MA, you refer to ABC and ABL.  What do they stand for?

----- Original Message ----- From: "MaryAnn Helland" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, September 30, 2010 12:07 PM
Subject: CS>Rebuttal from ABC

The following is a request for information from the person questioning me on the
use of our home-made CS, and the response from the guy at ABC. Who is Don,
anyway -- anyone know? I would appreciate responses from our CS-experts here,
so that I can respond back. Thanks.

This is what I received on CS from the ABL contact....and it is not I

am not posting it to the list. I prefer to not incite people which only drives them deeper into denial and cancels the opportunity for me to teach and them to

learn. But you can see that there is difficulty in understanding the science
with the general public.

Begin forwarded message:

From: info <>

Date: September 28, 2010 10:29:47 AM MDT

Subject: Re: need some clarification here...for my clients

Whew, that is a long thread. Right up front I see the common problem, though. I

was once a member of a yahoo list called silver pets. They were, just as this one is, unable to grasp the difference between ionic home made silver, and pure

elemental silver solutions. To attempt to explain, to people like this, the very

fundamental differences in the two types of silver preparations is greeted as
heresy. They are so locked into their erroneous beliefs that nothing could
convince them differently. I finally wrote them off as Luddites, and moved on.

Your group seems of much the same mindset. The fact that large amounts of silver

are being retained in their horses indicates large particle, ionic silver
ingestion. Ionic particles, because of their positive particle electron charge,

readily begin bonding with other organic substances, as soon as they enter the

organism. This creates salts and compounds which are hard to excrete and add nothing to the healing process, because they are no longer silver, but something

else. This is why they are

The ABL products pass through the body unchanged, due to their negative electron

charge. They are excreted quickly. They do not get bound up in other chemical relationships. They have absolutely no effect on the mineral balance of the
organism, as they do not form compounds.

Fat chance that you will convince your "colleagues" of this. They are locked
into the theory that; "Why should I pay for something that I can make for
pennies?" "It all the same stuff."

I could go through this thread, point by point, and present credible,
independent, peer reviewed science to support these facts, but why bother? They

either will not, or cannot grasp the scientific principle involved.

You can always cut/paste excerpts from the studies listed on my Clinical Studies

page. I will be putting up several more studies this week, since ABL has taken

down their research page. I am glad I save some of those. I attached the Penn State. peer reviewed and journal published study. It was the basis for the 3rd

US Patent. This patent actually protects the elemental silver particle.

Good luck with this gang. I fear that you are tilting at windmills. Some people

will defend their ignorance to their graves. I lost three friends over the past

18 months. They all went into the hospital for serious conditions (cancer, MS),

but they all died within days from sepsis of resistant infections that they contracted after entering the hospital, not their original complaint. Two, that

I found out about early, were offered free silver. It was declined. They were
both in Tulsa and Lori could have had it in their hands within an hour.

I attached a couple of documents that you might find helpful.


On 9/28/2010 4:59 PM, Biochemist wrote:
Hello Don, Having a problem with a group of people on my list who are defending

the use of CS on horses for long term....following is a document of our
conversations...need some help here...from ABC.. Thanks,

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