I must post a success story about CS and psoriasis.  

A young lady in her mid 40's came to me  on our nursing unit with disfiguring 
psoriasis on her hands and elbows.  She had been struggling with this for many 
years.  Her only help was from  prescription 2% Hydrocortisone cream at $125 a 
tube and while it kept it in check the rough hands and disfiguring appearance 
remained. ( Prolonged use of HC cream has systemic effects on the body 
especially when applied over large areas) With the very first use of CS her 
hands began to tingle and her skin began to feel smoother.  She began using it 
3-4 times per day from a spray bottle.  2-3 weeks later she came to me with 
wide eyed smiles and she showed me her skin.  The only sign that remained was 
noticeably reddened skin in the areas affected but the roughness was gone and 
all the scales and dead skin gone too - skin that appeared to be well on the 
way to total healing.  It takes about 6 weeks for skin to replace itself from 
the inside out, so I expect to see further improvement in the coming weeks.  

A fellow who came to me many years ago had a 1/2 centimeter spot on his scalp 
that has itched for many years.  No prescription creams helped. He put some CS 
on a Q-tip and applied it.  The itch left immediately and NEVER CAME BACK.

Don't be afraid to offer someone who has this problem a free spray bottle of 
CS.  It is true that there is a strong emotional component to this problem and 
the fact that you let them know that you noticed it may cause an initial 
reaction from them.  BUT the benefit received will bring years of lasting 
comfort and gratitude.

Ian Roe