Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't silver ion clusters surrounded by a neutral 
or a lesser positive charge, with a more positive charge contained within that 
outer 'shell?' formed by those clusters? 
If this is so then would it not be more beneficial/efficacious to ingest a 
solution highest in single positively charged silver ions?  This would mean 
ingestion *immediately* after production to maximise the intake of those single 
positively charged ions.
>From a 'nobodies' point of view, I am of the opinion some circumstances 
>require small batches be produced, {dependant on quantity consumed, to be 
>produced each day or morning and night as circumstance dictates} and ingestion 
>of each batch *immediately* upon cessation of the brewing process to maximise 
>on that single Ag+ ion uptake, rather than allowing it to become more 
>stabilized over time for every hour it sits increasing the formation of ionic 
>clusters which effectively reduces the postitive electrical charge overall in 
>that solution, which would then require the body to first break up those 
>clusters allowing the more positively charged ions to circulate {what 
>percentage of efficacy is lost in that process of breaking down those clusters 
>in the body?}.

Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2011 13:01:36 -0800
Subject: Re: CS>amount of CS to take daily for LYME Disease?

Hey Paul,  ya I remember your story from the other group.  CS is definitely not 
a cure all, but in my opinion it is an excellent first choice for Lyme.  Lyme 
is real complicated and can take lots of different things in the course of time.


On Tue, Jan 11, 2011 at 12:24 PM, <> wrote:

I took this amount for a while for lyme and it didn't help much
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

From: David AuBuchon <> 
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2011 12:22:15 -0800

To: <>
Subject: Re: CS>amount of CS to take daily for LYME Disease?

I would work up to 16oz a day as you can tolerate any herx.  Herx should be 
very minimal and not more.  This dose you cannot take for endless months though 
for slight possibility of argyria.  You can do it for some time though.  In 
that time you may come up with other antimicrobials do do at the same time are 
use to take a break from CS.


On Tue, Jan 11, 2011 at 9:59 AM, Ron Minnick <> 

Could anyone tell me how much and at what strength to take CS for LYME DISEASE? 
  I cook mine at 6 for my horse, but that's all that I know.......Doreen