I always thought that stomach acid is neutralised by bicarbonate of soda--not 
the other way around.  After all, the duodenum squirts out bicarb on to the 
food which comes from the stomach to do just that--neutralize the acid so as 
not to harm the intestines which are not equipped to deal with it.  dee

On 26 Oct 2010, at 21:28, David AuBuchon wrote:

> That's actually an interesting idea.  I don't know if vit C and bicarb are a 
> "double whammy" or maybe it is just the opposite (the alkalizing benefit of 
> bicarb gets cancelled out?).  Anyway, liposomal bicarb by itself sounds like 
> it might work against cancer.  Oral bicarb by itself has some cases of cancer 
> cures.  But usually the bicarb succes stories are not administered orally but 
> in other ways.  The stomach acid may be one reason why this is so.  
> A little off topic, I was googling and see lots of references to liposomal 
> antibiotics.  Basically, they say it makes them safer and more effective.  I 
> may try some very low dose experiments with the antibiotics that are not 
> doing anything for me as of now.
> Is there anyway liposomes can be used on any silver product?  This to me 
> would be the most interesting use.  Any way it can be used with EIS?  
> ~David

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