Kenny, since no one answered your question i looked in the archives
and found the following formula from TJ Garland, former Silver_List
member.  He also sold this as a product through a health store;
apparently it works.


"Add one teas. xylitol to 8 ounces of Cs and stir till dissolved. You
may add a few drops or 1/5 teas DMSO or MSM if available-makes it a
little more effective. Put the solution in an old nasal spray bottle
or in a Neti cup for usage-or just lie on your back and use a

"TJ Garland, CMO supplier"

On Tue, Feb 1, 2011 at 5:12 PM, Kenny laguna <> wrote:
> Hi everyone!
> Can somebody please tell me exactly what Xylitol is, and how much to mix
> with 10ppm CS for sinus infections? Also how much of the mixture to use?
> Thank you so much!

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