condition was really tense. The militia were running wild in the streets 
while shooting in every direction. When I arrived at Y, I heard the militia 
who had already surrounded [...] and were shooting at the fence. I hid with 
three of my children in the bathroom. I unrolled a mat for my children in the 
bathroom. I straightened up the room so that when they broke in they would 
think no one was there. Shots were heard throughout the night into the 

Early in the morning, A suggested that the four of us go to [...] because of 
fears that we would be attacked. And it's true that we got information that 
the night after we left, that place was burnt. It's a good thing we left that 
morning, so that we were safe. 

We left East Timor on 6 September. When I was leaving I saw lots of Aitarak 
militia wildly checking everyone leaving the territory. My hand was grabbed 
by a militia but fortunately my sister said, "Hey don't. She's my 
brother-in-law's older sister from Flores!" So they released me. 

When we arrived at our destination there were a lot of militia there, closely 
watching everything along with the police. I covered my head with a 
handkerchief so I would not be easily recognized. I was afraid of the brutal 
militia that might pull me away. 

As we were travelling to our final destination, we stopped for fuel. There I 
witnessed a horrifying event. I saw two people who were tied in a truck by 
Aitarak militia. In the truck were not only the two tied people, but also 
militia. Suddenly, in front of lots of people, a militia member in full style 
slowly drew a sword. As if wanting to indicate his prisoner's acceptance, he 
slowly stabbed one of the people tied in the truck. Lots of blood began to 
gush, flooding the floor of the truck until it began to drip out. The other 
person's hands and feet were tied like a pig. They threw this person like a 
bag of rice onto the asphalt. From the asphalt he was thrown into another 
truck. I don't know what happened after that because then we left. 

In the bus I cried when I saw their savagery; that they could do such a 

Testimony 2

The increase in violence such as murder, capture, terror, intimidation, and 
burning houses in Dili after the referendum caused me to flee with my family 
from our house in [...] and run to the government-provided house of my uncle 
in [...]. But on Friday night, 3 September 1999, I heard that the results of 
the referendum would be announced at 9.00 a.m. the next day, Saturday, 4 
September 1999, so my family hurried to seek refugee at Bishop Belo's 
compound before the announcement. The reason we sought refuge at Bishop 
Belo's was because we considered it safer. We thought the militia wouldn't go 
into the Bishop's house because although the militia had already burned 
residences in Dili, at least they would still have some respect for Bishop 
Belo. But we realized just how wrong we were after the Bishop's compound was 
attacked on 6 September 1999 at 10.45 a.m. 

Approximately half an hour before the attack, I saw the Bishop call a 
refugee, [...], to arrange for all the refugees who wanted to go to Baucau 
because at that time that region was still considered safe. After that, [...] 
called [...], an East Timorese singer, to announce to the refugees that 
whoever wanted to go to Baucau could sign up for that. Transportation would 
be provided by a team from Baucau who also guaranteed safety for the 
refugees. As we began to pack our things to take to Baucau, the militia 
suddenly began to attack us. Before they entered, they began shooting in. I 
chanced to see not just the Aitarak ["Thorn"] militia shooting us, but also 
police and military were behind the militia, also shooting in. The refugees 
inside ran in all directions. 

After they broke in they began to burn the Bishop's house with gasoline, 
beginning with the windows of the library until the chapel windows. Empty 
water bottles filled with gasoline were thrown into other buildings. Besides 
that, someone threw two cooking stoves, one into the dining room and one into 
the front guest room. In the end, fire was burning out of control everywhere. 

As the militia entered they forced us to exit the house. At the moment I ran 
outside, I saw a child shot in the eye. We refugees were threatened at 
rifle-point and gathered in the yard outside in front of the Bishop's 
residence. The militia began to swear at us, saying we had all just tagged 
along after albinos (white people), but we could now see for ourselves that 
they had run off and left all of us behind. Besides the militia, police and 
military were also present and joined in terrorizing and verbally abusing us. 

We were left alone. There was no longer anyone to order us about. We sat in 
the sun in the wide yard. From there I saw a vehicle owned by the police 
entering. They ordered us to all sit and then pressured us to surrender our 
car keys to them. Fortunately my father would not hand over the keys.

Next to be attacked was the Sister of Canosian's house. The militia began to 
shoot in front of the sisters' house while screaming that if all of you 
(sisters) don't get out of the house we will burn all of your houses along 
with all of you. Hearing this the sisters ran outside carrying objects used 
for mass such as chalices, etc. Those sisters joined us. After making us sit 
in the sun for two hours, they ordered us to take our things inside. After 
taking our things inside, they threatened us to leave the Bishop's residence 
because if we didn't leave, they would attack all of us later at 5.00 in the 
evening (17.00). 

We ran outside carrying as much of our things as we could. In front of the 
residence I saw a lot of people looking for their families. A cousin of mine 
was looking for her son and daughter. Some were looking for their parents. We 
just cried and cried. We were confused about which direction we should go. If 
we returned to our houses, they would attack us again. We finally agreed to 
take refuge at the regional police station because it was probably safer. 

We headed to Polda [the Regional Police Headquarters] in our own car. The 
road to Polda was very tense. Everywhere there were militia and police. At 
approximately 2.00 we arrived at [...] Polda. There I saw a lot of refugees. 
The Polda refugee site, although larger than the one in Licedere, was not 
safe because of all the militia there. They controlled whomever entered 

The next morning after we heard that a Hercules transport was to fly from 
Baucau to Kupang, we ran to the trucks owned by Polda that would take us to 
the airport. My younger siblings and I ran and got into a truck, but my 
father, mother and older brother got into our car to go to the airport. We 
wanted to go to Baucau actually, but after we got to the airport we heard 
that there was no route to Baucau, so we were forced to go to Kupang. 

At 14.00 we arrived at Eltari airport in Kupang. We didn't list ourselves as 
refugees because my cousin's wife is from Kupang. We're living with them for 
the time being while we look for other places to stay. 

[Note: 'Loro Sae' is the name for East Timor in the local language, Tetum]. 

Source: Amnesty International, International Secretariat, 1 Easton Street, 
WC1X 8DJ, London, United Kingdom


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