You are missing the point here.. At what level do they raise the bar, to when it does finally impact you, and by that point, it is too late for you to "Turn it back", because they've created a monster that's out of control?

For example, this is exactly why gun owners in this country oppose all gun laws. Because the "Encroachment" doctrine is very sneaky, and it is always how they do it.. Pass one law.. Then slowly, pass another. As people become desensitized, work in another one. Before you know it, people are turning in their weapons.. But then again, that's what happens in the UK, and too many people over there are still asleep to even notice it, or do anything about it.

Then there is the issue of who do you "Trust" with your open book of your life? A stalker? A govt. child molester? A govt employee that is also into identify theft and fraud? Whos the watchers over the watchers themselves? I'm afraid that it is going to be too late for you by the time you realize this, but thankfully, in this country much of this seems to be falling flat.

I love how the martial law machine in my own city is being dismembered, and they're desperately trying to salvage it. The police department was heavily militarized a few years ago, now their tanks and special body armors are rotting in storage units. 30 cops are being laid off over the next few weeks, and they are furious over this. We even have the police leadership trying to use fear on the public, saying "We can't guarantee you will be safe if you lay any of us off!".. Funny, crime rate is dropping 10-20% per year in this area, we don't really need them much anymore, and certainly don't need any bootstrappers with machineguns and tanks. Now the fire department is shedding their ambulance force. Guess not enough people are getting sick, not as many accidents anymore. They're sitting around washing trucks all day long and watching Sponge Bob. A few years ago when I started this project, there were ambulance sirens every hour around here, now I can go weeks without hearing one. That's how the cookie crumbles..

Funny what people can do once they decide to do something. Gifting is empowerment of the powers of good, and disempowerment of the forces of oppression. Whether or not they are inside police departments, or outside of them, they're disabled or sent packing.

Oh damn, let's seriously move this to OT.. Won't comment anymore on CS list regarding this.

Dorothy Fitzpatrick wrote:
Are you on the run? <lol>  I don't care who sees what--let them look all they 
want, I am more or less an open book.  In fact going to all the lengths to hide 
yourself that you do, I would have thought this would make 'them' keener to see what 
you don't want 'them' to see!  dee

On 26 May 2010, at 14:32, bodhisattva wrote:

I had all of the images of my place scrubbed from all of the engines.  I went 
through, 1 by 1, and had all of our personal data, phone numbers, and 
backgrounds scrubbed from all of the online services as well. Some of them 
require a notarized declaration to do this, others  you have to push through an 
attorney, but most are pretty easy.

In my line of work, and my wifes, privacy is essential.  If you check my email 
headers, you'll find them blank. If you find my IP, it's not mine, it is 
mutated every few weeks to a different one (Millions of potentials), at a 
different geographical location. My connection is a 2048-Bit Encrypted tunnel 
and the key is re-keyed every few weeks. If you google search this email 
address you will find 3 link, and 2 of them are from Mikes Archives. In 6 
months I won't have the same email address, it will be out of some tropical 
island or some such overseas server.

These are all prudent precautions. Why make it easy for anyone?