The problem might be concentration. What I was using would have definitely destroyed tissue. If you weaken it enough, I am not sure how effective it would be. I was thinking of trying it on myself earlier, but I have blue fingernail moons, which are under the nail, so even with dmso, penetration would be difficult.


On 1/6/2012 3:33 PM, David AuBuchon wrote:
Just last night I was actually wondering if DMSO + a ClO2 solution might help argyria topically. Also wonder the same thing about citric acid.

On Fri, Jan 6, 2012 at 11:03 AM, sol < <>> wrote:

    Marshall wrote:

        I just discovered something that will remove silver stains
        within a minute or two.  I have a countertop which is rather
        badly stained with silver from over the years.  Although
        hydrogen peroxide can be used to remove new silver stains, my
        experience is that once it has sat a while, it tarnishes
        becoming silver sulfide.  Silver is happiest with sulfur, so I
        had been unable to find anything to react with it a and
        produce a soluble silver compound.  Unfortunately silver
        sulfide is 100% insoluble, so once you have the stain, it
        seemed to be there forever.  I have applied hydrogen peroxide
        to these stains in the past for hours at a time.

    Just curious what kind of counter top you have? I have ancient
    formica and have gotten a lot of silver stains on it over the
    years, but they invariably come out with hydrogen peroxide and
    baking soda (applied together) and a little scrubbing. Rarely, on
    old stains, I've had to let the mixture sit on the stain an hour
    or more, and once or twice have had to repeat the treatment, but
    I've never had it not work.

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