
      You are in a very infortunate situation.   Probably the best you can do 
is take a few capsules of activated charcoal along with a tablespoon of 
chlorella an hour before the procedure, then take more charcoal afterwards.  I 
feel for you... you are about to be poisoned with mercury.  
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Kirsteen Wright 
  Sent: Thursday, March 11, 2010 1:45 AM
  Subject: CS>Mercury in fillings

  Hi Guys

  I've been having a lot of problems with my teeth lately and I can't put off 
going to the dentist much longer. The problem is that I have quite a few 
mercury fillings. Some of these are going to have to be renewed, which will 
involve them being drilled out and new ones put in. unfortunately no special 
precautions will be taken by the dentist. There may even be some teeth that get 
mercury fillings for the first time :-(

  According to the dentist, he could put white fillings in the teeth at the 
front for 'cosmetic reasons' but if I want them at the back I would need a note 
from the doc to say I was allergic to mercury. It's pretty academic anyway as 
there's no way I can afford them.
  Living on disability benefits I get the dental treatment free, but non 
mercury fillings or removal of mercury isn't included. i know health is a 
priority but when it's a choice of paying my rent or paying for non mercury 
fillings and being homeless then it ain't much of a choice.

  I feel my immune system is already severely compromised (I have myalgic 
encephomeyelytis) so is there anything I can do to lesten the impact of all 
this mercury floating about.
