To be honest I think I actually joined this site a while ago. However I've
been really ill lately, in fact bedbound so I was hoping to get something
already made up to save the effort. Even if I want to make something I need
to hunt down the parts to get them delivered and I have so very very little
energy at the moment. Did you think these looked ok?


On Sat, Apr 24, 2010 at 3:23 PM, Steve G <> wrote:

> Kirsteen,
> I recommend that you check out the microelectricity-germkiller yahoo group
> and read up on their files and postings.    What they experiment with and
> use is low voltage (max of 6 volts) direct current for the purpose of
> killing germs and viruses.    They stronger advise against anything higher
> than 6 volts and believe that more than that is dangerous.
> This isn't the same thing as Dr. Clark's zapper though, so different levels
> apply.
> I found an excellent description comparing the various electrical
> alternative treatments, including Clark's Zapper, the Godzilla, Rife
> Machines and so on.   Message 18610 on the Microelectricitygermkiller yahoo
> group message archive.   Or if you don't want to go there check out the web
> page I created that includes this info.
> From: Kirsteen Wright <>
> Subject: CS>Zapper
> To:
> Date: Saturday, April 24, 2010, 9:13 AM
> I've been seriously considering buying a zapper and am toying between these
> two. I'd really welcome any comments. Is there any advantage to having the
> dual frequency? I can see the timer might be a good idea.
> and
> I've also seen a 12v zapper. Is that one any better?
> Any advice would be really welcome
> Cheers
> Kirsteen