I'd be very interested in the answers to these question too.

Cheers,  Roger B

On 16/07/2009, at 5:09 AM, sms wrote:

Hi Brooks,
I'm interested in testing the NAC/DMSO for early onset cataracts.
Wondering about a recipe and directions for use. I'm assuming the mixed solution would be sprayed onto the eye itself, but I certainly could be wrong about that.

Also, is there an answer to how often this method should be used per day, week, month?
Any additional information about this method would be appreciated.
Thank you so much.

-------Original Message-------

From: Brooks Bradley
Date: 7/14/2009 12:16:44 PM
To: Silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: CS>Eye Health Research Report

Because of the quite positive results we have achieved in some limited, but definitive, investigations....I am moved to call two supporting substances to the attention of list members.

From among a number of candidates addressed in searching for the most economical/effective modalities for attenuating/preventing cataracts.....we achieved our best---and most rapid success using NAC (n-acetyl L-carnosine)......for cataract presentations. This substance, in mild solution, (amended with low-percentage DMSO [ 5%] by volume)...effected very powerful beneficial influence upon the cross-linked proteins which cause the clouding of the normally clear tissue fields (i.e. cataracts). This simple protocol yielded (in our view) splendid, non-invasive, results.....for literally---- pennies. Very positive benefits were achieved in ALL of the early- onset presentations and sufficient improvement in 80% of the ADVANCED PRESENTATIONS.....to avoid or postpone surgical interventions.

Brooks Bradley