One reason that distilled water tastes " dead " is because there's little or no dissolved oxygen in it...driven off with the heating.
 "Live" tasting pure water has been churning in the air for a while.

Dr Emoto apparently hasn't been taught anything about how crystals form around nuclei which can alter their shape. He calls Ice crystals, water crystals? How so? This guy takes something ordinary and tacks a big gee whiz campaign on it to wow people who have never noticed it before...a Japanese Dennis Lee. [free energy con man ]

In the day-to-day work of his group, the creativity of the photographers rather than the rigor of the experiment is an explicit policy of Emoto.<>[9] Emoto freely acknowledges that he is not a scientist,<>[10] and that photographers are instructed to select the most pleasing photographs.<>[11]

In 1992 he received certification as a Doctor of Alternative Medicine from the Open International University for Alternative Medicine in <>India, an <>unaccredited institute with minimal academic requirements

"Unfortunately for his credibility with the scientific community, Dr. Emoto sells products based on his claims. For example, the products page of Emoto's Hado website is currently offering "geometrically perfect" "Indigo water" that is "highly charged hexagonally structured concentrate," and supposedly creates "structured water" that is "more easily assimilated at the cellular level" for $35 for an eight-ounce bottle. Without providing scientific research references for the allegedly amazing qualities of his Indigo Water, Emoto's commercial venture calls to mind ethical concerns regarding his intent and motivationquestions that would not be present if any scientist had published research supporting his claims."

Actual experiments to create structured water have succeeded and the concept proven, but the structure disintegrates within a few milliseconds of removing the energy field that makes it take on a structure.


At 04:51 AM 4/20/2010 -0700, you wrote:
That's very interesting, Harold. I'm not familiar with Dr. Amato -- but I've read a little bit about water, how it reacts to its environment -- and I believe that it can be a dead substance. Or worse -- a killing substance. I live on a farm, and have a well. We've had Culligan Water Co. test our water, and they said they've never tested better -- couldn't find a reason to sell us anything! But I still wonder if it's *live* water. Is there any way to test, do you know?

From: Harold MacDonald <>

I found straight DW very unpalatable until I read some of the works of Dr.Amato [sp?] of Tokyo University,a leading expert on water.He is, or was the head of water conservation for the Government of Japan...

He studied water in all its’ forms and concluded that our present system of handling it creates a dead substance.Being compressed for delivery through old pipes,treated with chemicals to try to control unsavory organisms,the water is essentially dead comprised of many spurious compounds and of a very limited ability to aid in good health.

When I distill water,it is flat ,no life to it and not too pleasant to drink.However when I do what is recommended by experts in water it comes to life and is very good.

I distill into a glass gallon [160 ozs] jug, then it is set on a pad with a strong magnet under it with the North pole side up.This is left for up to 24 Hrs.

Until recently I put a tape of classical music on ,near it,Sadly tape deck is defunct now, need a new one.

On opposite sides of the jug I tape on flat ‘fridge magnets with Neg, sides in.

Then if there is sunlight,the jug is put out in it for one or two hours.

After all this I put in 45drops of concentrace minerals, approx 1 tspn.

This will bring the pH up to 7.3 to 7.4.

To have had the chance to take a drink out of a mountain stream running over rocks is something you won’t forget. This water is alive There is even an aroma to it that is pleasing, negative ions.,

My treated water comes very close to this .I use this H2O for drinking and cooking.

Dr Amato proved this to my satisfaction ,and I will not drink tap water unless there is no alternative;and I live in an area where all our water comes from snow melt into mountain reservoirs

I also make So-le with Himalaya salt and when making coffee, I add ¼ tspn of this per cup of brew and it sure puts life into it..

For CS/EIS,I double distill to be sure of purity.

I gave up on market DW as it varied too much;so I bought a good distiller.


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