Is it possible for you to find out the name of the tapes or a website?
Thanks. PT

 From: Monique Sauve <>
Sent: Monday, January 6, 2014 7:04 PM
Subject: Re: CS>OT: Tinnitus

A friend of mine has really bad tinitis but as long as she keeps up regular 
meditation, it goes away.  She uses some cd's developed by a psychologist.


On 1/6/2014 2:07 PM, Lena Guyot wrote:

Thanks Neville. Lena
>On Jan 6, 2014, at 4:50 PM, Neville wrote:
>I am led to believe tinnitus is caused by damage to inner ear hairs and their 
>relationship with cells contained within the inner ear, once those hairs are 
>damaged there's no turning back.  I don't personally believe tinnitus can be 
>fixed, regardless of what I have read others say about 'cures', I've had it 
>for some time.  Lot's of things supposed to help, 'white noise' etc, but in 
>reality one can't be listening to white noise 24/7, just gotta learn to live 
>with it, or have a diesel engine idling next to you 24/7 to drown out the 
>ringing in the ear/s <g>. 
>>Date: Mon, 6 Jan 2014 11:43:50 -0500
>>Subject: CS>OT: Tinnitus
>>Hi Everyone! 
>>A dear friend who's a musician with CFIDS, is having trouble with tinnitus. I 
>>KNOW I've filed several posts that cover this over the last year, but haven't 
>>yet followed through with my New Year's resolution to put them in order (a 
>>time-consuming task) and I'd love to help her now if possible.
>>I vaguely remember the mention of Apple Cider Vinegar, Swedish Bitters, and 
>>some vit. supplements, but don't know the 'how'  and 'how much' of these. 
>>If anyone out there has some info, I'd be so grateful.  I know how wretched 
>>this condition can be. She'll be calling later to tell me more specific 
>>details, but I thought if I could offer her any promising leads when she 
>>calls it might cheer her up.
>>Happy New Year Everyone!
>>Be well,